Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
Hero reworks: Angel, Templar and Raven have all been completely revamped, with a set of new spells at their disposal. New spells:
Almost every hero has received a new spell. New reward:
Defeating the Shadow Dragons will give the defenders access to Gnome/Goblin turrets. Polishing:
Spell tooltips have received a cleaner look, the quest log has been revamped, etc. Bug fixes:
Several existing spells, as well as general pathing and AI bug have been fixed. And much more:
The full changelog is available below.
Dan van Ohllus
General Frank
Champara Bros
Big Dub
Eagle XI
Marcos DAB
[5.0] introduces new features, as well as several hero revamps. Heroes
His 4 spells have been replaced with a new set of custom spells, showcased in the video above.
His 4 spells have been replaced with a new set of custom spells, showcased in the video above.
She has received a new custom spell 'Iceburst'.
He has received a new ultimate spell 'Holy Shockwave'.
She has received a new custom spell 'Fire Darts'.
He has a new custom spell 'Spirit of Fire'.
He has a new ultimate spell 'Boulder Roll'.
It has a new custom spell 'Guardian' & a new ultimate spell 'Binding Poison'. Features
'Shadow Dragons':
They have received a new skill and have been buffed.
Defeating the Dragons now grants the Castle access to either Gnome or Goblin turrets. Other
A skull now indicates the spawn areas of the enemy.
Several heroes have received a new model, icon and name.
Every hero now has an actual name, besides their title.
The Quest Log has been cleaned up.
A quest is now created whenever an event starts.
Friendly attacks are now allowed.
The Damage Detection system has been removed.
Several memory leaks have been removed.
The intro has been shortened.
The map has been renamed from 'Wrath of Kael' to 'Wrath'.
The map's file size has been slightly reduced.
Castle defenders, as well as enemy units have all been buffed.
The number of defenders and attackers has been reduced.
A new death message has been added.
Spell tooltips have been revamped with a cleaner look.
Missing unit portraits have finally been fixed.
Hero attributes have been changed.
The mana regeneration rate of every hero has been increased.
Castle Mages & Priests now grant a mana regeneration aura.
An unused area at the bottom of the map has been removed.
The hero selector has a new model and is now automatically selected.
Several unit shadow images have been adjusted.
The gates now have 7500HP. (before 15.000)
Game messages have been recolored and rendered easier on the eyes.
Hero 'Phoenix' has been renamed to 'Spark' and is no longer a flying unit.
The Queen's max. HP is now also shown in the multiboard.
The Queen has a new model.
Hero 'Giant' has received a new model and icon.
Hero 'Giant' has been renamed to 'Shatterer'.
Hero 'Owl' has received a new model and icon.
Hero 'Owl' has been renamed to 'Raven'.
The revival time of heroes has been drastically reduced.
New items have been added:
Tome of Agility (+5) & Tome of Intelligence (+5) & Tome of Strength (+5)
A hero selection message has been added.
Flag Stands have been buffed.
The ending boss has been altered.
Fixed the pathing of the Shadow Dragons.
A new indicator has been added over a merchant's head.
New stronger guards in the throne room.
New loading screen.
New preview image.
Final comment:
Polishing this 6 year-old map of mine took a while, so I would really appreciate some feedback.
I plan on releasing more updates, with the main goal of remaking the spawn system which is the main feature slowing down the game.
It does display a text
And 2.8 is being uploaded right now with the bug fix.
Full changelog :
Slot 2 can now be an AI player
Trebuchet's HP reduced to 1000
Trebuchets will no longer be resurrected
Fixed AI bugs
Optimized the map
Fixed a bug which would revive heroes invulnerable
Fixed some cameras
ummm... i just played 2.7 (dled it before 2.8 came up).
my hero didn't respawn =/ i was around lvl 12 and after like 5 mins still no respawn... my hero was Elementalist, if it matters
dunno if u fixed in 2.8 or not
for some reason when we are playing the newer versions people dont revive... but i (host) do... i now only host 1.19 cuz thats the newest one i have that doesnt have this (i havent tried 1.2-1.27)
I tested.
