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The Legacy of Legends Construction Thread

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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Submission Name: Dragon slayer magic

Submission Type: Magic

Description: Dragon slayer magic is one of the most rare types of magic in existence, it can be extremely powerful when used in the right way. dragon slayer magic ironically can only be tought to a human by a dragon or by implanting a dragon crystal inside of someones body. tough the later is far weaker since the magic is not supported by the wielders heart. dragon slayer magic comes in many different elements such as the basics: Fire; air, water, ice. furthermore there are other more rare elements such as metal, toxic, ... etc. a dragon power can regain power by eating his own element tough the eating of his own creations will result in massive damage on long term and eventually kill the dragon slayer himself since he is eating a part of himself. dragon slayer magic is so race because it is as strong as the wielders heart and spirit is. accomplished dragon slayers can form dragon scales on some parts of their body's to make their attacks even stronger, if they master this further they can grow dragon claws and eventually perform a half dragon transformation. this transformation is their ultimate form.

History: on the first days dragon slayers were handpicked by dragons and raised tough at that time they were called dragon warriors. eventually some of these warriors turned on their dragons and attacked them whit their own power, thus the birth of the dragon slayers. seeing as this made the magic very rare since dragons and slayers were killed. the slayers sought for a way to keep training others and eventually came up whit the dragon crystal. an artificial crystal created from a part of the dragons heart and scales implanted into a human body to make him take over some of the dragon magic stored inside. right now the number of dragon slayers is under 50. the number of dragons still remaining tough is uncertain, some say they are extinct some say about a dozen remain, at this point it is unknown.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Do you mind if I join? I plan on making three races (each of them very closely related, so they will be more like sub-races), a type of magic, and a location, if you don't mind.

I'm also just a normal roleplayer; I have just four months of text-roleplay experience.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Alright, here is my Magic submission: Blood Magic.

Submission Name: Blood Magic
Submission Type: Magic
Description: Blood Magic is the use of the life force of an individual to perform magic. The most commonly used reagent is blood, hence the name. Using Blood Magic involves using the reagents necessary for the spell while saying the appropriate words of power; without these words, nothing can happen. Users of Blood Magic are called Blood Priests.

Blood Magic is known for its balance between positive and negative impacts. A Blood Priest could easily heal a gaping wound, but he must inflict one on himself to do so. No Blood Magic comes without penalties, and that turns many away to the less powerful, but less dangerous, magics.

One of the easiest and common uses of Blood Magic is to bind two minds together. This bond can be made by having each individual in the bond consume some part of the other person; a small amount of blood is enough. This bond will give each individual a sense of what the other’s mood is, as well as their general location. Exceptionally powerful bonds can even allow individuals to communicate thoughts with each other.

The more offensive capabilities of Blood Magic alter the mindset of the target. One of the most characteristic uses of Blood Magic is sending the user into a blood rage; the target grows inhumanly powerful, but cannot differentiate between friend and foe. Using it one oneself or an ally, therefore, will usually have as many negative consequences as good ones.

Blood Magic is not only for mere mortals. Many powerful creatures, such as Dragons or the mighty God Serpents of the Anzi People, can use Blood Magic to empower select individuals, usually a devoted servant. The first changes are somewhat insignificant; usually only a slight heightening of the senses. As time goes on and the creature continues to bestow power on it’s chosen champion, that person grows more and more powerful, and grows to resemble the caster. Eventually, the champion will become a hybrid creature, who takes on many of the aspects of his master as well as his original race, such as fire breathing, scaled skin, and reptilian tails.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
hmm a dragon race hasn't been made yet right? since i was going to work it out together whit the dragon slayer magic.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I'll make my races and their homeland, make my character, then join the Roleplay itself. Just to let you guys know, my race is that of a group of good old humans, who also worship enormous snakes. The third race is made up of the half-human, half-serpent Champions who have been blessed by the giant snakes through Blood Magic.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Submission Name: Anzi People
Submission Type: Race

Description: The Anzi people are humans living in the lush jungles north of the Tuoreguro Highlands. They worship the mighty God Serpents, as they call them, as the children of the creator of the universe. The God Serpents serve as the rulers of the Anzi people, with a gathering of the six eldest God Serpents currently alive ruling the entire nation from their capitol city. They generally live in large cities spread throughout the jungles, with each city led by an elder God Serpent, appointed by the ruling Elders.

