The Dragon Roleplay Construction Thread

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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
This is the Construction Thread for The Dragon Roleplay. Any thoughts, questions, concerns, comments, ideas, anything other that roleplaying about The Dragon Roleplay must go here.

Roleplaying is here:

When thinking of this roleplay I had been reading alot about ancient mythology and medieval days. I thought to my self all of the stuff that has been preseved about dragons is usually so flawed. So I researched. Books. Internet. For several weeks a read and read. This roleplay is meant to bring alive the dragon.

To truely start this roleplay you need to know what a dragon really is.

When Sir Rone of Thairr came upon me in my chambers I was about to have the guards remove a lost hooligan. He was capped with mud and bleeding from dozens of wounds. His armor was dented, gashed into something resembling scrap metal. I looked at him in awe. What had caused this what could possibly of caused this. What animal could almost kill our best knight and his bodyguard. He spoke quietly and raspy. A closer look at his neck reveal it was slashed this man seemed to be running on pure willpower and adrenaline. He looked straight at me with a weak gaze while he spoke. “Two..wee… raided their, uhh nest. Two. Male. Mate. Here. needed.. to examine.. dra..ggo...” He dropped then, crumbled into a lump of blood, cloth, and metal. I looked behind him out the window. I could see them dead in the courtyard. Excitement overcame grief as I raced outside to them… The days following were amazing. I was able to dissect both the male and female corpses. The information retrieved was astronomical to say the very least. It was the beginning of a wonderful study. The Dragons had seemed to appear from no where into our lands several years ago. Now they can finally be understood.
~Allen Aflores Rumasa, Grand Scholar of Thairr
The Year of our Lady Larissa 12,452 AC (After Creation)
Great Tome of the Dragon~

Please Read This

A compilation of several different sources of what a dragon is mixed with my own knowledge.

Anatomy and Psychology
The skeletal structure of a dragon is like none ever seen. Great mystery surrounds how such a large creature can even fly. A dragon has a massive, sturdy bone structure that is strong as well as hollow and light. Similar to a lot of snakes the Dragon can dislocate its jaw if the need presents its self. Also a dragon is an omnivore and its teeth reflect that. It has incisors as well as molars. The muscles of the dragon are among the strongest known in the world with jaw muscle that can crush virtually anything and chest muscles able to move the large wings behind him. These chest muscles also allows for them to carry close to 50% of its body weight comfortably and in short bursts of energy their lifting capabilities can far surpass this. Normally a dragon is between the lengths of about 50 feet to about 100 feet when fully grown and their wingspan about double this. By far the most interesting part of a dragon is its outside. The outer boy is dominated by scales, densely packed cells made of keratin. The older the dragon is the stronger and harder its scales since over the years iron from the blood and vegetable matter eaten and absorbed into the blood stream mix with the keratin creating steel or diamond-hard scales. The scales are able to overlap neatly and due to s tiny cavity on the surface they fit well into each other and allow perfect freedom of motion. The dragon’s scales are made for the upmost protection as well as beauty. --Other information on scales in a later segment-- Dragons have the same senses as a human including one unique sixth sense. As well as the five common senses being thousands of times more sensitive then a human and able to be dampened when it feels like its sixth sense gives it the ability to read the emotion of another animal.

Reproduction is a fasinating, awe-inspiring, and macnificant part of nature. When looking into a dragon it becomes even more fasinating.

Mating and Associated Elements

The Mating Flight
Two dragons breeding is one of the most majestic displays in the world. The female being the more agile creature once ready to breed in young adulthood the female will take off in a jaw dropping fit of aerial maneuvers. These are followed closely by several males. Once one is able to catch the female he is worthy of being her mate. They fly apart and once they are far away they begin to fly full speed towards each other. When they become inches away from colliding they wrap around each other and begin to fall downward going into a spin. During this time they will mate and level off only feet from slamming into the ground. Now they will fly off to prepare a nest for their young. Looking into what a dragon becomes a lot of what determines the dragon is genetic.

Scale Color
The color of their scales is caused by incomplete breeding so say a white and red dragon mated the resulting offspring would mostly be pink. The scales however are not one shade if you say a green dragon it may have countless shades of green in it and a blue dragon the same. This goes for all dragons. This kind of reproduction paired with several unique colors among the dragon species is able to make it so that it is possible for a dragon’s scale to be any color imaginable.

A Dragon's Breath
One of the most common elements associated with a dragon is their ability to produce different breaths from their mouth. The most common are 4: electric, cold, fire, acid though there are rumors there could be more. What determines if the dragon has one is genetics. It is most commonly the same as the parents but considering every dragon has the alleles for each breath in their genes it is also up to chance. It is possible for fire breathing parents to have a child that say breaths ice.
Fire Breath
When eating food a gas known as Methane is created. This gas is store in special sacs around the dragon’s body. Later this is mixed with Phosphor that has the property to ignite at the contact of air. When the dragon wishes to breathe fire the methane is released. When it is in the air the phosphor ignites and with the methane produces fire.
Cold or Ice Breath
Once more this breath has to do with eating. When the dragon consumes its food it is able to draw the gas Nitrogen from it. The gas is stored in special sacs where it is involuntarily compressed. When the dragon sees fit it can release the highly compressed nitrogen that almost instantaneously uncompresses absorbing all heat around it freezing the opponent.
Acid Breath
Much like the stomach produces stomach acid a dragon with acid breath has a special organ which produces a powerful acid. The dragon can expel this acid through a special vessel in its mouth.
Electric Breath
Seen in several fish including electric eels is an organ allowing for the animal to produce an electric charge. A dragon which has electric breath has an organ similar to this yet larger and more able to produce a more powerful electric charge. When the dragon sees fit it expels a highly conductive fluid through the air and sends the electric current through the stream and into the opponent.

