I've added screenshots above - "offline" button and playing vs AI.
Since you like to play big, edit this post when the first microtransaction comes out.
I don't get your point.
I've never said that I think Reforged won't have microtransactions. In fact, I can agree that looking at Blizzard's recent history, there's a strong possibility that it will. But regardless, all I'm saying here is that it's not okay for people to take their opinions based on uncertainty and express them as if they are something confirmed.
I'm not arguing against the viewpoint that it's possible or even likely that Reforged will have paid skins. Not at all. All I'm arguing for is sticking to the facts when talking about facts or expressing opinions when talking about opinions. Not mixing the two.
Which is why I specifically said "probably". I did not try to "sell" anything as facts.
You did. You specifically said:
Probably because that's the only way to implement microtransactions (yes the game will have them).
Probably refers to the question you were asked, i.e. the reason why it MIGHT be necessary to always be online. That's a possibility statement. One that - as you may have noticed - I didn't have any issues with.
The part in the brackets is you stating that Reforged will have microtransactions as if it was a fact - the form you chose makes it obvious. You didn't say "yes, the game will LIKELY have them", you said "the game WILL have them", i.e. you specifically made it sound like something that is certain. And it isn't - it's your opinion.
What does that look like? Hmm?
Now, I agree that it might be a hint that microtransactions are coming, but it might also be nothing. Just think about it - wouldn't it be ridiculous if people who bought the Spoils of War editions were locked to those 4 skins? Yes, it would. Thus it was obvious that Reforged would require some UI that would allow the people to change their skins. I'll admit - I'm playing a little bit of a devil's advocate here, but it's totally possible that the devs decided that it would be better to have that in the menu. And the result of that decision might be exactly what we're seeing in the screenshot.
The real question here is whether they will continue adding anything to it - like more female versions, cross-promotions (i.e. skins from buying their other games) or paid skins. And as much as I might agree with you that it's likely, the truth is - we have no idea.
Well, single player is in the Beta, so pretty much anyone with Spoils of War can tell us weather those skins work in single player(vs (multiple) AI/allied with AI).
That's a fair suggestion.
The description for skins says that they apply to Versus [i.e. melee matchmaking] games, but still I went ahead and tested in on a quickly made single player custom map. Now, I can't say for Spoils of War skins, because I don't own them, but I launched the map through custom games with and without the female DH skin enabled inside the collection menu. In both cases I got the default male DH.