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The Legacy of Legends Construction Thread

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Legacy of Legends, is going to be somwhat of a experiment of mine. It is going to be a completley player decided universe. Gameplay aspects, charachters, history, magic, and time are all going to be relativly player decided. By relativly i mean that if players and i (and other rp-mods) agree that it is a good concept then it will be added. I, as Rp-Mod, will act as DM. In this thread we will build our world and our charachters from the ground up. So heres what we have so far: (updated regularly)



Mods act as DMs and can review requests. Vets are Veteran Rpers who have either been long-term and active rpers, or have been with the rp for a long duration. Rp-ers are the new, the fresh, and the most important of the three groups (being the majority)



Grey Nightmare

The RP and its section and rules will be developed by the players. But please follow the Unwritten RP rules.



Primary Continent:

The Game Primarily takes place on the Supercontinet of Nar'oselot. It is made up of all regions that are not assigned, or that are regularly Traffiked. It takes up a whopping 35% of the planets surface.

Other Continents:

Submission Name:

Submission Type:

Inkita is a huge island mostly covered by jungle.
It has many mountains and lots of diffirent races inhabitating it.

Inkita is inhabitated by the Shavean Elves that has pretty much been there since the world was born.
They have grown from a little establishment on the shore to a huge empire with a great fleet.
To write down all the events that has happened during their evolution would take longer time than i want to use on it.

Mostly Tropical

Inkita lies on Inkita i guess?

Flora & Fauna:
Inkita hass all kinds of flora and fauna, though mostly no animals with thick fur and absolutely no evergreen trees. Exept for on the mountains.

Non-sentient Wildlife:
None Yet. Will add when i make up some animals.

See: Continent.

Not really sure what to write here...

Magic is thick in the air on Inkita, and strange things tend to happen with no apparent reason.

The Shevaen Elves




Submission Name:
Sylovoth Island
Submission Type:
The ancient island where the Dragonoths and Sylovoth Elves live. It is covered with a very thick mist, hence the nickname Isle of Mist.
Dragonoths are the native of this island. The Sylovoth Elves choose this island as their refugee 1000 years ago.
Climate: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Misty. At Stormy Night with a Full-Moon, the mist will disperse and make the Island accessible to travelers. Marinebreathers face constant threats of raging undersea tornado and whirlpools.
Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Not included into any continents as it's positioned in the middle of the sea.
Flora & Fauna: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (Animals must be approved)
Very, very scarce (Fauna, that is). What appears there includes plants and animals that you'd find on Beaches, Forests, and Mountains. Wing-Wielders face constant threats of Wild Dragons.
Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
In the middle of the sea, obscured by giant rocks.
Geography: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
A medium-sized island, go deeper and you'll find forests, go deeper and higher ad you'll find the mountain where the Dragonoths and Wing-Wielders live. Dragonoths live on the top of the mountain.
Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
The mist that cover the Island is so thick that everything would look the same to normal mortal's eyes: Plain White Fog.
Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
Syovothian Elves and Dragonoths. They live at peace with each-other.

Grey Nightmare

Approved.Submission Name:
Karthek Mountain Range

Submission Type:

A gigantic range of mountains, consisting of miles of open plane, ice caverns, cave complexes and predator ridden slopes.

Not much to say. The mountains don't change very much overtime, now and again a rockfall will cause a certain path to become unusable, a cave will collapse or predators will move away from a plain. It was the location of the 'Dark Plight' referred to only by the Kyrrin (as of yet) and even they can't or won't go into detail on the subject.

Climate: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Towards the bottom of the mountains there are vast plains and woodlands that lead up to the great steppe expanse that is the highlands, but further into the range it is a harsh barren snowscape, full of blizzards, high altitudes and deadly predators. The temperature is always below 0^oC in the depths of the range, the slopes and highland border can reach up to 10^oC.

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Flora & Fauna: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Pine trees, many rocks, minerals and metal deposits (deep within the mountains). Mountain Wolves, (Brown Bears, Wolves, Boars - at the connection to the steppes), A variety of hardy weeds, berries and pulses manage to grow on the lower reaches of the mountains, many avian birds such as the typical eagles, hawks and common birds live on the smaller mounts. Many giant avian predators that have yet to be named by man also crest the taller mountains, they rarely leave their roosts in the day and are few in number. Snowy Felines; Sabre Tooth Tigers (snowy pelt). Mammoths.

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
North on Nar’oseot, adjacent (north?) to the Highlands.

Geography: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
A huge maze of mountains, snowy plains and caves.

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
The tribes of Kyrrin often 'claim' territory but they change their mind and bicker about it so often nowhere is worth noting.

