R-INVolve - Destrian Chronicles Construction Thread

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Roleplaying System

What is R-INVolve?

R-Involve (Involve) Is a Low impact action response oriented Text Roleplaying system, design to phase out complex rolling systems and random statistics for a more intesive, story based roleplay. By forgoing Stats and dice, we are able to focus on a literary presentation that encourages player to DM interaction on a level like never seen before.

So does this mean that the DMs make up and control everything?

Yes, the DMs make and control the world, it's inhabitants and it's events. However it's completely up to the players to react to these events and in doing so create a series of 'knock-on' effects that will determine the progression of both world and story through the DM response.

The DM crafts the world and sets events in motion, the players then react to these events and in turn the DM will react to them. This feedback loop will continue, bouncing off dm to player to set the entire game world into a looping feedback of Cause, and Effect, Consiquence

Does the world take place in a static enviroment, Linear story progression, or is there no linear story at all?

The DM's have created a world, what you do in that world is entirely up to you, they will progress the story according to your actions. Attempt to kill a town governor, fine but there will be consequences. Want to marry someone? There's no rule for it but theres' no rule against it.

So is this system really no sytem at all?

What defines a system? "a procedure or process for obtaining an objective?"

Then yes, this is a system. It just bypasses all the boring bits.
The system is not held to the text rp, but rather exists outside it.
This should hopefully encourage players to really get into the game, interact through their characters to build not only a relationship with them but with their fellow players and DMs.

So how does combat work?

Combat is played out in an Action-Response Scenario, The player attempts to make an action, And the DM will respond with the consiquences of his attempt, and each action can hold them on a grand scale, the beauty of the system being that all the depth of the system is held behind the DMs, allowing the players to focus on the adventure at hand.

So there are no stats? No skills? How do we represent our characters? How do we know how powerful they are!?

The Involve system allows characters to develop in depth and complexity based on the interactions the player makes with his or her enviroment, as players begin to connect to the DMs and other players, they get to understand their own capabilities as the roleplay itself moves, growing a more complex bond between the roleplayers and their 'People' as we call them, and really making the story that much more involved.

It's like real life - you know what your capable of. That connection is developed with your 'Person' as you play.

- Presents -

The Destrian Chronicles
Construction Thread

Destra, a collection of continents floats atop the waters of an unknown, uncharted world. Ruled by twisted puppets, bloodthirsty warlords, shady elders and self-cursed Gods. It is safe for none, yet a haven for all. There is no good or evil, only the remembered and the forgotten. Will you make a name for yourself on the golden shores of Windloria? Debate phenomenoms with the mage council in Brilmark? Endlessly wander the deserts of Krill, Tyanor and Tukki within the country of Mushara? Or perhaps you'll take on the life of a hermit and make enemies and friends alike as you try to see past this sinister veil that hangs over these strange lands. In Destra only one thing is for sure, every action has its consequence.

Failure, betrayal, love, loss, death, redemption and more awaits you... Choose your side and take up arms, for the darkness has come and this time...

The fate of Destra is truly, in your hands."

To Develop a Character, Please fill out this form for reference.






(This does not include a biography, or a description of skills, or personality, this will be developed in the Role play.)

You may select your race Here.


The Tyanto live in the "Tukki Desert (within Mushara)", they are short, gangly creatures with next to nothing in the category of IQ. They are very boisterous folk and extremely sociable, they are however unbelievably numerous and have outmatched any invaders purely due to their habitat's terrain and vital control of watering hole's and oasis's. They are very tribal, having witch doctors, war masks and using primitive weapons such as bone and poison dipped arrows in their tiny bows. Due to the extreme heat there apparel tends to consist of nothing but loincloths, war paint and/or war masks. There skin is ruddy, golden colour and their eyes are small, beady pools of ink. They have long noses and ears, similar to that of goblins but are undeniably 'cuter' for want of a better word.


Tyanto's society is relatively simple, much like their state of mind. They live in fixed towns, consisting of tiny, poorly built mud huts and various other materials they can find... or steal. Anything from half a century to near 5,000 can live in one of these settlements, the bigger numbers reserved for the oasis settlements at which there may also be a number of religious buildings and totems for worship.


The Tyanto do not believe in any one god or even many. There attention span is so short, that even their beliefs can change at a whim, one minute they'll be worshipping Ak'ka'ku'ku the god of mud and the next they'll be worshipping the latest trader as the bringer of 'donkeys', which they ate, much to the merchant's dismay.

The religions are neither fixed to the race as a whole, it's perfectly plausible for the king to worship his own deities and his kingdom worship another set.
Many totems and 'temples' are erected in honour for a few days before being defaced by opposing worshippers or torn down for their new gods.