Magic, The Lust for Treasure, and "Favorates"

Magic is the mystical force that binds the world. It is a force learnable by all intelligent beings. Magic is a force powerful enough to break the very foundations of the planet. Around Late Young Adulthood or Adulthood the dragon can possibly feel a presence deep away in the back of its mind. This force is called Magic. To a dragon magic comes naturally and most can weave minor spells in early adulthood, but to be able to control more powerful feats of magic they may require the teaching of an older dragon or possibly a humanoid.

The Lust for Treasure and Art
No one really knows why dragons are such lovers of art, treasures, or poetry and songs, (not even themselves), but they are. From an early age all dragons have impulses to find these valuables and keep them close. These are commonly gotten from the humanoids around the planet through methods such as robbery, looting, trade, or any other way that helps him come by them. Though not a controlling factor in ever dragon's life it's certainly not rare to see a dragon going to any means to secure treasures for themselves.

Sometimes you may see a curious site when exploring the life of dragons. A few times the dragons will have humanoid servants, or friends commonly called “Favorites”. A few times dragon may capture men or women or even befriend one. These “Favorites” may take care of the dragon’s dwelling or even follow the dragon doing their bidding. Rarely armies have even risen ruled over by a dragon that wished to conquer a nation or something of the sort.

A Dragon’s Life
A dragon goes through several stages in its lifespan. A Dragon’s true lifespan has never been recorded so they are thought to be immortal to age. A dragon has never been recorded living more then about 10 thousand years so this is commonly seen as the lifespan end. Much like humans progress through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood dragons progress through stages in their life.

After a gestation lasting two years the female dragon lays her eggs. After two months the baby dragons will emerge uttering a cry that urges the others to follow suit. The hatchling is truly fierce considering after they finish eating the food found inside the egg they turn on their siblings if not feed right away. At this stage the dragon resembles a tiny dragon with two humps on its back which will eventually turn into wings. Its scales are the same strength as tissue paper and they are defenseless.
This stage lasts about a year.
Once a year passes from birth the dragon enters a stage and is known as a dragonling. The dragon is now about twice the size of a human. Its wings have developed but it has yet to have the muscle to fly however they can be used to keep the dragon in the air after a jump for a few seconds. The scales have hardened to a density where it can safely take on small or medium animals and it has grown a set of teeth and claws to defend itself.
This stage lasts about 15 years.
The dragon is known as a Juvenile after about 16 years from birth. Its muscles have developed to a point where the dragon can stay in the air after liftoff, but to fly it must use the aid of jumping off a cliff, tree, or being dropped by another dragon. It is now that the dragon’s parents will part ways from it and each other to continue a solitary life and in a few years find a new mate. It will stick to its familiar hatching grounds possibly finding other young dragons and may even live a pack like lifestyle.
This stage lasts about 10 years.
Young Adult (Our starting stage unless otherwise decided)
After about 25 to 30 years after birth the dragon enters a stage and is known as a young adult. It has learned all aspects of flying and can take off from any location with no aid. It is at this time when the dragon has developed its breathing weapon. It can now leave the familiar grounds of its birth and seek out new locations possibly gathering art, treasure, or discovering magic and founding a home.
This stage usually lasts about 60 years.
After about 85 or 90 years after birth the dragon is considered an adult. The adult will continue to learn magic and do all the actions of Young Adulthood. However they have now reached the age of mating. Several years into adulthood the dragon will receive chemical message and hormonal changes creating a lust to find a mate. They will continue to mate every about 30 or 40years until they reach age 1500.
Wyrm or Great Dragon
Once the dragon is about age 1500 it is considered a Wyrm or sometimes a Great Dragon. They are well versed in magic and are experts in all matter of defense and assault. All that is left now is to continue living, gather treasures, expand their magic, and (well really whatever the hell they want).

That's it for now. This is open for changing as the roleplay progresses.

Humans- Humans are the dominate humanoid race in Azua. They serve the Golden Lady Larissa the goddess that created Azua. They are the youngest of the humanoid races, but are the most abundant and powerful. Their skin can be a multitude of colors anywhere from peach to dark brown and they typically are around the height of 6 feet. They live everywhere from the highest mountains to the lowest valleys of Azua.
Elves- Elves are the oldest humanoid race in Azua. They serve the Golden Lady Larissa and are her first creation. They live along side the humans as well as in their own forest cities. They are the most well versed in magic. Their skin is peach or green colored and they stand usually a head taller then humans.
Orcs- Orcs were created when Larissa tried to create a race similar to Elves but stronger and heavily built. They are giant brutes that roam the more uncivilized lands of Azua in dozens of tribes. Their skin is dark red, black, gray, or brown and they stand about 7 to 8 feet in height.
Dwarves- Dwarves were created from the rock of Azua itself. They are tough, short, and kind natured brutes. They live within the mountains or around them. They stand about 4 feet and their skin is peach colored. They serve Larissa.

