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Chess in C++

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Level 2
Dec 10, 2009
//here you go just copy and paste the code into c++ and you can play chess!!


// in this example pieces aer described as integer values 
// we will make them constants, so that if at any time we want to change their values we can do so here
// but will still need to recompile

const int pawn = 100;
const int bishop = 305;
const int knight = 300;
const int rook = 500;
const int queen = 900;
const int king = 2000;

// an alternative would be to use string constants or another data type

//now we need a board to put the pieces on and move around on
//the board data type should match the pieces data type
// the board in regular chess is always 8x8, but for speedy legal move generator
//other programs use larger than 8x8 where an 8x8 real board exists in a larger array ie 12x14
// but for simplicity of understanding we will use the simple 8x8

int board[8][8];

// board [rank] [file];
// where rank = 0 - 7 (1 to 8 on a real chess board) and file = 0 - 7 (a - h)

const startup[8][8] = { rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, rook, pawn, pawn,pawn,pawn,pawn,pawn,pawn, pawn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -pawn, -pawn, -pawn, -pawn, -pawn, -pawn, -pawn, -pawn, -rook, -knight, -bishop, -queen, -king, -bishop, -knight, -rook};

// the startup constant contains the standard starting position of all chess games (not variants)
//each side has 8 pieces and 8 pawns / all pawns are on the colours respective ranks
// for black pieces we use -piecetype. (negative)

void setup (void) {
int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
          for (j = 0; j < 8; j++){
            board[i][j] = startup[i][j]; //setup starting position


//the two for loops run through all the iteratins of the 8x8 array and copy the starting position to the real board.

// next we need a function that will display the board some way either graphics or text
// in this case we will print to the screen a text version of the boards contents

//it is standard in FEN notations and other text of a chess board to express each piece by it's first letter
// except the knight which uses 'N'

// the black pieces are lower case while the white pieces are upper case
// otherwise it is impossible to distinguish black pieces from white pieces

void printb (void){
using namespace std; // this must be here in order to begin using strings.
int a, b;
string piece;
for (a = 7; a > -1; a--){  // we must iterate the ranks down from 7 to 0 otherwise the board will be upside down
cout << endl;
 for (b = 0; b < 8; b++){
 switch (board[a][b]){
 case 0:
 piece = "-";
 case pawn:
 piece = "P";
 case knight:
 piece = "N";
 case bishop:
 piece = "B";
 case rook:
 piece = "R";
 case queen:
 piece = "Q";
 case king:
 piece = "K";
 case -pawn:
 piece = "p";
 case -knight:
 piece = "n";
 case -bishop:
 piece = "b";
 case -rook:
 piece = "r";
 case -queen:
 piece = "q";
 case -king:
 piece = "k";
  cout << " " << piece << " ";

 cout << endl << endl;

// every program in win32 console must have a main

int main (void) {

using namespace std;

//we need to tell the user about the program  ..  and how to use it

cout << "welcome to simplechess 1.0!" << endl << "created by Deepglue555" << endl << endl;
cout << "please enter your moves in 4 letter algebraic" << endl << "ie e2e4 in lower case only" << endl;
cout << "commands: exit = quit, abort = quit, print = displays the board," << endl << "new = new game" << endl << endl;

string passd; // this will be the string that contains info from the user
setup(); //we must set up the initial position

while (1){ // a while loop that always loops; except when a break; statement occurs

    getline (cin, passd );  //ask the user to input what he wants the app to do
         if (passd.substr(0, 4) == "exit" || passd.substr(0, 5) == "abort" || passd.substr(0, 4) == "quit")   { //test //for quit or exit statements
         if (passd.substr(0, 5) == "print")   { // display the board
         if (passd.substr(0, 3) == "new")   { // ask for a new game
         if (passd.substr(0, 1) >= "a" && passd.substr(0, 1) <= "h" && passd.substr(1, 1) >= "1" && passd.substr(1, 1) <= "8" && passd.substr(2, 1) >= "a" && passd.substr(2, 1) <= "h" && passd.substr(3, 1) >= "1" && passd.substr(3, 1) <= "8")   { // this statement makes sure both squares are on the chess board when executing //a move
          // execute move
          // then display new board position

          int a, b, c, d;

          a = passd[0] - 'a';
          b = passd[1] - '1';
          c = passd[2] - 'a';
          d = passd[3] - '1';

//executes the move if its on the board!
          board[d][c] = board[b][a];
          board[b][a] = 0;

          printb(); //prints out to the screen the updated position after moving the pieces
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Gonna go post it in code:blocks. See what is next.
EDIT: Says <stdlib> does not exist.
It also yells at me for the variable startup has no type.
Also, why don't you just compile this then psot the program?
Level 2
Dec 10, 2009
Gonna go post it in code:blocks. See what is next.
EDIT: Says <stdlib> does not exist.
It also yells at me for the variable startup has no type.
Also, why don't you just compile this then psot the program?

<stdlib.h> does exist. probably doesnt have any coding in there. (i use for the system("cls") command

also i made it at school (shitty high school computers) and there computers ram doesn't have enough to even run this compile the program (cant even build. freezes half way)

and the main reason i didn't compile then post is so you can review my code and see that it is unharmful. (plus can't get it to work here at school and want to get it checked out before i hand it in to see if any errors are there
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