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Warcraft 3 Reforged Leaked Previews

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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Don't tell me all those new character models are wasted...I want to see Anasterian!
They'll be there but only as eye candy replacing the generic unit models.

You read my mind. If it's legit, I'm really disappointed, and am considering if I'll buy it at all.

They basically scraped everything apart from HotS models, and a slight engine upgrade.

What's the point of new music anyway, if this is the case?
That was what I was hoping for - to some extent... but now - just like you said, Reforged really looks like just a graphics upgrade and even then, I have a hard time considering the new art style to be better than the original.

Yeah, no thanks, Blizzard.
They said wc3r will be reimagined not just remastered.I bet they thought that it will be easier to redo this game.
Now they know that coding etc takes more time than expected so they just remove cutscenes, voiceovers etc.
Level 9
Apr 7, 2012
Maybe it's for the best. Perhaps they realized half-through that it wasn't so good or that they were running out of time/money. Maybe they'll make up for it by making new campaigns.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Just a heads-up - Reforged panel has started. Live recap is being done by MMOChampion. Back2Warcraft is also live-tweeting the panel here.

I'll be reposting all relevant news in a concise form in this post (because I can :D).


Warcraft 3: Reforged Deep Dive Panel - Recap:

- Classic W3 and Reforged are still compatible
- All named heroes will receive different models (in total, there are over 2200 models!)
- Race specific MMR, game mode specific MMR and single account system (?)
- Ladder to be released with 1st major update
- Special hero healthbars to make heroes more visible
- Arranged team comeback confirmed
- UI and menus are not final (old chain sounds and UI elements remain in the client)
- 3v3 and FFA in beta next week
- Undead confirmed to come next week
- Everyone who pre-purchased will get into beta
- New Warden Artwork:
- Cutscenes from the 2018 demo were scrapped - confirmed during Q&A
- Campaign is getting some overhaul - less generic, more artwork, more like WoW
- They've showed some other Night Elf art - pretty low res, hard to see, if you're interested check Back2Warcraft twitter :)
- Night Elf in-game screenshot:
- Despite the Polygon article, it sounds like there are some changes to the campaign
- Check out MMOChampion for high quality images!
- Destroyer model:
- Community made maps are considered for ladder
- Detheroc:
- They're excited to see what the community will do with the improved editor features, like being able to change unit's health, controlling where the opponents spawn or new camera tools
- Check out Back2Warcraft twitter for a look at the new Orc UI background :)
- There's a new cinematic - hopefully will get uploaded to YT soon.

That's it. I'll keep this post as it is and I'll make a new one to summarize everything we've learned about Reforged at Blizzcon - just give me a minute (or 30).
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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014

1. General:
- Warcraft 3 Reforged is still set to come out in 2019*, the release date announcement will come soon.
- The game will receive additional content after launch, but "not necessarily campaigns".
- Classic W3 and Reforged are going to be compatible.
- They're currently in a "polishing" stage.
- Performance improvements will come closer to release.

*In one of the interviews the devs offered no comment, but in another one they've confirmed that the release window has not changed.

2. Beta:
- All people who prepurchased Reforged will get access into the beta.
- First in line are people who bought the Spoils of War edition, then normal edition, then Virtual Ticket.
- Undead are coming to the beta next Tuesday.
- 3v3 and FFA are also coming next week.
- Night Elves will be ready for testing in 3 weeks.
- World Editor and Custom Games are coming later this month.
- The beta will also include an old graphics option.

3. Multiplayer & Balance:
- Ladder will not be available on release, it will come in the first post-launch update.
- Reforged will feature a global matchmaking system just like Starcraft Remastered.
- The team is very interested in community feedback on matchmaking.
- The game will feature both race and game mode specific MMR.
- Arranged teams are coming back.
- They're considering community made maps for multiplayer.
- There are no plans to add a 5th playable race to multiplayer.
- The 12 unit selection limit will not be increased in multiplayer.
- An Observer Mode with a zoom-out feature is coming.
- Balancing is hard - they admit they've made some mistakes in 2018, when balancing they're looking at how the game feels and make changes on a case-by-case basis, trying to preserve race uniqueness and ensure that both pro-players and casuals have an enjoyable experience.
- Overall they feel like the balance is in a pretty good place, but some issues still need to be adressed (like Turtle Rock close spawns).