"Cliff Of The Ancestors" isn't considered part of the range, but is close enough to considered a local landmark and therefore often referred to by Kyrrin discussing directions etc.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
N/A - The Kyrrin are the only race inhabiting the range in number, but they are to few and weak to have any real hold, the only ruler here is the harsh, cold grasp of nature and her many denizens.


Submission Name:
Tuoreguro Highlands

Submission Type:

The Tuoreguro Highlands are vast steppes located close to a large mountain range. There are scattered woodland areas dotting the steppes, and the high cliff known as the Cliff of the Ancestors can be seen from almost any place on the steppes. Many small rivers run across the steppes, giving it a cracked appearance.

Tuoreguro is the native lands of the Ramorughaur. Their small villages are located close to the numerous woodland areas. Tuoreguro have long been inhabited by a vast population of Tatanka (The Native American name for Bison), and wild horses. Brown Bears and Wolves also roams the vast steppes, and wild boars are occasionally found to.

Climate: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Flora & Fauna: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Pine trees, freshwater fish, Tatanka, Wild Horses, Brown Bears, Wolves, Boars, Grass and herbs, eagles, falcons, typical "temperate" birds such as sparrows and woodchucks, and of course Ramorughaur.

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
North on Nar’oseot

Geography: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Flat, a vast steppe full of rivers and small woodlands.

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
The Cliff of Ancestors.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
The Ramorughaur tribes are the closest you can get.




Submission Name:
Alentika, Capital of the Shevaen.

Submission Type:

Alentika is the grand capital of the Shevaen Elves.
It is a huge, sproudling trade city with all kinds of activities.
From here, the leaders of all the Shevaen castes rule their empire.

Alentika were founded along with the first castes, and it has allways been looked upon as a milestone in Shevaen history.
It has grown along with the Shevaen empire, and is like a reflection of it's greatness.



Flora & Fauna:
Mostly anything that grows/lives on Inkita.
Though, also alot of imported plants and animals.

On the South coast of Inkita.

The Headquarter of the Mage Caste lies in Alentika, resulting in a very high magical activity there.
This sometimes leads to bizzare events.

The Shevaen Empire


Submission Name:
Katrean, Capital of the Citean.

Submission Type:

Katrean is the Underground capital of the Citean.
It is a huge, underground Mining city.
From here, the leader of all the Shev-Citean rule their Works.

Katrean were founded with the first Shev-Citeans.
It has grown along with the Shev-Citean Works, and is like a reflection of it's might



Flora & Fauna:
Mostly anything that grows/lives underground on Inkita.

On the South Eastern Mountains of Inkita.

The metal has powerful quality and is known to have bizarre magic metals.

The Shev-Citean Works and the Shevaen Empire


Grey Nightmare

Submission Name:

The Kyrrin (Ki-rin)

Submission Type:



EDIT ADD: Knew, I missed some stuff, Hair Colours: From pure white to a variety of blondes in females, it usually resembles the skin shade quite closely (though not always), male's can have anything from black, brown, dark blonde or even ginger.

Female's hair does not change colour (e.g. go grey) with age, men's do, at around 350 -400 years.

A humanoid race, pale skinned, ranging from chalk-white to albino/pale (like we see in our human race as the lightest) at the darkest. They live in ________ undecided/submitted (can place in someone else's or make my own, assuming this is approved). It's a cold, harsh mountainous region. They live in tribes of around 30 - 50, one male is appointed as a No'ha, the 'spiritual leader', their orders must be obeyed, or opposed via a duel. Females may not be a No'ha or challenge someone/be challenged to a duel. Outsiders/Other races are not permitted to become part of the tribe, or duel a No'ha, though they may duel other tribe members should the No'ha deem it plausible.

They mate for life, due to the long menstrual cycle of women (see below) children are rare as timing is critical this is enforced and cheating can be punished by exile, of course due to awful man:woman ratio, many bachelors die 'alone' though due to the nature of tribes as a family it's never quite as bad as a human dying 'alone' not quite so bad.

Exile: The person in question is branded with a "Sho'ka" or 'Mark of Shame', no tribe will adopt him/her some may even refuse to acknowledge him/her. Most die as a result of exile, unable to hunt for food alone. A few leave their home behind and make their way to other corners of the world, those these are very few and far between.

They speak their own language "Nithaen" or 'Nomadic' in the human tongue, this probably wouldn't be spoken in a rp, just referred to (otherwise it's too hard to understand xD).

The tribes move around a lot, they live in tents and or caves, depending on what is available at the time (e.g. tents if no caves...). The male's are considered the "hunters", though females are not shunned as warriors.

They do a lot of free hand climbing up sheer cliff faces to hunt some of the more evasive avian prey, hence their build.

