Legacy of Legends: Charecter Vault

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hey people!
This will be where you register and discuss your charecters for the
Legacy of Legends
roleplay. This is also where we will have the rules written, and where we will discuss said rules.

The Legacy of Legends construction thread is here.
You can get charecter sheets and information there.

Submission Name:

Submission Type:

He's a man from the race of the Niador and is generally known and respected in his tribe. He is the son of the chieftain and seeks to become as great as his father. He is a bit reckless sometimes and very proud of his race.

He was born as the son of a chieftain of the Niador. Soon he was introduced into their way of life and their stories and culture. Later he trained with the spear since he was young and he was the son of a great chieftain of the Niador.

Average Age/Approximate Age: He's twenty years old.

Body Build:
He has muscled legs and is really meagre.

Pysical Traits:
He has a scar on his cheek.

General Appearance:
He always has a spear with him and wears no armor. He is fairly ugly. Futher, he's extremely tall.

Submission Name:
Zarion Windcleaver
Submission Type:
Sylovothian Elf, Wing-Wielder Middle Rank (Eagleman Alternate Forme)
Zarion is a Sylovothian Elf that was born in Sylovoth 200 years ago (No, he's not that old for an Elf) to a Noble Bloodline. He is an agile Swordmaster and choose the form of an Eagleman at his coming of age ceremony.
200 Years Old
Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Medium Heighted (For an Elf) and Lean. When he become an Eagleman, his hands become muscly and his speed got enchanced.
Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
What do you expect from an Elf other than pointy ears?
General Appearance: (Race/Char)
He wore a green-tinted clothing and has a pale, almost white blonde hair. Also, he wore a black cloak and wield three swords. One is shaped like a Scimitar, named "Windreaver", which is his family's relic. One is shaped like a Katana, named "Blooming Petal". And another one, shaped like a Dagger, is named "Dancing Shadow", which can be thrown and will come back at him because of its magickal properties.

Submission Name:

Submission Type:

One of the Monis-Citean

Created by the elves, he earned his freedom by running away and never rebelling back. His title is Silvares the black Citean.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
75 years old

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Built like a warrior of skill not might

Physical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Metal body, basic humanoid.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Black Iron body and same metal dual spear makes this guy one of your night mares. He wares a cloak but does not like it. His family symbol is melted silver over the black iron.

Submission Name:
Alyssia (Alyss for short, pronounced the same as Alice).

Submission Type:
Character/Race: Kyrrin

Standing at 5' 8" she is one of the tallest Kyrrin alive. She has fairly dark skin for a Kyrrin, similar to what we would call pale or 'pasty face' in our world. She is slight (Thin, lean), has very light: white blonde hair, which doesn't quite reach her shoulders. She usually styles it in some way or another, with leather ties she uses akin to bobbles or bows. Piercing, ice blue eyes. She is fairly quiet and generally keeps to herself, she has much to brood upon.

Alyssia's mum died during child birth, her father at the hands of a sabre-tooth pack a couple of decades later. She was 'adopted' (Not officially) by the tribe's No'ha: "Hyrai", who has brought her up as best he can, but his duties mean he has very little free time to dedicate to her.
Due to this troubled childhood, Alyssia often wondered off, much to the anger of the tribe (being a woman) and sat/walked alone contemplating a life she thought she'd never know, one free of the hardship, where she could live happily, with a family and not have to worry about how much food would be available in the coming months or whether those close to her would come back from gathering it. On her 50th birthday (10) she was given a hunting knife by "Hyrai" (though she would never be allowed to use it in the hunt), and he spoke the words: "Your life is your own, do with it what you will". A year later Hyrai died during the night, he was 457, the tribe assumed it was from natural causes.
The death of Hyrai left the young Alyssia devastated and alone, she had never made the effort to form that bond most Kyrrin have with their tribe. The years crept past and with Hyrai dead, the tribe seemed to stop caring about Alyssia's 'ventures', probably hoping she'd grow out of it.

She didn't.

She ventured further and further, always pushing the limits of her strength, often running off alone for weeks on end. In a place like the Karthek mountains, she couldn't have been more reckless or stupid. By the time she was 80/16 the tribe were sick of her, she seemed to have no interest in it's well-being, only returning for food or equipment. The current No'ha 'Krui' suggested she leave and find vestige with another tribe, upon her refusal and much to her surprise he declared her a stupid, young girl who should 'Know her place and do as she's told!'. Alyssia retorted: "My life is my own, I will do with it what I will". Although technically not disobeying orders from a No'ha, Krui had all the backing of the tribe and declared her a traitor to their ways of unity and and cursing her ashes to the wind he said: "You like running off on your own eh? I can live with that be forever alone", branding her with the Sho'ka, before beating her silly and leaving her for dead... (The beating unbeknownst to the tribe).

