Cool concept, but as others pointed out, even on hard difficulty it still felt super easy, especially the last mission, i fully upgraded all my towers and still had almost 10k gold left.
I liked the towers and their unique abilities, I can see the similarities between this and the mobile game
Ok right when I was about to quit, I noticed after I completed the last mission 2 extra missions appeared, that was strange, if I didn't come back into the campaign to do some extra tests for this review I would have never noticed them being there, so.. u might wanna do something about that, like after the last mission ends there should be a tip that there are 2 extra missions available now, or even better, after the final mission ends, the next extra mission should just start right after so there won't be any confusion.
To my surprise these next 2 missions were much harder, it even took me 3 tries to eventually beat the level with the snow region until I got the idea that I just had to kill the boss pretty fast and then the mission ended.
The mission with the alchemist was much easier since there were no high hp units with heavy armor, tho that gimmick of yours where u lose gold if u don't build towers on every spot was pretty annoying

but it's easy to counter it, just spamming the cheapest towers on every spot and then replacing them whenever u want later in the game, I liked the idea tho.
Same thing with the sentry wards in the frost level, where clicking on all of them gives you a bonus, I would have liked to see more of that.
The biggest flaw I can think of is that heroes don't get xp when towers get the last hit, I think that's bad since the towers are the main way to kill the units so ur hero will remain under-leveled unless u just stay on 1 line with your hero and only build buildings that spawn units and just hold that line and keep farming there to get xp.
The only main bug I noticed was in the bonus chapter with the Alchemist, some of the enemy units (some bandits) didn't have a body, you could only see their shadow on the ground.
There seems to be a problem with the fps as well, for some reason, the fps dropped a lot when the game started, had between 30 and 50 fps in the normal levels, but in the bonus levels, the fps was much better.
Other negatives I can think of:
- The main levels felt a bit too short. (except the last normal level which felt too long)
That last level had some problems, there was this weird ass random enemy hero that kept spawning and was just walking like a headless chicken in the east part of the map, I was just killing him super easily either with towers and spells and he was giving a ton of money, this is how I ended up with that 10k gold as well, I think that guy needs to be buffed a bit so he feels more threatening and he should come in a wave as the other bosses had and not just wander off at random.
Also at the end of this mission, I expected the main enemy hero (The Sea Naga witch) would come as a boss and attack in the last wave, but she didn't, which made the ending anticlimactic...
- The way units spawned from buildings was kinda weird, I would have loved it if we could tell them where exactly to go when they spawn and stay in that specific area similar to how they do in the mobile game Kingdom Rush.
- Thrall had only one item despite having 6 inventory spaces. I think adding additional items that could be obtained by completing quests or finding them in secret places or from crates/etc would surely make the game more fun.
- U could replace the lumber place with the info of the current level the player is at for example: 1/15 level (if he is at lvl 1) this way the player has a bit more info about the game.
And that's about it from me, I knew I played something similar to this in the past and after checking your resources I noticed u have another similar TD campaign with the human faction, guess I'm gonna play that one next.
My rating for this Custom Campaign is a
𝓑 Tier (Good) with
71 points out of