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Terraining Contest #11 - Battlefields

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Level 21
Apr 10, 2009
@frutz: Hmmm... Adding too much barrens pillars won't be good too, it looks like the rocks are falling. However, the way you're adding makes it looked like someone has just pushed the pillars, making them fall to the lowest ground, which is good.
Anyway, it's just my personal opinion.
Level 12
Aug 22, 2008
@Frutz: I agree with sPY, spamming rocks won't do. I suggset making the hills even higher so that textures will be seen as well. Also you should be careful when placing the rocks - if you'll look closer at the bottom you'll see it's flat and weird, so try and avoid that or cover that with other rocks.
In addition I'm sure you could add some vegetation to this valley, even if it is a wasteland.
Also the human ground party is way too close to the orcs, and the path which they come from is way too narrow. I suggest putting the human party at the top of the path.
The grunts look unnaturally straightly put, so I suggest spreading them out a bit.
The air forces look great in my opinion but this could be improved by tons. In fact I like your previous WiP better.

@sPY, I still think that grassy field is too monotone and boring, perhaps you should add more variation to it. Otherwise great job.

@johhanesr, I love your submission but that cattail in the bottom right is completely irrelevant to the surroundings :D You'd better replace it or remove it.

@indomitable, that captain is looking at that lich in a really creepy way (on the right). Otherwise not bad at all.

Great job everyone!
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Okay, there it is! My final submission™!

EDIT: And now a bit of lore. See, this terrain is based on Daily Peon Terraining Roleplay (Check out Social Groups -> Roleplaying). Since Trolman currently left DP and Hiveworkshop, you can still check out Alagremm's terrains based on War For Draenosh in terrains album and Hunt For Tleno comic which is the backstory of DP universe.

Oh, TlenoTech forces are steampunk, most of them are humans and dwarves and their uniforms are brown and blue. But those located in Draenosh ussually have brown and dwarves always have brown.
Trolman got humans and humans only, he got medieval army and his color is black... You can actually see Trolman himself in the pic (Garithos model).

The architecture of most Draenoshian cities, ruled by Alagremm's Triumvirate, TlenoTech's main ally, is, youm can say, foresty. They have lots of lush gardens and tall Dalaran-ish buildings. They also have lots of statues and other beautyfications.

That's the whole description... well, hope you'll enjoy my terrain.
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008



Level 21
Apr 10, 2009
@idodik: Okay I'll do it.

Now I'm done. Here's my final submission:

Used WILL THE ALMIGHTY's Explosion SFX, General Frank's Fel Orc Rampager, Debode's Fel Orc Outrider and shamanyouranus's Chaos Meteor.

Edit: I'm going to explain the pictures IN CASE some of you can't look it clearly.

Grunt on the top of the cliff - Doing a battlecry
Big yellow-ish ribbon effect - Casted by the Fel Orc Outrider towards the dying grunt
Blademaster - Casting a bladestorm, making nearby grunts being knocked away
Tauren Chieftain - Casting a war stomp, Fel Orc Rampagers received impact and knocked away
Big greenish thing on the back of the volcano - It's a giant infernal, it's doing the birth animation to make it looked like it's going to kill everyone
Fiery glow spread at the back of left-middle side volcano - An explosion caused by chaos meteor
Greyish-Red Fog - I put this colour because I wanted make it as a cloudy/haze (I don't know what it called) caused by the volcanoes


  • TheBloodConflict.jpg
    358.2 KB · Views: 694
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Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
Here's my final piece, no more changes will be made.

Final Entry.jpg

@sPy looks great, there's a lot of fire and things and in my opinion the explosion works well.

@frutz yeah, it's a bit of a cramped and organized looking battle, not something I'd expect to see in wc3, would be great to have even a 3rd party pushing the rocks down on them.
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Level 12
Aug 22, 2008
@David, the actual battle is taking a much smaller space than the screenshot shows, and this is very annoying to the eye. Not to mention that the entire place is just grass and houses. Add more tile variation, environment doodads, changes of ground height (hills), and attacking and defending units. Don't forget to make the screenshot look more professional by taking a single shot, not multiples (will get rid of the "screen captured" text), and by taking your cursor out of the picture bounds.

@Sheephunter and sPY, lovely work. I won't be a match in comparison to your pictures.

@AyeKantSpel - I like your work but there are still flaws:
The edges of the picture have simply nothing in them! They are not needed at all. Either zoom into the battle until they don't appear or add more details to make them interesting. The current units are seen from a pretty big distance so I think zooming in won't be as harmful as you think.
The sky is half cloudy and half pitch black. I suggest you make it more interesting as well, either by more lightning or by air units or something.
There are loads of orcish units and nearly no footmen - how exactly are the forces supposed to be matched?!
Please make these small changes to the terrain - it will make much more of its potential.

@tleno - It took me ages to understand that this is dwarves against humans. Making the units have different team colors will help realize this much faster.
The combination of so much stone props (benches, buildings, floor) collides very noisily with the crates positioned in the map, and the clash of colors is very annoying to the eye. Perhaps you could use something more grayish or something that could make it look better?
Otherwise great job.

Anyways can anyone take a look at my submission and see if they have something to say?
Link: here
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Reactions: sPy
Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
@AyeKantSpel - I like your work but there are still flaws:
The edges of the picture have simply nothing in them! They are not needed at all. Either zoom into the battle until they don't appear or add more details to make them interesting. The current units are seen from a pretty big distance so I think zooming in won't be as harmful as you think.
The sky is half cloudy and half pitch black. I suggest you make it more interesting as well, either by more lightning or by air units or something.
There are loads of orcish units and nearly no footmen - how exactly are the forces supposed to be matched?!terrain - it will make much more of its potential.

