Clash of Tanks V1,32 +Ai

Dark-Zalor presents :

Clash of Tanks V1,32 +Ai
Created by Dark-Zalor

Map Info

This map is a custom Capture the flag map.
Two teams of maximum 12 players, will fight to attack enemies positions, defend their ones,
places traps, support their army, reveal map.

It's an epic and immersive war with a lot of army vehicles, ground, air, infantry and a lot of custom nice spells and abilities.
At the end of the timer the team with the biggest amount of points wins the game. You can blow everything up with a loooot of explosives!

So get ready to be part of that ultimate clash between Alliance and Chaos.

For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at: [email protected]

Visit my facebook page at:
I will add a few more Pictures on the page.

Only works with 1.32 version of Warcraft 3 or newer.


This is a list of the primary features :

  • 180x180 nice Terrain with destructible trees (made by PrinceYaser)
  • 40 playable and fully custom vehicles
  • 8 classes of vehicles
  • Resources detailed on game UI
  • UI unit pick system, with description and team detail
  • Custom Game UI
  • Balance vehicles in function of number of players
  • Aim wave system
  • Facing unit notification
  • Warning notification for allies before a bombard spell
  • Aim air targeting system
  • Bolt trajectories system for more realistic experience
  • Epic music playlist in game
  • Custom resource system based on ammo and fuel (for spells and movements)
  • Custom item pick system
  • 2 bonus events

Theses resources are used only by spells. Their amount left is displayed in your UI on the top right of the screen. You must save your munitions
or you will become useless in fights.
Each unit you can pick have 2 types of ammo:

Primary Ammo:
For your primary weapon, basically these one allow the unit to deals a maximum of damage and destruction.
If your tank has not anymore of that resource it can't use his primary weapon.

Secondary Ammo:
For your secondary weapons or spells, this are spells less powerful but really useful in battle.
Same as before, if your tank has not anymore of that resource it can't use his secondary weapon.

This is the last resource of units. The amount left is displayed too on the top right of the screen.
Only used by mechanical units, this is the amount of ranges the unit can moves at normal speed. It is used in some spells too.
For ground unit when they are out of gaz they become really slow (75 ranges/s).

Flying units consumates autonomy even if they are not moving. And being out of gas for theses units causes instant deaths.

This resource is really important it can gives you powerful advantages or disadvantage in battle.

Vehicles / Units
There are different kinds of units in that map. You must think your pick in function of your teams weakness and force, it's strategic.
Each unit are strong against some enemies but weak against other one. You must play has a team if you want to survive.
When you pick a unit randomly you get a bonus of 20% increased resources.

Powerful units for their supportive abilities. These units are not resistant to damage. But their spells are very useful to
reveal map, blocks or destroy enemies.

Strong units, resistant but quite slow. Their primary attack are powerful to destroy ground units. Lacks of anti-air units.

Missiles Launcher:
These units are long range attacker. But they are not resistant. If they are surprised they can die very easily. Very useful to defend a position or
slow the enemies progression.

Anti Heavy Canons:
These units have low mobility. Their goal is to kill heavy units from the enemies team. Their role is quite defensive. They have long range attack.

There units are quite resistant. Very useful to pierce enemies line or destroy enemies far from the battlefield. Win duels. They have high damage potential and a good mobility.

Flying anti air:
Theses units are not very resistant but can destroy any flying units in a duel really fast. These units have good mobility. Really useful for raids.

Flying units with big destructive potential againts ground units. These units must be protected because they can be killed quite easily. They have to be close to the enemies they fight.

Supportives vehicles. One of the most important, these vehicles will help your team to creates traps, give ammo, give fuel. Your army progression will be easier with them.
Without them the victory is quite impossible. So remember to have multiple APSV for example in your team.

Death :
In that war the death is everywhere. There are long range units, mines, ...
When a player dies it will revive in the base after 3 seconds. After that delay they can pick an other unit.
You can revive as many time as you want.
You must notice that coming back on the battlefield after a death takes some time. Your enemies can use that time to wipe the rest of your team or defend their position.
So don't act too silly.

Flag :
The flag is the main goal of the game. The team with the biggest amount of point win the game. This is an item that can be picked in the middle of the map or on a dead enemy.
There is a few rules about it:
When a unit is killed with the flag it will drop it at his death location.
Air units can't pick the flag. No-one can pick it, if an enemy is 750 ranges closer to the flag.
After a player score a point (bring back the flag to his portal) everyone is moved to his base, and a new flag is released after 40 seconds.