***The female "discrimination" is due to their rarity, 1 out of 3 children born (which is already very few) are girls, however they are allowed to be warriors due to their lacking numbers, they need everyone to be able to fight.


They have always lived in the harsh peaks of Karthek which overshadow the beautiful highlands. Their origin is unknown, even to them. As such a tribal and scattered race all history is past by word of mouth and therefore it is hard to discern the truth.

- - - - I will lay down some agreed facts between the various tribes: - - - -

U'natu was the very first No'ha, as decreed by the spirit's during the 'Dark Plight' that befell the peaks many millennia (dependent on the age of our universe) ago.

He managed to unite the tribes and together they survived the 'Dark Plight', only the Tula No'ha (Technically the 'de-facto' leader of the people, but he has very little interest in the uniting the people, without adequate reason: e.g. extinction) know's the true events of this and a new Tula is only selected when the first is upon his deathbed, therefore it is their most closely guarded secret, I mean imagine the Tula died before another could be selected and the knowledge passed on?

The spirits have been silent since the 'great plight' and no longer actively talk to the No'ha, though offerings are still given and guidance requested.

Before the 'Dark Plight' is not worth knowing.

U'natu slowly became joyless and morose during the centuries after the 'Dark Plight', he grew old and miserable and eventually went into solitary exile, after appointing his successor: Jamuk (All next Tula No'ha for the next couple of millennia are unknown).

Jamuk led well, he kept the tribes united and well fed, but upon his death, old feuds from before the 'Dark Plight' were reignited within the tribes, arguments over hunting land, mates and territory ensured the united 'Kyrrin' were no more.

The tribes broke up once again, though the tradition of having a Tula No'ha remained, none ever tried (or at least succeeded) to reunite the tribes, and in all honesty they didn't need to.

The millennia to follow would be a constant struggle for survival against the elements, nothing more, nothing less. The population neither grew nor declined.

More coming...

Average Age/Approximate Age:

They live much longer than humans, the eldest having reached just shy of 500 years. Unlike elves, they are very much 'human' this means will be a child in appearance and mind until the age of nearing 50 - 70, a woman's menstrual cycle is a year rather than a month, etc...

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)

Fairly small, no taller than 5' 8" but a fully grown male is usually between 5' and 5' 6", with female's being slightly taller, but much less stocky. The male build is one for climbing, long legs and arms, very tight compact and muscular for their size.

EDIT ADD: Forgot yet another thing: Weight is for a male (fully grown and healthy) 8-10 stone (112 - 140 lbs). Female's though taller weigh considerably less, around 7-8 stone. Anything over these is most likely due to obesity (this is very rare due to their harsh life style, though some exile's have probably mastered it ;)) and any less can be due to illness or old age (withered muscles).

Pysical Traits:

Extremely cold skin to the touch, they are also cold-blooded. It's a fantasy...

Military Matters and Politics



As already mentioned the "Kyrrin" are divided into tribes, these tribes are similar to giant families (in friendship purposes) but one may openly leave/join a tribe at any time (the latter is at the No'ha's discretion and is also void if the applicator bears the Sho'ka) with good reason. Usually a "Kyrrin" will stay with a tribe for a good many decades if not his entire life, forming a bond almost as strong as that between him/her and a mate.

Tribes are named after there current No'ha's for e.g: "The U'natu Tribe"

They fight together, hunt together and die together.

There are near enough 100 recognized tribes of differing sizes (usually between 30-50, some bigger ones may have just shy of 100, leaving the total number of "Kyrrin" at a mere 3,000 - 5,000.

They can fight, they used to, before the 'Dark Plight' carry out initiation writes. Where a newcomer to the tribe either maturing child or applicator must perform various task including wrestling wolves bear handed, many died in these writes and now with the race dwindling, the Tula No'ha strictly forbid any unnecessary bloodshed. Even tribal warfare is strictly monitored with some of the larger tribes policing the smaller ones, with various threats and or appeasements. A No'ha whose tribe or even a single member assaults another without good reason can and will be punished, these punishments vary from Rank stripping, exile or even death. Depending on the extent of the damage done.

-No'has may not mate, until there position has been taken over.
-Ex - No'has cannot re-submit for the position.
-Ex - No'has cannot leave their tribe, they have been bound to it's very core.
-The Tula No'ha cannot have children or relinquish his post, EVER! Neither may he be challenged to a duel, his decrees may be refused by a ---majority of No'has. E.g 60 tribe No'has object to his proposition to unite...

