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Level 9
Sep 20, 2015
I am happy to see that the devs took more time to polish the game this means they want to deliver a good product, instead of a rushed one that would have been patched at day one or shortly after release. Obviously the dealy bothers me a little but that's just beceause i was excited to play it.

I played the beta and it's true that the game need optimization for older pc, but this reforged version is meant to be played on modern pc, like warcraft 3 was back in 2002.
I already gave my feedback on models that changed a lot from classic design, but as the crypt friend line says " what's done, is done".

The editor changes are a good thing, and most of the new improvments to it were added in the patches that preceded reforged beta, so we could start to give feedback and test them.
I think that maybe all the new JASS functions will be usable with GUI, maybe on release maybe later, who knows, it's still to early to judge an unfinished product.

Talking about skins and possible microtransactions, i am okay with those. The skins for the heroes just gave us modders new models to use in custom maps, model diversity is a nice thing, especially since all the custom models we already have only fit classic style now.

It's nice to have microtransactions, obviously not too much of them or too many paywalls (cosmetic skins are a good thing). It's way to support the devs, and it's up to the players choice to do so. Also what if the microtransactions will not be only skins? Maybe some new content for single player? New Maps? Maybe a new expansion?(okay i know i'm dreaming now)

Overall, I think Reforged is a good thing, it may brings new players to the game, and old players too, and maybe it will hook up new people to wc3 modding as TFt did with us back then.
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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
@MasterHaosis yes.

@Venombite I don't know how people are using these skins - I went through the unit palette, skins and model field in the object editor and couldn't find a way to set any of the High/Blood Elf variations. That's not saying that they aren't there, I might be missing something or you need to import stuff from game files or something. Regardless - I don't see them.
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Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
[USER=273120]@Venombite I don't know how people are using these skins - I went through the unit palette, object editor, skins and model field in the object editor and couldn't find any of the High/Blood Elf variations. That's not saying that they aren't there, I might be missing something or you need to import stuff from game files or something. Regardless - I don't see them.[/USER]
It's explained in the end of the video. :D
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
It's explained in the end of the video. :D

So yes, it works for Sorceresses or Priests, but when I tried doing it for the Archer then it couldn't find the model. All I was able to get was the High Elf ??? (blue armor, green eyes) version, which is the default one. Again, it doesn't mean the BE variant isn't there, it might just be using a different path.

I'm a bit busy right now, but I'll try experimenting with it a bit later.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I heard that there are many pirate WOW servers.
They will never be at the same level as the original servers. They're filled with bugs and stuff.
It seems the newest patch added different skins for High Elf and Blood Elf units. That's really nice.
They're doing it properly, good.
However, there seems to be something off with the team colours in what differences are concerned?

Is it me or is the Blood Elf priest taller?
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
However, there seems to be something off with the team colours in what differences are concerned?

Is it me or is the Blood Elf priest taller?
Yes, it's taller. I don't know if it's standing closer or something else, but it's a bit taller. Of course the team color makes units look more different, it does with other units too. I'm pretty certain that high elf sorceress isn't final, she has blue eyes on the icon, and yellow eyes and gems are probably meant to look blue, and she has noticably darker skin than other units.

I also see that Blood Elf units are in melee, which to me is a shame. To me Blood Elves just don't fit in the Alliance(WoW deformation). I'm hoping there'll be an option to use High Elven Priests, Sorceresses and Dragonhawk Riders in melee. Of course there's a problem with Blood Mage, which doesn't have a high elven skin, and Spell Breaker(High Elven Spell Breakers make no sense lore wise). But I just think that High Elves would fit with the Alliance a lot better than Blood Elves.(in WoW there are non playable High Elves in the Alliance even to this day, some of them even have Dragonhawks)
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Can you check if there is a different skin for High Elf and Blood Elf Archer.
Couldn't find it - I think I've seen in it some video somewhere, but I could get it to work using the method from the video you linked.

