The Dragon Roleplay Construction Thread

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Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
well if its not wanted its fine, just a suggestion ill get a character sheet going in a minute, damns thats gonna be a lot of typing

Edit: Hey I have a new dragon in mind, hows a Sea Dragon, one that defends the the sea off the coast of the human kingdom, the dragon is normally quite neutral unless the sea is being harmed (fishing boats, poisoning, what not) where the dragon will intervene and either confront or kill the one behind it, he is a natural enemy to fire (obviously lol) hows that instead of my other one?
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Yea well, after a bit of thinking, I dont think dragontohuman transformation is such a good idea... Anyway, if you plan on playing a sea dragon... you wont be able to meet many other dragons I think, since most of the RP will probably play on land =/

Also, short outbursts of power are awesome, as long as Sacrid knows how to also use it in negative areas (For example if the demon gets furious at a certain person, who your character likes, and then takes control or something, that could be a negative thing aswel =D.)

As for me, my dragon can basically reqruit an army, however, I also have sort of like an army as my enemy so that adds up =D.

Note: Gods do not revive people (People being all sentient creatures basically) the gods in this RP, are very powerfull spirits in the Spirit world, they have little influince in the Real world. If someone dies, their spirit gets seperated from their body, and will dwell around for a short while, after that, unless it is bound to something, it will go to the spirit-world.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Okay, but then there is still this:
Note: Gods do not revive people (People being all sentient creatures basically) the gods in this RP, are very powerfull spirits in the Spirit world, they have little influince in the Real world. If someone dies, their spirit gets seperated from their body, and will dwell around for a short while, after that, unless it is bound to something, it will go to the spirit-world.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Okay, but then there is still this:

alright i must have missed that part lol ok well then forget the whole thing on the land lol

Edit: btw is this an ingame WC3 RP or a forum text RP?

Edit2: ok and after sacrificing my eyes I decided to let Azura breath lightning, for stunning in water, also now with the whole revival thing and what not erased, shes no longer sterile lol
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gods have power over the living once dead all power is forfeit over that person. Meaning they cannot revive you once dead because I'm guessing if they were revived it would have to happen right after death when they are not yet bound to the spirit-world.

And dragons are basically meant to be land/air beasts due to their built living in the sea would be very difficult to impossible.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Well, they still have the power to banish spirits, but those will become like purpose-less ghosts, who just float around, sometimes annoying people, these ghosts, or lost spirits, can be captured by necromancers to bring back to life a corpse.
However, the gods will not revive anything, becouse they think free spirits in the spirit world are superior to the spirits stuck to organics.

Note: I somehow have the feeling that the spirit-world and spirits are my responcibillity =/ so if I am making too many changes, or create things you dont like, say so.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Name: Anteroth

Species: Magma Dragon (The dwarfs call him the Dragon of Khazan)

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Colors: I know it's a D&D Dragon but the pic is magnificent and mirrors exactly what I'm looking for

Bio:Anteroths eyes burn a bright orange, he has a scar of his left leg after being hit by a ballista.

Personality: A very hostile dragon toward any sort of humanoid. He welcomes dragons for only a few days but should they touch his treasures he gets furious.

History: Before Anteroth was born, his egg was found by dwarfs. The dwarfs marveled in it's beauty as it was decorated with mithril and gold, it was clearly worshiped by some cult. The dwarfs took it back to their city of Khazan and like it was found at the cult temple, they placed it in fire. Once the egg hatched the dwarfs knew they had made a magnificent discovery. The dragon that was born from it was a rare Magma Dragon. They thought they could train it and use it as a weapon against the neighboring empires. Once Anteroth had become of age to fly and breath the dwarfs immediately put it in a massive chamber, this chamber was so big that the Anteroth could fly freely. But when one of the Scholars made a fateful decision to open the magically sealed chamber doors the city was surely doomed. While Anteroth was in solitude over the years he began to think of his living more like captivity. Anteroth began by super heating the water, the heat carried through the underground rivers and into the dwarfs main source of water, it was evaporated nearly a week later. Then once the scholar had opened the massive gate Anteroth killed the scholar by means of fire, his breath instantly incinerating him to nothing but a pile of ash. He flew through and in one massive breath cleared out the majority of the undercity. The remaining hundreds of dwarfs banded together and tried to fight the Dragon. They stood in hiding repopulating. The fight for the dwarfs beloved city had lasted two years. Until Anteroth found the dwarfs refuge and killed the remainders. The scorched halls of the dwarven city is now the den of Anteroth, the dwarfs plunder now became his own massive pile of treasure. Many neighboring undercities had sent their most elite warriors to slay the dragon, but Anteroth was no fool, he'd always let one survive and send him back to his city, bearing the message of a massive burn on his chest.

