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Site Director
Level 65
Jan 1, 2006

As you may have heard...

The drums of war thunder once again. Warcraft III: Reforged - the recreation of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne - will be available at

3 p.m. PST on January 28, 2020.

Blizzard said: blizzarrow.gif

Though we’ve been working hard to get Reforged in your hands before the end of the year, as we started approaching the finish line, we felt we’d need a little extra development time for finishing touches. As always, our goal is to honor the high standards you hold us to.

We’re looking forward to kicking off whole new era of Warcraft III, and we can’t wait to face off with your mighty armies online starting January 28!


Level 11
Dec 21, 2012
*Sigh* I guess if they at least REALLY polish it and make it good enough to be worth the wait, it's good. Doesn't change the fact they had people pre-purchase the game back in 2018 and failed to deliver the product within a year... And even the "polishing" - it seems, looking at the beta at least, that World Editor did not really get any significant upgrades. No TESH, despite me remembering somebody promising new WE to have the functionality of WEX. Seems like it will only be a graphical update, without even bringing a new engine, and one that costs like an entirely new game... But, then again, it's maybe too soon for me to be pessimistic. Though I did learn in my (not so) long life, that pessimism often is closer to being realism.
Level 29
Aug 29, 2012
It's good to see a release date at last, and although I wish I could've played it during my December holidays, it's much preferable that they take their time and polish where needed than having a rushed released. Hyped!
Level 18
Jun 13, 2016
Nested folders in trigger editor.

No offense to you specifically, but the fact that this is considered a significant change, just made my day. It's ironic how a new and improved editor was talked about so much and anticipated so highly by the community, yet nested folders is about the only significant change that we can mention.

Thanks, internet stranger.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Are there no significant editor changes aside from models?
Eh, not really. There are some new things, but they're rather small.

If we consider all the recent patches, which - let's be honest - probably wouldn't have happened if not for Reforged, the editor has received a lot of nice improvements, but the Reforged Beta Editor thus far is a lot more closer to being a disappointment rather than a cherry on top of a slew of positive additions.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Eh, not really. There are some new things, but they're rather small.

If we consider all the recent patches, which - let's be honest - probably wouldn't have happened if not for Reforged, the editor has received a lot of nice improvements, but the Reforged Beta Editor thus far is a lot more closer to being a disappointment rather than a cherry on top of a slew of positive additions.
So, by what you've seen thus far, are you subtly implying here that Reforged is basically a graphics pack/graphical update?
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
No offense to you specifically, but the fact that this is considered a significant change, just made my day. It's ironic how a new and improved editor was talked about so much and anticipated so highly by the community, yet nested folders is about the only significant change that we can mention.

Thanks, internet stranger.
Thank you for this comment.
I have already said it in the past but I'll say it again: I am extremely disappointed by WE's latest features. Most of them are minor or niche features. How many people actually use Lua? How many people are able to use the new natives with no GUI support? How many people have enough programming skills to toy with UI customisation? I mean, those are not bad additions obviously, but a 2018 survey showed that 60% of Hive members use GUI only... Way to bring beginners to the modding community.
And yet, there are tons of amazing suggestions for WE in the dedicated topics in Hive or Blizzard forums, but what we got instead will be used only by a bunch of skilled people and definitely not by the entire community (I'd loved to be proven wrong though).
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
So, by what you've seen thus far, are you subtly implying here that Reforged is basically a graphics pack/graphical update?
Do you have to ask this question to everyone?

No, I don't. I think that if Blizzard wasn't doing Reforged, we wouldn't get all the editor improvements in the last couple of patches, so I count all of that as basically a part of Reforged that was given to us for free. There were also some networking/battle.net improvements and we have no idea what they are doing with the campaign, so no - it is not just graphics.
Level 3
Jul 6, 2014
Reforged is going to have bugs and receive updates anyway, be at the end of this year, January or summer. May as well call it "open beta".
Also have to mention the high standards lmao, every update they've doing for the last years breaks something new and don't fix many things that broke the previous ones. Dunno how gonna be for reforged, hope it's better
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I will wait until I see how the campaign plays on on Youtube. Just a few missions and then I will decide if it's worth the money or not.