That's it for now. This is open for changing as the roleplay progresses.

Character sheet is here (written by sacridshadow):

Species: (Assuming people are doing breeds, like var's hell dragon, Hellion)
Age: (Young, prime, or adult? since we don't know how old a dragon can live.)
Colors: (Describe your character, stripes, spots, and all)
Personality: (This should have a full description of your character's personality, not just a couple words. XD)
Bio: (Talk about your character.) (can be combined with history)
History: (can be combined with bio)
Powers: (Fire, Lightning, ice, etc. Personally, I believe we should just say their powers come through magic. It's a lot simpler.)
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Ow ow ow. That's nice and all, but that's way too much for me to remember, and the color coding doens't really help. Can't even read the dark blue and purple.

Is this a construction thread where we can put our ideas and make a fun RP, or is his where we jus put our character sheets and play in the RP? It would be nice if we could all come up with what the RP is going to look like.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Well are we going to do DND Dragons or custom Dragons. Yes I have the Monster manual so I know which dragons have what.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Custom Dragons and sacrid the color coding is so you won't just skim over the info and actually read and you put out your own ideas and they are approved or disapproved like ever other roleplay i've made.

EDIT: lol now looking at it the color coding looks rather annoying.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Some of the colors were made certain parts more enjoyable to read but overall without it being used as a key of some sorts it's useless and annoying.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Yea, well, with this stuff (which he posted in his previous dragon RP, which unfortunatly failed as well =D) My dragon would have to be specially made by the gods as a pet... Which I am fine with.

Anyway, the thing that I do like about D&D dragons (I have a book called: A practical guide to Dragons, which is an interresting guide on dragons from D&D) is that they can change into humanoid form.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Ya a popular ability presented in my research is the shapeshifting into humans and possibly other animals and will probably be implicated though it wouldtake older dragons to substain that form for increased periods of time

The basic concept is that the dragons popped out of no where on the planet Azua much to the shock of the humanoids of Azua and began to secure footholds of their own very quickly. A creation by Larissa as a sort of servant or pet would be feesable.

The colors arn't suppose to be used as a key and I am not sure what I was thinking when I made them like that.

EDIT: The colors are changed and somewhat color coded.
Any other color problems please let me. . .DEAL WITH IT!!
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
You should use brighter colors, like green or something. Different monitors have different light resolutions, so it will be darker or brighter for others.

anyways, I actually don't like the human form ability. I've seen it in other games and it kindof kills the point of being a dragon. Much like how the Worgen have british accents and can turn back into humans. If they wanted, they could stay human forever. That's not much of a curse.

I guess DarkKnight's idea is fine, I just don't like the religious war part. You would think the Gods would just smite him and be done with it. There, problem solved. XD

So, we can do whatever we want in the RP? Even try to take over the world? :D
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
It could be that the religious beginner of said faction, made it up (having contact with the gods), or the gods just do not have THAT much influince in the world, as to smite seperate creatures. Or it could even be that it is only one god (the god that threw my dragon out of the god-reign) that makes the people go to war, and that this god himself, does not have the power to smite my dragon while he is in the living world.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol but why would he then need to toss him out? Personally, I think the gods would only have power in the spirit realm, as they would be spirits of great power. Maybe some spiritualists met them and created religions around them, thus they became gods.

If that is part of the RP, then I'm going to have to find some reason for my character to be there. World domination is so cliche, but can also be a lot of fun. Maybe to truly win, I would have to destroy the world and put it back together, thus creating a new age where I would rule. XD Of course, I would have to have my minions safe in my fortress. lol

Maybe there is some sort of destroyer that walks the surface of the world, creating a line of fire in its wake? I think that could work well.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Well you won't be starting as nessissarily powerful so taking over the world is a far off goal and there is only one god, goddess to be exact in Azua. And I intended to have Larissa play a pretty minor part in the rp.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
I want multiple gods >.> And the spirit-world, with powerfull spirits in them, being gods sounds cool =D. This would also explain why my dragon would be able to raise the dead, and blend into the shadows, those sound like spirit-powers to me (and he was raised in the spirit-world then)
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol awesome. your character soun ds interesting, but invisibility would be a pain. Can he still see himself, or does he turn invisible even to himself? XD I'd say the world should turn gray when he turns invisible (in his eyes).

So, how should we do the ref sheets? Here's my idea.

Species: (Assuming people are doing breeds, like var's hell dragon, Hellion)
Age: (Young, prime, or adult? since we don't know how old a dragon can live.)
Colors: (Describe your character, stripes, spots, and all)
Bio: (Talk about your character.)
Personality: (This should have a full description of your character's personality, not just a couple words. XD)
History: This should be seperate from the bio.
Powers: (Fire, Lightning, ice, etc. Personally, I believe we should just say their powers come through magic. It's a lot simpler.)