Items :
Every unit when it is picked obtain a random Item. There is 21 custom items pickable in that game. They can provide passive bonuses or have active abilities.
Some items are pretty nice in a combo with the selected vehicle. You only get an item when you pick a tank. There is no gold in that map ....
only explosives :D

Mods :
There are some mods in this map :
-uk : Unknown mode hide position of flag when it spawn or dropped by players. The flag is not noticed on the carrier too.
-nf : No Fog mode reveal the map for every players.
-em : Easy Mode, add helps for spell aim, restore Ammo and autonomy over the time.
-or : Only Random, only allow players to pick random units, to generate more funny experience.
-dur : to set the game time duration as minutes to XXX. [30 - 180] Default 35 minutes.
-cd : Castle Defense mode each castle team defend himself against enemies too close.

Pick Mods :
-ot : Only Tanks mode (Play tanks or A.P.S.V only)
-nl : No Launcher mode (Can't play with long range units)
-tt : Tank Tiger mode
-lt : Light Tank mode
-et : Elite Tank mode
-mt : Mammoth Tank mode
-kl : King Lion mode

Commands :
There are a few commands in this map :
-zoom XX : to set the distance camera to (XX x 00) ranges.
-view : to reset the camera to the default angle and with the player set zoom.










If you can send me your games replay I canf fill this section with them, with credits of course :D
Work In Progress

  • Add more units: a builder unit, a supportive flying unit
  • Mode repick (that allow players to repick their vehicle after a game phase)
  • Balance spells
  • Implements ideas given by the community
  • More players allowed (depends of players)

Your feedback is appreciated

V 1,32 :

Fix Droid Destroyer model
Add new Descriptions :D

V 1,28 :

Balance tanks
Fix some bugs
Update final scoreboard
Add a new mode -nl

V 1,27 :

Add 3 tanks
Add tracking flag system
Add 1 item
Balances some vehicles
Fix some bugs
Add final scoreboard

V 1,21 :

Add 1 item
Balances some vehicles
Fix some bugs

V 1,2 :

Add Ais 69% of vehicles supported
The map is now playable by 24 players
Add more vehicles
Balances some vehicles
Fix some bugs

V 1,11 :

Fix targets spells (twilac help)
Fix lurker attack animation (twilac help)

V 1,10 :

Add Ais 69% of vehicles
Add 3 new items
Add 8 custom new vehicles
Add 2 bonuses events

V 1,0 :
First release

Special Thanks:

  • The Helper
  • Hive WorkShop
  • The Warcraft 3 French Community
  • Blizzard
  • (for awesome Pokemons models)

General Frank (for most of his tank models)
Ham Ham
I3lackDeath (for his Sin'dorei UI)
Avatars Lord
SA Dashie
Glen Elendra

Two Steps From Hell - Mercy In Darkness
Two Steps From Hell - United We Stand Divided We Fall
Johannes Bornlöf - Treasure Hunter 1
Johannes Bornlöf - Undaunted Warrior 1
Red Alert 3 Theme - Soviet March

Terrain made by PrinceYaser
twilac for his help about models
Author's notes

I put a lot of work in that map. I hope you will enjoy it. I really wanted to create a Modern warfare map with vehicles and a lot of explosion. I think this map
has a few nice spells and system, and could be very funny to play with a lot of players. I put a lot of system to make the map user friendly, easier to master and more enjoyable.
I put some funny description and tooltips, because I think war more suportable when we have fun :D

If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at : [email protected]

Keywords : War, Battle, Fight, Flag, Modern Warfare, Missiles, Army, Tank, Death, Kill

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!
I really appreciate if you can send me some streams of your games. To improve my description. With credits of course.


Clash of Tanks V1,32 +Ai (Map)

Make sure the credits list is complete please: Resources in use by World of Tanks V1,0 Note that the name of the map might be confused with the online game World of Tanks. For some reason, the hero health and mana bar is not properly placed overhead...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Make sure the credits list is complete please: Resources in use by World of Tanks V1,0
Note that the name of the map might be confused with the online game World of Tanks.

For some reason, the hero health and mana bar is not properly placed overhead but appears in various places as the hero moves.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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