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Blizzard Survey Indicates Potential Relaunch for Warcraft III: Reforged

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Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007

A new survey regarding Warcraft III Reforged has circulated Blizzard's survey email lists. Most notably, it appears to focus on currently missing legacy Warcraft III features, and the phrase "soft relaunch" gives us some insight into Blizzard's development plans.

Below you can read through the relevant survey questions:


Level 4
Jun 19, 2018
Reforged graphics looks so bad not because of bad art. It's how it is implemented in the game. The new models looked glorious in the trailers. What they should do is to make the game look as good as how they marketed it.

Well some models look bad because they are of wrong size, or maybe they look too epic for a weak creep they are made for. Only limited amount of art needs to be redone I think.
Level 24
Dec 24, 2019
I no longer believe anything, neither from Blizzard nor from any video game developer, we live in the era of broken, incomplete release games, broken promises and outright scams. With these people only the facts are valid, so when I see it, complete and with everything they promised in 2018, I'll believe and I might stop shooting shit to them every second I can because that's the only thing they give me, shit.


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
This is very interesting. We might make a similar survey for Hive members, seeing as many didn’t get the survey (myself included).

I wonder if a relaunch would mean some updated SD graphics. That would actually be cool. This what many wanted instead of the current HD.

Like the StarCraft 2 Warcraft 3 assets that were slightly more “HD” but still very much in the same cartoony style as Warcraft 3.

We already saw high resolution Warcraft 3 icons with the old icons added to Reforged.

Imagine Warcraft 3 in that style. I wonder if this is something the community would be interested in?

I own Reforged and didn't get this :( Any updates are welcome as long as they don't make it worse. The community is already fixing the game's content. They should just focus more on the game engine and more natives/World Editor plugin API/better multiplayer support/maybe multiplayer map transitions/permanently hosted games where you can join and leave at any time. This is stuff the community can't really do on their own. The mods will make the game more interesting anyway. Seriously, I bought some games only because of the awesome mods.

Disabling HD with an option, making the game smaller would be something many people want. I never play with HD graphics.
Level 8
Jun 15, 2022
delete all shitty "reforged" models and create new with classic style, not super detalization and a lot of poligons, when map starts lagging, but add more shaders, better shadows, post-processing, fog, WATER, cool effects of abilities, better optimization for engine (no unit lag etc), old menu with 3d style without super laggy chromium and maybe... i'll say "YES BLIZZARD YOU SO COOL GUYS TAKE MY 40$"
Level 14
Feb 7, 2020
I'm torn on what their approach would/should be, if they even do it.

Melee is far more popular than I assumed when comparing replies on melee versus world editor threads.

However, the Reforged implementation is antithetical to modding and melee camps in the art department:
  • Melee performance is bad and units are unrecognizable during gameplay because of their overdesigned fidelity and mismatched aesthetic.
  • Modding is heavy and unwieldy: huge files, increased save/load times, loss of aesthetically-matching SD assets in every category from 15+ years of Hive history, accommodating maps for SD and HD (it's a mess), and the list goes on.
The most efficient option I see is either:
  1. "HD" SD assets (i.e. see the fanart by André Kent, or the great models by @Tauer; ex: Gul'dan, or the SC2 WC3 mod assets) - an approach which has higher detail but retains the lower polygon count and animation frame requirement so custom assets remain approachable and "toonish".
    Basically, "WC3 Re-Tooned". Would have to include "HD" SD doodads and terrain textures. (edit: @Archian posted what the "HD" SD assets could look like for the UI above).

    Nvm, WC3 players want to be stuck in the stone age.
  2. Open up the game to deeper modification. I don't know what this would look like; maybe a future state of community-created mpq archives that replace the game files, plus more control in general.
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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
IF it's not just a random PR move and they're serious about remaking a 20 year-old-game-that-isn't-monetized-with-microtransactions AGAIN, so that's a huge if :
just make the graphics like the Rebirth mod : closer to WOW so the artstyle is mostly the same, but units are still easy to recognize in normal gameplay, and it doesn't take 30 GB on your hard drive.
Or just remake the campaigns in starcraft 2 with the assets already talked about in previous posts, so the pathfinding is better and you can select more than 12 units...
Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
I assume you have to own Reforged to get the survey. I have Classic 1.35 and have seen no such survey anywhere, mail or otherwise but get lots of WoW and uninteresting spam from them instead.
these surveys are done by data scientists, they have a formula of the ratio of people they need to send it to as well, so yeah, not everyone gets it.
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
Reforged graphics looks so bad not because of bad art. It's how it is implemented in the game. The new models looked glorious in the trailers. What they should do is to make the game look as good as how they marketed it.