You should also find or create a picture that shows your character. It'll be easier to find if you put it in your galleries, as links can get broken.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
He basically turns into a spirit... or something, he can not interact with anything, can not move through stationary objects (organics can be moved through, including trees, ) magic is not possible, breath weaponry is in-effective, except against spirits, spirits in the living world CAN see him, and the other way around. He can see himself, and the entire world is black and white, however things that are normally bright (such as the sun) are black, the brighter in reality, the darker when he is invisible.
He needs to get invisible, and get out of invisibility in the shadow, other than that, he can move freely.

Now then, about the character sheet, breeds are nice, age: Well, dragons can get VERY old, so age and phase of life might be allowed =D, colors... yea... bio as well.... yea.... powers however, making it possible through magic is less awesome =(. And it does not matter RP-wise, unless your dragon is someone who completely knows the anatomy of a dragon, just like Alien characters in a Sci-fi RP do not need to know their anatomy.

Now, as for character:

Name: Sarnish

Species: Shadow Spiritspawn (A shadow dragon that was born in the Spirit-world)

Age: 84 years in the living world, an unknown age if spirit world is included, since time has little meaning in there.

Colors: Black and Gray (Image of Sarnish included, colors of the dragon are correct, background is not (Had to edit it to be black and white =3)

Bio: Sarnish was created by the godess <Shilani> as a pet, more noble, and more loyal than any of the humanoid races ever could be.
Not many creatures were ever born in the Spirit world, though it seemed like Sarnish was like an ordinary dragon.

While he was in the spirit world, he noticed how people older than 18 who arrived, got treated like slaves, and all younger, unless they, Shilani explained, did someting wrong, got to be free spirits in the spirit world.

Eventually, Sarnish started feeling more for Shilani than was normal for a pet and his master. Shilani didn't notice this, however, Andir, a god who had his eye on Shilani, did.

At first Andir didn't think too serious about it, but he noticed that Sarnish WAS serious, he got furious about it, and banished Sarnish from the Spirit world, while Shilani did not even know a thing about it all.

When he was banished, Sarnish got reborn, he just appeared in a cave, littered with crystals of different colours, as an egg. He did not need anyone to breed him, and he hatched soon enough. He had all his memories about the spirit-realm, and basically was a hatchling with the mind of a Juvinile.

He soon found out, that in the living world, he could blend into the shadows, changing his vision to black and white in negative, allowing him to move through organic things, and see spirits in the living world.

Later on, he noticed that in his, what he calls, spirit-view, (since he did not yet know he was invisible, and later on did not change the name) he can talk to Spirits, including those that have yet to move to the spirit world, and he noticed he could persuade them, to return to their own bodies. Then in the real world, as if it went automatically, he casted magic on the corpse, binding the spirit to the body, reviving it, the human thanked Sarnish. This, in combination with him knowing what happens to the dead, and finding out that his cave leads to an area, seperated by towering mountains, which are impassable by any way other than through the crystal littered cave.

He then, throughout his life, gave dead spirits their bodies back, if they wanted to, and sending them to the secluded paradise, he calls New Paradise.
Here, the skeletal, immortal beings walk around, living for happiness rather than achievement.

However, New paradise would not stay peacefull forever, Sarnish, the gatekeeper of New paradise, got challenged by a religious group. They call themselves ''The Children of Andir'' This very name, as they announced themselves, shivered Sarnish's spine, they came in purely white robes, with red lines along the edges, which have golden rims, and the holy sign of Andir on their chests, backs, and flags.

At first they came with small groups, easily handled by Sarnish, but the groups started to increase in size.

Sarnish is now at a point, where he is pondering about asking 'his' people for help against these invaders.

Personality: (Not good at this >.<) Sarnish is a noble dragon, that will be kind to just about any creature he meets, especially spirits, since he feels some sort of a connection with them. When Shilani is mentioned, Sarnish suddenly becomes less sure of himself, someone who has even a bit of people-knowledge (people including dragons) would know that there is something between Sarnish and Shilani. If he sees anyone in Children of Andir clothing, who has weaponry, or looks magically capable, he will not hesitate to attack, if the person is unarmed, he will make a very clear warning, using intimidation mostly.

History: >.> I kinda... didnt seperate it... seperating everything is hard!

Breath weapon: Black Lightning: Sarnish uses standart organs to create lightning, but then adds some sort of spirit-magic to it, to hit the spirit of the person as well, either expelling it, or banishing it to the spirit world immediatly, depending on the strength of the spirit.

The residents of New Paradise, are basically Undead, however they still have their own thoughts, so basically they are still themselves, but then as rotting corpses.

New paradise concists of several areas.
The first is the entrance, where Sarnish spends most of his time, this is a cave filled with several coloured crystals. which emmit a faint light. This is where Sarnish leads the spirits, and brings the corpses to revive them.
The second area is a small dome-like cave, where people can get used to their new lives, this is sort of like a preview of what the people can do in New Paradise etc.
The third area is for the people whos flesh has started to rot, people, living or dead, do not want to see rotting copses, therefor the people get in a massive system of caves, where everyone can find their own spot to wait for the rotting to finish, many just sleep all the way through, some try to make contact with the others, ignoring the disgusting rotting of the flesh.
The fourtth area is the open air, where the people get to when their flesh has rotten, and when only their skeletons are left, this is where the people live their new lives.

