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Pokemon Defense 3.9-E ENG

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Pokemon Defense 3.9-E

I don't own any rights to this map, but intend to publish it here as it gained quite a lot of attention on the battle net already.

Pokemon defense 3.9 is based on the older pokemon defense version v10 final by feverMore (Pokemon Defense v10 Final - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com).
Main feature of this remake are complete Pokemon models for all units, many new Pokemon and better balanced gameplay in general.

I do NOT intend to steal or copy this map in any way, this is just a promotion for the great map made by bravehon!
Just translating it was necessary or nobody outside of korea would be able to play this properly.

Original Pokemon Defense by bravehon source:
2018 ⓒ bravehon ( cafe.naver.com/War3Pokemon ) All rights reserved.

Map information:
As this map is originally just in korean language and therefore hard to learn and understand I decided to make this translated version.
In total it took me around 50-100 hours already to have all unit names, gameplay messages and most ability tooltips translated.
Sadly there are still a few bugs in the translations so it requires playing a couple of times to understand all the Pokemon and game mechanics properly.
I just want this map to be more appealing to the whole wc3 community and will try to improve translations with every new main release.

The main aspect of this map is to build a team of Pokemon you can catch.
Pokemon spawn randomly in a set location for each player and appear in different rarities and types.
Suggested Players are 2-full (best is to have 6+)

Possible rarities are (nothing), (trade), (mature), (strong), (legend).
The different types are normal, fire, water, grass, electric, psychic and fighter.
Rare Pokemon are harder to catch but therefore stronger in general.

You use gold to upgrade your units or buying some upgrades and lumber=hyberballs to save-catch any non-legend pokemon.

The trainer unit which is used to catch Pokemon can also search for a certain type and reroll a pokemon.
Each round 3 new Pokemon spawn where 2 of them match the selected trainer type.
After catching Pokemon you can set their positions in a small arena where they will fight against another players team
or versus npc units in survival mode.
This is a little bit like legion TD in terms of positioning.

Pokemon with (trade) in their name can be swapped to another unit if they reach level 100.
To trade simply type -ta and if the current trade rotation contains the (trade) unit it will be swapped.
Trading rotates in 3 different sets and you always trade to the type that counters the traded counter.
Meaning if you trade a lvl 100 (fire) it becomes a (electric) unit as water counters fire and electric counters water so
the electric might help your team if the sending player has many water units.

Catched Pokemon can be sold by either using the sell ability or pressing the T hotkey.
Selling a Pokemon has the advantage of granting you a 50% chance to earn a Hyperball and also giving you a small portion of gold back.
Until round 3 selling is a 100% gold return, which allows you to upgrade a different unit if the first round went poorly.

It is possible to increase the totally earned gold by saving money and getting more bonus gold.
Starting with round 5 every player gets an additional 10% of current gold as bonus.
Usually the bonus gold can be ignored but it is still viable to try and save some gold if possible.

There are a few achievements to complete in this map which can be done on every playtrough.
As it was not totally clear to me what each achievement is about the translations there might be pretty bad.
Anyway possible achievements are:
-Sell 5 Pokemon: Reward 1 Hyperball
-Lose 20 Life: Reward 1 Eevee unit
-Fail catching a certain amount of Pokemon
-(Fail catching a certain amount in Round 1) not confirmed yet
-(Buy a certain amount of Life) not confirmed yet

Finally the map might seem very random at first glance but there are many possibilities to minimize the random factor.
Such as selecting the trainer type, trading units and using hyperballs to save-catch certrain strong units.
Also positioning can have a big impact on your fighting performance such as
stacking suicide bomber units, putting ranged in back line and tanks to the front.