Sex/Age Differentiation

-Women may not become No'ha or hunt due to their rarity, the former is 'too dangerous' the latter prevents them from mating.
-They are allowed to fight in wars against other races due to the fractured nature of the people, they need all the soldiers they can get.
-Children take so long to mature that they are guarded like precious gems. Births are so rare that great feasts are held and many tribes may unite for a while to celebrate the births of many.
-Infertile women (due to problems and age) are NOT exempt from these rules.
-Women children are a bigger cause to celebrate than males.
-A stillborn child/miscarriage are the most catastrophic events imaginable, tribes will mourn for years over such losses.
-Women are pregnant for several years and as such are very vulnerable, in times of war when men cannot be spared to protect them, this can become a problem and cause disputes between preferences/priorities.

Military Matters

-> Tribal warfare is supposed to be non-lethal, whether this means disputes are settled via competitions (hunting/bigger feasts/more supporters etc) or no 'sharp' weapons are to be used.

DUELS ARE A VERY COMMON WAY OF SETTLING DISPUTES. A 'champion' or 'leader' of one side's argument against another's.

Weapons used in actual warfare and hunting include:


Short Bows

Spears (not pikes...)

Swords are used, but rarely - sometimes blunt swords are used in duels but this is going out of fashion - staffs (headless spears) are now the preference. These swords are all scimitar/nomadic/curved blades. Mongol style, slash, rather than thrust and they are never used in hunting, it is considered 'inefficient' or an 'untidy' way of killing.

Hunting Knifes are used widely, every "Kyrrin" wears one or more. They are used for quick kills on downed prey.

Fur armour is favoured and accessible, though some leather and other light materials isn't unseen.

A variety of other equipment can be used, e.g. pickaxes for climbing are often used in war, as are grappling hooks.



The tribe (or a designated team from it) will hunt everyday if encamped and work together to take down big beasts and gather berries and the like (whatever they can get their hands on in such harsh conditions), on the move - scout's are required to chase down smaller prey given the opportunity, or forage what they can safely carry without hindering their actions (which is very little).


Tribes have never moved out of the mountain range except in times of war.

Moving is a dangerous process, the predators of the Karthek range are unforgiving and cunning. Many an unsuspecting tribe have been devastated by a pack of wolves or poor hunters leading their quarry back to the camp.
To make matters worse, hunting is hard on the move due to the above, many warriors are needed to protect the women and children and so cannot hunt, even the scouts must be quick, so as to ensure they stay ahead of the tribe.

Mating & Marriage

The "Kyrrin" believe in free will, if nothing else. They allow their children to marry whom they will from ANOTHER TRIBE, you cannot marry within the same tribe (remember the 'family bond') and then one must join the other's tribe once 'married', usually the female joining the male's though this is due to tradition rather than actual law. Outsider relationships are strictly forbidden and to 'woo' a Sho'ka bearer is to be branded with one yourself.

The 'marriage' is actually performed by two No'ha, one of the bride's tribe and one from the groom's respectively. It involves a complex ritual that may last from dawn to dusk (long lives = longer vows ;)), all members of both tribes must attend, hunting is suspended for the day, food having been stockpiled and shared between tribes beforehand.


Submission Name:
Submission Type:
Humanoid Dragons. Red breathes fire, Blue breathes ice, etc.
Not much is known about Dragonoth. Mainly because they never left their dwelling, the Sylovoth Island or known to most mortals as Isle of Mist. They are rumored to match, and even beat Dragons on terms of power.
Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
Eternal. Some do die of Old Age because they lost their powers to live eternally because of something, usually breaking the law that all Dragonoths must follow. They can be killed though.
Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Massive. Mature Dragonoths could reach 15 Meters in height. Funnily, Ancient Dragonoths only reach 20 Meters at most.
Physical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms etc., for Race/Char)
They are scaly. And has wings. And breathe something based on their color.
General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Humanoid Dragons. Need I say more?

Dragonson's Note: The Hierachy system of these elves are very similiar to the one my elves use.
While i do approve this race, i'd still like that changed.
Submission Name:
Sylovothian Elf
Submission Type:
Your usual elf. They have special traits that I will explain later.
Sylovothian Elves lives in the Isle of Mist as refugees. They are welcomed by the Dragonoths and blessed by the Essence of the Wild, granting different types different alternate forms.
Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
Depends on Type and Rank. Varies for about 100-300 (Lowest Rank), 400-600 (Middle Rank), and 800-Eternal (Highest Rank)
Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Don't tell me you've never seen an Elf.
Physical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Depends on Type.
General Appearance: (Race/Char)
"Hi ho! I'm an Elf"

Type Differences:
The Sylovothian Elves have their type divided according to the form they took from the power of the Essence.

