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Modeling Contest #21 - Chess

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For a queen, she's too naked, and tattoos are not really suitable. But disregarding the original concept, I think the tattoos look good.
not sure, but I guess Dio's going for a black bishop. what would suit, shes very mystical.


whip time!
here is some of my smelly texture.. I better hurry if I am to finish in time.
(those white lines on the leg tips aren't supposed to remain there.....)


  • wip5.PNG
    227.7 KB · Views: 521
Level 8
Dec 17, 2010
not sure, but I guess Dio's going for a black bishop. what would suit, shes very mystical.


whip time!
here is some of my smelly texture.. I better hurry if I am to finish in time.
(those white lines on the leg tips aren't supposed to remain there.....)

Awesome! can't wait to see how the face turns out.
HappyCockroach: Nice. Evil Spinnerette inspired? Seemed that way a little from your earlier concept art :3
heheh thanks... my inspirations are many.... but essentially, a black widow spider shape with a drow body and things are changing in execution a little... that hat is kinda inspired in power rangers rita repulsa (LOL) and witcher game witch girl and a spider's head and some zerg nasty thing...

also, what inspired me very much is this song:
(really worth listening)

overall, I want a dangerous look, an arrogant personality and an elegant, feminine persona... (spider + woman seemed perfect to me)

I can't say I have a single inspiration.
Oh, and to actually answer your question, I don't know that Spinnerette heheh
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
The Sacred Molten Rammer of the Burning Legion, those Green-ish looking fire is supposed to be the unrested soul of the enemy who killed by this Ferocious rammer
Some lore behind the Model
I got the idea from FF12, the Mimic, while that monster disguise as a treasure box
Give Credit when Used

PS: Happy, can you ignore my last post (the one that i said that i resigned?)


  • huba buba.PNG
    huba buba.PNG
    259.5 KB · Views: 706
  • BlackRookFinished.mdx
    300 KB · Views: 217
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Dio, I really hate the new skin colour, ofc. it's your decision, but imo the old one was much better.

+ the teamcolour is way to blend, you should delete it on her arms and legs and add it instead on her big hammer arms.

Added a pic on how it would look better imo. But it's just my opinion sooo ;)

Oh, and I'm out (how surprising...)


  • aa.JPG
    55.5 KB · Views: 223
Level 25
May 31, 2007
OK I still have 4 hours to create the animations and finish the model. hurraaa -.-

EDIT: OK I'm finished with this model and I'm not really proud of it.

EDIT2: I posted the source files. If someone wants to change something on the model you are free to go. Texture, IK rig and the final export with FK animations.


  • Queen.zip
    144.5 KB · Views: 142
  • Queen.JPG
    34.2 KB · Views: 555
  • Queen Texture.psd
    1.8 MB · Views: 171
  • Queen animation IK.max
    522.5 KB · Views: 117
  • Queen animation FK.max
    512 KB · Views: 161
Last edited:
OK I still have 4 hours to create the animations and finish the model. hurraaa -.-

EDIT: OK I'm finished with this model and I'm not really proud of it.

EDIT2: I posted the source files. If someone wants to change something on the model you are free to go. Texture, IK rig and the final export with FK animations.

looks cute :)
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