3' - 4'

70 - 140 lbs.

Ruddy Brown to Golden Bronze


Long ears and noses, Hairless.

A humanoid race, pale skinned, ranging from chalk-white to albino/pale (like we see in Brilmarken or Tholm human race as the lightest) at the darkest. They live in the mountain range of Karthek, in the north west of Brilmark. It's a cold, harsh mountainous region. They live in tribes of around 30 - 50, one male is appointed as a No'ha, the 'spiritual leader', their orders must be obeyed, or opposed via a duel. Females may not be a No'ha or challenge someone/be challenged to a duel. Outsiders/Other races are not permitted to become part of the tribe, or duel a No'ha, though they may duel other tribe members should the No'ha deem it plausible. There physique is relatively short but very robust, especially the males.

The tribes move around a lot, they live in tents and or caves, depending on what is available at the time (e.g. tents if no caves...). The male's are considered the "hunters", though females are not shunned as warriors.
They do a lot of free hand climbing up sheer cliff faces to hunt some of the more evasive avian prey, hence their build.

***The female "discrimination" is due to their rarity, 1 out of 3 children born (which is already very few) are girls, however they are allowed to be warriors due to their lacking numbers, they need everyone to be able to fight.
They usually mate for life, of course due to awful man:woman ratio, many bachelors die 'alone' though due to the nature of tribes as a family it's never quite as bad as a human dying 'alone' not quite so bad.


They have always lived in the harsh peaks of Karthek which overshadow the beautiful highlands. Their origin is unknown, even to them. As such a tribal and scattered race all history is past by word of mouth and therefore it is hard to discern the truth.

The person in question is branded with a "Sho'ka" or 'Mark of Shame', no tribe will adopt him/her some may even refuse to acknowledge him/her. Most die as a result of exile, unable to hunt for food alone. A few leave their home behind and make their way to other corners of the world, those these are very few and far between.

5' 3'' - 6' 2''

120 - 180 lbs.


Cold Hardy.

The Trellians were once a proud people, they stand tall and broad, with mighty physiques. They are sailors by blood and make their home in remnant camps along the East coast of Brilmark, making sure to avoid both the gap and ruined fort of Trell. They are soldiers by nature and are well known for unwavering traits of loyalty and discipline.

5' 3'' - 6' 2''

120 - 180 lbs



The Faeries of Destra are a mysterious people, unlike previous examples of their namesake they are very much 'human' in height and weight, with a slighter figure. The main difference is that women bear wings, though it's said if the wings are the torn the bearer will die. They are attuned to simple arcane magic but are much more comfortable with blades. They have no charted 'home' but are known as wanderers and distrusted by most. Often referred to as the 'Fey'.

4' 10" - 5' 2"


Ranges, Usually not Pale.

Females Have have wings.

Occupy the majority of Brilmark, they are farmers, millers and lumberjacks by birth. Masters of trade and commerce, a Brilmarken merchant and diplomat is usually a good one. They are not as peaceful as they may seem, boasting not an army of metal and steel but an advocate of mages, many trained every generation by the academy on the north-east peninsula.

5' 3" - 6' 2''

120 - 180



The dark skinned men and women of Tohlm are wise enginneers and powerful warrirors. They have a long heritage with the workings of mighty steam contraptions, and their mighty forge-cities are powered by these mechanations, to others, they are like gods.

5' 3'' - 5'' 6

120 - 160 lbs

Dark, reddish-brown, to a light reddish brown.

Black hair

The legendary 'Lizard Men' Of the Musharan Craglands, the Saurans have, in their eons of life in those constantly shifting lands, become adept climbers, and savage warriors. The saurans have two sub-breeds, the Salamander, and the Diamondback.

While possessing questionable intelligence, these beasts are known to have an animalistic cunning in the face of danger.

Diamondbacks never stop growing until the day they die, and the eldest of the sauran mystics have been seen, and reported to be the size of dragons, although this takes thousands of years, it is what has inspired the musharans to preform peridoic raids against these lizardmen, to destroy the eldest and largest of the warriors.

The salamanders are much smaller, and more numerous, and considerably more intelligent.

Salamanders live typical human life spans.

2' 5" - 8' 6"

120 - 700

Scales and skin of any pattern.

Heavily scaled, with large frills.

The mysterious musharan peoples of southwest mushara, (properly called the Mushasharg) Have long since stalked the deserts, hunting for the Crystals that grant their clay-forged war machines the power to lay down any foe who would cross them.

They are feared by most who meet them, are few in number, and most are considered paranoid and racist.

Musharans can become a 'Clayspinner' (Also Called a Gem-Mage), Using stones to create clay warriors, powered by magical artifice.