1.When I saw loading screen, I thought it was a girl....
2.I cant see portrait of the heroes!
3.Lot of bad icons for the spells.
4.Spell arent so balanced!
5.Phoenix always can fly!Angle even have spell for that.xD
6.Some spells doesnt fit that hero!
I think thats all!
P.S. Priestess can be Blood Elf..... -_-"
this map is very good but the dissadvantage of this is you need a very good graphic card for this, unlike the defense of uthragon which runs very smooth
As a Reviewer of the Map Reviewers Group, I joined the THW Cleaning Event. I end up writing a fast review, or just posting the end state of the map, rating is not always included!
Current State for this map: Approved
Additional Information:
I will contact the moderator to Approve/Reject the map, depending on what you recieved.
New ramps
New teleporter system
Optimized triggers
Castle Changes
Crossbowman's range changed from 1200 to 1400
Crossbowman's damage base increased from 25 to 35
Guardian's damage base reduced from 35 to 25
Guardians have new spells:
Deadly Spirit's damage reduced from 80 to 45
Deadly Spirit's HP reduced from 1000 to 500
Demon's damage reduced from 90 to 50
Demon's armor increased from 5 to 10
Demon's HP reduced from 800 to 600
Archer's hp increased from 350 to 450
Archer's hp increased from 0 to 3
War Mage's armor changed from 0 to 5
War Mage's armor type changed from unarmored to large
War Mage's HP increased from 300 to 400
Fiend's armor increased from 3 to 7
Fiend's armor type changed from large to medium
Fiend's damage reduced from 55 to 45
Blood Elf Warrior's damage reduced from 65 to 55
Blood Elf Warrior's armor increased from 2 to 10
Blood Elf Warrior's HP increased from 450 to 1000
Enemy Mage's HP reduced from 670 to 300
Enemy Mage's armor increased from 0 to 4
War Marge's Attack speed increased from 1.7 to 0.5
War Mages have a new projectile model
Archers have a new projectile model
Priests have a new projectile model
Mages have a new projectile model
Crossbowmen have a new projectile model
Power has a new projectile model
Archlord has a new projectile model
Difficulty Changes
New Item: Staff of Teleportation (Each Hero has it)
Wall Changes:
*Breached Wall
*New Spawns
New Enemy Unit: Captain
**Vampiric Aura
New AI Player: Player 3(Teal) - Chevalier (Hero)
**Dark Sword
**Cleaving Attack
AI Pathing System improvements
Timer changes:
*Easy: 800 -> 1000
*Hard: 1000 -> 1200
*Nightmare: 1200 -> 1400
*w00t: 1400 -> 1600
*huh: 1600 -> 1800
Demolishers now spawn every 2 minutes (before 80s)
New ladders
Reduced trebuchets' collision size
Fixed siege towers
Fixed enemy pathing
Map visibility changes
Demons no longer fly
Deadly Spirits no longer fly
New Allied hero: Vanric
*Front Gate: Why? The front gate is quite weak and there are stronger enemy units. He has left the dwarven city to come help the humans
New Allied Hero: Arthas
*Western inner gate (outside)
Castle defenders AI improved
Priests no longer have a healing aura
Shadow Dragons come after 300s (before 600s)
Royal Guards only revive 2 units (before 5)
Cooldown of Resurrection increased to 40 (before 30)
Royal Guard's armor reduced from 15 to 5
Well, there are a few bugs and imblances I found when testing it with my brother:
portraits won't show (i know you know this but i felt like putting it here)
captain a little imbalanced imo he can easily take on a hero because of his high damage and hps. the only way to kill him is to bring him to a large group of units which isn't always possible if a melee hero is ahead of the group
when kael spawns he is invulnerable and just kills every body
imo it's a little op that the phoenix can fly
maybe add an abilty with a cooldown to boost the defese of the defenders i.e. the horn in the Defense of Uthragon
we died on easy ( probably because of the kael bug)
Maybe try adding more special events to spice up the action.