Average Age/Approximate Age:
Alyssia is 80 years old, roughly 16 (human life-span comparison) in mental age and appearance.

Body Build:
She is tall for her kind standing at 5' 8", she is very slight, lean and has near-perfect balance, making her a good climber and shot with the javelin.

Pysical Traits: Alyssia bears a Sho'ka (Mark of Shame), upon her left upper arm.

General Appearance:
Alyssia was left for dead wearing typical furs, nothing particularly battle worthy, just an anti-cold travelling outfit. She was left her javelin set (consisting of two) and her hunting knife.

None yet.

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Rules for the Rp are simple.

First of all, Follow the Unwritten Rules of RP-ing. (There written down somwhere)

Dragonson, and I, As DMs will provide NPC response to your chars. Control the Storyline, (somwhat) and handle the rolling of dice. Ect. Your job is to have a good time, Enjoy yourself, and RP well. Rp-ing well involves not making your Char OP, not replying in short meaningless posts, and being active.

In the RP thread, you must post OOC: (out of charachter) When your post is not In Charachter.

More rules to come.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Submission Name:

Submission Type:

One of the Monis-Citean

Created by the elves, he earned his freedom by running away and never rebelling back. His title is Silvares the black Citean.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
75 years old

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Built like a warrior of skill not might

Physical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Metal body, basic humanoid.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Black Iron body and same metal dual spear makes this guy one of your night mares. He wares a cloak but does not like it. His family symbol is melted silver over the black iron.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Submission Name:
Zarion Windcleaver
Submission Type:
Sylovothian Elf, Wing-Wielder Middle Rank (Eagleman Alternate Forme)
Zarion is a Sylovothian Elf that was born in Sylovoth 200 years ago (No, he's not that old for an Elf) to a Noble Bloodline. He is an agile Swordmaster and choose the form of an Eagleman at his coming of age ceremony.
200 Years Old
Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Medium Heighted (For an Elf) and Lean. When he become an Eagleman, his hands become muscly and his speed got enchanced.
Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
What do you expect from an Elf other than pointy ears?
General Appearance: (Race/Char)
He wore a green-tinted clothing and has a pale, almost white blonde hair. Also, he wore a black cloak and wield three swords. One is shaped like a Scimitar, named "Windreaver", which is his family's relic. One is shaped like a Katana, named "Blooming Petal". And another one, shaped like a Dagger, is named "Dancing Shadow", which can be thrown and will come back at him because of its magickal properties.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Submission Name:

Submission Type:

He's a man from the race of the Niador and is generally known and respected in his tribe. He is the son of the chieftain and seeks to become as great as his father. He is a bit reckless sometimes and very proud of his race.

He was born as the son of a chieftain of the Niador. Soon he was introduced into their way of life and their stories and culture. Later he trained with the spear since he was young and he was the son of a great chieftain of the Niador.

Average Age/Approximate Age: He's twenty years old.

Body Build:
He has muscled legs and is really meagre.

Pysical Traits:
He has a scar on his cheek.

General Appearance:
He always has a spear with him and wears no armor. He is fairly ugly. Futher, he's extremely tall.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I'll do my character ASAP, but I have a suggestion for the format...

Could we try doing "OOC" in 'hidden' tags?

Like this:

Sorry, guys gotta go after this last post - c ya tomorrow!

"Halumouse, you traitor!" Roaakt roared in anger.


I think it would just appear a lot neater in general, but most importantly it would mean you can track back over the RP and read it like a story, I know I find it rather annoying when OOC just jumps in and 'interrupts' the flow :con:

It's probably just me, approve it or don't - it's just a suggestion :cute:
e.g., no flaming/debate about it, lol...
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Most ppl like to use the quick reply box, and find it a pain to go advanced, or to type out the hidden tags. but nice suggestion.

Hmm yeh I can see that could become just as annoying I guess ^.^ haha

Submission Name:
Alyssia (Alyss for short, pronounced the same as Alice).

Submission Type:
Character/Race: Kyrrin

Standing at 5' 8" she is one of the tallest Kyrrin alive. She has fairly dark skin for a Kyrrin, similar to what we would call pale or 'pasty face' in our world. She is slight (Thin, lean), has very light: white blonde hair, which doesn't quite reach her shoulders. She usually styles it in some way or another, with leather ties she uses akin to bobbles or bows. Piercing, ice blue eyes. She is fairly quiet and generally keeps to herself, she has much to brood upon.

