The Legacy of Legends Construction Thread

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
If you do not join i will personally cauterize your gooch. (google it.)
Also: about NPC's: In my case, i will probably be controlling the leaders of the Shevaen elves, but more possibly as charecters then as simply controlling the faction.
(I hope that's 'kay with you flat.)

:zip: I'll join, i'll join, no questions asked your majesty Dragonson!!!

Do you want me to submit ideas, or leave that to the vets? :eek:

I'll do anything to save my gooch!

EDIT: What made you assume I was a guy!? ¬.¬
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Yeh same, I was just proving a point ;) Not everyone on the net is a guy, suprisingly.

Again, I AM... I "think". hehe.

EDIT ADDED: (I was petrified at dragonson's threat so... I have concluded I am indeed a 'son of adam' or of the male half of our race).

No seriously, about the magic, the typical primitive race one... by 'stored lifeforce' does this actually have an ageing effect? So casting strong spells may actually require you to give up so much of your youth/life and you will age (or age when you transfer life force) or is it more like 'stealing a part of your soul (being the life force), corruption/emptiness etc... or have I completely taken it out of context?! :p
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Submission Name:

The Kyrrin (Ki-rin)

Submission Type:



EDIT ADD: Knew, I missed some stuff, Hair Colours: From pure white to a variety of blondes in females, it usually resembles the skin shade quite closely (though not always), male's can have anything from black, brown, dark blonde or even ginger.

Female's hair does not change colour (e.g. go grey) with age, men's do, at around 350 -400 years.

A humanoid race, pale skinned, ranging from chalk-white to albino/pale (like we see in our human race as the lightest) at the darkest. They live in ________ undecided/submitted (can place in someone else's or make my own, assuming this is approved). It's a cold, harsh mountainous region. They live in tribes of around 30 - 50, one male is appointed as a No'ha, the 'spiritual leader', their orders must be obeyed, or opposed via a duel. Females may not be a No'ha or challenge someone/be challenged to a duel. Outsiders/Other races are not permitted to become part of the tribe, or duel a No'ha, though they may duel other tribe members should the No'ha deem it plausible.

They mate for life, due to the long menstrual cycle of women (see below) children are rare as timing is critical this is enforced and cheating can be punished by exile, of course due to awful man:woman ratio, many bachelors die 'alone' though due to the nature of tribes as a family it's never quite as bad as a human dying 'alone' not quite so bad.

Exile: The person in question is branded with a "Sho'ka" or 'Mark of Shame', no tribe will adopt him/her some may even refuse to acknowledge him/her. Most die as a result of exile, unable to hunt for food alone. A few leave their home behind and make their way to other corners of the world, those these are very few and far between.

They speak their own language "Nithaen" or 'Nomadic' in the human tongue, this probably wouldn't be spoken in a rp, just referred to (otherwise it's too hard to understand xD).

The tribes move around a lot, they live in tents and or caves, depending on what is available at the time (e.g. tents if no caves...). The male's are considered the "hunters", though females are not shunned as warriors.

They do a lot of free hand climbing up sheer cliff faces to hunt some of the more evasive avian prey, hence their build.

***The female "discrimination" is due to their rarity, 1 out of 3 children born (which is already very few) are girls, however they are allowed to be warriors due to their lacking numbers, they need everyone to be able to fight.


They have always lived in the harsh peaks of Karthek which overshadow the beautiful highlands. Their origin is unknown, even to them. As such a tribal and scattered race all history is past by word of mouth and therefore it is hard to discern the truth.

- - - - I will lay down some agreed facts between the various tribes: - - - -

U'natu was the very first No'ha, as decreed by the spirit's during the 'Dark Plight' that befell the peaks many millennia (dependent on the age of our universe) ago

He managed to unite the tribes and together they survived the 'Dark Plight', only the Tula No'ha (Technically the 'de-facto' leader of the people, but he has very little interest in the uniting the people, without adequate reason: e.g. extinction) know's the true events of this and a new Tula is only selected when the first is upon his deathbed, therefore it is their most closely guarded secret, I mean imagine the Tula died before another could be selected and the knowledge passed on?

The spirits have been silent since the 'great plight' and no longer actively talk to the No'ha, though offerings are still given and guidance requested.

Before the 'Dark Plight' is not worth knowing.

U'natu slowly became joyless and morose during the centuries after the 'Dark Plight', he grew old and miserable and eventually went into solitary exile, after appointing his successor: Jamuk (All next Tula No'ha for the next couple of millennia are unknown).

Jamuk led well, he kept the tribes united and well fed, but upon his death, old feuds from before the 'Dark Plight' were reignited within the tribes, arguments over hunting land, mates and territory ensured the united 'Kyrrin' were no more.