4. Readability, art & sound:
- The team has heard the feedback about readability issues.
- They're working on improving silhouettes and team colors.
- They're adding team-colored health bars to improve visibility.
- Heroes will have a special health bar to make them stand out a bit more.
- Mountain King will be made bigger.
- Blademaster's running animation will be changed to look more like in the original.
- Animations are a bit limited, because they had to match classic timings.
- All named heroes (from the campaigns) will have their own models.
- In total there are over 2200 new models.
- UI and menus aren't final.
- Old chain sounds and UI elements remain in the client.
- They're keeping the original unit voice overs.
- There's some new music coming to Reforged.

5. Campaign and story:
- Cutscenes from the Blizzcon 2018 demo were scrapped.
- They are returning to old-style cinematic mode cutscenes.
- In contrast to the Polygon article, they've hinted at some changes to the campaigns.
- They want the campaign to be less generic and more like WoW.
- Rexxar campaign will be available at release.
- There's a special super easy mode for WoW players.

6. Mapmaking:
- They're excited to see what the community does with the improved editor features.
- Some features they've mentioned is changing a unit's health and new camera tools.
- We will be able to control where our opponents spawn.
- We may get an option to change the 12-unit selection limit in custom games.
- No plans to allow mapmakers to monetize their maps.


Sources: MMOChampion, Back2Warcraft Twitter


Blizzcon 2019 Cinematic Teaser - first 25 seconds & Night Elves in-game:

Blizzcon 2019 Reforged Panel Images:

1. Warden:


2. Warden & Altar Models:


3. Female Demon Hunter:


4. Night Elves:


5. World Map:


6. Cinematic Scene:


7. Death Knight Art:


8. Destroyer Model:


9. Kel'thuzad Human Model (?):


10. Dreadlord Models & Detheroc:


11. New Orc Versus UI:


12. Dark Portal Art:


13. Arthas Guitar:


14. Racing:


15. Cairne & Thrall:

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Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
- In contrast to the Polygon article, they've hinted at some changes to the campaigns.
- They want the campaign to be less generic and more like WoW.

Just to clarify on this...

Warcraft 3 Reforged’s story isn't changing to fit WoW because people love the voice actors | PC Gamer

According to this, map redesigns are still staying WoW-inspired, with lore character cameos, but that's it. No new content that retcons the game in such a fashion that the whole campaign needs to be re-voiced is being added.
Level 9
Apr 7, 2012
So the maps are changed but the story stays the same. I think this is the best choice. You can mess up things quite badly if you change the script and the voices.

Just because the original voices are unchanged doesn't mean new characters can't get extra voice acting.

Sad about losing the new in-game cinematics but they are probably very expensive.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I hope they keep Arthas' icy boom boxes.

The other dreadlords, are they Varimathras and Balnazaar? They look too similar to each other, minor differences.
Just because the original voices are unchanged doesn't mean new characters can't get extra voice acting.
Sure but that would mean no interaction with the original characters.
Too bad probably the new ranger and elven archmage will have the usual spells. Same for the elven units and whatnot.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
I really hate to be negative or a troll or anything like that, but sadly it has come to that.

Obviously Blizzard has tried to out do themselves this year at BlizzCon, and this year in particular. With big things like Overwatch 2, Diablo 4, a new expansion for WoW, a new expansion for Hearthstone and Warcraft 3 Reforged, all in the same year. And in my book, they have failed miserably. Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 have obviously sucked in all the budget, which I understand, cause they are the priorities, not Warcraft. And they basically tried to pass on the other games without a budget, which is obvious(that's why Shadowlands suck).

I'm quite disappointed with Warcraft III Reforged, though I can't say I didn't "fear" of this outcome. Basically after a big promotion at BlizzCon 2018, we haven't heard a single thing about it in 11 and a half months. Only a few weeks ago, they've published stuff for dataminers, without any official statement. Only to say, at BlizzCon 2019, that they've cut 50% of the contents(at least, if not 70%). No new cut scenes, no new quests, no new voices, no new boss fights, some chapters are being redone, but only a few, not even close to every one of them, as they promised at BlizzCon 2018, no environmental upgrades as in the Demo.