3/5 and +rep cus i can
That was in the previous versions, but eventually removed due to balance issues.
Kael will be fixed, the captain will not however be balanced in any way. He is supposed to be a challenge to the defenders.
The portraits can sadly not be fixed.
Thanks for testing!
edit: Updated 4.2b, kael is no longer invulnerable.
The only way to make a really good looking and realistic looking castle would be to use blizzard cliffs in this case, so really it's not random.
Also why didn't you rate it 4/5?
I was lazy to create 10 pages long wall of text but this should give you small hint, check pictures by numbers.
90% of all other triggers can be optimized as well.
Try to link actions for same events.
Also that multiboard icon is terrible.
Just store heroes into hashtables.
set udg_id = LoadInteger(udg_hash, GetUnitTypeId( GetSpellTargetUnit() ) , X1)
set udg_player = GetOwningPlayer( GetTriggerUnit() )
set udg_hero[Player_number] = CreateUnit( udg_player , id , X coordinate, Y coordinate, ANGLE )
then just set multiboard icon into udg_temp_string
with hashtables you are limitless
I used jass above to make it more beautiful and readable.
X1 is integer and can be anything, X2 can be X1 + 1 I usually go from 0/1/2...
Terrain is ok, but I suggest more things that can be DESTROYED.
Walls can be improved (pictures).
Hero pick show some broken code when you click on some heroes -> |c7c8as69 TEXT.
Well that's it more or less.
I liked gameplay in general, maybe some better spell effects, GIANT is horrible really ^_^
Castle is so much better in this map than the previous. But middle and right bottom regen and mage special events dont work(their tips gone too).
As well as the champions ultimate doesnt heal. But i am getting suspicious that you may have built another map rather than updating this(again).
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Picked unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set Heroes[1] = (Picked unit)
Else - Actions
// This 5 times o.O
Set Heroes[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] = (Target unit of ability being cast)
More will come
Hero revive is poor.
This script will replace your current triggers related to hero revive:
library HeroReviveLib initializer Init
private timer array T
private unit array U
private function GetTimerId takes timer t returns integer i
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i>12
if t == T[i] then
return i
set i=i+1
return 99
private function DoRevive takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = U[GetTimerId(GetExpiredTimer())]
local player p = GetOwningPlayer(u)
call DisplayTextToPlayer(p, 0,0,"Your Hero has revived!" )
call DisplayCineFilter(false)
call ReviveHero( u, GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_R__gion_030), GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_R__gion_030), true )
call SetUnitInvulnerable( u, false )
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
call CameraSetupApplyForceDuration(gg_cam_Camera_001, true, 0)
call SelectUnit(u, true)
set u = null
set p = null
private function Run takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local player p = GetOwningPlayer(u)
if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
call DisplayTextToPlayer( p,0,0, "Your Hero has died! Do not worry, he will revive in no time near the Fountain!" )
call TimerStart(T[GetPlayerId(p)], 5.00 * I2R(GetHeroLevel(u)), false, function DoRevive)
set U[GetPlayerId(p)] = u
set u = null
set p = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i>12
set T[i] = CreateTimer()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, null)
set i=i+1
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Run )
good map very detailed the terrain suits the game but the thing is it's just like another ordinary castle defense and right now there are lots of ordinary castle defense type of game you should put more BAZINGA something like that
This keep getting better, kael. Nice job! Played 4.6 and its quite good. Again, nice terrain for a castle. Some suggestion, maybe add some horses here in-game that is available for mounting. When hero is mounted on the unit, it will increase its attack speed but disabled attack. More better if it shows the hero while mounted. And maybe Optional quests? That's all, +REP and good luck with this!
Ey Vengeancekael hii your map is super fun!
Your map I passed it a year ago in the normal difucultad or something like that it became quite easy and short.
I'll pass your map on the biggest difficulty so once I pass I give you your deserved score...
Keep updating when you have time.
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