Alyssia's mum died during child birth, her father at the hands of a sabre-tooth pack a couple of decades later. She was 'adopted' (Not officially) by the tribe's No'ha: "Hyrai", who has brought her up as best he can, but his duties mean he has very little free time to dedicate to her.
Due to this troubled childhood, Alyssia often wondered off, much to the anger of the tribe (being a woman) and sat/walked alone contemplating a life she thought she'd never know, one free of the hardship, where she could live happily, with a family and not have to worry about how much food would be available in the coming months or whether those close to her would come back from gathering it. On her 50th birthday (10) she was given a hunting knife by "Hyrai" (though she would never be allowed to use it in the hunt), and he spoke the words: "Your life is your own, do with it what you will". A year later Hyrai died during the night, he was 457, the tribe assumed it was from natural causes.
The death of Hyrai left the young Alyssia devastated and alone, she had never made the effort to form that bond most Kyrrin have with their tribe. The years crept past and with Hyrai dead, the tribe seemed to stop caring about Alyssia's 'ventures', probably hoping she'd grow out of it.

She didn't.

She ventured further and further, always pushing the limits of her strength, often running off alone for weeks on end. In a place like the Karthek mountains, she couldn't have been more reckless or stupid. By the time she was 80/16 the tribe were sick of her, she seemed to have no interest in it's well-being, only returning for food or equipment. The current No'ha 'Krui' suggested she leave and find vestige with another tribe, upon her refusal and much to her surprise he declared her a stupid, young girl who should 'Know her place and do as she's told!'. Alyssia retorted: "My life is my own, I will do with it what I will". Although technically not disobeying orders from a No'ha, Krui had all the backing of the tribe and declared her a traitor to their ways of unity, tribal support and lacked any dedication, cursing her ashes to the wind he said: "You like running off on your own eh? I can live with that! Be forever alone", branding her with the Sho'ka, before beating her silly and leaving her for dead... (The beating unbeknownst to the tribe).

Average Age/Approximate Age:
Alyssia is 80 years old, roughly 16 (human life-span comparison) in mental age and appearance.

Body Build:
She is tall for her kind standing at 5' 8", she is very slight, lean and has near-perfect balance, making her a good climber and shot with the javelin.

Pysical Traits: Alyssia bears a Sho'ka (Mark of Shame), upon her left upper arm.

General Appearance:
Alyssia was left for dead wearing typical furs, nothing particularly battle worthy, just an anti-cold travelling outfit. She was left her javelin set (consisting of two) and her hunting knife.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Well.. yeh.. and three "human" races have been submitted and approved.

Fussiler's Nianor seem to be 'human', just more celt/barbarian/viking like? (sorry if this isn't how you intended it to seen fussiler).

As are the anzi people (Crazy Cow).

Kyrrin are also 'human' but have just taken a huge leap down a different evolutionary path.

Fussiler's or your own is probably your best bet...

Sorry I have to +Rep you for being human (sorry fussiler, can't give you anymore yet :sad:), it's nice to see someone who would support our race if elves/orcs etc came into our world, hehe! :)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Exo Dragonal tough he is known as The golden flame.
Race: Human dragon slayer, he uses the element of Fire.
Age: 27
History: as a child Exo was abandoned by his parents and found by a Fire dragon named Ersoon. Even tough Exo was only just a baby Ersoon took care of him and razed him. Exo grew up happily whit Ersoon and came to see Ersoon as his mother. when he was old enough Ersoon started training Exo in the ways of a dragon warrior and gave him a weapon to, a koursum sword that enhances his fire element. Exo had fast progress in training and his bond whit Ersoon grew even stronger when she saved him from another dragon. that day Exo swore to fight for the cause of all dragons and protect them. a few years later Exo had left Ersoon for a few weeks and when he returned he found Ersoon dead, slayed by a famous dragon slayer. Mexas arisoun, a dragon slayer whom got his powers by killing a black toxic dragons and creating a dragon crystal from its hearth and scales and implemented it into her own body. Exo swore to avenge Ersoon and ever since traveled the world looking for Mexas in order to kill him, in that time he has made a name for himself by killing many other dragon slayers who fight against the dragons and became known as The golden flame.
Appearence: Exo stands about 6.3 feet tall, he is imensely strong due to dragon slayer training tough yuou would not expect him to be from how he looks. compared to his true strenght he looks normal like anyone else of his age, that is why many find it hard to believe he realy is the rhumored golden flame and underestimate him. he has black hair and a scar acros his eye, it was given to him by the dragon Ersoon saved him from. he wears a whit scarf around his neck whit the patern of red to yellow dragon scales colored on it. he wears no shirt and a black shorts. his koursum sword hangs by a belt around his waist. when traveling a drapes a black hooded cloack around his body, tough it is not for warmth since he always feels warm because of his fire element. his eyes are normally bleu of color tough when he uses the ultimate slayer technique and transforms they get the color of fire wich is nor red nor yellow nor orange but a mixture of all three. furthermore when he transforùs dragon wings sprout from his back and a gets a partial dragon claw. his feet also turn into dragon claws wich alwows hom to grab onto things whit his feet. tough he does not control this technique fully yet and cannot go in it at will.

anything i forgot?
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Doesn't look like it... You said "he doesn't wear a shirt, he wears a black shirt" though lol

Why did Ersoon have to die?! I liked her from the descript. Lol maybe we shall hear about her?