Beginner information:
How to catch Pokémon:

To give everyone some kind of basic guide to pokemon defense 3.9 I created following cheat sheet (3.9-E version):


  • To catch a Pokemon select one of your two trainer units and use the catch ability or simply C hotkey to catch any Pokemon around you.
  • Before catching a Pokemon make sure to look at their names. There are different types of rarity and therefore strength.
  • The strongest pokemon are (Legend), these are only available in legendary mode.
  • The second strongest pokeom are (strong), make sure to catch these first or save 8 Hyperball for a save catch!
  • The third strongest are called (mature).
  • Pokemon with (buff) in their name give some aura or buff to your team (e.g. armor, speed, damage, ...).
  • Pokemon with (debuff) in their name give some aura or debuff to the attacking team (e.g. -armor, -speed, -damage,...).
  • Pokemon with (trade) in the name can be traded to stronger ones at level 100 by using the -ta command. Trade pokemon have a 3 round rotation, so just type -ta and after a maximum of 3 rounds it works (or look the the right side).
Other tips:
All 4 life you lose a hyperball is gained.
Achievements can be made every game, for example selling 5 pokemon or losing 20 life gives a reward.
Selling pokemon has a 50% chance to give 1 Hyperball, so don't forget to use it if you need more of them!
Don't forget to upgrade the attack, defense and especially HP of your Pokemon,
you can type -poke to check which types you own.
The last upgrade in the defense building will increase max HP by 5% for all Pokemon and is very strong in late game!

How to (usually) win:
Try to get a few (strong) pokemon and stack (buff),(debuff) units to bolster your team strength.
Keep on catching new Pokemon each game to learn their abilities (tooltips are sadly not 100% correct).
Learn how to counter certain strong pokemon.

Important pokemon to catch:
In early game get
-Persian, Luxray, Infernape, Leafeon, Umbreon, Sandslash or Wynaut
For mid-late game get
-Aura units: Machamp, Pinsir, Houndoom, Unown, Blissey, Wigglytuff, Persian, Pidgeot, Kingdra, Lapras, Bellossom
-Debuff units: Absol, Hydreigon, Xatu, Mega Manectric, Zebstrika, Ho-Oh
Late game
-stack all suicide bomber units in front and upgrade them (-bomb command)

Pokemon types:
Normal type is strong against electric type.
Electric type is strong against water type.
Water type is strong against fire type.
Fire type is strong against grass type.
Grass type is strong against psychic type.
Psychic type is strong against fighter type.
Fighter type is strong against normal type.

1 (Upgrade all Pokemon once)
-watch (switch into watch mode, ending the game for you)
-cam 1-2099 (Field of view adjustment)
-eye 50~150 (Field of view adjustment)
-ta (trade all level 100 trade Pokemon)
-라이프,-LF (buys life, 4 hyperball = 1 life)
-poke (Check the number of each Pokemon property)
-<type> mega (select mega pokemon of type) example: -normal mega
-<type> 1 (select all Lv 1 pokemon of type) example: -normal 1
-mega (select all level 100 Pokemon with pending mega evolution)
-bomb (selects suicide bomber)
-bomb 1 (selects level 1 suicide bomber)
-aura (tells you if you own units with an aura/debuff abilitiy)

Replace <type> in commands with one of following keywords:
normal, fire, water, grass, elec, psy, fight

3.8-D Fix with some explanation:

3.9 video might come soon...


Trainer zone where you catch new Pokemon:

Combat area where your Pokemon will fight:

Trade zone, displays current trade Pokemon:

Middle area, shows all possible Pokemon and evolutions (despawn after round 10):

Multiboard, shows your life, gold amount in units and totally earned bonus gold:

Pokemon upgrade centers for attack, defense and HP:

Game settings:

(original in korean, you can google-translate it)


// 게임 //

각종 오류 수정 [001 업적 ,파랑 플레이어 오류]

포획 10% 확률 추가 모드가 생겼습니다.

업적이 2개 추가되었습니다.

[업적] No.005 '팔린 포켓몬은 어디로 갈까..?'
(요구사항 : 포켓몬 팔기 5번 하기)
[보상 ::하이퍼볼 1개]

[업적] No.006 아직 끝나지 않았어
(요구사항 : 라이프 20 되기)
[보상 ::이브이]

놓치는 업적 보상이 변경되었습니다.
15 하이퍼볼 / 25 메타몽 / 35 하이퍼볼 3

// 그래픽 //

// 밸런스 //

독침붕 김밥말이 >> 꿰뚫어보기로 변경 [꿰뚫어보기 75% 확률로 빗나가지 않는 공격을 합니다.]