Most Anzi humans wear very little, due to the humid weather of their jungles. A simple loincloth is the norm, with women wearing a bra for decency’s sake. Trophies of the person’s hunting prowess are also common, with necklaces of animal teeth and other such trophies being the most common. Blood Priests, however, are found wearing plain robes.

The highest class a human can achieve in the Anzi nation is that of a Blood Priest. Blood Priests are honored for the sacrifices they make to practice their magic, and as such are the most influential humans in the Anzi culture.

Warriors form the largest class of humans. Using spears and bows, they form the military backbone of the Anzi. In peaceable times, they hunt as well as compete in challenges to keep their combat skills honed.

Farmers are more common than Blood Priests, but are outweighed by the Warrior class. They are not held in contempt, however; their struggles to grow crops such as corn are widely appreciated by the other classes.

The artisans are about even in numbers with the Blood Priests. They produce elaborate carvings and statues, for the most part, although there are a few who work on metal weapons or paintings.

Just a note: women are not treated very differently than men. When they have a child, they stay with that child until they are old enough to join one of the classes.

History: The Anzi have spent their entire existence (several thousand years) in the jungles north of the Tuoreguro Highlands. Nothing very exciting has happened in their history before, although there are a few half-truths that are told in legend: an outsider who managed to capture the heart of a God Serpent, a warrior who defeated a legion of invaders, etc.

Description: They are humans. They have lightly tanned skin, dark hair and eyes, and tend to be taller than average humans.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Submission Name: Dragons
Submission Type: Race
Description: Dragons are gigantic reptilian creatures whit wings and scales covering their body. their scales color can vary from many different colors and are almost impenetrable. dragons each have a different element with the main ones being: Fire, air, water, ice. there are also other elements tough these are more rare. a dragon can grow up to 15 feet high and 30 feet long, their width can go over 100 feet when they stretch their wings. all dragons posses super strength and their claws are extremely dangerous, some people say that once a dragon loses his ability to fly it is a dead dragon but that is far from true.
History: not much is known about dragons, many of them are extinct and nobody knows where they live tough some rumors say they live on an island high in the sky. in the very early days dragons lived in harmony whit those known as dragon warriors tough over time these warriors turned against there teachers and became known as dragon slayers. since then there have been many great wars between these slayers and the dragons, many on both sides were killed. after many time some dragons started searching for new initiates amongst the other races tough they only chose to train those who deemed worthy, all to prevent another dragon massacre. to the few Real dragon warriors left in the world the bond between himself and his dragon is the most holy thing on the world tough also they are known to the outside world as dragon slayers since they wield the same powers.
Average Age/Approximate Age: 30000 to 35000 years
Body Build:

Extra: dragons as said above can breath their element tough also engulf their body in it. example: a fire dragon can engulf its claw in fire to addition to it's super strength to deal even more damage. dragons are almost immune to any kind of magic except dragon slayer magic since it is the same type they use themselves. concerning the strength of their scales, it is not that they are impenetrable tough they are extremely hard. there are only a few things that can pierce dragon scales, dragon slayer magic, dragon scales themselves and Koursum, one of the most rare and expensive metals. Koursum is a metal from the claws of the dragon. every 100 years a dragon drops it's claws and grows new ones, these claws slowly start to transform when detached from the dragon and form some sort of metal, as hard as dragon scales tough as light as a feather. it's used for creating special armor and weapons mostly for royalty. it is also very rare and only two full sets of armor exist in the world: The black slayer armor and the fire emperor armor. the black slayer set is made from the koursum of a black toxic dragon and gives the one who cary's it more resistance to poison. the fire emperor armor is made of the koursum of a fire dragon and makes the one who cary's it resistant to fire. both these sets are only legends and haven't been seen in thousands of years.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Oh... you think so? I was kinda thinking you could of made em' just a tad bit more powerdful you know cuz there not really sounding "too bad ass" at the mo... :/

Really they should be playable and any character who chooses them should get two (a dragon+slayer/warrior) for balancing purposes.