They never share their secrets with those outside the Mushasharg.

5' 3" - 6' 2"



Usually sport lots of body hair.

Only the following player races are attuned to magic:
-> All Humans (EXCEPT Karthenians, Musharans) can learn magic.
-> Faeries may START with some magic, this should be discussed with a DM.
-> Brilmarkens may START with some magic, this should be discussed with a DM.

Please use this map as a reference for Destrian locations.

The Journey Begins Here.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
DM Information (DMI)

Is a new 'system' I thought I'd run for you guys. Due to the nature of our roleplay being 'as little restriction as possible' we thought things might get messy, people often forget whose still playing, what a characters called, where they are at the moment etc.

So this is basically a (somewhat neat) layout summary of up-to-date information concerning the rp within a BIG dm post. They will be frequent enough, but not every post. So scroll back for the last couple of DM posts to find out if bla bla is near your character or what that weird NPC said five pages back! The whole idea of it being within a dm post is because we know how lazy human beings can be (navigating back to the front thread page is scientifically proven* to take more effort than to use the mousewheel a bit).

Still confused? Ask away! :)

*Grey & TWIF can not and will not be held responsible for any unfortunate events that may come about through belief of any made up statistics or facts your feeble mind may have swallowed.


This type of magic requires only training and physical energy, in proportion to the mental and physical strain on the body as well as available resources to 'manipulate'.

To put it simply, the main magic taught at 'The Academy' (Brilmarken) is based around resource manipulation.

Mana(raw magic), Fire, Wind, Earth, Air.

There are other types of magic, but none avaible to you at this time (or perhaps ever, only time will tell). This magic works by 'manipulating' sources of the above (raw magic is almost always present). A firepit, a river, plants and strong gales are prime examples. There are no spells you can do anything really, but everything taxes you (tiring) accordingly.
Making fire into a little ball and throwing it is akin to making and throwing a snowball (in terms of effort) likewise moving a tree's branches or some vines would be fairly simple but to do something more complex like make a plant GROW or hold back a river of water, you'll find yourself on the floor, wrestling for breath (or perhaps your life) within seconds as it would take alot of physical energy to achieve such, so will it take alot of magical strain. Magic users can and often team up to perform large feats such as creating tempoary fords across rivers or blowing invaders off cliffs, the strain is distributed evenly. Such magic is a dangerous, but wonderous thing. Raw magic manipulation is literally 'energy' it can be used to perform 'physical' tasks, like sewing up a wound, pushing someone back or strangling an opponent. The others should be self explanatory.

All student mages know ARCANE magic.
All graduates (just mages basically) know ARCANE and one element of their choice.
All Masters (dream on) are experts in the five.

There are other types of magic but the Academy does not support them, in actual fact, quite the opposite.
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Level 4
Sep 13, 2010
Character Entry - Burl Iveson

Name: Burl Ivesson

Race: Tohlm

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Description: Middling height, broad-chested, with legs and arms bordering on tree-trunk dimension. His skin is blacker than the average Tohlm. Head is round in shape, and he is bald. Has a black mustache beneath a wide and wrinkled nose.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Ok, I'm posting something in the rp.
Your at the main aerospire (airport) of Nol in the continent Tohlm.
The other two players are in a ship and will be descending shortly.
You've just arrived and landed yourself, where you came from and why is your own personal information that you may disclose as and when you deem fit.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
a Steampunk setting i see, very interesting. i shall probably join this next week because i just know if i join now i would quit it again because of all the work i have.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
hmm my schedule just became a lot more uncertain :/ i will just join this now and I'll see in the future. making sheet right now.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Jack higheel
Race: Tholm
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Description: Jack isn't your average type of male, in fact he is quite feminine. he has long hair witch dye's blond and ties in a knot on the back of his head, he has blue eyes and wears red lipstick. he at all times wears a high hat and some sort of divers glasses. he wears a white shirt and he always has his bag on his side filled whit clockworks and other little inventions of his. he also wear tight black, brown striped trousers, as shoes he wears something that is a combination of normal boots and stiletto's.
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Level 1
Feb 24, 2011
Name: Leo
Race: Trellian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Description: 6' light-skinned with dark hair. Have brown eyes and detached earlobes. Adept at judo and magic.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Just a prototype.

Name: Murry, Mur', Morry, Mri

Race: Tohlm

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Description: Very skinny man, around 5'6 (I have no idea how tall this is in metres since I'm not English/American), has a light reddish-brownesque skin, however, in contrast with other Tolhm he has more brown hair then black. It's a mix of the two. Futhermore he has a knife in his pants and seens to always wear a jack.
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