Any questions? I will answer them =D.

Oh, right, the pictures, forgot >.> Uuhm, the first one is Sarnish, the second one is how he sees the world when he is using Spirit Vision.


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    Earth_Dragon_by_ShadowDragon22 Black.jpg
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  • Mountain Lake _Black _amp_ White Version_.jpg
    Mountain Lake _Black _amp_ White Version_.jpg
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Glad you like it. I may have to add Elder to the list on age. lol You said he turns invisible, so that would mean that others would not be able to go through him. It just means that he can't be seen by others. And I do believe we're playing as dragons, meaning that we don't need to know our own anatomy. XD

Hey, we've got spirits, meaning that there is at least some magic in that world. As you said yourself, your dragon knows magic, so technically, all dragons should know magic. My only form of magic would be in my breaths. I wouldn't be ripping the ground apart or causing thunderstorms, or anything like that. lol

If the dragons worked in the way that Geth has it, they would rearely be able to use their elemental powers. It takes a while for the gases or charge to build up, so they could literally end up getting themselves killed either by not having their powers when they need it, or just by using their attacks. Nitrogen gas used for ice? it'll freeze to your mouth and you won't be able to use it again. I'm not sure if there are any special coatings that can protect the mouth from nitrogen.

I'd say magic makes it easier to RP with, as we don't need the technicalities in the RP. Makes it less fun.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Spiritwalking. Just like the Ethereal forms the Spirit Walkers in Warcraft take :p

I agree that our actions in the RP would be limited f we only had elemental breaths. I find I am much more potent with elemental or arcane magic. (working on figuring out the limits of the arcane currently in Order of Elders. Elemental has already been reached.)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
How about the Breaths just have special Breath organs, which no-one knows exactly how they work? Oh, and I posted my Character, might change some things though...

And I am Dutch, so if I say something, I might mean something slightly different, becouse I dont know the correct translation for it, for example, I have no idea how to call what Sarnish is then XD.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
So, where is it? I haven't seen a link to the rp thread or the character thread on this or in the roleplay section.

Edit: Nevermind. I found it.

Edit 2: So, if the spirits are returned to the bodies, wouldn't they just become alive again? The body shouldn't stop working just because their spirit left. Some people can come back to life 18 hours after dying. It doesn't mean they start rotting.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Please note the edits.

Anways, here is my character.

Name: Lilith

Species: Dark Dragon

Gender: Female

Age: Young (teen)

Colors: Dark Gray with a purple strip going from head to tail (including underside), and black stripes on along the back. Has light blue eyes and diamonds on the side of her legs. Has two curved horns with purple ends, two bone-like spike on each side of the face, and a purple frill going down the back of her neck. On her tail are four bone-like spikes, and a razor sharp tail blade. She has two small fangs, which are used to flood an enemy with poison.

History: Nothing is known about Lilith, as her whole family was killed in her sleep. As the sole survivor, she fled and made her home in a large, stone fortress, deep in the mountains. Little did she know that, upon touching the crystal she had found, a demon had possessed her and killed her family. It then fled to its stone fortress deep in a mountain.

Personality: Behind her gentle and curious personality lies a dark and scheming mind. She is prone to bursts of anger, followed by sadness. After staying in isolation for three years, she decided that she must escape herself. She hopes to make new friends, though that may be harder than she realized, as her mind has been fractured, which reveals part of the demon’s personality too. The demon's personality and overconfidence has started bleeding into her own, thus changing how shoe thinks and what she is like.

Alternate Personality: Her darker side was unleashed by a powerful demon, who embedded itself into her body three years ago. As it remains hidden, even to its host, the demon’s energy has to be released through anger. The demon plots to dominate the world, and has been creating a secret army in its mountain fortress.
Bio: Lilith is a kind and gentle soul, whose body was possessed by an evil demon named Ravana. Wielding many powers, thanks to the demon inside her, she is a dangerous foe. Small, and agile, her rapid movements and quick thinking allows her to dish out attacks while still dodging.

Powers: Lightning/Poison/Black Fire

Ravana: A powerful demon from the Nether Realm, he was sealed away in a large crystal. After Lilith touched it, a connection was made, and Ravana possessed her body. Although possessed, Lilith remains in full control of her body. However, there are times where the demon within has to release his rage, thus taking control of Lilith for a short while. In battles, Ravana can take control and release his anger at the opponent.

Possession: A year after possession, the demon permanently sets in, thus being unable to be removed.

Edit: Oh, and nobody is supposed to know about the demon until much later in the RP, where my plots truly begins. XD

Here's a picture of my character.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
When the spirit gets back into the body, it does not revive the body, special, and imperfect, magic is used to revive the body, a near-death, or short-death experience, is when the spirit is almost leaving the body, but not quite. Or is somehow still bound to the body.

Else spirits could just walk back into their bodies.

Anyway, Explain this Nether Realm, I am intregued =3.

Oh, and why didnt you keep to your own sheet?
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
You mean, make a post specifically for that character sheet? If you look at yours, you didn't do that either.

