Good evening. Learning C++ here and I'm stuck trying to make a program. The program is
suppose to ask for weather data for each month for a year, then display that information
back at the user using structure arrays and enum variables.
When entering a number, the program reports to the user that these values are invalid.
Entering the same number a second time works for some reason. Anyone know whats
going on?
suppose to ask for weather data for each month for a year, then display that information
back at the user using structure arrays and enum variables.
When entering a number, the program reports to the user that these values are invalid.
Entering the same number a second time works for some reason. Anyone know whats
going on?
// Chapter 11 PCs Q4 - Weather Stats.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Chapter 11 Programming Challenges, Question 4 - Weather Statistics. Page 646.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
// Structure to store info about each month
struct MonthStats
int rainfall;
int temphigh;
int templow;
int tempaverage;
// Enum variable to store the months in the year.
enum Month {January, Febuary, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December };
// Function prototypes
void DisplayMonthName(int);
void ValidateTemperature(int *);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
MonthStats months[12];
int index; // To keep track of each loop's iteration
int annualavtemp; // To store the annual average temperature
int annualavtempacc = 0; // Keeps track of monthly temps. Needs
// to be set (initialized) to 0 before it
// can accumalate
cout << "This program accepts a years worth of weather data\n";
cout << "and displays the information.\n";
for (index = 0; index < December; index ++)
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the monthly rainfall: ";
// Rainfall recorded for the month
cin >> months[index].rainfall;
cout << "Enter the month's lowest temperature: ";
// Lowtemp recorded for the month
cin >> months[index].templow;
// The temperature is checked to be within acceptable parameters
cout << "Enter the month's highest temperature: ";
cin >> months[index].temphigh;
// Calculates the average temperature for the month
months[index].tempaverage = (months[index].templow +
months[index].temphigh) / 2;
// Keeps count of the monthly temps to use later for annual average
annualavtempacc = annualavtempacc + months[index].tempaverage;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "----------------------------\n\n";
cout << "Here is the data you entered!";
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
for (index = 0; index < December; index ++)
cout << endl << "Total Rainfall: ";
cout << months[index].rainfall;
cout << endl << "Highest Temperature: ";
cout << months[index].temphigh;
cout << endl << "Lowest Temperature: ";
cout << months[index].templow;
cout << endl << "Average Temperature: ";
cout << months[index].tempaverage;
cout << endl;
annualavtemp = annualavtempacc / 12;
cout << endl << "Average annual temperature: ";
cout << annualavtemp;
return 0;
// Function checks the temperature to be within an acceptable range.
// Asks for a new temperature until a valid temperature is given.
void ValidateTemperature (int *temp)
while (*temp < -100 || *temp > 140);
cout << "Enter a temperature between -100 and 140: ";
cin >> *temp;
// Function used to display the name of each month
void DisplayMonthName(int Month)
case 0 : cout << "January";
case 1 : cout << "Febuary";
case 2 : cout << "March";
case 3 : cout << "April";
case 4 : cout << "May";
case 5 : cout << "June";
case 6 : cout << "July";
case 7 : cout << "August";
case 8 : cout << "September";
case 9 : cout << "October";
case 10 : cout << "November";
case 11 : cout << "December";
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