It might be because it has a different path:

a) Sorceress: units\human\Sorceress\Sorceress
b) Archer: units\creeps\HighElfArcher\HighElfArcher

As you see, the latter is placed in a much more specific directory, so it's possible that there is a Blood Elf variant somewhere in the game, just in a different directory, hence why the "_V1" trick doesn't work. And for the record, I've tried changing "HighElf" to "BloodElf" in the path and it didn't work either.

And possibly a screenshot with High elven one in Blue/Teal/Light Blue color and Blood elven one in Red color.
As I've said - I couldn't get a "Blood Elf" variant to work, but here's an in-editor picture of the one I could use in the colors you requested.


Also, I've never seen elven Town Hall/Keep/Castle, is it in the editor?
Couldn't find one or get it via the trick. Only High Elf buildings (as in units, not doodads) I've seen are a handful of farm variantions, barracks and guard tower.

And do elven buildings have High/Blood elven versions?
Tried the trick from the video on High Elf Barracks and Guard Tower - didn't work.


As always, just because I can't find or get something to work, doesn't mean that it isn't or won't be there. Especially given that for instance the models for the special towers from the Blood Elf secret mission are still missing. Some things might just be me missing something, others having a different model path and the rest not being implemented yet. Gonna have to wait and see.[/QUOTE]
Level 12
May 9, 2009
When I first heard it was going to be released in 2019 I though to myself "great... December 31st 2019 is when it will drop".
I was wrong it seems. They lied. Then again what did I expect? A company that's willing to overcharge for a visual update on a decade old game screwing the customer over again? Imagine my shock!
Level 8
Nov 27, 2015
Well these issues are interesting. So basicaly i wouldnt even be able to play because I have Windows 7 with 4 gb ram. XD

EDIT: I also have AMD graphic card. Damn I need an upgrade.

Also why is this an issue?

Disabling V-sync may increase your performance.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
They lied.
Not that I disagree with the notion that Blizzard is not the company it used to be, but... humor me - if you told your friend you were going to visit him at 4 p.m. and then something came up, for instance you got stuck in traffic, and you'd had to tell him that you will be about 30 minutes late - would you consider yourself a liar too?
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Yes, it's taller. I don't know if it's standing closer or something else, but it's a bit taller. Of course the team color makes units look more different, it does with other units too. I'm pretty certain that high elf sorceress isn't final, she has blue eyes on the icon, and yellow eyes and gems are probably meant to look blue, and she has noticably darker skin than other units
I was asking and thinking because @MasterHaosis proved Chaos/Fel Orcs have a bigger size in the object data than normal orcs.

About the Sorceress, yeah, they could do all high elves like that with blue but yellow is better because it reminds of the Sunwell while blue more of the moon. Of course blue can represent water, hence the well.
I'm hoping there'll be an option to use High Elven Priests, Sorceresses and Dragonhawk Riders in melee. Of course there's a problem with Blood Mage, which doesn't have a high elven skin, and Spell Breaker(High Elven Spell Breakers make no sense lore wise).
Nothing's impossible. It would be neat to have that. And Spell Breakers can just be a transition from some other similar unit. Also, Spell Breaker, as a name, is generic so it doesn't necessarily point to Blood Elf or fel/chaos energies or whatnot. Also, Blood Elves is just a name, they become mildly corrupted after meeting Illidan. Then, they should start wearing the green jewels and green iris.
As you see, the latter is placed in a much more specific directory, so it's possible that there is a Blood Elf variant somewhere in the game, just in a different directory, hence why the "_V1" trick doesn't work. And for the record, I've tried changing "HighElf" to "BloodElf" in the path and it didn't work either.
Can't we change it as before?
I was wrong it seems. They lied. Then again what did I expect?
To be fair, there's a difference between deceit like the cutting of those enhanced cutscenes and a launch date that might change due to objective reasons which by the way doesn't hurt your pocket or virtual money at all.
Level 11
Dec 21, 2012
They will never be at the same level as the original servers. They're filled with bugs and stuff.
Actually, the top private servers are amazingly fixed and maintained. To such a level, in fact, that they are easily a match for Retail. More than Retail, however, they provide players with the Good Old Expansions, back when Wow was actually still good coughwotlkcough. Still, it seems that Blizz is getting some benefit from the private servers, as it does nothing to shut them down.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Actually, the top private servers are amazingly fixed and maintained. To such a level, in fact, that they are easily a match for Retail. More than Retail, however, they provide players with the Good Old Expansions, back when Wow was actually still good coughwotlkcough. Still, it seems that Blizz is getting some benefit from the private servers, as it does nothing to shut them down.
Did they hack their HQ? How did they get the stuff that's supposed to be on their servers to make those private servers like the original ones? Was it an inside job? Or are all files actually on our computers?
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
They will never be at the same level as the original servers. They're filled with bugs and stuff.
I do not know, really, I am not into this. All I heard is that they are doing fine.