First Type: The Wing-Wielders
As the name says, they fly and took the form of Birds.
Highest Rank: Keeper of Secrets, Skylord
Middle Rank: Eaglemans
Lowest Rank: Harpies

Second Type: The Groundwalkers
Even after being blessed by the Essence's power, they still choose to walk upon the ground.
Highest Rank: Keeper of Wisdom, Behemoth
Middle Rank: Minotaur
Lowest Rank: Werewolf

Third Type: The Marinebreathers
The members of this type choose the sunken cave below Sylovoth Island as their dwelling.
Highest Rank: Keeper of Power, Leviathan
Middle Rank: Mermen
Lowest Rank: Fishmen


Submission Name:

Submission Type:

The Ramorughaur are large humanoid creatures which inhabit the highlands of Tuoreguro. They have thick fur and are powerfully built. They have an anatomy resembling that of a gorilla, and an almost ape-like face. They have quite large claws and horns protrouding from the back of their head. They are Herbivorus.

The Ramorughaur have inhabited the Tuoreguro Highlands for as long as anyone can remember. They live in simple tribal societies and rarely war with each other. They have buried their dead at the Cliff of Ancestors in Sarcophages mounted on wooden platforms on the cliffside itself, and it is said that the shamans can wield the ancrestal powers there.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
A Ramorughaur usually have a lifespan of 160 years.

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Usually between 7 and 9ft. tall, weighs between 200 to 600 pounds.

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Incredible Strength, Horns, Claws, Herbivorous.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Roughly what I had in mind:

{wc3 Satsquatch]



Submission Name: The Nianor

Submission Type: Race

Description: They're an old, humanoid race that have been known for centuries. For some reason, they can't unite each other and live in tribes.

History: They came from the sea, forced by a prophecy to follow the Northrend Star, which moves constantly. Slowly, the star stopped and marked their homeland, Yoran.

Average Age/Approximate Age: The oldest they can get is ninety, the youngest fifty.

Body Build: They rely on speed, rather then force. Their legs are quite heavily build up while their body isn't.

Pysical Traits: Nothing special.

General Appearance: They have a dark gray skin, with muscled legs.

Climate: It is rather rainy, compare it with a sea climate.

Continent: They don't live on any particular special continent.

Flora & Fauna: Many plants, but not much variety. There are some rare plants in their country too.

Location: Asman.

Geography: Many forests, and where there aren't forests there are only the plains.

Specials: They are special in guerilla warfare and never forgive, never forget. This makes them a somewhat disliked race. Also, if a male dies, a red plant grows on the spot where he died.

Controller: Each Chieftain controls his tribe independant. Only in truly dangerous times they unite and chose a Warlord.


Submission Name:
The Shevaen Elves

Submission Type:

The Shevaen Elves are the inhabitants and dominant rulers of Inkita.
They are huge on trade, especially oversea due to their large focus on the marine (THAT DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH STARCRAFT! LOOK UP THE WORD MARINE FFS!) technology field (boats and sea-travel).

The history of the Shevaen elves are too long to write down here, but in basic terms:
They have allways lived on Inkita.
They have grown from a little establishment on the shore to a trade empire.
They have strong magical potential due to Inkita's air being thick with the stuff.
They are the creators of the Citaen.

Average Age/Approximate Age:
200-400 years. (Some castes lives longer. See Castes lower down on the sheet.)

Body Build:
Depends on the caste. (Again: See Castes lower down on the sheet.)

Physical Traits/General Appearance:
The Typical Shevaen elf looks like your regular wood elf.
Though, some castes have special traits. (See: Castes.)

One of the things that mapes the Shevaen stand out from regular elves is their castes.
During their time on Inkita, they have split up in diffirent castes.
The first castes were:
-Fishers and Sailors
These castes had strange effects on the Shevaen people, possibly due to Inkita's magically-shimmering air.
The people of the Mage Caste developed a sixth sense that allowed them to speak to nature and it's elements. They also developed very pointy teeth. Very strong mages have wings.
The people of the Architect Caste became thin and very fragile, and with this they also became very beautyfull.
The the Fishers and Sailors became huge and sturdy.
They all look like well trained body builders.
The people of the Worker Caste grew two extra arms, allowing them to perform alot of work faster than most others.
The Warriors became sturdy like the Fishers and Sailors, but alot stronger.
They developed keen senses, and a very strong Honor concept.


Submission Name:

Submission Type:

Metal humanoid animated by magic.

Created by black smiths and mages for war but they had other thing in mind. They use a core stone as power source, this core is tied to magic. So as long as the core is not damaged, the main unit has power. Power = animation. The Citean under the elves will not rebel. This Citean family is the first and is called Shev-Citean "Elf Citean". Hasit-Citean "Rebel Citean" will try that but they live in dangerous areas.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
1-200 years/ 400 years old

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Depends what family is it. Some have leaner and more built.

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Basic humanoid but have metal for skin.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Metal humaniod with peices of wood and rock.