As it stands, if the end result is just better graphics, then I'm not sure it's worth it for myself.
Level 21
Apr 12, 2018
We're getting the Arthas vs Illidan cinematic we were robbed of on the original TFT release due to lack of time. That's about the only thing in the campaign that excites me.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
We're getting the Arthas vs Illidan cinematic we were robbed of on the original TFT release due to lack of time. That's about the only thing in the campaign that excites me.
Oh, wow, we're getting two unused voice lines in.
From what I've seen the cinematic will still be under ingame graphics and not like the actual short films in the game.
Level 11
Dec 21, 2012
We're getting the Arthas vs Illidan cinematic we were robbed of on the original TFT release due to lack of time. That's about the only thing in the campaign that excites me.
Getting some barely relevant little cinematic, while pretty much losing the game modder community kept alive this long? All of these new patches only messed the game up, as it seems.

And reforged further messes it up by making Battle.net and internet connection mandatory, even for Single Player, never fixes networking problems (lags, desyncs, dcs, various glitches with custom maps and triggers). Look at Reforged Beta tests - many models lack animations, players can barely play because of connectivity issues, the game is so poorly optimised, that you need High-End PC for this old, old game.

The way the Beta stands, I've no idea how they are going to improve this mess over a course of a month...
Level 18
Jun 13, 2016
Thank you for this comment.
I have already said it in the past but I'll say it again: I am extremely disappointed by WE's latest features. Most of them are minor or niche features. How many people actually use Lua? How many people are able to use the new natives with no GUI support? How many people have enough programming skills to toy with UI customisation? I mean, those are not bad additions obviously, but a 2018 survey showed that 60% of Hive members use GUI only... Way to bring beginners to the modding community.
And yet, there are tons of amazing suggestions for WE in the dedicated topics in Hive or Blizzard forums, but what we got instead will be used only by a bunch of skilled people and definitely not by the entire community (I'd loved to be proven wrong though).

Yeah, it's a shame. While I'm not in the GUI crowd and have always been only really interested in those advanced features, I definitely agree that there is a lot of lost potential that could've been realized if... well, I don't actually know what's stopping Blizzard. It feels like mismanagement or bad priorities, I don't know. These last few years feel like a disaster for WC3 in hindsight.

I wonder what we could've had if instead of working on the original editor, Blizzard instead sponsored the development of HiveWE or brought in staff members to help on the project. HiveWE is already miles ahead of WE in term of performance (not to mention it's open-source!) and could easily be a very good "default experience" if given enough development time to polish it up and bring it up to par with WE. Alas.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
@Devalut well I'm not a coder or anything but Lua seems to be very familiar with jass, didn't bother to see what extra features it has though

@Sieben the new UI Natives can actually be considered an awesome change, I never bothered learning jass before but the UI natives got my hyped!
and now I can easily create/modify the UI, and also I can read and understand jass code to some extend


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
the new UI Natives can actually be considered an awesome change, I never bothered learning jass before but the UI natives got my hyped!
and now I can easily create/modify the UI, and also I can read and understand jass code to some extend
Congratulations but not everybody has time to learn these and turning them into GUI won't be that time consuming when the code is already integrated in the game program.
Level 10
Aug 19, 2008
That was already possible with 1.29 or 1.30, can't remember when they introduced them.
This change and some others (like the 24 player limit) is part of the Reforged development process. They have to implement them in vanilla to keep it compatible with reforged. That Blizzard has chosen to release the changes to vanilla before the release of Reforged should not be held against them.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
So, I've watched Bellular's (a WoW/gaming youtuber) video and he said that Reforged models look like something from a MOBILE game called Raid: Shadow Legends.

I've did some digging and... check these out:




Is it just me being paranoid, or are these really similar to Reforged models? I mean, I feel like you could easily take these first two models, tweak them a bit and put into Reforged as female orc and female bandit without most people realizing that they're from a different game, at least from the in-game camera.

Of course, I might just be me being blind, but damn...
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Level 10
Aug 19, 2008
So, I've watched Bellular's (a WoW/gaming youtuber) video and he said that Reforged models look like something from a MOBILE game called Raid: Shadow Legends.

I've did some digging and... check these out:




Is it just me being paranoid, or are these really similar to Reforged models? I mean, I feel like you could easily take these first two models, tweak them a bit and put into Reforged as female orc and female bandit without most people realizing that they're from a different game, at least from the in-game camera.

Of course, I might just be me being blind, but damn...
Did you say that Raid: Shadow Legends is an exciting mobile-RPG with over 400 characters and a gripping story?