I was asking and thinking because @MasterHaosis proved Chaos/Fel Orcs have a bigger size in the object data than normal orcs.
And that corrupted Medivh in movie hahaha

Also, Blood Elves is just a name, they become mildly corrupted after meeting Illidan. Then, they should start wearing the green jewels and green iris.
Do you know what is this about? In Wc3 we had just clothes changing between high and blood elves. Why do they now have different eyes and those crystals wearing?
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
It's to bridge toward WoW and also, Reforged being graphically advanced bring more details.
But in Wc3 Fel orcs got red color. This was just reskin. Clother for Hight/Blood Elves were reskin, not detail. They could do this with eyes as well before.
So here as far I know, they also reskinned those, I did not notice much difference (or did not paid attention) except eyes and crystals.
I still do not understand blue eyes/crystal vs green. Why blood elves suddenly changed eyes and that anyway? Clothes Ok, they want to represent themselves different and changing color. But how does eye change fit into it?


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I still do not understand blue eyes/crystal vs green. Why blood elves suddenly changed eyes and that anyway? Clothes Ok, they want to represent themselves different and changing color. But how does eye change fit into it?
WoW stuff :D but actually it makes less sense for them to change clothes than appearance based on fel/chaos magic corruption. That's why green from blue although I think yellow should be better representing of the Sunwell.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
So, when Maiev and Tyrande first time met them, they will have green eyes and crystals in Lordean fall. It is to damn early to represent such changes. They must be present in Outland for some time for that. But yes, WOW....
It's likely, yes. I hope they look like that after meeting Illidan. But for that to make more sense, I guess they'd have to also reskin the TfT (new) Blood Elf units to High Elf (that includes Kael/Blood Mage).
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
It's likely, yes. I hope they look like that after meeting Illidan. But for that to make more sense, I guess they'd have to also reskin the TfT (new) Blood Elf units to High Elf (that includes Kael/Blood Mage).
yes and for that, for sake of simplicity they will just put them as already corrupted. And this is just side effect for appearance. Their stats will not change most likely despite they are being altered.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
yes and for that, for sake of simplicity they will just put them as already corrupted. And this is just side effect for appearance. Their stats will not change most likely despite they are being altered.
Blood Elves did not become corrupted like the orcs who directly drank fel/chaos and more (demon blood, viruses etc.), they just used demonic or rather dark magics.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Blood Elves did not become corrupted like the orcs who directly drank fel/chaos and more (demon blood, viruses etc.), they just used demonic or rather dark magics.
But they start to change anyway. Yeah, every race got changed in different way. Depends of race and source of demonic magic.
its all complicated you know... Those ,,pure" creatures once, and now corrupted, altered, changed... As you watch me, I am born like that , so I did not have any issues. Look at that red face and green eyes looking now at you! :cgrin:
Oh I like Doomguard in reforged, although he is different a bit.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Like I've said, they didn't really tell you anything new.