Powers: Anteroths natural connection with fire has allowed him to manipulate it, after years of solitude he has become a master at what he does.

The 'Balrog': Many dwarfs consider Anteroth to be a balrog, this is not true, but he has one characteristic that resembles one, When Anteroth is angered, or if he is surrounded, he encapsulates himself in fires, bursting in every direction.

Molten Presence: Anteroth's egg was engulfed in flames for years, because of this Anteroth has a presence of heat around him, anything close to him will get warmer, and then once it is almost next to him, it is as though you are standing and being engulfed in blue flames because the heat is so much.

Blue Fire: Anteroth can expel the majority of his energy to let out one massive burst of super heated fire, this fire is a rich blue color. Rumors have been heard that the last screams of the people caught in the blue flame can be heard when Anteroth is beginning to breath it.

Weaknesses: The scar from the ballista left a large trail of exposed skin on his left leg, His lower chest and stomach area are covered in much softer scales, these can be penetrated by heavy artillery (ballistae, catapults), and even a sharp enough sword can penetrate the scales. Between the scales are small but noticeable gaps of skin, and ideal target for archers.
There now this character is fair lol.

Edit: I actually find this dragon more interesting than my other.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Some points:
-I dont think there is a hell in this world (am I correct, other people in here?) This would mean the concept, hell dragon would not fit... lava, or magma dragon might work though, but those are minor details.
-I think you dragon is rather overpowered, this is fine, as long as you have some achilles hiels, in other words, you must have massive weaknessess for massive powers.
For example, if I were to create a character, which can destroy an entire city in one single attack, than that might mean, that my spirit is immediatly blown out of the organic dragon-shell, and it would take him time to get back into it, and it would only work if his body would be intact (meaning that a single cut could kill him), now you dont need such a strong negative, becouse it took you several days to conquer the under-city. However it would still need a negative.

BTW, what kind of a dragon is that in D&D, I have a practical guide to dragons, and it does not show that kind of dragon...
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Ok well the weakness are there, like his 'Balrog' thing just because hes engulfed in flames doesnt mean its a shield, he can still be hit, plus his blue flames expends a lot of energy, he didnt capture the under-city within days, more like two years, and aren't all of the dragons overpowered, i mean, they do have diamond hard scales when they've matured.

And the hell dragon thing was in here, "var's hell dragon, Hellion" was sacridshadows comment and it wasnt contested by anybody, thats why I chose the name Hell Dragon, I can change it though just to something a little more to context if the host disagrees with the species.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Then the same is pointed to Sacrid aswel =D (I tend to be more critical to new people, sorry =(, But I try to be fair... and its Sols fault >.>)

Though, there are no guns, so being engulfed by flames still is sort of an impenetrable shield (Iron might melt, wooden arrows would burn up, people with swords would burn etc.) Only magic has a chance, and Dwarfs are not particularily known for their magic =D.

But well, 2 years is good =D, and a little something about killing dragons.

An entire army, if the dragon does not flee, has the abillity to kill a single dragon.

However, a small group, or even a single person could also be able to kill a dragon.
Every armor has a weak point, even that of a dragon, mostly the weak points are eyes, openings in between bones, and places where the scales are already weakened.
Also, oftenly, if not always, the weapons of the dragon-slayers are enchanted, meaning they can cut easier through the tough dragonskin.

Yes, dragons are generally overpowered, but they are still beatable by a creature of enough stealth and or intellect. Strength is hard to beat an enemy with though. Agility might also help btw.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Ok, that is a fair arguement, but anyways to your question about it not being in D&D I have a version 3.5 monster manual 2 infront of me, on page 125 is the hellfire wyrm, thats the pic im using. And it is considered a dragon because the monster class is the first thing it says and it classes it as a Huge Dragon (Fire)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Now, done with the critique, and on with the interresting tips and stuff.

Now that you have that part as a weakness, you could make it stream through to his personality, or way of acting (No need to write anything down).

This place being his weakness, he would obviously try to defend this, and might even aproach his enemies walking in a crablike way, or oftenly turning his other side to the enemy.
Or even using his wing as a shield.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
We don't nessisarily need a set plot that makes it to linear let the plot develop on its own.

And I will make my dragon later today, or this year.....

