I'm trying to get a char back from the bookFile.txt but, when i run the program it returns nothing. I'm not sure if .get() if the right thing to be using.
When i run this code i get the random number and the first letter of the msgFile.txt returned correctly. But the bookFile character(c) is blank.
When i run this code i get the random number and the first letter of the msgFile.txt returned correctly. But the bookFile character(c) is blank.
cout << "\nRandom number is: " << startingPoint << endl;
cout << "\nmsgVector is: " << msgVector[0] << endl;
cout << "\nc is: " << c << endl;
#define _CRT_RAND_S
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int getSize (istream& bookFile)
int num = 0;
char c = bookFile.get();
while (bookFile)
c = bookFile.get();
return num;
int random(int low, int high)
unsigned num;
double normalized = static_cast<double>(num) / UINT_MAX;
return static_cast<int>(normalized * (high - low +1)) + low;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 4)
cout << "Usage: encode.exe bookFile.txt msgFile.txt outFile.txt" << endl;
ifstream bookIn(argv[1]);
ifstream msgIn(argv[2]);
ofstream out(argv[3]);
vector<char> msgVector;
while (msgIn)
cout << "contents of vector: " << endl;
for(int i=0; i < msgVector.size(); ++i) cout << msgVector[i];
//count number of chars in the book file and set the char size
int bookSize = 0;
bookSize = getSize(bookIn);
cout << "\nthe size of the book is: " << bookSize << endl;
int startingPoint = 0;
//select a random number from the generator
startingPoint = random(0,bookSize);
//go to that number in the book
char c = bookIn.get();
for (int i=0; i < startingPoint; ++i)
c = bookIn.get();
cout << "\nRandom number is: " << startingPoint << endl;
cout << "\nmsgVector is: " << msgVector[0] << endl;
cout << "\nc is: " << c << endl;
//find the next char that is = to the char of the msg
for(int i=startingPoint; i < bookSize; ++i)
if (msgVector[0] == c)
//print number of char in bookFile to outFile, print a space before next char.
cout << "\nThe offset is: " << i << endl;
}//end for
}//end stream
return 0;
}//end main