Well some models look bad because they are of wrong size, or maybe they look too epic for a weak creep they are made for. Only limited amount of art needs to be redone I think.
Grom Hellscream's reforged model is a offense to War 3 Grom, mainly the fact that his jaw should be fully black and with beard.
Blizzard went on to copy and paste Alt universe grommash, which isn't the real Grom.

Warcraft III Reforged in Diablo II Resurrected quality including a minimally developed and improved single-player campaign.

Warcraft III classic maybe in this quality:

View attachment 421419
View attachment 421420
View attachment 421421
Please tell me someone is working on this.
Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
Warcraft III Reforged in Diablo II Resurrected quality including a minimally developed and improved single-player campaign.

Warcraft III classic maybe in this quality:

View attachment 421419
View attachment 421420
View attachment 421421

my problem with this is that it has the same issues that reforged art has, lack of variation for example for trees, wc3 trees used two colorations for any tree tileset, dark and light green for lordaeron summer for example, this should be considered as well for any remake, losing color is not good, it makes the game seem more stale.

also a lot of the units and stuff still got the same reforged style, like the barracks, and lastly, I hope they fix wrong rotation by models (breaks compatibility) and scale of units (ex hydra in wc3 classic and reforged)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Edit: now this is interesting: I've found his LinkedIn profile, he's a 3D artist at Blizzard. I wonder if his Grunt is just a piece of fan art...
The time stamp of that image is 2020.
Of course it does. He used Reforged assets and mixed them with a few models from HotS (Uther, footman and rifleman.. perhaps Uther too?).
Well, some Reforged models editing/tweaking won't satisfy me. The StarCraft II versions are way better crafted and recognizable.
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
Of course it does. He used Reforged assets and mixed them with a few models from HotS (Uther, footman and rifleman.. perhaps Uther too?).
the rifleman and footman looks more lively and detailed.
in fact they look more like its original cinematic models than that cursed looking armor the new art department at blizzard forced Lemon Sky to do over samwize's art.

Also, the footman should had looked like this, instead of that crap
And is from the guy who ported it to skyrim along with the other human cinematic armors
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Level 8
Oct 21, 2017
the rifleman and footman looks more lively and detailed.
in fact they look more like its original cinematic models than that cursed looking armor the new art department at blizzard forced Lemon Sky to do over samwize's art.
As written on the page, he only made a grunt. The remaining units are taken from HotS. Footman and Rifleman from Alterac Pass battleground. Shaman its Reghar, Blademaster is Samuro, Brewmaster is Chen and Paladin is Uther.

P.S. I still won't forgive Blizzard for giving up Hots.
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
As written on the page, he only made a grunt. The remaining units are taken from HotS. Footman and Rifleman from Alterac Pass battleground. Shaman its Reghar, Blade Master is Samuro, Brewmaster is Chen and Paladin is Uther.
View attachment 421425View attachment 421426View attachment 421427View attachment 421428View attachment 421429

P.S. I still won't forgive Blizzard for giving up Hots.
those footmen look more detailed than the ones here at hive, but then it must be texture trickery.
in any case, some edits on those models to add more details would fix it.
Level 4
Aug 2, 2014
I also got this survey. I own the original game, and have a long while ago bought and refunded Reforged.
When they send surveys like that, it is a sign they are gonna do it.
Really hyped for it. Sorry, I never learn..


Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
I may start modding again if they keep this up. At the moment the game feels too broken to bother trying to create a custom map.

Also, I wouldn't want them to touch the SD graphics, that's a scary thought, imagine both SD and HD looking like shit. At least now you can always fall back on the mostly working SD. Improved HD graphics that actually work properly would be a very welcome change though.

My priorities:
1) Fix/finish every single bug/feature that has been added to the World Editor over the last few years.
2) Improve the HD graphics with visual clarity as a primary goal.
3) Add new natives -> change hotkeys via triggers, remove the need for dummy units for spell casting, etc...

