The Dragon Roleplay Construction Thread

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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Wait, how does white and black make silver? I thought it would be grey, like you said with white and red making pink.

that's wierd. If he was captured by humans and forced to fight for them, I wouldn't expect him to like them at all. In fact, he should be wanting to kill them to exact revenge for his parents. After something like that, he should believe all humans to be alike.

I like the history, though. It's rich in detail, but 34 years? I would think, from what you said as "year after year", that it would be more like four years in the circus and maybe 12in the gladiator arena. but 34 years seems a little long.

How do you plan to use him in the RP? We'll be needing to find a way to bring our characters together, through need for companionship or through conflict that makes them fight eachother or with eachother. I'm hoping my dragon to be at least a little antagonistic. Having a demon inside her will change the mind as years go by.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
I'm sorry, I didn't find a good picture (yet). I kinda created my powers after the D&D Black Dragon (not the appearance though), thus acid breathing and breathing underwater. I think I should be allowed to chose my breath as I see fit, because if a swamp dragon don't wanna ruin its food by breathing acid, why would any other dragon, and why have the acid breath then? Why wont he be able to live underwater with wings? Give me a good reason for that and I might agree to change it. The Manta Ray almost have wings, the Flying Fish too...

I actually imagined his cave having an air pocket, swamp dragons can breathe underwater, but prefer air. I don't think the underwater breathing ruins the concept of dragons. They don't rule the seas, I've made a SWAMP dragon living underneath the sea, besides, they are only decent swimmers, beeing unable to manouver like the large sea predators.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Well this is a rewrite of an earlier post which was rather lengthy and decided not to post. . .

OK. First off. Black and White do make gray, but dragon scales are typically matallic and a matallic gray is practically silver. Also silver is just a lot more interesting and pretty than gray.

And the captivity time is strongly influenced by a dragon's growth stages. When looking at the weakeness of each stage what I put seems likely. He was captured at a very young age, very soon after he was one year old, and kept in a circus for 15 years until he was a Juvenile. Dragonling is a fairly weak stage as you can read in the dragon life stages provided in the first post.
"Its wings have developed but it has yet to have the muscle to fly however they can be used to keep the dragon in the air after a jump for a few seconds. The scales have hardened to a density where it can safely take on small or medium animals and it has grown a set of teeth and claws to defend itself."
Enough to survive fairly well in a forest setting, but in a gladiator ring not to much. Once he was in the Juvenile stage he was powerful enough to survive in a gladiator arena. Here he stayed for about 10 years powerful enough to fight opponents yet not powerful enough to escape. From there he entered an odd post Juvenile-pre Young Adult phase likely due to his human captivety and not being able to grow naturally. He was probably in that stage for 6 to 7 years until he was given the opertunity to escape possibly explaining his rapid growth after being free. So after looking at the stages of growth 34 years seems likely.

Now for Gyro. Acid breath is absolutely fine. As for the water breathing. First off its not a natural thing for dragons. Also Flying fish and Manta rays are small animals with small wings and dragons are very large animals with large wings. I just can't really see a dragon fairing very well in water.

As for what i'm going to do with my character. That seems like it would ruin the rp. Though I'll probably be manipulating humans to my wills and using them to do some dirty work while searching for some nice shiny weapons.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Small you say? Anyway, a dragon can retract his wings, making him aero/hydro-dynamic, this would result in a dog-like swimming method, or using its wings like a manta ray, though this would be much harder than flying, and therefor more exhausting.
Also, it is logical for a swamp-dragon to be amphibic, dragons in general tend to be obviously genetically unique, so why not being able to in-efficiently breath underwater? (This would feel to the dragon as though he is breathing very thick air or something)
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol that's pretty large. Anyways, rollypolies have gills, so I can kindof imagine a swamp dragon having them, depending on how its ancestors lived. Manta rays and flying fish are not animals, but fish. The only reason they can fly is because they in fact, glide, using their speed from the water to help them escape predators, since they can't be tracked in the air. Gliding is only used tor travel and escape. It's much easier than in the water.

Dragons wouldn't be able to use their wings underwater. They would more likely be aswimming like a dolphin. for underwater breathing, maybe he's got large lungs, and can hold his breath for a long time because of them.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Holding breath would be the most likely explanation i'm sure they can hold it for a long time thats what whales and dolphins do. Gills would be entirerly unexplanable.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
There hes a Magma Dragon now, but in my defense of the Hell Dragon species, think of real world religion.

lol I don't mind Helldragons in the least. If anything, they are more closely tied to what Deathwing had been or has become. Often tied to hell, they are typically known for their intense flames, and demonic appearance.