Hehe ;)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
ugh i forgot to copy paste a few things and now i have to retype em :/, thats not all about dragons xD sorry.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Alright: Race 2, the God Serpents.

Submission Name: God Serpents
Submission Type: Race

Description: The God Serpents are worshiped by the Anzi as the descendants of the Creator that made the universe. The God Serpents are large snakes, up to five meters long, who have quite a bit more intelligence than mere humans. Despite this, they are unable to speak anything other than heir own language of hissing, gurgling and such, and so rely on Blood Priests or their Champions to translate their speech.

God Serpents will, when they reach one year of age, choose an Anzi warrior to become their Champion. The choice could be based on past experience, a great act of heroism, or a display of power. Most often, however, a mighty competition will be held, where any warrior desiring to be the God Serpent’s Champion will participate in a grand, non-lethal free-for-all. The last standing man (or woman) is then taken on as the God Serpent’s Champion.
The God Serpent then gradually builds the power of their Champion through Blood Magic until their Champion becomes a half-snake, half-human hybrid. Their Champion then goes into the world, sometimes at the head of an army or alone, to explore the world and spread the name of the God Serpent. Should this Champion fall, however, the God Serpent will almost never take another Champion, if the pain of their Champion’s death does not kill them first.

An albino God Serpent is treated as a gifted individual who can partially see into the mind of the Creator. These albino God Serpents always rise to positions of great power, usually ending up on the Elder Council long before any other God Serpent would be eligible.

Average Age: God Serpents live for around a century, barring any unfortunate events that would kill the Serpent.

Physical Traits: God Serpents vary greatly in color, with brown, green, black, orange, red or even white scales.
Males and females are similar in size and power, although males posses a cobra-like hood.

Submission Name: Anzi Champion
Submission Type: Race

Description: Anzi Champions are Anzi warriors who have been chosen by a God Serpent. Through Blood Magic, they have been changed from their human form to a hybrid of snake and man. They gain little strength through their transformation, but their agility increases tenfold. They are capable of speaking all languages a human can, as well as the language of the God Serpents and snakes in general. Champions do not wear clothes, unless it is armor or a mark of rank.

In combat, Champions prefer agility to strength. They will dodge instead of blocking, circling their enemy until an opening presents itself. They prefer to use weapons that compliment this fighting style; curved swords and war glaives are common weapons. Champions will also carry knives with elaborate scabbards for use in Blood Magic rituals. If all else fails, they can use their poisonous fangs and sharp claws to attack. They will normally forgo heavy armor, preferring speed to the protection armor would give them.

Most Champions are users of Blood Magic as well as fighters, although the degree of mastery they have varies from individual to individual.

Average Age: Champions will live only as long as their God Serpent does, usually around a century.

Physical Traits: The appearance of a Champion changes depending on how old they are and how far their God Serpent has gone with the Blood Magic rituals. There are three base stages a Champion will be found in:

Early Stage. Here, the Champion is more human than snake. They might have reptilian eyes, heightened senses, large canines, or patches of flesh-colored scales. At this point, they are not much more powerful than a normal human.

Hybrid Stage. Here, the Champion is in-between snake and man. Their skin is covered in scales, they have fangs instead of canines, and they might posses tails or snake-like heads.

Full Transformation. The Champion is now more snake than man. They resemble snakes with human arms and slightly human facial features. Consult the picture below for a better idea of what a fully transformed Champion looks like.


A fully transformed Champion will have the same color of scales that their God Serpent does.

Males and females are identical in ability, although females will still posses slightly larger chests as a remainder of their human origins.

I don't want to have a whole entry for the Anzi jungles; can we just say that there is a thick jungle north of the Tuoreguro mountains? There isn't anything special about the jungle anyway, besides the fact that the Anzi live there.
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