The Nether Realm is a realm full of demons. The demons inside are led by various kings, and are always seeking to conquer others. Thus, they are constantly fighting eachother, but as soon as portals open, their Nether Kings will take them to conquer that land.

The Nether Kings are the most powerful of demons, and are rarely defeated. They exist as spiritual beings in the Nether Realm, and have full physical forms in other worlds. They wield great powers, and seem to have limitless armies. When attacking a world, they are the ones who have to hold the portals open. As demons cross to the other side, the portals begin to distabalize. This means that, although thousands of demons may have entered the target world, they can only use a small portion of their armies.

Also, as they cannot enter the portals themselves, they have to be summoned from the other side by sacrifice. Since they have physical bodies in other worlds, they are then able to be banished, killed, or trapped in crystals. After travelling through the Void between realms, they must rest to regain their energy, meaning that they must use their soldiers first.

Many types of demons exist in the Nether Realm, and each type serves a different function, such as scouts, soldiers, bombardiers, and defense.

I've personally designed one of the scouts for a comic I was making. I absolutely love the thing. I'll see how it come out when I scan it in. I'll then post it in my gallery and on my DA account so you can see. XD

Oh, and I put a small edit at the bottom of my character sheet.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
lol awesome. your character soun ds interesting, but invisibility would be a pain. Can he still see himself, or does he turn invisible even to himself? XD I'd say the world should turn gray when he turns invisible (in his eyes).

So, how should we do the ref sheets? Here's my idea.

Species: (Assuming people are doing breeds, like var's hell dragon, Hellion)
Age: (Young, prime, or adult? since we don't know how old a dragon can live.)
Colors: (Describe your character, stripes, spots, and all)
Bio: (Talk about your character.)
Personality: (This should have a full description of your character's personality, not just a couple words. XD)
History: This should be seperate from the bio.
Powers: (Fire, Lightning, ice, etc. Personally, I believe we should just say their powers come through magic. It's a lot simpler.)

You should also find or create a picture that shows your character. It'll be easier to find if you put it in your galleries, as links can get broken.

You kinda like made this character sheet, and then ignored it when creating your own character...

Anyway, are there any relations between the Nether realm and the Spirit World?
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol nope. It's just that the Nether Kings are always searching for more territory. They require hospitable worlds, so Mars is out of the question. lol Also, I imagine their world as a dark and dry world. Much like Mars, I guess. I think their kingdoms are more-or-less under the ground. Probably makes it simpler. The world is VERY large.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol I think that would ruin the whole idea of a world filled with demons. It's kindof supposed to be a looming shadow. They could come from anywhere, at any time, by the thousands. XD So, world domination attempt by demons, plus a summon to bring their master over from their world, that's pretty bad. lol Of course, they have to follow a schedule when summoning their master. If they don't have the right ingredients, they may have to substitute, and that could cause their master to come at less than full power. So they either go back and get summoned again, or use what they have and hope they can take over that world. lol Being in the wrong bodies means taht they're also weaker, and easier to trap into crystals (probably the work of a "God").
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Uuhm, I think you misunderstood.

Imagine, instead of the Nether Realm being a barren wasteland, it could be a beautifull, magical place (for example, making spells in that region 100 times stronger =3, for increased epicness etc.) however, impossible to reach, becouse of the ever-lasting wars in there.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Magic is a very powerful and very hard to learn and must be taught. You are Young Adults any magic must be rather weak until you learn more. Breaths are imbedded into the genes of the creature through natural processes and is not in anyway magical in nature. Also your breath weapons arn't as limited as you might think. Unless you stand around for several hours using it constantly you can't really run out.

All dragons were created by the gods except no dragons was created by the godess Larissa who favors humanity.

Now for more into the characters.
Kamica's seems pretty good except for you seem a bit to uber of course I don't get the spirit world you will have to explain more.
And Nether Land I don't want that at all I don't want this to turn into some demonic invasion. The Demons would probably be struck down by the gods and probably... imprisoned. It could work however that they were imprisoned where you could be "possessed" by one, but it also seems a bit overpowered and you will need to explain your abilities and powers and such.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Well, where would YOU have the "Gods" stay? Heaven? It's still a realm of spirits. Personally, I like the idea of the Gods being powerful spirits. It's just that they became gods because some spiritualists met them and created religions around them. It makes sense.

And why should magic be hard to learn? Dragons are some of the most powerful beings in existance, and they are very capable of magic. Also, I don't see why age should matter when using magic.

Also, if magic is basically limited to the gods, where did they learn it? I'm sure they didn't just stumble upon it and instantly become what they are now. I'm very sure the demons know magic, and as I said earlier, only the most powerful are Nether Kings. You may not like my ideas of a good RP, but if we are only following your ideas, there won't be much to RP with. As it is, we only have DarkKnight's plot, and that's a little one sided. It would be a lot better if we had more things going on.

And Nether Land I don't want that at all I don't want this to turn into some demonic invasion. The Demons would probably be struck down by the gods and probably... imprisoned. It could work however that they were imprisoned where you could be "possessed" by one, but it also seems a bit overpowered and you will need to explain your abilities and powers and such.
It's Nether Realm, and I do believe I said that there was a limit. For a good RP, you can't control every aspect of it. You have to let us be creative. What's the point if we're just living normal lives (as dragons) if we can't even have fun with it?