I don't care about Clans or Profiles or anything like that, there's plenty of outside tools that can handle that. Most of the popular maps will have a Discord after all.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2020
I highly doubt, that Blizzard will remove reforged graphics, like here some people suggest. This is nothing, just a dream for part of the community, which dislike Reforged graphics since Blizzcon 2018.

The biggest chance is, company will probably change/upgrade SD graphics for current audience. Let's be honest. Graphics from year 2002/2003 is outdated, it's showing its age. I believe, SD graphics shall resemble HOTS, DOTA, LOL or WOW. Or something like classic+ in Starcraft 2.

And personally I would welcome this change for SD graphics. The current classic graphics is old for year 2023.

When it comes to reforged graphics. They can improve them, to look like at Blizzcon 2018.

Or let Blizzard implement Quenching mod.
They obviously aren't gonna dump all the new shiny models and develop new graphics out of the blue, there's no money for that, especially in times of economic recession such as this. However, an internal auditing of Reforged graphics to troubleshoot and iron out the issues has to be done.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2020
They obviously aren't gonna dump all the new shiny models and develop new graphics out of the blue, there's no money for that, especially in times of economic recession such as this. However, an internal auditing of Reforged graphics to troubleshoot and iron out the issues has to be done.
Exactly. And that's why I believe, they will improve Reforged graphics to look like at Blizzcon 2018. Plus they can implement features from Quenching mod, like better terrain.

We can see in Survey too:
  • Reforged Environment Art Rework
  • UI/UX Revamp

We can see UI and graphics at Blizzcon 2018

Well, Brood War got a secondary graphics patch, CarbotAnimations based, so I don't see any reason for Classic graphics to be totally eliminated or updated but rather a new Classic-like graphics patch to be added along Reforged and Classic.
I wouldn't be against new Classic-like graphics as third option between Classic and Reforged to look similar as HOTS, DOTA or WOW.
Level 8
Aug 5, 2014
The only thing i want to see its evolutionary way of development like it took in the period of 1.26-1.31. When is the same warcraft 3, but with modern resolution, new natives stuff and thats all. No tasteless WoW-like HD models, which bloat game size up to 30 GB, no constant battle.net connection, and connect to it when you really need too, like when you are actually want to play online. No heavy changes in the existing code which broke some old classic custom maps. Although some new addition to an engine, like a possibility to select more than 12 units in your custom map or another elimination of game limitations would be sweet.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
I googled the author's name, here's his stuff on artstation:

Edit: now this is interesting: I've found his LinkedIn profile, he's a 3D artist at Blizzard. I wonder if his Grunt is just a piece of fan art...
Whether fan art or not, the fact that its from a blizzard artist shows me there was (is?) a desire to make Reforged look closer to the original. I can imagine the discussion about the art direction was quite heated, until someone decided on the current look. And then many sad faces...


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
The whole survey imho just shows how misguided their focus is. I think the biggest problem with reforged was breaking promises (shutting down classic) breaking existing community tools, breaking maps and breaking the game. Every patch feels like 2 steps forward and 3 steps backward. How about fixing bugs that were reported 2 years ago and still exist? How about simple things that existed in classic which are missing in reforged, like squelching players? How about improving the electron launcher in ways that were accomplished by modders in days? How about ensuring that patches don't have major regressions, or aren't pushed from PTR to live if there are tons of reported issues? How about taking the time to playtest like the Top 15 most played maps before pushing patches that make them unplayable? Imo it's much more about the methodology, having some common sense, interacting with the community and having some interest in actually making a good product rather than benign things like another art rework, or lowering file size. For me the trust in blizzard to even implement anything mentioned in the survey to a standard that isn't garbage is completely gone. So before anything new, they should put like a dozen ppl just on fixing bugs and improving performance/stability.
For example they could roll out their own new ranked matchmaking which sucks, and in the process break alternatives which already work better today, like W3Champions.
Level 7
Mar 14, 2021
For example they could roll out their own new ranked matchmaking which sucks, and in the process break alternatives which already work better today, like W3Champions.
Grubby sent a request asking for the melee and the ladders to be like Wc3Champions. And so far we of the WE community have stayed with our arms crossed, we must have seen the request that the game still lives thanks to the map content. I hope Blizz considers teaming up with the Hive staff again, many of us want the game to be better for everyone. :infl_thumbs_up:
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