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
They rule over mines in the Inkita

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Inkita's mines and the city of Katrean (post later)

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Don't need for food, sleep and any normal living things.
Can be repaired.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
Elves and other races with black smiths and mages.

Shev-Citean "Elf Citean"
Hasit-Citean "Rebel Citean"
Nia-Citean "Nianor Citean"
Monis-Citean "Free Citean"




Submission name:
Soul/Spirit/Ancestor Magic

Submission Type:

The Soul Magic is the basic magic of the primitive races. It involves the use of spirits in nature combined with the four elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air, and the caster's own life force. The Soul Magic usually is performed in tribal rituals, but it does have a variety of uses, including summoning spirits, animating the dead and healing.

Performing the magic:
When one is going to perform Soul Magic, one does need several material components. the caster does need a totem of some sort to use as a connection to the spirit world and the caster does need a spirit amulet which contains a part of his/her own life force and can be used to channel it. In addition, several strange and less strange components can be used to help channeling certain energied, these include special rocks, herbs, gems, metals, weeds, liquids and animal organs such as hearts and livers.

The Jaal:
The flow of magic

The Jaal is a powerful flow of magic that can be 'tapped by magical beings called sorcerers. sorcerers can wield this magic at will, they have no limits to their power, but casting magic makes them unstable. too many spells, too quickly, or a spell that is to powerful will cause them to loose stability. the result of lost stability is explosion, transformation, mutation, warping the body or parts of the body to other places nd infestation of evil magical spirits called the Guienari'del'jaysou. commoners call them demons.

This magic flows through the air, and certain areas have lots, or none of it. and somtimes, the magic in the air is corrupted. All necromancers are sorcerers. necromancers harvest the power of a special kind of magic called Necrkortim, a special spirit-catch left behind in a body after death, that allows the spirit to be pulled back into the body and animate it once more, bound to the necrmancers will...

more later.


Submission Name: Dragon slayer magic

Submission Type: Magic

Description: Dragon slayer magic is one of the most rare types of magic in existence, it can be extremely powerful when used in the right way. dragon slayer magic ironically can only be tought to a human by a dragon or by implanting a dragon crystal inside of someones body. tough the later is far weaker since the magic is not supported by the wielders heart. dragon slayer magic comes in many different elements such as the basics: Fire; air, water, ice. furthermore there are other more rare elements such as metal, toxic, ... etc. a dragon power can regain power by eating his own element tough the eating of his own creations will result in massive damage on long term and eventually kill the dragon slayer himself since he is eating a part of himself. dragon slayer magic is so race because it is as strong as the wielders heart and spirit is. accomplished dragon slayers can form dragon scales on some parts of their body's to make their attacks even stronger, if they master this further they can grow dragon claws and eventually perform a half dragon transformation. this transformation is their ultimate form.

History: on the first days dragon slayers were handpicked by dragons and raised tough at that time they were called dragon warriors. eventually some of these warriors turned on their dragons and attacked them whit their own power, thus the birth of the dragon slayers. seeing as this made the magic very rare since dragons and slayers were killed. the slayers sought for a way to keep training others and eventually came up whit the dragon crystal. an artificial crystal created from a part of the dragons heart and scales implanted into a human body to make him take over some of the dragon magic stored inside. right now the number of dragon slayers is under 50. the number of dragons still remaining tough is uncertain, some say they are extinct some say about a dozen remain, at this point it is unknown.

Please use this sheet for submissions:
(if a section does not apply to your submission, write N/A (not applicable))

Submission Name:

Submission Type:



Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)

General Appearance: (Race/Char)


Climate: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Flora & Fauna: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (Animals must be approved)

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Geography: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)


Please give more category suggestions!

As soon as this is is relativly stable, We will move on to the Char construction thread, and then the RP itself!


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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Hmm I'm in. One question though so we make the story line lore and stuff then we make the characters?
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Submission Name:

Submission Type:


The Ramorughaur are large humanoid creatures which inhabit the highlands of Tuoreguro. They have thick fur and are powerfully built. They have an anatomy resembling that of a gorilla, and an almost ape-like face. They have quite large claws and horns protrouding from the back of their head. They are Herbivorus.


The Ramorughaur have inhabited the Tuoreguro Highlands for as long as anyone can remember. They live in simple tribal societies and rarely war with each other. They have buried their dead at the Cliff of Ancestors in Sarcophages mounted on wooden platforms on the cliffside itself, and it is said that the shamans can wield the ancrestal powers there.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
A Ramorughaur usually have a lifespan of 160 years.

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Usually between 7 and 9ft. tall, weighs between 200 to 600 pounds.

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Incredible Strength, Horns, Claws, Herbivorous.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Roughly what I had in mind:
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Add me as a regular, if noone disagrees of course. I only have four or five years of Roleplay Experience, and only about half a year of Forum-Roleplay experience.

