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The Legacy of Legends Construction Thread

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Extremely cold skin to the touch, they are also cold-blooded. It's a fantasy... :con:

As above, :grin: good point though (eating a lot)... might add that in somewhere. NO! lol I've wrote too much for you poor souls already xD I can't ask you to read more.

I guess their diet is primarily meat... and very nutritious berries/pulses etc...

+ I could say that their inner temp isn't 37^oC ...
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hrm... allright people.
Here's my first try at mapping the highlands:
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Submission Name:
Karthek Mountain Range

Submission Type:

A gigantic range of mountains, consisting of miles of open plane, ice caverns, cave complexes and predator ridden slopes.

Not much to say. The mountains don't change very much overtime, now and again a rockfall will cause a certain path to become unusable, a cave will collapse or predators will move away from a plain. It was the location of the 'Dark Plight' referred to only by the Kyrrin (as of yet) and even they can't or won't go into detail on the subject.

Climate: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Towards the bottom of the mountains there are vast plains and woodlands that lead up to the great steppe expanse that is the highlands, but further into the range it is a harsh barren snowscape, full of blizzards, high altitudes and deadly predators. The temperature is always below 0^oC in the depths of the range, the slopes and highland border can reach up to 10^oC.

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Flora & Fauna: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Pine trees, many rocks, minerals and metal deposits (deep within the mountains). Mountain Wolves, (Brown Bears, Wolves, Boars - at the connection to the steppes), A variety of hardy weeds, berries and pulses manage to grow on the lower reaches of the mountains, many avian birds such as the typical eagles, hawks and common birds live on the smaller mounts. Many giant avian predators that have yet to be named by man also crest the taller mountains, they rarely leave their roosts in the day and are few in number. Snowy Felines; Sabre Tooth Tigers (snowy pelt). Mammoths.

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
North on Nar’oseot, adjacent (north?) to the Highlands.

Geography: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
A huge maze of mountains, snowy plains and caves.

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
The tribes of Kyrrin often 'claim' territory but they change their mind and bicker about it so often nowhere is worth noting.

"Cliff Of The Ancestors" isn't considered part of the range, but is close enough to considered a local landmark and therefore often referred to by Kyrrin discussing directions etc.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
N/A - The Kyrrin are the only race inhabiting the range in number, but they are to few and weak to have any real hold, the only ruler here is the harsh, cold grasp of nature and her many denizens.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Sounds perfect! :)

Just one thing: Gyrosphinx, about the history... with the two regions so close together it would be pretty much identical? Is it ok if I just use yours (for the highlands) and tweak it a bit?

EDIT: Nevermind, you didn't really put what I expected under the 'history' heading... It WILL be different. I thought it was geographical history rather than inhabitant/control history ^.^

I think the border should look something like this:

It would slowly give way to what we see in your pic above and the vast expanse that is the highlands on Dragonson's map.
Behind the range you see, it would just be more of the same, except taller mountains and A LOT of them, so tall the lower paths become much colder and blizzards are as common as rain in Britain ^.^
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Yes it that mountain but you don't have to fear it because of the Shev-citean loyality to the elves. Well, the whole mountain and good part of it underground.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
If one's goal is wealth, not power, why should he waste his wealth on an army?
(Yup. The Warrior caste is more for security than for offense.)
There's lots of space to colonize yet. :p

Hmm... elves are considered 'Masters Of The Words' or 'First Speakers'...
So this could be a trick :eek:

Oh well, we'll have to find out :gg:

The Kyrrin don't even know of your existence yet :bored:
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Sure that sounds good, sept the last bit! Someone needs to die! It would be boring if everyone resurrected themselves :D Ofc as you said they could come back and at the very least you wouldn't kill someone off without consulting us and would wait until we actually 'feel' for the character ;)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
More citean families
Dra-Citean "Dragonoth Citean"
Jasid-Citean "Markless Citean"

Citean magic
The Core Stones of Citeans use Mythras, powerful magic flow. Also used in creation.

Submission Name:

Submission Type:

What Citean magic is called.

Found by a mage in a mine. The magic is born in Mythras stones and is very powerful. Said to contain the Jaad but they could not crack the stones. When the creator, Citea found that these could make live. She started a project that ended with the creation of the Citean. Only these born of the stone can use it magic but at a cost, too much and they will turn of for a good amount of years.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Citean families grow and become new families but your right the ones I have now are fine. What about the magic thought.
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