Hmm what you could do is check out the RP thread and decide why your char ended up at the starting village in Inkita (dragonson's elf isle), all in your own time ofc. I'm just lonely ;)

edit: AFTER APPROVAL! Lol sorry, forgot.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
oh i meant black shorts :p and it should be quite clear why he ends up there, because he is looking for Mexas. he probably heard some rumors that she could be there. ugh and i wonder... where is everyone?
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Submission Name:
Elvor Wavetamer

Submission Type:

Elvor, High-Mage of the Shevaen, is possibly one of the oldest Shevaen alive, yet he looks like a man in his best age.
He is wise, yet sometimes incredibly arrogant.
He likes to take matters in his own hands, since he really doesn't trust that many other sentient beings in this world.
If you've known him for atleast one year, you will have heard him say "If you want something done: Do it yourself or die trying." more than once.

Elvor keeps his background to himself.
He doesn't want eventual enemies to know of any eventual weak spots he might eventually have.

Average Age/Approximate Age:
1200 (He's a very powerfull mage, and therefore has lived for quite some time.)

Body Build:
He's tall, and generally well fit.
Though not as fit as the Shevaen of the Warrior caste.

Pysical Traits:
Like most other powerfull Shevaen mages, elvor has wings.
In his case he has a set of blue dragon wings, that he has enchanted so that they can fold into a cape. He has though managed NOT to attain the typical spiky teeth that other Shevaen mages has.

General Appearance:
Tall and well fit.

I guess i don't need approval? ;)
Anyways, i'd like to have it.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Time to post a char.

Submission Name:
Shurg Brundarkuv

Submission Type:
Character, Ramorughaur

Shurg is one of the few Ramorughaur to ever have left the Highlands. He is an adventurer, mercenary and monster hunter, and has great respect for the beasts he hunts. He wields a huge axe and strikes with critical presicion. He has a passion for skaldic poetry, and loves a good story.

Shurg left his village at a young age, seeking experience and adventure. He lived on the Highlands alone for a long time, hunting the beasts and learning their ways. After many years, he left the Highlands seeking more beasts and more adventure. He eventually came upon a village near the coast, and travelled long distances all over the world by ship.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
Shurg is 37 years old.

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
8'9'' | 345 ibs.

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
What is typical for a Ramorughaur, one of his horns is broken.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Shurg seems like an average Ramorughaur in height and weight, but he has many scars and one of his horns is broken in two. His hide shows many signs of battle, and his claws and fur still have some bloodstains at certain places. He has the typical Ramorughaur's yellow eyes and black teeth, but he has a large scar over his left nostril and down over his mouth. He carries a huge axe and wears a tough leather armor, specially made to fit his kind.

Hope that is acceptable...
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
World Is Flat and Dragonson have approved my races, so here is my character.

Submission Name: Kryn
Submission Type: Character
Description: Kryn is an Anzi Champion serving the God Serpent Llilic. He has reached the end of the Blood Magic rituals and is a fully-transformed Champion.
Kryn fights without weapons; he instead uses his claws and fangs to fight opponents. He is also an avid Blood Magic user.

History: Kryn received the attention of Llilic after he rescued seventeen people from a burning city block. Such a heroic act caused Llilic to choose Kryn as her Champion, much to his surprise. He has since served as any Champion should do, traveling the world and spreading the name of the Anzi and Llilic. Around the age of fifty, Kryn and Llilic reached the end of the Blood Magic rituals, and Kryn has since become one of the most far-traveling Champions.

Age: Kryn is 112 years old.

Body Build: Kryn is three meters long, almost six feet tall when standing on his tail.

Physical Traits: Like Llilic, Kryn is covered in dark blue and green scales.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Umm just to let you know, were having some issues about character strength and being beaten to easily, ya da ya da, so I'm not sure having him fully transformed at this stage will go well with flat's story (were all being beaten and locked up at the moment (e.g. would you consider him to 'champion' to to bow that easily?)) but wait and see what he says on the matter, :p.
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