// 게임 //
성숙 물포켓몬 빈티나 밀로틱이 생겼습니다.

// 그래픽 //
임기만료로 인해 중앙 스탭분들의 동상 칭호를 삭제했습니다.
그동안 수고하셧습니다.

파인더 스킨 "릴리에" 를 추가하였습니다.

// 밸런스 //
노말 :: 메가캥가의 공격속도를 상향했습니다.
전기 :: 삼삼드레의 기존스킬을 삭제 , 범위 디버프 추가했습니다.
물 :: 셀러 (성숙) >> (일반) 변경했습니다.
빈티나(성숙) 추가 , 밀로틱 냉동빔(슬로우) 스킬
불 :: 마그비 체력을 10% 상향했습니다.
풀 :: 쥬벳의 단일방깍 -> 스턴변경 , 범위 디버프 삭제했습니다.
쥬벳(성숙) >> (일반) 그로인한 스텟조정했습니다.
모다피(일반) >> (성숙) [능력치는 변경없습니다.]
에스퍼 :: 포푸니 방어 상향했습니다.
메가팬텀의 체력을 4천 하향했습니다.
격투 :: -


// 게임 //
트레이드 포켓몬 히드런을 리메이크했습니다.

// 그래픽 //
둔타 , 폭타 가 추가됩니다.

// 밸런스 //
노말 :: 치라미 근접버프를 받지않았던 오류를 수정했습니다.
전기 :: 라이츄 체력을 25% 상향했습니다.
메가전룡 "잠재파워" 스킬을 추가했습니다.
파치리스의 사거리를 100 상향했습니다.
물 ::
불 ::
풀 :: 독침붕 , 메가독침붕의 스킬오류를 수정했습니다.
에스퍼 :: 슬리퍼 , 파이어의 진화비용을 감소시켰습니다.
히드런80레벨 -> 둔타 , 히드런100레벨 -> 폭타 변경 및 밸런스조정
격투 :: 스라크->핫삼 진화비용이 증가합니다.
거대코뿌리의 공격속도가 상향됩니다.

// 기타 //

bitcoin 님을 게임벤하였습니다.


// 게임 //
꼬지지 , 꼬지모를 추가하였습니다. [근접, 단일 포켓몬 유닛 방어 감소]
릴리에 세이브 횟수 조건 변경

// 그래픽 //
꼬지모 추가
성호 파인더 스킨 추가
배경음악 변경
// 밸런스 //
// 기타 //


-Translated all Pokemon names to english
-Translated 95% of all ability tooltips to english (some abilities could not be located, buff tooltips are not translated as they are harder to locate and not that important anyway)
-Translated all ingame messages
-Translated Quests (F9) information
-Translated Pokemon quiz questions and answers
-Translated all tech descriptions (dmg, armor types,...)
-Translated any other korean text i found
-Fixed bug which made Feebas evolve to Gyarados instead of Milotic (v3.9-D ENG)


// 게임 //

둔타 폭타 [일반 탱커]
체력 11000 / 22000 / 33000 / 방어력 3 / 6 / 15
특성 : 하드록 [70% 확률로 200데미지를 무시합니다.]
포켓몬 교체 쿨타임 180 135 90 으로 변경

난천 스킨 추가 [사천왕]
// 그래픽 //
1 오류 수정
둔타 , 폭타 > 히드런으로 변경
-오라 명령어 쥬뱃 > 삼삼드래수정
물짱이 기우제 버프 범위 체크 추가
밀로틱 일반 > 성숙으로 이름 수정
셀러 성숙 > 일반 수정

// 밸런스 //

30000 >> 37500 체력 상향
치라치노 3300 >> 3200 가격 하락
메가 피죤투 2800 >3500 데미지 상향
데미지 135 > 250
라이츄 데미지 300 > 400 // 1300 > 1450 // 2000 >> 2250 범위 550증가
에레키블 100레벨 체력 37000 > 40000
데넨데 체력 5천씩 하향