But it is curious that they've mentioned that Reforged is likely to require an internet connection to play. Granted, this is thus far unconfirmed and the existence of the "play offline" button suggests that it might not be the case, but it would suck if Reforged was "online only". I mean, in this day and age it's not really such a huge deal, because most people have a decently stable connection at home, buuut... it does kinda make Reforged no longer a game that you can rely on if your internet is down.
Level 11
Dec 21, 2012
Did they hack their HQ? How did they get the stuff that's supposed to be on their servers to make those private servers like the original ones? Was it an inside job? Or are all files actually on our computers?
As far as I vaguely know, some dedicated group of people spent months, possibly, reverse engineering the game. In the end what they got was the world. Servers themselves, however, had to fully script that world, add in all units and objects, etc. It's a long and hard work to do. The units and objects were extracted from MPQ database files, I'd imagine. Even now we use such extraction to RIP wow models. Possibly, certain scripts could be extracted in a similar fashion, at least giving Pirate devs a clue on how the entire thing is scripted. The complete script, as far as I know though, couldn't be extracted, thus gaps had to be filled by devs themselves.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Do you know what is this about? In Wc3 we had just clothes changing between high and blood elves. Why do they now have different eyes and those crystals wearing?
In Classic, High Elf priests have blue eyes, and Blood Elf ones have green, so it's not just a WoW thing. Although in WoW the main difference between the two is eye color(light blue for the High Elves, and green for Blood Elves, though as of BfA Blood Elves can have golden eyes too)
Although I think yellow should be better representing of the Sunwell.
No, blue eyes represent magic/arcane, and in WC3 time the Sunwell is only magic/arcane. It doesn't gain light powers untill the end of TBC.
But it is curious that they've mentioned that Reforged is likely to require an internet connection to play. Granted, this is thus far unconfirmed and the existence of the "play offline" button suggests that it might not be the case, but it would suck if Reforged was "online only". I mean, in this day and age it's not really such a huge deal, because most people have a decently stable connection at home, buuut... it does kinda make Reforged no longer a game that you can rely on if your internet is down.
This is just speculation, but. The button is there, so they'll be an offline mode. But you won't be able to play the game to its full in the offline mode, of course. It's the case for pretty much every game nowdays. For example you won't have and access to the ingame shop, you won't be notified of promotions and events, you probably won't gain ingame reputations, we've already seen that there are unlockable portraits in game for ingame achievements(really strong HotS vibes here), and you probably won't be able to unlock those while in offline mode.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
No, blue eyes represent magic/arcane, and in WC3 time the Sunwell is only magic/arcane. It doesn't gain light powers untill the end of TBC.
I don't care about TBC. It's called the Sunwell for a reason. Otherwise it would have been called the Well or something.
Needless to remind you that Paladins and all Lordaeron (Footman, Knight) units have blue eyes, even dwarves.
The Archmage has green eyes. So, don't put that crappy "arcane eyes" theory on me.
Thrall has blue eyes while most other orcs have pupils :D but white eyes. Some have yellow but they wear masks. The Blademaster has some sort of green. So, don't tell me Thrall has blue eyes because of shamanistic power now.
In WcIII, Priests have blue eyes because there's some blue FX but in reality the eyes are white like those for the Archer. Only the Elf Peasant has a blue hue. The Sorceress has red-violet eyes (not talking about the makeup). The Swordsman has blue eyes because it shares the texture of the Lordaeron Captain.
In TfT, Swordsmen still have blue eyes, Archers, Spell Breakers and Kael white, Workers blue, Sorceresses red-violet but the Priest has a green hue and the blue sparkle FX is kept.
As far as I vaguely know, some dedicated group of people spent months, possibly, reverse engineering the game. In the end what they got was the world. Servers themselves, however, had to fully script that world, add in all units and objects, etc. It's a long and hard work to do. The units and objects were extracted from MPQ database files, I'd imagine. Even now we use such extraction to RIP wow models. Possibly, certain scripts could be extracted in a similar fashion, at least giving Pirate devs a clue on how the entire thing is scripted. The complete script, as far as I know though, couldn't be extracted, thus gaps had to be filled by devs themselves.
So in the end it's pretty much kitsch.
Level 9
Mar 16, 2018
To be fair, there's a difference between deceit like the cutting of those enhanced cutscenes and a launch date that might change due to objective reasons which by the way doesn't hurt your pocket or virtual money at all.