Why can't there be a world filled with demons who want to invade other worlds? We've got a spirit realm in the RP already, so I think this can balance it out. Of course, we're not going to have ALL the Nether Kings coming to one planet. That'd be stupid. Each one goes for different planets. There's no point in making other planets like their own, filled with demons at war, as there would be too much competition. Besides, it gives us a plot that isn't about humans and gods.

And as I remember you saying, the gods can't smite from the spirit realm. The demons can't recieve orders from the Nether Realm, so they have to summon their King. Does that make sense?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I never said anything about magic being limited to the gods. And age should matter very much with magic I wouldn't want the young adults being able to fry every wyrm in the world. I am trying to produce balance and sadly you will have to give up some of your power for that balance to happen. There's no fun in being powerful because you have nothing to look forward to. And you wouldn't want millions of wizards teleporting back and forth all over the world shooting fireballs everywhere. Magic needs to be hard to learn to reserve balance as well.
And as for magic, it was discovered like all great things by yes accident and over thousands of years refined of course it is a mystery and not much is known about the origin. It is a force imbeded in all living things. So yes demons can know it of course.

And perhaps the demons are more sinister than that and unique. I don't mind demons, but when they get to be the invading force with massive armies from another world it gets boring. Perhaps they are more like lesser gods that cannot touch the world directly, but can bend the mortals to their whems.

As for the Gods maybe they can be practically like the demons, but more powerful reaching out from the bonds of the spirit world to again bend the mortals except for less evil and more selfish wants.

And as for your "normal dragon lifes are not cool" the very fact that I'm playing a dragon in a world atleast for me not sure about you, you seem the person that might need more goodys not able to enjoy morphing a world for practically nothing, seems awesome and all that is really needed. The added things made by us are just additions to magnify it.

I'm not trying to restrict you to things set by me iI'm trying to make yall happy while using my past knowledge and failures to make this roleplay very successful. I encourage yall to dream up anything that can make this roleplay. I just don't want us to ed up as the most powerful beings in the world able to take down anything in our paths like my World Of Darjis for example. It was fun in the beginning, but we were just to powerful to have real fun. We couldn't have the fun of truly striving for that goal and meeting better resistance because we were so powerful.

I believe I covered everything if I didn't please tell me and Kamica I still want a clearer picture of the spirit world.

BTW sacrid. The names Gath not Geth like you put on page 2.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
And as for your "normal dragon lifes are not cool" the very fact that I'm playing a dragon in a world atleast for me not sure about you, you seem the person that might need more goodys not able to enjoy morphing a world for practically nothing, seems awesome and all that is really needed. The added things made by us are just additions to magnify it.
You need to rephrase and fix that (missing words, etc.). I didn't understand most of that.

Well, it sure sounds like you're restricting us. I don't see any plots coming from you, so I think you've just lost me. Sorry, but this isn't the RP I was hoping for. It's far too technical for a fantasy RP, and you're so focused on what you imagine for the RP that you don't seem to realise that others may want to have something workable. i don't want to sound antagonistic and annoying, but you are focused on things that aren't easy to RP with. Look at almost any fantasy book, and it'll have magic. And guess what? It's relatively easy to learn. You may not agree with the authors, and how they use tmagic in their stories, but a fantasy RP where you limit magic, a main factor in the RP, doesn't provide for many story arcs. You'll instead find people trying to get magic to become more powerful. Also, what you basically described about magic was the Force, from Star Wars.

I noticed that you wanted to weaken my demons. heck, even my character. I do believe I said that she was POSSESSED by a POWERFUL demon. He embedded himself into her, thus magically mutating her, and thus giving her some of his powers. You don't seem to like that, but the very fact that you can't accept how someone tries to create a unique character and plot amazes me. I will be searching for another dragon or fantasy RP that is more open to ideas. I highly suggest you not use my demons, Nether Realm, or any of my ideas for this RP. I did come up with them, and I now see that it was a mistake.

Still, instead of just critiquing our ideas, I suggest you come up with some of your own. I haven't seen anything but technicalities from you.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sacrid, dont leave becouse of Gaths increadible abillity to not see stuff.

Gath, we agreed to create an RP together with everyone, please, try not to controll everything (Oh, and dont use yall, it makes you sound un-intelligent =/).

Nether Land... reminds me of the Netherlands, where I live btw =D.

How about this: Magic is easy to learn, but hard to master. to master certain magics, you have to have had a good teacher, or a high intellect, and must have been training in a rather magical place, where magic powers are swirling around (This means the Nether realm (If sacrid doesnt leave, and if he accepts my idea) would allow people who survive it, to become increadibly powerfull (More powerfull than demons perhaps, becouse demons didnt have the training?).

Oh, right, Sacrid, could you please make a list of all things in the RP as it currently is, that you dont like? That way, we can easily see IF we can change them, or if we can persuade you to like them =3.