Otherwise great job.

Trying to upload a cropped picture to take out the the sides, zooming in gave me problems with finding the right camera angle that didn't run into the interface (reflection at the bottom), battles don't always have to be matched, there are lots of footmen, just behind a hill. The 'half black' sky is actually hills in the background, just after the game fog sets in. How's this view? [HIDDEN="Camera Roll']Final Entry.jpg[/HIDDEN]



Level 21
Apr 10, 2009
I like the colour of your sky, it has the essence of sorrow etc.

However, I found a minor problem at the water reflections:
The tree - The tree in the reflection shouldn't have the same height like the real one, the stem of the reflection should be a little shorter, it's just my opinion

When I looked at the screenshot, I noticed that the grunt is actually using a two handed axe? Pretty cool :)
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Just a quick note - I'm gonna be restarting again because I am sure nobody really liked the last piece I did. And I got my priorities more straight this time to invest into one tileset.
Level 2
Mar 26, 2010
@frutz: Hmmm... Adding too much barrens pillars won't be good too, it looks like the rocks are falling. However, the way you're adding makes it looked like someone has just pushed the pillars, making them fall to the lowest ground, which is good. Anyway, it's just my personal opinion.
I think I overdid it, maybe I'll remove some of it. How do you make those mid-air orcs? cool

@Frutz: I agree with sPY, spamming rocks won't do. I suggset making the hills even higher so that textures will be seen as well. Also you should be careful when placing the rocks - if you'll look closer at the bottom you'll see it's flat and weird, so try and avoid that or cover that with other rocks. In addition I'm sure you could add some vegetation to this valley, even if it is a wasteland. Also the human ground party is way too close to the orcs, and the path which they come from is way too narrow. I suggest putting the human party at the top of the path. The grunts look unnaturally straightly put, so I suggest spreading them out a bit. The air forces look great in my opinion but this could be improved by tons. In fact I like your previous WiP better. @sPY, I still think that grassy field is too monotone and boring, perhaps you should add more variation to it. Otherwise great job. @johhanesr, I love your submission but that cattail in the bottom right is completely irrelevant to the surroundings :D You'd better replace it or remove it. @indomitable, that captain is looking at that lich in a really creepy way (on the right). Otherwise not bad at all. Great job everyone!
I think I'll expand the whole valley a little, giving some breathing space. And I forgot that the orcs are barbarian, they're hordes, straight-line things don't suits well.

Here's my final piece, no more changes will be made.
@sPy looks great, there's a lot of fire and things and in my opinion the explosion works well. @frutz yeah, it's a bit of a cramped and organized looking battle, not something I'd expect to see in wc3, would be great to have even a 3rd party pushing the rocks down on them.
3rd party pushing the rocks down . . . didn't cross my mind, good idea, instead of removing some of the rocks maybe this will do better. How do you create that water reflection?

@sheephunter don't you think the trolls are too few?

by the way, happy new year all!
Level 4
Dec 9, 2010
David, frankly, WTF?!

??? Can I know did I made something wrong?

David_89, only one screenshot taken from the EDITOR for the second, third time oh and happy New Year to ya all!

That's means only ONE screenshot per WIP and Final Submission? just editor screenshot or in-game cinematic screenshot i should use?

@David - please post only 1 scene... this contest is about 1 scene not a series of scenes...

Ok...I knew what's wrong already. Thanks...

EDIT: I have deleted the other 3 screenshots. Just left 1. BTW, can I know the judges are judging based on the screenshots or the terrain we made in the map?
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Because there is one Grom Hellscream, with Thrall, and that armies were led by Grom so there are fel orcs in there

What the hell dude. Get some lore. Fel Orcs are orcs who drank Manoroth's blood and thus became aligned with the Demons. Thrall was trying to stop the Fel Orcs and return Grom Hellscream back to normal using the Soulstone Jaina Proudmoore gave him. Together with Cairne, the trio defeated the demons and fel orcs guarding Hellscream and in a combination of power between the Horde's shamans and the Alliance's priests, they cleansed Grom Hellscream's soul and made him a normal orc again. Immediately afterward, Grom and Thrall went to a canyon to meet Mannoroth in combat, where Grom met his death.
What the hell dude. Get some lore. Fel Orcs are orcs who drank Manoroth's blood and thus became aligned with the Demons. Thrall was trying to stop the Fel Orcs and return Grom Hellscream back to normal using the Soulstone Jaina Proudmoore gave him. Together with Cairne, the trio defeated the demons and fel orcs guarding Hellscream and in a combination of power between the Horde's shamans and the Alliance's priests, they cleansed Grom Hellscream's soul and made him a normal orc again. Immediately afterward, Grom and Thrall went to a canyon to meet Mannoroth in combat, where Grom met his death.

I still remember the crap I did just to take Grom's soul.
*Mission Finished.*

Level 4
Dec 9, 2010
What the hell dude. Get some lore. Fel Orcs are orcs who drank Manoroth's blood and thus became aligned with the Demons. Thrall was trying to stop the Fel Orcs and return Grom Hellscream back to normal using the Soulstone Jaina Proudmoore gave him. Together with Cairne, the trio defeated the demons and fel orcs guarding Hellscream and in a combination of power between the Horde's shamans and the Alliance's priests, they cleansed Grom Hellscream's soul and made him a normal orc again. Immediately afterward, Grom and Thrall went to a canyon to meet Mannoroth in combat, where Grom met his death.

Oh I see...I should re-put the units for that side then...It shouldnt be fel orcs... Thanks, now I knew it
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