As for the swimming, Darkknight mentioned earlier, about a different dragon I believe... One ought to be able to use their wings to help propel them through the water.

Still, I'd like a little more liberty in the magic department. Why would something known for being adept in magic need to turn to humanoids to learn it or better manage it? Humans fling it around and learn from that, so they aren't much help in proper training, and are easily influenced by its corrupting nature. Elves? Too patient or preocuped to truly understand or teach magic I think. They seem more like the priest/priestess types anyway :/ Orcs? They are more likely to attempt to kill or enslave a dragon. Dwarves aren't known for being spellcasters. So, with all this in mind, a dragon is more likely to learn its magic itself, and have gathered trinkets and mortals' libraries from its raids, and perhaps study them if they did not acquire them from another dragon.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006

Anyway, my previous post got erased by an error >.> (The site failed at the moment I posted) So here is a general thing of what I said.

I disagree that fish are not animals, I give you the first line of the wiki page about fish as proof: A fish is any aquatic vertebrate animal that is covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins.

And the scientific groups they are part of:
Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata.

If you have counter arguments, be my guest, but dont go say stuff without arguments =D.

And there should be a seperate RPing topic btw.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Of course fish are animals sacrid needs to go back science class in the first grade if he thinks a fish is ot a animal. Thats all I'm saying on that...

And also i'm not liking hell for no religious purposes for I believe in it, but because it doesn't really fit in with the roleplay, but I think we fixed the he can use hell part.

And I can go as far as to have a dragon able to hold its breath for a long time and swiming with wings tucked in. Though I'm sure if there was a strong current he could use his wings to catch on to it and glide through the depths.

And I don't know why people keep coming up with dragons learning magic from humanoids. They can, but much more likely they learn from there own kind and they can learn on there own, but it's normally a longer process.

This is the Roleplay Thread.

Also located on first post.
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Sorry, when I read animal, my mind said mammal.

I don't know where the learning magic from humans came up, I just knoe that it was there.

And Gyrosphinx, as I said before, they're much more likely to swim like a dolphin. It's a lot ealier on their bodies. swimming like a dog just wouldn't look right.

I'm also changing my dragon's personality. his new one will give me a lot more opportunities, and a personality I work with well. XD It's at the end of page 2.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
I actually think that depends on the dragon's size and shape, neck, limbs etc. A long, sleek dragon would swim much like a dolphin, but a chunkier one would swim with its legs much like a dog. The dragons aren't as sleek and streamlined as the dolphins, and it would be harder for them to swim that way.

But... Am I approved?

EDIT: And are dragons warmblooded or coldblooded? It matters metabolically.
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
The dinos with the large sails would be unknowns. the sails acted as a way of cooling off, so whether they were warm or cold blooded is up for heavy debate. But for all practical reasons, dragons are classified as warm-blooded. No one wants to have to post how they slept in the sunlight, etc every single time.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Name: Carthagon (Car*fay*gen) [Based upon Carthage]
Species: Black Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: Young
Colors: A black dragoness with a slight shimmer of blue and green to her otherwise pure-black scales. (Like a crow’s feathers)

Personality: A sinister dragon bent on “sweet revenge” on those who imprisoned her. She delights in carnage and the terror, but is, in private, a lonely, mournful soul. Other than her love for carnage, she lacks purpose in her life. She has never met nor seen another dragon.

Bio: A sleek, young Black Dragoness, whose coal-black scales contain hints of blue and green. With sapphire-colored eyes, she has no experience of being in the presence of other dragons. She is the only dragon that she has ever known about, having lived in a remote area. The statue she is encased in lies in an undisclosed location, likely forgotten to time, or otherwise used as decoration in a dragon-hunter’s vast hall.

History: Carthagon’s origins are unknown, even to herself. As a young dragon, she raided villages for food and sought treasures. As the years rolled by, she became known, and managed to stumble upon the concept of politics. She sought power, lacking any experience with other dragons, it was the only need she heeded or understood. So she began her rise to power.
Just as suddenly as she rose to power, she was struck down, imprisoned within a stature of herself deep within her lair. The magic seals imprisoning her placed her into eternal slumber (with a side effect of stasis) where she dreamed endlessly. Many, many years have passed, and she remains imprisoned, dreaming of her freedom.

Powers: Her powers center around the shadows and fire. Adept with spells, she entwines this into her minor shadowy essence to manipulate, often conceiving puppets of questionable origin.
Her shadowy powers are quite limited, her being too young to reach her potential. She can appear and disappear in short bursts of distance, seemingly teleporting mere body lengths from herself. Another power involves shadowy whispers and voices from the walls. She quite enjoys using her puppets, as inhuman as they are. Her favorite is a humanoid bird in a tattered yellow cloak. (Arakoa) When enraged, whatever shadows populate the vicinity seem to come alive like a fire, but are otherwise harmless.
Her fire powers are primarily a stream of fire, but can become quite intense when angered.