The tribes broke up once again, though the tradition of having a Tula No'ha remained, none ever tried (or at least succeeded) to reunite the tribes, and in all honesty they didn't need to.

The millennia to follow would be a constant struggle for survival against the elements, nothing more, nothing less. The population neither grew nor declined.

More coming...

Average Age/Approximate Age:

They live much longer than humans, the eldest having reached just shy of 500 years. Unlike elves, they are very much 'human' this means will be a child in appearance and mind until the age of nearing 50 - 70, a woman's menstrual cycle is a year rather than a month, etc...

Body Build: (Height/Weight, for Race/Char)

Fairly small, no taller than 5' 8" but a fully grown male is usually between 5' and 5' 6", with female's being slightly taller, but much less stocky. The male build is one for climbing, long legs and arms, very tight compact and muscular for their size.

EDIT ADD: Forgot yet another thing: Weight is for a male (fully grown and healthy) 8-10 stone (112 - 140 lbs). Female's though taller weigh considerably less, around 7-8 stone. Anything over these is most likely due to obesity (this is very rare due to their harsh life style, though some exile's have probably mastered it ;)) and any less can be due to illness or old age (withered muscles).

Pysical Traits:

Extremely cold skin to the touch, they are also cold-blooded. It's a fantasy... :con:

Military Matters and Politics



As already mentioned the "Kyrrin" are divided into tribes, these tribes are similar to giant families (in friendship purposes) but one may openly leave/join a tribe at any time (the latter is at the No'ha's discretion and is also void if the applicator bears the Sho'ka) with good reason. Usually a "Kyrrin" will stay with a tribe for a good many decades if not his entire life, forming a bond almost as strong as that between him/her and a mate.

Tribes are named after there current No'ha's for e.g: "The U'natu Tribe"

They fight together, hunt together and die together.

There are near enough 100 recognized tribes of differing sizes (usually between 30-50, some bigger ones may have just shy of 100, leaving the total number of "Kyrrin" at a mere 3,000 - 5,000.

They can fight, they used to, before the 'Dark Plight' carry out initiation writes. Where a newcomer to the tribe either maturing child or applicator must perform various task including wrestling wolves bear handed, many died in these writes and now with the race dwindling, the Tula No'ha strictly forbid any unnecessary bloodshed. Even tribal warfare is strictly monitored with some of the larger tribes policing the smaller ones, with various threats and or appeasements. A No'ha whose tribe or even a single member assaults another without good reason can and will be punished, these punishments vary from Rank stripping, exile or even death. Depending on the extent of the damage done.

-No'has may not mate, until there position has been taken over.
-Ex - No'has cannot re-submit for the position.
-Ex - No'has cannot leave their tribe, they have been bound to it's very core.
-The Tula No'ha cannot have children or relinquish his post, EVER! Neither may he be challenged to a duel, his decrees may be refused by a ---majority of No'has. E.g 60 tribe No'has object to his proposition to unite...

Sex/Age Differentiation

-Women may not become No'ha or hunt due to their rarity, the former is 'too dangerous' the latter prevents them from mating.
-They are allowed to fight in wars against other races due to the fractured nature of the people, they need all the soldiers they can get.
-Children take so long to mature that they are guarded like precious gems. Births are so rare that great feasts are held and many tribes may unite for a while to celebrate the births of many.
-Infertile women (due to problems and age) are NOT exempt from these rules.
-Women children are a bigger cause to celebrate than males.
-A stillborn child/miscarriage are the most catastrophic events imaginable, tribes will mourn for years over such losses.
-Women are pregnant for several years and as such are very vulnerable, in times of war when men cannot be spared to protect them, this can become a problem and cause disputes between preferences/priorities.

Military Matters

-> Tribal warfare is supposed to be non-lethal, whether this means disputes are settled via competitions (hunting/bigger feasts/more supporters etc) or no 'sharp' weapons are to be used.

DUELS ARE A VERY COMMON WAY OF SETTLING DISPUTES. A 'champion' or 'leader' of one side's argument against another's.

Weapons used in actual warfare and hunting include:


Short Bows

Spears (not pikes...)

Swords are used, but rarely - sometimes blunt swords are used in duels but this is going out of fashion - staffs (headless spears) are now the preference. These swords are all scimitar/nomadic/curved blades. Mongol style, slash, rather than thrust and they are never used in hunting, it is considered 'inefficient' or an 'untidy' way of killing.

Hunting Knifes are used widely, every "Kyrrin" wears one or more. They are used for quick kills on downed prey.