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Excuse me? the launcher said it would launch before the year was over.

Lies, deception.

I don't really mind the wait but I hate broken promises.
That's the main issue? I thought the content cut was more important.
Did you say that Raid: Shadow Legends is an exciting mobile-RPG with over 400 characters and a gripping story?
No because it looks like a pay to win casino.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I've just said that it has similar art, that's all. I've never played Raid: Shadow Legends and I have no idea whether it's good or not.
Notice: "RAID: Shadow Legends is a freemium mobile and PC game" from Wikipedia.
Freemium - Wikipedia

Read the reviews here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.plarium.raidlegends&hl=ro&showAllReviews=true and you'll get the idea.

Don't just be caught in what Wikipedia says:
"RAID has been generally well received, with Pocket Gamer welcoming the "sheer graphic quality", "beautifully rendered and animated" characters as well as a "generous experience for new players".[3] Gamezebo praised the game for trading "the typical anime-style visuals for a more realistic, dark fantasy look" and going on to write about "the truly stunning experience, with some of the finest attack animations and environmental effects we’ve seen in the genre so far."[4] In its review, Bluestacks also praised the visuals: "the animations are simply spectacular, with the quality the likes you seldom see in these games," concluding that "players that enjoy fantasy combat with a more realistic approach — similar to Lord of the Rings — will likely have a very good time with Raid: Shadow Legends."[1]"
All related to visual by the way in the wiki.
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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I welcome a delay if it means we get a less buggy product, but...

Any news on whether Blizzard will add blending between texture tiles or improve the tilesets in any way at all? If they stay as they are then I will definitely need to heavily mod these textures when the game releases.
Level 10
Aug 19, 2008
I've just said that it has similar art, that's all. I've never played Raid: Shadow Legends and I have no idea whether it's good or not.
You are not saying that Raid: Shadow Legends is the greatest RPG of 2019, available now on Android and iPhone devices? Have you not heard that Raid: Shadow Legends has over 400 unique and varied characters to choose from, and you can play with your friends. Because I heard that Raid: Shadow Legends has over 400 unique and varied characters to choose from, and you can play with your friends on Android and iPhone devices right now.

This message sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends.
Level 5
Sep 29, 2016
I'm happy to finally see an updated WC3 after all the years. A month or two doesn't matter anymore. The sheer amount of custom games and the huge W3 Editor features will make this another long lasting experience.

Shigeru Miyamoto said:
A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.

While the campaign will be an experience, i really hope the devs will continue to support wc3 with more features around custom games and wc3 gui functionality.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but someone said, that you can't shadow local variables with global variables by using the same name anymore. If that's true for WC3 Reforged, there'll probably be bugs in multiple custom maps.
Also, is TESH still a thing for Wc3?
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Oh, I got answer from Blizzard's employee in my ticket. Man answered me nicely with respect, he is not arrogant or such. ,,I had my team of awesome murlocs let me know of what we could do here." He even classified himself and his team as Murlocs! :cgrin: Doom Guard is not afriad of murlocs haha
Anyway I asked them about if Reforged can work on my PC, and if I must have internet connection even to play single player campaign and custom maps because it bothers me. He said that official specifications are not out yet, and that for now it is not clear, it might require internet connection to play, but still we need to wait for Blizzard to say. But guy was cool.
Level 11
Sep 14, 2009
maybe because I think there are still so many issues need fixing in span of ~1 month?

Yea I'm honestly more worried about 1 month being too short. They would need an even later deadline to fix all the issues and polish everything. The beta feels like a clusterfuck tbh. And I'm not expecting the real thing to be very different.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Yea I'm honestly more worried about 1 month being too short. They would need an even later deadline to fix all the issues and polish everything. The beta feels like a clusterfuck tbh. And I'm not expecting the real thing to be very different.
They will probably fix the most problematic issues and then patch constantly after launch.
Level 21
Apr 12, 2018
What this?

Still looks like ingame graphics and not an actual movie like with their game shorts.

You're saying it's much different than this?


I think you're being deliberately obtuse if you think those two are exactly the same or even a direct port of each other.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I think you're being deliberately obtuse if you think those two are exactly the same or even a direct port of each other.
Thank you.

Let's get a closer look on how this teaser is just using ingame Reforged graphics (with new animations and stuff) and not Blizzard movie type:

Now, please pay close attention:
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