And the dragons seems good only problem is can't you change Hell Dragon to Magma or Lava or something Dragon like Kamica suggested.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
The dwarfs know him, they spread the word (becouse if I read it correctly, the RP will not begin at the point where he had just conquered the city) and if a dragon can conquer a dwarven city, then it has to be feared =3. And maybe there were more hell dragons in history.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Note: Gods do not revive people (People being all sentient creatures basically) the gods in this RP, are very powerful spirits in the Spirit world, they have little influence in the Real world. If someone dies, their spirit gets separated from their body, and will dwell around for a short while, after that, unless it is bound to something, it will go to the spirit-world.

I just had an idea. The "unless it is bound to something" sounds like a spirit could be bound to an artificial body and therefore cheat death, correct? If so, some dragons could decide to have an artificial body, made out of metal or whatever, set aside in case something nasty happens, and then have a powerful mage or whoever could do the binding thing bind the dragon to the artificial body.

And about the demon possession. Is this voluntary? If not, then I can imagine a bad guy getting an army made of people forcibly possessed by demons, who then serve the bad guy in return for the body to use.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Only creatures that were born in the spirit world, and therefor possess spirit magic to some extend, can successfully revive a creature (with its concious mind intact) anyone who does not possess such magic, can use necromancy, however that just turns them into mindless puppets.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Actually, the demon came in on its own. If a demon asked you if it could possess you, of course you'd say no. You've got no idea what it can do once it is inside of you. Heck, it could smother you and keep your body.

And no, the demons that serve it were brought in through a portal to their homeworld. Since he didn't have any minions left in this world, he had to bring them in himself, but in smaller numbers. his host would notice something if they all just came in at once. XD And these demons already have physical bodies. It's just their leaders taht don't. When a demon becomes a Nether King, they go through some sort of ritual where they shed their body and become a spiritual being. They can then take on their preferred form once they are brought to another world.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
I like the idea so far :D

Name: Suarathurakh, or "Suar" for short.

Species: Swamp Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: Young adult, around 47 years old.
Colors: Suarathurakh's base color is a dark, grey-green color, with shades of green and black, and highlights of pale, sulphuric yellow. He possesses "vertical" stripes of dark green color, and has a slightly wet-looking shine to him.

History/Bios (I don't like separating this stuff either :p): Born deep in some far-off swamp, Suarathurakh was the second to hatch of his siblings. He grew up mostly on eating fish, amphibies and swamp-living plants, until beeing able to hunt by himself. When he reached that age, he often flew far off to get new, interesting tastes. After a few years of living in his own nest, he started a more nomadic lifestyle, flying wherever the winds carried him. After an incident with a human village, he has been hunted by dragon slayers several times, and having the advantage of flight, he quikly dispatched himself of this threat. Curiosity and a slight hint of greed has driven him to the edges of the world, still seeking new regions, tastes and wealth.

Personality: Suarathurakh is a curious dragon, living to see, hear, touch, smell, sense and taste the world. His curiosity have brought him both pleasures and problems, and his nomadic nature has further expanded his experiences. Having developed a very fine tounge, Suar's greatest lust is the lust of new tastes. His preferences of meals includes Giant Squids, small sharks and poisonous scorpions. Having a slight hint of greed, Suarathurakh has begun stashing a great deal of loot, in particular silver as he finds it a very good eating, in an underwater cave hidden in a huge coral reef. Finding the human race particulary interesting, Suar has several times tried to abduct members of this species, but failed to make them live comfortably in his underwater dwelling.

Powers: Suarathurakh's breath is acid, in herited from both parents. Other than that, his major trait is his ability to breath underwater, also a trait shared by most swamp dragons.

Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
I read this book about dragon: Temeraire, in it were Long-wings, dragons that have long wings, and spit acid. What I thought was interresting about them, was that they had to spit down, that they couldnt spit up for some reason (burning themselves, choking in the acid or something). The longwings were the most usefull (except for fire-breathing dragons) there, since acid dissolves stuff. If you want to use this, it would be interresting, if not, I wont stop you =3.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Sorry for the delayed reply I had a power outage yesterday. So I switched by species of dragon to Fire Dragon(writers block sucks sometimes). But after reading some comments on here now you've got me confused again lol... Do you WANT Hell Dragon, or Fire Dragon? lol I won't argue beyond that point, once the deciding factor is done, my character is LOCKED.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I don't like the breathing under water part. Dragon generally arn't suppose to be really very water oriented. They already rule the skys and the land practically ruling the sea would be so rigged.