Sorry, I can be wrong but I think they did not cut enhanced cutscenes because at Blizzcon 2019 they showed us the ending of the mission: "A Symphony of Frost and Flame".
This was not the Arthas vs Illidan fight because in the end of that mission which I mentioned above--Illidan shocks Arthas by getting in front of him...the same thing happens in the cutscene teaser they showed at the end of Blizzcon deep dive panel.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Sorry, I can be wrong but I think they did not cut enhanced cutscenes because at Blizzcon 2019 they showed us the ending of the mission: "A Symphony of Frost and Flame".
This was not the Arthas vs Illidan fight because in the end of that mission which I mentioned above--Illidan shocks Arthas by getting in front of him...the same thing happens in the cutscene teaser they showed at the end of Blizzcon deep dive panel.
The Illidan vs. Arthas cinematic will still be based on ingame graphics engine and will get some animations and lines (possible those that were not included originally but are in the game archive).
We are referring to the ingame cinematic scenes like the one in the 2018 Reforged The Culling which was supposed to get new animations (gesticulation, whatnot) and probably bonus voice lines. This was said that it would become a sort of standard for most if not all ingame/campaign level cinematic scenes. But this has been scrapped, officially.
Level 9
Mar 16, 2018
The Illidan vs. Arthas cinematic will still be based on ingame graphics engine and will get some animations and lines (possible those that were not included originally but are in the game archive).
We are referring to the ingame cinematic scenes like the one in the 2018 Reforged The Culling which was supposed to get new animations (gesticulation, whatnot) and probably bonus voice lines. This was said that it would become a sort of standard for most if not all ingame/campaign level cinematic scenes. But this has been scrapped, officially.
I am confused. I think:
They just showed an in-game cinematic at the end of their deep dive panel 2019. It was the ending of the mission: "A Symphony of Frost and Flame". It was not the Arthas v Illidan fight.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
They just showed an in-game cinematic at the end of their deep dive panel 2019. It was the ending of the mission: "A Symphony of Frost and Flame". It was not the Arthas v Illidan fight.
Link please, I only know of this one which is part of what I mentioned:

from here; this is the panel I guess..
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Level 9
Mar 16, 2018
Link please, I only know of this one which is part of what I mentioned:
I am also talking about this one. This is 100% not Arthas vs Illidan fight scene. It is a separate piece: The ending of the mission called 'A Symphony of Frost and Flame'.
I am saying that because this video(the one you linked) shows that:
1)Arthas passes through the gate
2)After that Illidan comes in front of him to face him
Both of these events take place in the video you linked and they also take place in the ending of 'A Symphony of Frost and Flame'


