Hi I'm wondering if anyone is willing to have a go at my recently updated map
Legion Invasion of Turtle Rock
I would describe this map as Altered Meta not Altered Melee. This map features new tavern heroes to help diversify army compositions of the standard 4 races. The map is meant for legacy users who normally play on either 1.26 or 1.29.
For now Pitlord is replaced by Bandit Lord (str hero) and Bandit Warlock (int hero).
Outside of the tavern changes,most of the noteworthy changes have been done to undeads.
The Ritual Dagger functions like a Rejuv Potion in that it will restore both health and mana, however you must sacrifice one of your undead minions to determine the amount of HP and MP you gain.
Ghouls and Aboms get Cannibalize for free, but that skill can be improved via research at the Crypt (I am currently experimenting with the values, for now Cannibalize is weaker than their 1.31 equivalents, however this can be overcome via improvements at the crypt).
Cryptlord's bugs also received a minor buff in that the level 1 beetles can now burrow, enabling early game scouting and harass.
Windwalk's cooldown for BM has been increased by 20 seconds across all levels, as per the values of the 1.26 object editor. Playing this map with Blademaster on 1.31 will cause Windwalk to have 2 cooldowns, 1 on activation and 1 on deactivation - I have no ideea how they will stack.
Shadow Strike by Warden will also reduce the attack speed of it's target by 25%. I fealt this was necesary because the Warden is the weakest economy disruptor in the game due to the fact that Fan of Knives is capped to roughly 4 targets and has to be exposed to towers. I firmly believe Warden is a wombo combo hero harraser. You keep her separate from the army, ideally Shadowmelded, and ambush the retreating enemy hero, by opening with Shadow Strike, auto-attacks and possibly finishing the opponent off with Fan of Knives for burst damage.
Humans also have a new orb that punishes orcs and undeads from hero focusing with melee units. The Fire Orb returns 30% of damage received to melee attackers.
Bloodmage got reskined and buffed. The buff to Bloodmage is based on the fact that it can now attack any units under the effect of the Banish spell. (this was done by enabling the units secondary attack in the editor and setting the damage value to Magic)
The most negligible changes involves the fact that all Blood Elf units and the Dreadlord got reskined to fit the Wrath of the Lich King era.
The old fire orb, the one that does splash damage from humans has been reskined and made a level 3 item drop.