And me no want hell or fire dragon me want MAGMA dragon.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
gyrosphinx, would you happen to have a PICTURE of your dragon? If he has wings, he wouldn't be able to live underwater. However, he can live underwater if his cave is in an airpocket with an underwater entrance. He'd be completely safe and hidden. The human prisoners wouldn't be able to escape without a high risk of drowning, noting that there may be too much water there or that they may be dragged back or killed. I do think that acid would be a nice weapon for a swamp dragon, but they don't want to ruin their prey, so maybe poison would work better. For that, he'd either have to have fangs, or the powerful stomach like organ that can launch it. Probably as a stream of acid. I seem to remember a lizard species being able to do that.

Oh, and maybe you could simplify the name? Saur just doesn't seem right for a dragon. Why make a long name if you're going to be using the nickname all the time?

and Gath, I'm pretty sure that we can't have everything we want. You still have to create your own character, if I recall correctly.

I know this is unrelated but I just have to share this.
A new ant species has been discovered in California. It is filled with a sticky glue-like toxin that kills the opponent immediately. This ant... literally ruptures, just to help save its colony.

Another form of the same ant is one that can become a flat, living door, which will only open when it's colony ants taps with its feelers. Isn't that just awesome?
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
There hes a Magma Dragon now, but in my defense of the Hell Dragon species, think of real world religion. Catholics, Christians, and Protestants all believe in the same god, but there are different opinions of it among the groups. So now think of the humanoid races, they all believe in Lady Larissa sure, but theres probably mixed opinions of her among the races, the dwarves might think of her as a Dwarven Lady or some sort of being, the Humans might think of her as a beautiful goddess, and so on. Every race wants THEIR god to be the right god. So maybe the Dwarves believed in a fiery place called Hell after all, and being so far underground, finding molten lava rivers and what not, the dwarves might believe it had to come from somewhere, Hell. But for a FINAL YES OR NO CHOICE, can Anteroth be a Khazan Dragon? Khazan being the city or the Mountains in which the city is under?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Name: Araniusti

Species: Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: Young Adult

Colors: From a Mother's Brillant White and a Father's Black comes beautiful Silver scales. Araniusti has a matallic silver coat of scales. Two thick bone plates coming into a spike at the end framing each side of his face at the forehead level. A long spike protrudes from his tail. He has 4 tentacle like protrusions from the top of his forehead almost as if it hair, but a part of his skin. He also has a gash down the right side of his neck caused by an injury that never turly healed leaving a spot of thin scales and weakness.

Biography-History (Who would seperate these things): Araniusti was born 64 years ago to a White and Black Dragon. Unlike most dragons Araniiusti had a rather unique youth. Barely in his Dragonling stage a large army of humans happened upon the nest of his father and mother. His Father was out hunting so the Mother was left alone facing the trained army. Though fighting with great skill and agility and killing dozens of humans the Mother was finally struck down. Instead of killing Araniusti he was captured and sold to a traveling circus and then after 15 years to a gladator arena. He fought bloody battles for amusement of thousands of humans for year after year. Though he learned of the inferior minds of some humans. Though it took some practice he found out he was greatly adept in the arts of manipulation, a needed skill if he was going to survive. However, escape seemed long off for Araniusti. He spent several more years fighting battle after battle. Though one night a dark shape bloated out the moon. Strangely his father never gave up on trying to find him. The large adult rained hellish fires down upon the city and arena arrow upon arrow bouncing off of the enraged dragon. After setting alit almost everything in his path the dragon began tearing at the walls of the arena breaking a hole into his son's prison. Then fell finally subcoming to the arrows. Arniusti with a few glances at the father he could barely recall stormed out of the arena his wings taking short flight to an area safe from the humans. He then slept his first night in the freedom of the open air watching the humans burn. After 34 years in captivity he was free. Over the years he learned like a madness had overtaken him. Not able to possibly learn enough the fill the void of senseless warfare that had covered his youth. Seeking out knowledge in the form of books, older dragons, and observation of humanoid life. He learned fast honing his skills up to now.

Personality: Araniusti is power hungry and manipuative. He is quite charismic and slow to anger. He does not fear humanoids in the least bit. Over the years he has developed a mastery level of knowledge over human fighting and the like mostly from having to fight for his life in thousands of battles. He believes humans as welcome companions or minions. His behavior might seem strange to other dragons as he is quite fond of humans. He also has a fondness for treasures (Not unlike just about every other dragon) especially human weapons.


Fire Breath:
Like his father Araniusti also received the breath ability to sprout flames from his maw.

In the form of smooth talking and the ability to through magical means bend lesser minds to his will. This was developed through nessessity in his days of being held captive. This very rarely works on those other than the humanoid type, but can also be used on lesser dragon minds.
The bent minds would still be completely free of consious thought and the like, but would be willing to follow Araniusti's will.

Here is my character... :D
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