Submission Name:
Tuoreguro Highlands

Submission Type:

The Tuoreguro Highlands are vast steppes located close to a large mountain range. There are scattered woodland areas dotting the steppes, and the high cliff known as the Cliff of the Ancestors can be seen from almost any place on the steppes. Many small rivers run across the steppes, giving it a cracked appearance.

Tuoreguro is the native lands of the Ramorughaur. Their small villages are located close to the numerous woodland areas. Tuoreguro have long been inhabited by a vast population of Tatanka (The Native American name for Bison), and wild horses. Brown Bears and Wolves also roams the vast steppes, and wild boars are occasionally found to.

Climate: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Flora & Fauna: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Pine trees, freshwater fish, Tatanka, Wild Horses, Brown Bears, Wolves, Boars, Grass and herbs, eagles, falcons, typical "temperate" birds such as sparrows and woodchucks, and of course Ramorughaur.

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

North on Nar’oseot

Geography: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)

Flat, a vast steppe full of rivers and small woodlands.

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
The Cliff of Ancestors.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)

The Ramorughaur tribes are the closest you can get.
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Submission Name: The Nianor

Submission Type: Race

Description: They're an old, humanoid race that have been known for centuries. For some reason, they can't unite each other and live in tribes.

History: They came from the sea, forced by a prophecy to follow the Northrend Star, which moves constantly. Slowly, the star stopped and marked their homeland, Yoran.

Average Age/Approximate Age: The oldest they can get is ninety, the youngest fifty.

Body Build: They rely on speed, rather then force. Their legs are quite heavily build up while their body isn't.

Pysical Traits: Nothing special.

General Appearance: They have a dark gray skin, with muscled legs.

Climate: It is rather rainy, compare it with a sea climate.

Continent: They don't live on any particular special continent.

Flora & Fauna: Many plants, but not much variety. There are some rare plants in their country too. Many wild sheeps wander the land, who are hunted by Wolves, who are hunted by the Panthers. The Panthers have a very short lifespan so this holds the foodchain in stand. Also, in the forests you can encounter wild bears. It is very rare, but once in the hundred years a golden bird can be seen, shining in the sun. What he is, is not known.

Location: Asman.

Geography: Many forests, and where there aren't forests there are only the plains.

Specials: They are special in guerilla warfare and never forgive, never forget. This makes them a somewhat disliked race. Also, if a male dies, a red plant grows on the spot where he died.

Controller: Each Chieftain controls his tribe independant. Only in truly dangerous times they unite and chose a Warlord.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Submission Name:

Submission Type:

Inkita is a huge island mostly covered by jungle.
It has many mountains and lots of diffirent races inhabitating it.

Inkita is inhabitated by a huge empire of elves that has pretty much been there since the world was born.
They have grown from a little establishment on the shore to a huge empire with a great fleet.
To write down all the events that has happened during their evolution would take longer time than i want to use on it.

Mostly Tropical

Inkita lies on Inkita i guess?

Flora & Fauna:
Inkita hass all kinds of flora and fauna, though mostly no animals with thick fur and absolutely no evergreen trees. Exept for on the mountains.

Non-sentient Wildlife:
None Yet. Will add when i make up some animals.

See: Continent.

Not really sure what to write here...

Magic is thick in the air on Inkita, and strange things tend to happen with no apparent reason.

The Elves living on inkita. (Posting them for approval soon.)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Submission Name:

Submission Type:

Metal humanoid animated by magic.

Created by black smiths and mages for war but they had other thing in mind.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
1-200 years/ 400 years old

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Depends what family is it. Some have leaner and more built.

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Basic humanoid but have metal for skin.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Metal humaniod with peices of wood and rock.

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
They rule over mines in the Inkita

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Inkita's mines

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Don't need for food, sleep and any normal living things.
Can be repaired.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
Elves and other races with black smiths and mages.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well... I'm fine with it. Just aslong as one thing is clear:
The Shevaen Elves (working on ehm ATM.) are way too strong to just be "rebelled" out of Inkita.
U Rebel on my country, i pwnz u.
U make a sinister plot and take me down with intrigues, i high fivez u.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
They use a core stone as power source, this core is tied to magic. So as long as the core is not damaged, the main unit has power. Power = animation. The Citean under the elves will not rebel. This Citean family is the first and is called Shev-Citean "Elf Citean". Hasit-Citean "Rebel Citean" will try that but they live in dangerous areas.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
About magic:
I suggest that we just make it some kind of force that just is.
Like "The Force" from StarWars, exept that it's uses are alot more high-fantasy.

Submission Name:

Submission Type:

Inkita is a huge island mostly covered by jungle.
It has many mountains and lots of diffirent races inhabitating it.