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I am also talking about this one. This is 100% not Arthas vs Illidan fight scene. It is a separate piece: The ending of the mission called 'A Symphony of Frost and Flame'.
I am saying that because this video(the one you linked) shows that:
1)Arthas passes through the gate
2)After that Illidan comes in front of him to face him
Both of these events take place in the video you linked and they also take place in the ending of 'A Symphony of Frost and Flame'
Yeah, you're right. However, Arthas doesn't pass through the gate. That happens after the Arthas vs. Illidan scene because beyond the gate, there's the spiral ramp path toward the Frozen Throne.
We shall see if in Reforged this video is not actually fused with the Arthas vs. Illidan one.
Level 9
Mar 16, 2018
Yeah, you're right. However, Arthas doesn't pass through the gate. That happens after the Arthas vs. Illidan scene because beyond the gate, there's the spiral ramp path toward the Frozen Throne.
We shall see if in Reforged this video is not actually fused with the Arthas vs. Illidan one.
Sorry, I rushed it thus I wrote about Arthas passing through the gate.
Can't wait for 28 Jan 2019 as I want to know if they will merge it with Arthas vs Illidan fight or not.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Can't wait for 28 Jan 2019 as I want to know if they will merge it with Arthas vs Illidan fight or not.
However, I don't think there's any reason for Arthas to be laughing there.

So, it's weird since officially it was said that cinematic scenes would remain "untouched". Perhaps they were only referring to them not having any new voice lines and stuff but animations and camera changes, seems that we will see that. Or maybe, this one is an exception since it's a scene at the end of the game?
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
I'm curious how will you like Reforged once you actually get to play it, @MasterHaosis. To me it looked/felt significantly better when played rather than watched :)

By the way it appears that the last beta patch notes on the official forums were unpinned. This is probably a huge stretch, but perhaps we're getting a Christmas Beta Patch? :D And yes, I'm going to take this opportunity to poke a bit of fun at Haosis - wouldn't it be amazing if you finished downloading 25 GBs only to find that like an hour or so later you have to download another 15 GB patch? :D Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing this on you, but if it happend it would be a pretty funny case of bad timing :D
Level 4
Jun 2, 2018
OMG people can change their opinions! What a twist!

Had you not have been a jerk to people and only just changed your mind like a normal, respectful person... I wouldn't have brought it up. That's all. I won't derail the thread anymore.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
So disappointed.
Yeah only I can do that! You want me to impress you more:
-Weak PC for Reforged perhaps (we still need to check it)
-Weak internet (I steal wifi on desktop from my father) perhaps for blizzard (but still need to test that)
-No credit card or such (still not working, but my fiance has and she paid :cgrin: she works at least )
Thats Christmas gift! One must be brave to do this!
Now I need to see where I belong. Reforged buy only fools and nostalgic. I am nostalgic, but downloading it on this PC with this internet, and just after Blizzard team warned me to wait... and this all on bugged unfinished game :cgrin: That made me fool as well. Winner in this site.
Something forced me to do this, I could not resist, in my defense.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Ok, again I hate being negative or a troll, but I'm just going to say this.

Blizzard is being Blizzard again, and apparently "patching agressively" means no patches for the next 25+ days. And again, aside for release date statement, communication from Blizzard, ever sinse Blizzcon has been a zero.

I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but to me it seems that both here (Reforged topics) and on Battle.net forums, there are less and less activity by the day. I hope I'm wrong here, but if that's the case, that to me is a clear indication that people just don't care about Reforged anymore. And that all the hype has died. A month before the release date(although judging by the pace they role out patches I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed the game again), when the hype is supposed to be highest ever.

If this is the case, that's really bad news. I really want the game to work. I want it to be a success(and eventually my Gnomes vs Goblins DLC :D) But at least to me things don't look good right now, and I'm beginning to have my doubts weather Reforged will be a failure.

All of this is making me have more and more doubts weather I'll even buy Regorged, honestly I'm starting to loose my interest in it. (though if it ends up being a graphical update, I don't know if I had any intrest in it to begin with)


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but to me it seems that both here (Reforged topics) and on Battle.net forums, there are less and less activity by the day. I hope I'm wrong here, but if that's the case, that to me is a clear indication that people just don't care about Reforged anymore. And that all the hype has died. A month before the release date(although judging by the pace they role out patches I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed the game again), when the hype is supposed to be highest ever.
It's how it is, many topics start when stuff is fresh/hot. Afterwards people kind of drain their energy and some threads spawn here and there. Nothing out of the ordinary.
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