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Terraining Contest #10[playable] - Surrealism

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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007



PLAYABLE SURREALISM: Having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream


Theme Description: The theme is Playable surrealism. The contestant must create a playable terrain that would depict the world of dream. If you are confused about what surrealism is then I recommend doing some research on google or DA. Creativity is encouraged :)

  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any terrain does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • A few in game screenshots showing your submission in action.
    • The completed map in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Map may consist of any resource as long a it is public.
  • Unless a used resource belongs to either hiveworkshop or Wc3 Campaigns, a link to the used resources must be provided.
  • No image editing tools may be used to enhance the terrain previews (however cropping is allowed).
  • The contestant's map can not exceed the file size of 8mb.
  • Map size must be 64x64
  • Adding triggers is allowed but WILL NOT be judged on. They are simply for your own satisfaction.
  • Protecting your map is prohibited. The terrain will need to be looked at both in game and in the world editor.


  • First Place: 45 reputation points and your entry on an award icon.
  • Second Place: 30 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 15 reputation points and an award icon


60 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
40 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

Final Score = (Judge's Score)*0.6 + (votes/(total votes))*40 = (score)/100


- M0rbid.
- Arcany.
- Megafyr.

Contact the host if you want to be one.


All submissions must be complete and submitted 8 weeks after the contest is started.
The contest shall begin on 15 August and conclude on 15th October, 2010 GMT
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Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
cool...really curious what people will come up with
i think ill stand down one this one...although i would like to make something playable but surrealism playable is way over my head
good luck with the contest,hope it has many submissions
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Good movie anyways I kinda don't understand how you would make it playable and in what sense that you can move around in it and do things?
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Wow, I looked at the announcement and I think: Cool, maybe Ill join! Then I see the theme... anyway good luck to the people who will participate!

Anyway, why does surrealism have to be playable? Oo
It doesnt make sence to me...
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well it kinda does make sence... yet making something like that is hard. However I know of a project that has strange and kinda surreal terrain, called Arkadia. I know, I know, it isnt surrealism, but it is still quite strange.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Yes, Arcadia really is a great inspiration...

Exactly. I doubt my terraining skills are enough for this challenge and which is more important, I dont think that my imagination is ready for this as well... however I may try to make one piece for myself and then see if I can be in this.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Count me in, I have had over a month to plan and perfect my concept. Now let's see if I can actually execute it. You can expect ALOT of constructions of statues and what not from me.

@InfinateAnswers: We decided in the idea thread that we don't want this to turn into a mapping contest. So triggers will not be judged on at all. The theme, execution, technicallity and originallity will be based completely on the terrain itself and not on anything done by triggers. Therefore if the terrain has absolutely nothing that represents surrealism then your score for theme will be very low, even if the triggers make it look surreal. So yes, the actual terrain has to be surrealistic.
Remember, triggers are for your own satisfaction only, and WILL NOT be judged on, as stated in the rules.
The host can correct me if I he disagrees, but that is what I had in mind when I suggested that rule. This is a terraining contest not a mapping contest.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Good movie anyways I kinda don't understand how you would make it playable and in what sense that you can move around in it and do things?

Well, do things is completely optional, the point is to make the map playable, in a fashion that a unit can walk around in it, and to prove that providing a unit TO walk around with. Pretty self explanetory really >.>

Maybe going to participate, maybe not... If Surrealism is the theme (Basically something like the dream world), then I've got good "cards". I'm sometimes dreaming of heaven, sometimes hell, so...

Also, do not confuse surrealism for "dream" in a dream you can depict a standard jungle or something else, surrealism is creating something that seems alien to the human mind, something twisted that you look up twice and think "what was that?" kind of thing, not the worlds best explanation, but still. Also, everything Chaos said is correct.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Also, do not confuse surrealism for "dream" in a dream you can depict a standard jungle or something else, surrealism is creating something that seems alien to the human mind, something twisted that you look up twice and think "what was that?" kind of thing, not the worlds best explanation, but still. Also, everything Chaos said is correct.

Basically Surrealism is like a dream world (going more to a SURREAL nightmare (Overnatural things happening)), that is limited to stuff that are "complicated" to the human mind to understand - to things that in reality do not exist.
Or, to keep it short, Weird shit happening.
Level 6
Aug 24, 2008
I might be able to join if I have the time. School just started for me, and I have a lot of work to do.
To me, it sounds like fun.
64x64 seemed a little small when i thought about it, but i actually went and checked, it should be alright really. maybe loosen that rule up a bit though.

pointer: don't use your dreams for a start. most usually, your dreams won't involve massive flashing lights or some stuff like that, they'll probably be pretty normal looking especially. they're also usually too structured to actually give that dreamlike quality.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Is The Ultimate Terraining Map allowed?

Yes it is. The rules are pretty clear on what you can or can not do.
  • Map may consist of any resource as long a it is public.
  • Unless a used resource belongs to either hiveworkshop or Wc3 Campaigns, a link to the used resources must be provided.

Therefore, as long as it is made public, anything can be used.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Well my idea is a forest of trees constantly changing into ents, the ents are then swollowed by a spiritual dragon flying throughout the whole map and as they die flowers grow in their place. all this in a moonlight weather.

Doesn't sounds like surrealism as much as it sounds like generic fantasy to me.
Surrealism is all about weird things like flying chairs or giant windows or tanks with sofas. Or all three.
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