Fur armour is favoured and accessible, though some leather and other light materials isn't unseen.

A variety of other equipment can be used, e.g. pickaxes for climbing are often used in war, as are grappling hooks.



The tribe (or a designated team from it) will hunt everyday if encamped and work together to take down big beasts and gather berries and the like (whatever they can get their hands on in such harsh conditions), on the move - scout's are required to chase down smaller prey given the opportunity, or forage what they can safely carry without hindering their actions (which is very little).


Tribes have never moved out of the mountain range except in times of war.

Moving is a dangerous process, the predators of the Karthek range are unforgiving and cunning. Many an unsuspecting tribe have been devastated by a pack of wolves or poor hunters leading their quarry back to the camp.
To make matters worse, hunting is hard on the move due to the above, many warriors are needed to protect the women and children and so cannot hunt, even the scouts must be quick, so as to ensure they stay ahead of the tribe.

Mating & Marriage

The "Kyrrin" believe in free will, if nothing else. They allow their children to marry whom they will from ANOTHER TRIBE, you cannot marry within the same tribe (remember the 'family bond') and then one must join the other's tribe once 'married', usually the female joining the male's though this is due to tradition rather than actual law. Outsider relationships are strictly forbidden and to 'woo' a Sho'ka bearer is to be branded with one yourself.

The 'marriage' is actually performed by two No'ha, one of the bride's tribe and one from the groom's respectively. It involves a complex ritual that may last from dawn to dusk (long lives = longer vows ;)), all members of both tribes must attend, hunting is suspended for the day, food having been stockpiled and shared between tribes beforehand.

I've probably missed something, I'll tweak it if need be!
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Well... i have nothing against this race. It's approved.
Also, they could live in the Highlands or the Inkita mountains.
'cause really, i reccomend that we don't spread too far out.
We have to think about how the RP'l work too.

:thumbs_up: yay thank you! I'll have a look, the Inkita mountains would work, not sure if the Highlands are cold enough (is it like permanent snow?) I'll check :)

Good call with the spread out thing as well... especially different continents etc... (boats!)

Region Info: Highlands said:
The Tuoreguro Highlands are vast steppes located close to a large mountain range. There are scattered woodland areas dotting the steppes, and the high cliff known as the Cliff of the Ancestors can be seen from almost any place on the steppes. Many small rivers run across the steppes, giving it a cracked appearance.

They could be in the mountain range, be a nuisance to the native steppe/highland race :p stealing "their" wolves and bears, fight for hunting ground!

Either or is fine by me, I think your awesome elf empire would have crushed them though if they lived near you... dragonson. There a weak and fractured race.

Still need a name and history... I'm on it don't worry :/
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
All your boat are belong to us!

Wc3 Game Effect: All troops start doing the hidden Mexican dance animation while Beethoven's seventh symphony plays in the background and they sing a 'Sailor went to sea... see see to...'.

Fight for hunting ground is uneccessary, the Ramuroghaur are herbivorous.

Awesome. May they live in peace.

A'wah taynon!
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I'm actually back again allready.
I'm going to take a test later, so i've been ordered NOT to sleep. -.-
Guess i'l have to stay up as much as possible.

lol, :confused: like an exam?! I would of thought you need to sleep...

I'm still working on the race, I don't know if their is such a thing as 'too much information' - tell me quick if their is as it's starting to fill out quite a bit! xD
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
No. A medical test.
(It's a long story, but in short terms: I'm ill all the time. The docters can't seem to find out what it is i'm ill with = I have to take alot of tests. -.-)

:sad: aww, sorry to hear that. Though it does make sense not sleeping now I guess...

But on the topic of the RP, I still have more to add, should I refrain? I think their is probably enough but I could easily add more :grin:
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Guys, thanks for the care but i'm not really in mood for talking to much about my illness. :(
But you can possibly find it if you look at me and Flat's Vistor Message conversation.
Also, it's off-topic.

I think i'l just go work on the maps. I really enjoy doing that.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Guys, thanks for the care but i'm not really in mood for talking to much about my illness. :(
But you can possibly find it if you look at me and Flat's Vistor Message conversation.
Also, it's off-topic.

I think i'l just go work on the maps. I really enjoy doing that.

Sure thing, can't say I understand how you feel - as I'd be lying
Go rest, just don't sleep :thumbs_up:
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Ok i've finished the race (name and all) I decided against adding much more detail, I think people will struggle reading all of that, let alone more hehe... besides there'd be no point in the RP if we knew everything right? Mystery ^.^

"I might" draw one for reference, depending on a variety of factors... e.g. how long before we move on to character development etc.
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