But wait, they'll add new content after release, "not necessarily campaigns", which in my book means purchasable Daughter of the Sea type skins and purchasable baby lamas for charity. They are going to add super easy difficulty (really???). They are going to add new music (if so little changes, why bother with music???). And redo some chapters, with the old voice lines though. Like seriously??? Having a mute Anastarian as a creep in front of a Sunwell is the lamest thing ever. A scene that is the main plot of (dozens) of books, comics, quest lines and what nots, if it doesn't have a proper cut scene, dialogue and quest and a boss fight is a story and game play ruiner in my book.

What did we see at Blizzcon? A few screenshots, half of which have been datamined already, and when they publish stuff for dataminers, it's always planed on purpose. And a glimpse of obviously unfinished Arthas vs Illidan. Great thing!

Everyone is getting a Beta, which in my books means that they have zero professional testers, and did zero tests, before the Beta. Another great thing!

Worst of all is that it's obvious that the devs themselves have no clue about the release date, a year after it was announced. As if they have no intention to release it anytime soon. If they were delivering a game promised at Blizzcon 2018, I would be happy to wait even 5 years, but with 50% of it scrapped and still no release date, not even a mild one... Another great thing!

Honestly I see all of this as a disrespect, not to me, but to fans and public and people who will buy it in general. A drop that spilled the cup for me was, if legit the statement: "We're keepeing the old voice lines, cause of player feedback!" Seriously?!! If I pre-purchased, I would find that just insulting, but maybe it's just me, cause I personally value honesty.

If Reforged ends up being a HotS graphics pack for Warcraft 3, I'm not really sure if I care about it, even though I like 99% of the new visuals. I thought I would buy the game asap, but now I'll definitely wait for sale, and a few patches, and see how the game has turned out, and decide if I'll buy it at all.

For the first time I'm saying it out loud. I'm glad I didn't pre-purchase!!! If I did, I would honestly feel scammed and played. That's why I never pre-purchase anything. They sold you a product at the Blizzcon 2018, and you're not getting that product, you're just getting the glimpses.

Sadly, for me Blizzcon 2019 was "The Day Warcraft Died"!!!

EDIT: For some reason, I cared about typos and grammar issues. Just had to fix some of them.
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Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
But wait, they'll add new content after release, "not necessarily campaigns", which in my book means purchasable Daughter of the Sea type skins and purchasable baby lamas for charity. They are going to add super easy difficulty (really???). They are going to add new music. And redo some chapter with the old voice lines. Like seriously??? Having a mute Anastarian as a creep in front of a Sunwell is the lamest thing ever. A scene that is the main plot of (dozens) of books, comics, questlines and what nots, if it doesn't have a proper cutscene, dialogue and quest and boss fight is a story and gameplay ruiner in my book.

Mindworx has said that he won't be working in the Blizzard California office for another 9 months (it seems he is still in Ireland). As he rightly pointed out, unless Blizzard hired him so that he could start working on other projects as soon as he moved to California, Reforged editor will likely be getting updates for 2+ years to come. Giving players the new tools via the editor is all Blizzard really needs to do--- Players can create content themselves.

Honestly I see all of this as a disrespect, not to me, but to fans and public and people who will buy it in general. The point that spilled the cup for me was, if legit the statement: "We're keepeing the old voice lines, cause of player feedback!" Seriously?!! For me that's just insulting, but maybe it's just me, cause I personally value honesty.

The main issue with what they did is that by removing the "Strathholme" treatment, they may have deceived potential customers who pre-ordered as soon as they saw that cutscene in 2018 Blizzcon. But since you already said you did not even preorder it, it seems you are overreacting a little.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
Just make the doodads retain their height when you ctrl+c/ctrl+p. That is all I want.

On a more serious note, i am not sure If I am even going to purchase it as the new art style doesn't really do much for me.
Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
Mindworx has said that he won't be working in the Blizzard California office for another 9 months (it seems he is still in Ireland). As he rightly pointed out, unless Blizzard hired him so that he could start working on other projects as soon as he moved to California, Reforged editor will likely be getting updates for 2+ years to come. Giving players the new tools via the editor is all Blizzard really needs to do--- Players can create content themselves.

