This single player map is a two part story. In the first part, you play the king as he travels through various wilderness areas, fighting creeps and gaining allies along the way. In addition to the many treasures and power-ups found, you will uncover many powerful King relics on your travels towards Castle hope. Once there, the keep's gates are magically tuned to the King's presence and will open (and be repaired) whenever he is near.
Once you have reclaimed Castle Hope and slain the betrayer Arthas, the undead of the Mountains of Despair and humans of the Northern Barbarians will both begin sending waves of attackers to destroy the inhabitants of Castle Hope. As part two of the story line begins, a timer will appear providing a countdown for these waves.
You will need to both defend Castle Hope and launch an assault against one of these two foes located in the far Northeast and Northwest. If you succeed in defeating either one, they will surrender to your rule and begin diverting their attack waves towards your new common enemy. When this final enemy is defeated you will be victorious.
* Many Easter eggs and random drops makes map very replay worthy. Enjoy!