As for the Spirit world, see as the place where all the dead spirits (that do not get persuaded back into their bodies, or forcefully put there (Forcefully putting them back in their bodies makes them go insane, but also makes them controllable, allowing necromancy, creating mindless minions, the truly 'evil' side of resurrecting)).
The spirit world is ruled mostly by the 'gods' which are basically powerfull spirits, that were born in the Spirit world, and have near-perfect control over Spirit magic (Magic only affecting spirits, which obviously is very usefull in a spirit world). This gives them a god-like status.
In the spirit world, there are things that can be done, just as in the Living world, for that, there is a workforce needed, this is gathered through enslaving any people older than 18 who come there. Only the true saints above 18, or children under 18 are allowed to enjoy the paradise of the Spirit world. Also, children under 18 who have done terrible things, can also become slaves.
Basically it is paradise, but with semi-tyrants.
The gods in general are nice to talk to though, however they just see enslaving as such a normal thing, that they dont even think of it as being evil, they just think of it as normal.

That is my vision of it =D.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
And as for your "normal dragon lifes are not cool" the very fact that I'm playing a dragon in a world atleast for me not sure about you, you seem the person that might need more goodys not able to enjoy morphing a world for practically nothing, seems awesome and all that is really needed. The added things made by us are just additions to magnify it.

What... are goodies that we'd want? And what qualifies as morphing the world? So far, ALL of the plots I've seen are pretty much self-centered for whoever came up with it. Spirit Realms aren't known to be paradises, and homes to demons. As far as I'm concerned, if I picked any of the suggesstions, I'd be RPing a book or story you are busy writing. And I am tempted not to play in such a dull and limiting world. Dragons are known for being adept in magic, and would have so many more years of learning magic than any humanoid would, and would better understand it. So, to ask the races hunting you to train you in magic is a suicide idea. I am much more tempted to play something more open and free like Order of Elders was/is, instead of the cramped conditions of these RPs
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
DarkKnight, I actually like that. The Nether Realm is kindof supposed to be an unreachable realm that looms over this world. The demons have their own form of magic, which uses sacrifices for summoning. I guess you could call it a living hell.

lol Netherlands. I forgot about that. XD

Maybe I won't leave. It's just the mass critiquing I recieved while trying to come up with a plot. Afterall, we do need a main plot, and mine does work. I also don't see why a demon embedding itself in your body wouldn't change things to make it's new home at least comfortable. Even if it's for a short while, it's better to be able to accept it. That's how my character gets her Dark Fire ability. Also, having an army hidden away in your stone fortress is pretty interesting, partially because the demon remains hidden, and gives orders when it is under control of the body. XD

Gath, I'm not sure what happened, but you seemed to have forgot the whole reason of this RP. If others want to have something in the RP, it's easier for you to bend than for them to bend. You may have a set and ideal world of dragons, but others do have theirs, and holding too tightly to your ideals can choke them, and ultimately hurt the RP.

Oh, and Darkknight, if your character were to put on spirit vision and look at my character, he would see the demon looming over her.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
And your demon would see Sarnish XD. But, a demon wont be able to posess him when he uses Spirit vision (since he is on equal terms with them at that moment)

For some reason, I like to see the living world as having two layers, one being the organic-side, and the other being the spirit-side, a spirit can attach to an organic, becouse they are both in different layers (which can interact with eachother sorta) spirits would be like the drivers of the organic-bodies.
This also allows for demons, to ride with another spirit, on an organic body, and eventually kick the other spirit out, however, the demon-spirit, can not infiltrate into the other spirit....

I hope you people understand XD.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Umm, I think I do. The demons actually can't possess, since they are ohysical in nature. there are some, however, that can, but only because they don't have bodies. As for the demon who possessed my character, his spirit was trapped in a crystal, and his only way out was to possess. Since they don't like being trapped for eternity, and they have two options. Wait for eternity in the hopes that someone comes and frees them, hope that the crytal's spell wears off and they can escape that way, or possess a weaker body with the chance that they'll never be seperated. Probably the only way to disconnect that bond is to go through the portal to the Nether Realm. Their spirits should seperate then, but that's only a theory. XD
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I truely do not have much problems with what yall are suggesting. I just want to know if having a demon inside you giving you powers would make you to powerful. I want you to tell us what it does.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
*sigh* Having a demon inside of you means that you will not have full control of your body all the time. You will not be able to live a normal life. Depending on the demon, it could be attempting to take full control, or it could be content with just watching you live. every now and then, the demon's energy builds up, since it is created faster than it can be expelled. The same goes for magic, which would cause an invisible aura.

If you go unconscious, for example, in battle, the demon can take control and fight in your stead. This is purely for self preservation. They will have whatever powers bled through during possession, and upon coming to, you will feel very tired, as it does consume energy.

So it's not exactly benficial to have a demon inside of you. the chance to have extra powers, over the possibility that the demon may find a way to push you aside, live its life during yours, and possibly create an army to take over the wworld without your knowing. Oh, and it can make your life absolutely miserable, if, for example, it destroys a house or hurts someone, someone else may has a bone to pick with you and you'd have no memory of doing any of that. (They'll think you're making excuses anyway. XD)

Another example would be you destroy a village, you get hunted down like the monster you aren't. lol

I hope that helps.
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