The general pose of her statue is more of prideful sitting pose, with tail wrapped around her legs, and her wings folded across her front like two towers on either side, leaving the neck and head areas exposed for all to see.

The statue most definetly shows a sense of pride and royalty, head held high, and chest puffed out. Shoulders back, the wings shield her form protectively. But within that stone form, her organic self slumbers, waiting in a magical stasis for the day the unseen seals are broken.

The statue really does look like a massive carving. But she is young, and thus still smaller than adult dragons (About 3/4 a fullgrown female's height)
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I enjoy peoples input as well as my own, but if you want my input first...

Name: Carthagon (Car*fay*gen) [Based upon Carthage] (Approved)
Species: Black Dragon (Approved)
Gender: Female (Approved)
Age: Young (Approved)
Colors: A black dragoness with a slight shimmer of blue and green to her otherwise pure-black scales. (Like a crow’s feathers) (Approved)

Personality: A sinister dragon bent on “sweet revenge” on those who imprisoned her. She delights in carnage and the terror, but is, in private, a lonely, mournful soul. Other than her love for carnage, she lacks purpose in her life. She has never met nor seen another dragon. (Approved) (However, I wish you would explain more about her no seeing any other dragon. Such as what happened to her parents after her being layed or something)

Bio: A sleek, young Black Dragoness, whose coal-black scales contain hints of blue and green. With sapphire-colored eyes, she has no experience of being in the presence of other dragons. She is the only dragon that she has ever known about, having lived in a remote area. The statue she is encased in lies in an undisclosed location, likely forgotten to time, or otherwise used as decoration in a dragon-hunter’s vast hall. (Approved)

History: Carthagon’s origins are unknown, even to herself. As a young dragon, she raided villages for food and sought treasures. As the years rolled by, she became known, and managed to stumble upon the concept of politics. She sought power, lacking any experience with other dragons, it was the only need she heeded or understood. So she began her rise to power.
Just as suddenly as she rose to power, she was struck down, imprisoned within a stature of herself deep within her lair. The magic seals imprisoning her placed her into eternal slumber (with a side effect of stasis) where she dreamed endlessly. Many, many years have passed, and she remains imprisoned, dreaming of her freedom. (Approved)

Powers: Her powers center around the shadows and fire. Adept with spells, she entwines this into her minor shadowy essence to manipulate, often conceiving puppets of questionable origin.
Her shadowy powers are quite limited, her being too young to reach her potential. She can appear and disappear in short bursts of distance, seemingly teleporting mere body lengths from herself. Another power involves shadowy whispers and voices from the walls. She quite enjoys using her puppets, as inhuman as they are. Her favorite is a humanoid bird in a tattered yellow cloak. (Arakoa) When enraged, whatever shadows populate the vicinity seem to come alive like a fire, but are otherwise harmless.
Her fire powers are primarily a stream of fire, but can become quite intense when angered. (I am not a fan of the magical powers for a young dragon I originally wanted them to be rather weak and unpromenent in the early stages of a dragons development. However, these have been approved in others so I cannot protest them. Yours seems to be a nice balance which is good. I would like to hear more of these "puppets" though. Overall Approved)


The general pose of her statue is more of prideful sitting pose, with tail wrapped around her legs, and her wings folded across her front like two towers on either side, leaving the neck and head areas exposed for all to see.

The statue most definetly shows a sense of pride and royalty, head held high, and chest puffed out. Shoulders back, the wings shield her form protectively. But within that stone form, her organic self slumbers, waiting in a magical stasis for the day the unseen seals are broken.

The statue really does look like a massive carving. But she is young, and thus still smaller than adult dragons (About 3/4 a fullgrown female's height) (there have been no absolute set limits for size, but for a young adult 3/4 seems like to much) (Possible Revision?)
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
Name: Helara (Hell/Air/Uh)
Species: Pygmy Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: Very Young (between dragonling and juvenile)
Colors: Blue and Orange (most of the time)

Personality: A small Sweet dragon Halera loves being around other dragons she knows, but if presented in front of an unknown creature she gets frightened easily, especially if its bigger than her (which is most of the time). But once she gets to know someone she trusts them no matter what. Helara is also an energetic Dragon, always wanting to do something, whether its running or trying to fly. She also gets bored easily, always wanting to do something new, she never likes doing the same thing too soon unless she likes what it is. Helara loves lady bugs, no one knows why but she has a strong fondness for ladybugs and their ability to fly at such a small size.