Inkita is inhabitated by the Shavean Elves that has pretty much been there since the world was born.
They have grown from a little establishment on the shore to a huge empire with a great fleet.
To write down all the events that has happened during their evolution would take longer time than i want to use on it.

Mostly Tropical

Inkita lies on Inkita i guess?

Flora & Fauna:
Inkita hass all kinds of flora and fauna, though mostly no animals with thick fur and absolutely no evergreen trees. Exept for on the mountains.

Non-sentient Wildlife:
None Yet. Will add when i make up some animals.

See: Continent.

Not really sure what to write here...

Magic is thick in the air on Inkita, and strange things tend to happen with no apparent reason.

The Shevaen Elves

Submission Name:
The Shevaen Elves

Submission Type:

The Shevaen Elves are the inhabitants and dominant rulers of Inkita.
They are huge on trade, especially oversea due to their large focus on the marine (THAT DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH STARCRAFT! LOOK UP THE WORD MARINE FFS!) technology field (boats and sea-travel).

The history of the Shevaen elves are too long to write down here, but in basic terms:
They have allways lived on Inkita.
They have grown from a little establishment on the shore to a trade empire.
They have strong magical potential due to Inkita's air being thick with the stuff.
They are the creators of the Citaen.

Average Age/Approximate Age:
200-400 years. (Some castes lives longer. See Castes lower down on the sheet.)

Body Build:
Depends on the caste. (Again: See Castes lower down on the sheet.)

Physical Traits/General Appearance:
The Typical Shevaen elf looks like your regular wood elf.
Though, some castes have special traits. (See: Castes.)

One of the things that mapes the Shevaen stand out from regular elves is their castes.
During their time on Inkita, they have split up in diffirent castes.
The first castes were:
-Fishers and Sailors
These castes had strange effects on the Shevaen people, possibly due to Inkita's magically-shimmering air.
The people of the Mage Caste developed a sixth sense that allowed them to speak to nature and it's elements. They also developed very pointy teeth. Very strong mages have wings.
The people of the Architect Caste became thin and very fragile, and with this they also became very beautyfull.
The the Fishers and Sailors became huge and sturdy.
They all look like well trained body builders.
The people of the Worker Caste grew two extra arms, allowing them to perform alot of work faster than most others.
The Warriors became sturdy like the Fishers and Sailors, but alot stronger.
They developed keen senses, and a very strong Honor concept.

Allright... i hope this is 'kay.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Submission Name:

Submission Type:

Metal humanoid animated by magic.

Created by black smiths and mages for war but they had other thing in mind. They use a core stone as power source, this core is tied to magic. So as long as the core is not damaged, the main unit has power. Power = animation. The Citean under the elves will not rebel. This Citean family is the first and is called Shev-Citean "Elf Citean". Hasit-Citean "Rebel Citean" will try that but they live in dangerous areas.

Average Age/Approximate Age: (Race/Char)
1-200 years/ 400 years old

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)
Depends what family is it. Some have leaner and more built.

Pysical Traits: (Scales/Wings, # of Arms ect., for Race/Char)
Basic humanoid but have metal for skin.

General Appearance: (Race/Char)
Metal humaniod with peices of wood and rock.

Continent: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
They rule over mines in the Inkita

Location: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Inkita's mines and the city of Katrean (post later)

Specials: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane)
Don't need for food, sleep and any normal living things.
Can be repaired.

Controller: (Territory/City/Continent/Plane) (What in-game group)
Elves and other races with black smiths and mages.

Shev-Citean "Elf Citean"
Hasit-Citean "Rebel Citean"
Nia-Citean "Nianor Citean"
Monis-Citean "Free Citean"
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Submission Name:
Alentika, Capital of the Shevaen.

Submission Type:

Alentika is the grand capital of the Shevaen Elves.
It is a huge, sproudling trade city with all kinds of activities.
From here, the leaders of all the Shevaen castes rule their empire.

Alentika were founded along with the first castes, and it has allways been looked upon as a milestone in Shevaen history.
It has grown along with the Shevaen empire, and is like a reflection of it's greatness.



Flora & Fauna:
Mostly anything that grows/lives on Inkita.
Though, also alot of imported plants and animals.

On the South coast of Inkita.

The Headquarter of the Mage Caste lies in Alentika, resulting in a very high magical activity there.
This sometimes leads to bizzare events.

The Shevaen Empire
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Allright... here's a map of Inkita made with the information i'm currently having on it.
(more cities will most possibly be added later as they're registered in the game world.)
Also note that inkita is a BIG continent, and that Alentika is an ENORMOUS city.
the other cities are WAY smaller. And really, other Cities than Alentika are not show to scale on the map. ;)

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