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Shimmering Woods


This forest remained undisturbed for centuries, until the druids arrived and began to make it a place of pilgrimage. It was peaceful at first, but warmongers came too. Now endless chaos is slowly destroying this place. Rally your troops and save this land!

- 8 Green Creep Camps
- 16 Orange Creep Camps
- 2 Red Creep Camps
- Tavern in the middle

- 2 Goblin Merchants
- 2 Goblin Laboratories
- 2 Randomized Mercenary Camps (Either Lordaeron Summer, Fall, Cityscape, and Underground)
- 4 Goldmines for expansion
- A bit larger map for 1v1, but players will force to secure another goldmine due to low amount of gold (8000) from natural expansion (or near starting point) to prevent stagnation and also for army mobility
- A variety of item drops from creeps







1.0 - First Upload
1.2 - Fixed the issue when Night Elf can expand freely at night while the wolves are sleeping.

Author Notes:

I'm not a pro-player of melee game, I haven't played with many people yet especially those in pro-scene, I only played with couple of my friends 10 years ago when we are exhausted playing dota 1 — and no idea how this type of game should be played properly. In my country, this is very unpopular, majority of my countrymen never knew that this is the default game of Warcraft 3 , they think that dota and Warcraft are the same that's why there are no community of melee players here (but still glad to find some of my countrymen staying here and even became a mod and map reviewer, I hope you are still active :D), all tournaments is all about dota, and since dota 2 came, warcraft 3 have been forgotten :(, then suddenly, Wc3 reforged ultimately killed Warcraft scene in my country.

I'm actually planning to stream melee game soon (after investing into new pc and buying REFORGED, I haven't purchased the reforged yet after overwhelming negative reviews when it was first released, I don't want to waste a couple of bucks to disappoint myself, it's really expensive especially in terms of my financial status) in hope to attract more players in my country. I know this is an old game and no assurance of success. But lately, seeing some of my countrymen visiting wtiiwarcraft, annoying warcraft, jayborino, and grubby on youtube, I found a light to continue making maps and playing warcraft.

Now, enough of my sentiments, I just want to get more feedbacks, I'm actually looking for maps that have been tagged as "competitive", I'm studying them but I'm not sure If I'm still doing right making melee maps LMAO, I'm actually fighting AI only with almost same stratagy and I don't have any idea how melee map should be in terms of real human vs real human. So I'm still trying to learn to make a melee map that is really balanced for all race and different play style. So, all your criticism are really welcome.

(glad that I found world editor accidentally then the rest is history especially in this website which I really treasured since it introduced new interests in myself especially in digital art and many more, thank you HIVE!)


Shimmering Woods (Map)

Shimmering Woods 1.2 (Map)

Nice way to compensate for a bigger map size by reducing mine gold amount. Randomized neutral passive buildings and even creeps always spice things up by making maps have replayability and creating strategy fog of war (the player can't know exactly...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Nice way to compensate for a bigger map size by reducing mine gold amount.
Randomized neutral passive buildings and even creeps always spice things up by making maps have replayability and creating strategy fog of war (the player can't know exactly beforehand what to do).

  1. Mine guards should have a higher camp range to attack nearby construction of towers/ancients. Also, the nearest expansions are a bit too much in your neighbourhood, IMO.
  2. I understand units like Wraiths should not drop items since you might lose them if they use Possession but what about the lesser ghost? The risk of losing a unit while facing the ghosts with Curse on you should give you at least 1 item reward no matter how low levelled.
  3. I feel the Laboratory's guards are too fierce/dangerous (Mana Burn+Animate Dead) to make the building useful for scouting unless you play with invisible night elves or Blademasters. That leaves out mid or rather late game use of Shredders.

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  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
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