Bio: Helera is a Small and very young Dragon she mostly stumbles on her step and flying is almost impossible because of her age and size. She has six blue spots going down her back and to her tail. She also has faded red stripes going down her legs. She seems to like lady bugs and she will not eat them, unless forced. Because she is a Pygmy dragon she eats small dead animals. She mostly walks to where she goes but she hates walking alone. Her usuall color is orange and blue but like a chaemelion she can change color depending on her surrounding but only when she wants to. Since she's so small most other things just try to eat her. Most of her family is either missing or dead.

History: Helera has little or no recognition of her parents. She was first found by a human adventurer, she was found with a family of groundhogs that didnt exactly accept her but she needed a place to rest for a few days before journeying again, but she had to cut her rest short because the groundhog family seemed to be afraid of her, and she was kinda eating all thier food. She then went on her own, Pymgy dragons because of their size are scavengers and eat small scraps of dead animals. Most Pygmy dragons try to stay in groups to help fight off any wild animals. Most of the time an abandoned Pygmy dies or is taken in by another creature. Most full grown Pygmy Dragons get to about half the size of an average dragon, the largest Pygmy dragon is only 3/4 the size of an average dragon.

Powers: Her powers are the ability to sense emotions and tell when someone is lying or not. She barely knows how to use her powers and sometimes they tell her wrong information. She can also change color. But her usual color is blue and orange. Sometimes she can tell what actions things will do a few minutes before it happens like if a wolf wanted to eat her (but she really didn’t need to use her power for that) Her only Elemental Power is Fire, she doesn't know how to use it yet but it includes fire breath, and using that breath she can cook meat since Pygmy Dragons are smaller than other dragons they need to cook their meat so they wont get sick. Her greatest fear is blood since she hates to see death.

Disclaimer: Small animals should be warned not to go near her, Accidental burns are not her fault but the animal's, why would they be stupid enough to go near a dragon in the first place!? (Lol)
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
(However, I wish you would explain more about her no seeing any other dragon. Such as what happened to her parents after her being layed or something)[/COLOR]
She doesn't know. Whether they were killed, fled, or simply died of natural causes is unknown. But she lived in a remote area, where there was several farming communities, but she never came across another dragon. Whether it be that they passed by when she wasn't looking, or simply didn't reach that area, is also a mystery. But it is likely that the area was in the beginnings of expansion by dragons into the area. So it could be likely that it was a new frontier at the time. But a lot of things change over several hundreds of years. :/

(I am not a fan of the magical powers for a young dragon I originally wanted them to be rather weak and unpromenent in the early stages of a dragons development. However, these have been approved in others so I cannot protest them. Yours seems to be a nice balance which is good. I would like to hear more of these "puppets" though. Overall Approved)[/COLOR]
Her powers are very limited. So, while the power she is seemingly learning best would be the teleportation (it's like only being able to teleport mere feet from yourself. Not really useful, but the power can be good for escapes, as tiring and disorienting as it is), but she quite enjoys her puppet shows in the privacy of her lair. These puppets, she controls with her will, and while currently unsophisticated in comparison to other puppets (like Hellion's in another RP), she uses them more for her own amusement, instead of fighting and scouting out potential targets.

(there have been no absolute set limits for size, but for a young adult 3/4 seems like to much) (Possible Revision?) [/COLOR]
Would 1/2 the size of a female adult work, then? I was unsure as to what her size should be, because the size of an adult is all relative to one's opinions. :/ The species also affects this.
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Orangeangel, I don't really like your dragon's bio. The first and most important thing is the character bio and history. A dragon digging underground? Not only is that slow, but it's pointless. She would have no clue where she was going, she wouldn't be able to move around in her own tunnel, and she can't hunt. Tunnels are useful only when you are staying in one area, like moles and ants do. When ants search for food, it's a bove ground. When moles hunt for food, they sense the worms underground, but they're specialized for that. Your character wasn't meant to be underground. Besides, she's way too large for it.

Also, you've got no elemental abilities with which to defend yourself. Knowing if someone is lying can be helpful, but there are phsical ways to know too. You don't need a psychic to find that out. I suggest you revise your character. Also, why does your character have a first and last name?
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
I'll revise my character and its a young Pygmy dragon i'd say its small enough. A pygmy dragon only gets to about 1/4th a regular (insert gender here) dragon. and this is very young. And plus someone has to be the nice/shy/nutty dragon.