The main issue with what they did is that by removing the "Strathholme" treatment, they may have deceived potential customers who pre-ordered as soon as they saw that cutscene in 2018 Blizzcon. But since you already said you did not even preorder it, it seems you are overreacting a little.

They didn't remove the Stratholme treatment though.
Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
Which makes it feel even more unpolished/incomplete if the game has few modified parts and the rest reskinned ones.

There are other map changes incoming and lore character cameos/minibosses will still be a thing. All we're really losing is the poorly-written side content that would have required them to re-voice the entire campaign.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Source please? Also, define mini-bosses. Do you think they'll create new spells and/or gamplay mechanics? I don't think so if they only mentioned making the game look more attuned to WoW.
I don't think they will make new spells, but during the panel they've said that one of the changes they're making is allowing players to possess Peons and build Orc stuff in the mission where Arthas and Kel'thuzad attack the demon gate.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
Isn't there an option for that? Or is it broken? "Reset Doodad Height smthsmth", it's under "Tools", or "Advanced", not sure which. Browse through those tabs in case it's neither. I'm pretty sure it's there, since I've used it.

That works for moving doodads with changed height around. But if you copy and paste the doodad then the height will reset. Or at least it was like that when I last tried. Don't have world editor at hand to try it out now.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Holy crap those dragons! Everyone rocks! Hard to determine which one I would chose. Red Dragon is awesome, but those Nether Dragons are real surprise. They are obviously shark based, head similar to shark, those scales look like fish more than other dragons, and tail like shark or something! What is awesome is that they have additional pair of ,,hands" which hold wings! 2 hands, 2 legs and 2 hands at wings! AWESOME!
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
I didn't see anyone talk about this before, so... here are my thoughts on CRITTERS, i.e. the most important and yet severely underappreciated group of models :D
Here's a wowhead article on them: Warcraft III Reforged Models - Critters - Chickens, Rabbits, Pigs, Zerglings, Sheeps

And my thoughts:

1. This is labeled as "Brown Wolf" - I absolutely LOVE this model, but I hope it's a mistake on either Wowhead's or Blizzard's part, because that's definetely not a wolf:

2. I don't know what's up, but this pig looks seriously pissed... like, damn. Other than that, great model.


3. And this little fellow looks like a villain from a Pixar movie :D Jokes aside, I'm not sure I like it.


Well, those are my only complaints - the rest of the critters look awesome and even these three should also be fine in game, considering you're not going to look at them from such short distance. As for my personal favourites - CHICKEN, hands down, plus Albatross and Vulture :)

P.S. Yes, I've noticed that all 3 of my favourites are birds :p Sue me :p
Level 21
May 29, 2013
1. This is labeled as "Brown Wolf" - I absolutely LOVE this model, but I hope it's a mistake on either Wowhead's or Blizzard's part, because that's definetely not a wolf:
Those are the unchanged names of the standard critter models, not the names of the units themselves. That's why Chicken is called Easter Chicken and Dog is labeled as Brown Wolf.

Also, it looks like the Guard Dogs that were used by Trolls to guard the island with the Observatory in the TFT Alliance campaign will also get a new model.
3. And this little fellow looks like a villain from a Pixar movie :D Jokes aside, I'm not sure I like it.

That's one ugly rat. I don't dislike it, but it's really different from the old cute model (i.e. portrait).
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
2. I don't know what's up, but this pig looks seriously pissed... like, damn. Other than that, great model.
As if no eyes and ill actually.
3. And this little fellow looks like a villain from a Pixar movie :D Jokes aside, I'm not sure I like it.
I do, lol. Since most critters were even lower poly than usual models anyway. Not sure if bulldogs and other weird dogs are medieval though.
Susan you.
That's one ugly rat. I don't dislike it, but it's really different from the old cute model (i.e. portrait).
Maybe because that one was more a mouse than a rat :D?
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
@Duke I was just about to ask this. Seems that they forgot about Easter map. Guys should remind Blizzard to put those ,,flower trees", egg houses and bunnies inside Reforged so we have access to them all time. They are unused because everything you need to import over and over again in maps. Many assets. Now Blizzard has chance to fix this by redesigning and putting all those inside to appear in WE.
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