데미지 증가 1500 > 2000 / 2450 > 3300

스플래쉬 데미지 범위 하향
[범위 350 > 300] [데미지 1000 > 800]
갸라도스 20레벨 체력 13000> 11000 하향
파르쉘 35 > 30 방어하향

번치코 범위 200 > 450증가

체력 상향 35000 / 20000 / 10000
라플레시아 체력 5000 상향
프리져 데미지 증가 3000 / 2200 / 1000
라프라스 공속 0.75 > 0.9 하향
-2 > -1 / 공속 0.5 > 0.4 상향
체력 상향 45000 / 25000 / 15000
마기라스 가격 6000 상승 / 공속 16% 하향


-Merged translation from 3.9-D version with 3.9-E map
-Translated all buff tooltips (finally you understand what each aura does)
-Added more information and tips into Quest (F9)
-Fixed not working command -aura This command tells you which aura units you got and which you still miss
-General changes in new version: Many balance changes, Slowbro trade got reverted to Heatran, Camerupt is added to normal "spawn" Pokemon

(copied from map file)
Helpers(Special thanks) :: 오렌지캣 , 갯힝 , 디지탈 , bravehon


부매니저 | ANBY (zzzwnsn) 게시판스탭 | HJWbalrog (ahj5581) 막공왕 (kkfg1033) 스민 (ssm in127) 디자인스탭 | 디자인2(wjddntkd3)
2018 ⓒ bravehon ( cafe.naver.com/War3Pokemon ) All rights reserved.

PD-3.9-E ENG (Map)

Do you have permission to upload it? Can you contact the original author and ask for permission on editing it? Please write a credits list as you've used resources (models/skins) from the site and other sites/games. Credit music and sounds too. This...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Do you have permission to upload it? Can you contact the original author and ask for permission on editing it?

Please write a credits list as you've used resources (models/skins) from the site and other sites/games. Credit music and sounds too. This can help you for the Hiveworkshop resources: Resources in Use by PD-3.9-D ENG FIX | HIVE

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 1
Mar 24, 2020
Hey, I'm from Brazil and me and my friends used to play the old pokemon defense quite a lot. We saw that you have translated this awesome updated version for us, and we thank you for that. We are having some issues with the 3.9-e version, when we create the game TFT crashes instantly, that doesn't happen for the 3.9-A version. What do you think is the problem? We are using TFT 1.27b patch, and wanted the updated tooltips in the 3.9-E version. Thanks in advance!! And if you have something like a list of all the pokemon and its auras, buffs, debuffs, etc, we would be very grateful!! Thanks in advance!
Level 4
Jan 10, 2013
Hey, I'm from Brazil and me and my friends used to play the old pokemon defense quite a lot. We saw that you have translated this awesome updated version for us, and we thank you for that. We are having some issues with the 3.9-e version, when we create the game TFT crashes instantly, that doesn't happen for the 3.9-A version. What do you think is the problem? We are using TFT 1.27b patch, and wanted the updated tooltips in the 3.9-E version. Thanks in advance!! And if you have something like a list of all the pokemon and its auras, buffs, debuffs, etc, we would be very grateful!! Thanks in advance!

Sry I was inactive for a long time :(.

Basically the 3.9-E version was made with the updated world editor for patch 1.30 so it is no longer possible to play such maps on former wc3 version.
This is sadly not in my hands as the map is protected and I simply translated all texts found by browsing the internal map files in a text editor and replacing them.

There is not a list I made but the official pokemon defense homepage has something you can read via google translation (not 100% correct but roughtly you can see what they do):
???ϸ? ???潺 ??ũ????Ʈ ī?? : ???̹? ī??
Still i try to cover the most important facts in my cheat sheet which is updated for 3.9-E right now in the map description here.

Anyway new version 4.0-A is already released so i gotta get to my translation work soon again :D