Edit: I revised my dragon and she is no longer able to dig... So she WALKS happy now?
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
.... cannibalistic groundhogs... yeah... real likely... I don't see how (1. they evolve to be carnivorous, and retain the groundhog image) and (2. why any creature would want to adopt a dragon. Not everything in the world is sentient... Orcs, Elves, Humans, and Dwarves being the known sentient species)

I would ask Gath about the sentient species, as those four, and dragons are the only ones stated as sentient beings of that world :/

And then, I question the extent of her powers... even if she is unsure (which would deter most from using it), I do not like having characters able to read minds. They can blabble out others' plans, or ruins the surprise and fun of a battle, etc. It thus allows for a reaction before the action that would have caused it, thus bringing the battle fully to one side (if between dragons for example)

Besides, how does mind-reading fall into natural powers or magic? :c
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
Well it kinda goes along with the detecting with lying thing, it gives her a feeling that something bad is going to happen, its not like reading minds.

Edit: Revised some more.
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
Lol. Its funny cause you could step in me and i'd be a pancake =P.

But i have to wait for Gath to approve before i can start Rping right?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Varsaigen you are approved.

I commonly get a problem of overpowered creatures, but underpowered creatures are rare and that's what yours is. Also the way you describe it, it seems unlike a dragon in every aspect.

Name: Helara (Hell/Air/Uh) (Approved)
Species: Pygmy Dragon (...)
Gender: Female (Approved)
Age: Very Young (between dragonling and juvenile) (Explained below)
Colors: Blue and Orange (most of the time) (Approved)

Personality: A small Sweet dragon Halera loves being around other dragons she knows, but if presented in front of an unknown creature she gets frightened easily, especially if its bigger than her (which is most of the time). But once she gets to know someone she trusts them no matter what. (to small)

Bio: Helera is a Small and very young Dragon she mostly stumbles on her step and flying is almost impossible because of her age and size. She has six blue spots going down her back and to her tail. She also has faded red stripes going down her legs. She seems to like lady bugs and she will not eat them, unless forced. Because she is a Pygmy dragon she eats small dead animals. She mostly walks to where she goes but she hates walking alone. Her usuall color is orange and blue but like a chaemelion she can change color depending on her surrounding but only when she wants to. Since she's so small most other things just try to eat her. Most of her family is either missing or dead. (Above you tell of your dragon being 1/4 the size of someone that age usually. That is about 3 feet. That is small even for a hatchling far to small for any dragon.)

History: Helera has little or no recognition of her parents. She was first found with a family of groundhogs, discovered by a human adventurer. She had to abandon the groundhog family because they seemed to be afraid of her, and she was kinda eating all thier food. She then went on her own, Pymgy dragons because of their size are scavengers and eat small scraps of dead animals. Most Pygmy dragons try to stay in groups to help fight off any wild animals. Most of the time an abandoned Pygmy dies or is taken in by another creature.
(I don't see how any groundhog would accept her. Also she's to small...)

Powers: Her powers are the ability to sense emotions and tell when someone is lying or not. She barely knows how to use her powers and sometimes they tell her wrong information. She can also change color. But her usual color is blue and orange. Sometimes she can tell what actions things will do a few minutes before it happens like if a wolf wanted to eat her (but she really didn’t need to use her power for that) Her only Elemental Power is Light. Light's elemental use for Pymgy's heal wounds and sicknesses. She is somewhat used to using this power because no matter how big the creature is she will try to help it if it is wounded, but her greatest fear is blood. (I don't consider light an elemental power, but the two other things could be considered kinda inborn traits. Healing wounds and sickness leans more towards magic and magic is impossible for one of your age.) (Revision)

Overall A Pgymy Dragon doesn't even seem like a dragon at all. Perhaps another creature. Perhaps related to a dragon, but it being a dragon is unlikely. This rp originally wasn't designed for a creature so unlike a dragon. However, we might could bend the rules considering a Pgymy Dragon seems like a promising, fun, and comical entry. However, I am at a loss of words. More discussion in order.
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
So i gotta change it to like 1/2 the size of a regular dragon? Maybe change the Elemental magic, Revise the history? And lengthen the personality? And wasnt Varsaigen already approvved? Or was i just being wierd?

And do you mind changing the color from blue to red cause its kinda hard for me to read because it seems to pop out at me.

Edit: Currently Revising.

Edit2: Finished Revising.
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
I dont know. just means that the humans know she exists. And she knows that there are other things shes never seen before out there.
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
Lol, Got a point there =P Maybe he just didnt want me , "Hey guys look at this dragon!"

"WTF is that a lizard?" "No a Dragon" "Ahahahah" (adventurer becomes a laughing stock)
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