Name: Isle of Spears
Players: 2
Playable size: 88 x 88
Tileset: Lordaeron Winter
You have to walk around the bay to get to the expo.
I was worried that it might be too close to the enemy and therefore placed some trees in his path so he can't disrupt the expansion all too quickly. Don't know if it works out. Cut a path through the trees.
Open for map name suggestions. Isle of Spears is a WoW place in Northrend that looks like this island, but it's still just a working title. Anything with "Northrend", coastal-related, might work well.
=== changelog ===
- added a few trees
- added pathing blockers near murloc camps
- ??? (I forgot)
- renamed the map from Failed Exploration to Final Exploration
- moved Merc Camp closer to the center and switched positions of neutral buildings
- created a red creep camp
- weakened the creep camp at the secondary expo to make it more accessible
- remixed all creep compositions
- widened the entrance to the tavern area
- generally shrunk the map a little, pulling creep camps closer towards the center and cutting off the edges
- remixed all creep camps to improve creeping routes
- pulled the starting position a little closer to the center
- renamed map from Final Exploration to Isle of Spears, a (WoW) place located on the southeast coast of Northrend
- re-wrote the Map Description
- replaced Lordaeron Summer Merc Camp with Lordaeron Winter Merc Camp
- significantly shrunk the size of the map again
- removed a red creep camp from each side
- removed one orange creep camp from each side (actually removed a green camp and changed the murlocs from orange to green)
- buffed Goblin Lab creep camp from lvl 13 to lvl 15 and item drop from lvl 2 charged to lvl 3 charged
- moved green tuskarr camp near base a little further away
- redesigned the terrain in the map center, creating a new path and thus making it more open
- moved the starting positions a little further away from the center to re-establish the standard distance
- turned the Tuskarr Warrior camp around nerd nerfed it slightly
- also moved the other green camps arund and remixed them
- nerfed Goblin Lab creep camp / item drop: lvl 3 charged -> lvl 2 charged
- remixed natural expo creep composition for it to be sufficient to reach lvl 2 / item drop: lvl 2 permanent -> lvl 2 charged
- wolf camp in the center changed item drop: lvl 3 permanent -> lvl 3 charged
- secondary gold mine creep camp: replaced one Tuskarr Warrior with Tuskarr Trapper
- moved Goblin Shop to the edge of the map
- nerfed Goblin Shop creep camp (included a Giant Polar Bear because they are awesome) / item drop: lvl 4 charged -> lvl 3 permanent
- moved the starting positions even further away
- slightly mammoth green camp a little closer to starting position
- changed the item drops of the Dire Frost Wolf camps in the center from 2x lvl 3 charged to 1x lvl 3 charged and 1x lvl 3 permanent. If one camp drops one type, the other camp drops the other type. The drops cannot be predicted
- renamed the map from Isle of Spears to Off the Frozen Coast, a reference to the South-Eastern coast of Northrend, where the Isle of Spears is located
- re-distributed critters
- fixed a case of creep aggro
- relocated creep camps in the center
- modified area around the starting positions
- beta version for nwc3l
- renamed from Off the Frozen Coast to Frozen Coast
- removed fog
- enlarged the upper and lower side of the map to add some trees to the starting location
- remixed many creep camps and repositioned neutral building
- changed the middle to one orange lvl 15 and one red lvl 23 creep camp. it is randomly decided at the beginning of the game which camp is where
- minor terrain improvements
- relocated merc camp
- swapped two creep camps to allow for better AoW creeping near base
- reduced gold in secondary expo