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Pearl of Azshara


"Azshara is quiet land: mystical creatures and secrets lies here, forever in eternal slumber…"


A singleplayer RPG map, that tells us a story about young naga sorcerer, who recieved an important quest - find mystical artifact "Pearl of Azshara".
Explore Azshara - a mysterious land, that frozen in eternal authum.
Discover new secrets, gain new friend and fight against powerful monsters - "Pearl of Azshara" offers you different types of map walkthrough.


"Rumors says, that there, in Azshara, hidden a one of primal elemental artifacts - Pearl of Azshara. This is a magical necklace with special stones, each of them filled with the purest energy of the lord of the waters, Nepluton. Its power is capable of causing typhoons, splitting rocks and drowning entire fleets…
An mightly empire once held it power, but lost it after great Sundering.
Now newforging Naga Empire wants to retain their treasure back.

Our young witch was sent to Azshara - forgotten land of eternal authum to find it out.
But how she'll complete her quest and what sorcerer will face in Azshara, You need to discover by your own."


"If we describe a person with only one epithet, then they say one thing about Hissesh - adventurism.
She is one of the many disciples of Lady Sesspira, a powerful matron of the Colifang tribe, whose influence in the empire is very great.
The fervor of Hissesh attracted the servants of the matron and they recommended her to carry out an important assignment of the Queen herself - to search for the Pearl of Azshara, an ancient artifact that disappeared in the whirlwind of the Sundering.
She still had no idea what tests await her…"

"Student. Pursuer. Exile.
In ancient times, Loramus was a simple servant of the high nobility - no one cared about his life.
He hated them. They considered him rabble, garbage - he paid them back in full, burning in the fire of his anger.
But the people did not appreciate him. They considered him a traitor for his "demonic trace in the soul" and chained him…
He escaped. He does not care about the opinion of the people - he is thirsty for blood…
Demon blood."

"Satyrs and Furbolgs.
As long as they exist, as long as they are at war.
As if enchanted, they do not even try to find a common language, and from Darkshore to Hyjall, the land is ablaze.
Even the quiet Azshara suffers from a war of local forces: the Legashi sect and the Timbermaw tribe.
Is Peace Possible?
If so, for whose benefit?"

"Madness is the exact repetition of the same action. Time after time, hoping for a change…
These words did not leave Xylem for many years. He was a respected archmage, but his insane experimentation put an end to his career.
Disappointed, he found what seemed like a fairy tale - Azshara.
Here the wise wizard realized what the dalaran's idiots were.
Seekers of true knowledge have already begun to flock under his ranks.
After all, madness is the exact repetition of same action, right?"

And dozens of others awaits you in "Pearl of Azshara"!


Explore, fight, collect, complete - you can almost anything you want in Pearl of Azshara.
But every decision has it's consequences…

Uncover Eldarath Secrets to understand what is "Pearl of Azshara". Speak with different NPC ingame to recieve all pieces of lore.
And find even smallest secrets, that was hidden from eyes for centuries.

Instead of creeping, you can explore map and recieve EXP from it. Collect items to recieve hero EXP.
Even selling items could give your hero EXP!

Find new spells that Hissesh could master: from dreadful Sea Elemental enslavement to peaceful Regrowth.
Uncover their new effects and smash the enemy with the powers of 4 elementals combined!


  • Blizzard Entertainment;
  • Blizzard Entertainment;
  • Parents;
  • Blizzard Entertainment;
  • For inspiration: Meisio;
  • For inspiration: Ingen;
  • For inspiration: Wardruna;
  • Many, many different peoples from XGM & HIVE!
  • Map doesn't have custom music;
  • Sometime FPS could drop;


  • Map was released.
  • Add 2 new items: special item from new quest and special from flower gift;
  • Added new secret side quest, related to local sky creatures. Can you pray for your salvation? You need to answer this question by yourself;
  • Mountain Giant: now counts as "prey" for quest requiement for "Huntress Riddle";
  • Tree Guard & Corrupted Tree Guard: now counts as "prey" for quest requiement for "Huntress Riddle";
  • Quest "Huntress Riddle": now recieved items deletes after pick up, freeing player hero inventory;
  • Tweaked some explore areas & added new ones;
  • Reduced mana costs to all Hissesh elemental spells by 20-25%;
  • "Chain Lightning": changed chain damage reduce by 28%-25%-21%-19% from 33%-28%-25%-21%;
  • "Forked Lightning": increased spell dealt damage by 15%;
  • "Fireball": fixed damage to secondary targets, now it deals 11-12-13-14-16 fire DMG per second to additional targets near primary spell target;
  • "Regrowth": slightly reduced spell healing power, spell mana restore power remained same;
  • "Earth Shield": increased overall spell lifetime;
  • When Hissesh levels up, her HP & MP restores to 100% and her spell cooldowns skipped;
  • Chimaera & Royal Chimaera: deleted "Whirlwind" spell, reduced monster dealt damage;
  • Tree Guard & Corrupted Tree Guard: increased overall monster danger;
  • Forest Dryad: decreased physical dealt damage;
  • Frenzied Shark: reduced randomizable health amount, changed unit armor type & decreased dealt damage;
  • Riff Hydra: now cannot attack air units;
  • Legashi Satyr units: now player cannot recieve gold from them;
  • Skeletal Bucaneers & Searaiders: now recieved proper attack damage;
  • Rain Water Elementals: decreased randomizable health amount;
  • Now Captain Wrathstorm gives you a "Lesser Healh Potion", not "Health Potion";
  • Now all ruin doodad fountains across map regenerates HP & MP for nearby units;
  • Reduced fade in/out transitions in all cinematics by 40-50%;
  • Increased "Fireball" spell unlocking range, while Hissesh burns out trees;
  • Fixed an issue when player couldn't skip Timbermaw Chieftain cinematic;
  • Fixed an issue when player couldn't skip Legashi Satyr Leader cinematic;
  • Fixed an issue with map pathing - now player shouldn't be able to enter mountains where it isn't allowed;
  • Fixed translation errors across map;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "Huntress Riddle" - now player should be able to complete it;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "False God" - now player can't satisfy or defile statue ghost without approaching it;
  • Fixed some text issues with Hissesh spell unlocking;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "Eternal War" - now quest should phase world properly;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "Eternal War", when Hissesh sided with Timbermaw - now enemies should appear after resolving conflict;
  • Fixed an issue with Elder Rootwood after completing "Eternal War" - now he doesn't participate in resolved conflict phase;
  • Fixed an issue with item "Book of Forgotten" - now item have it's spell effects;
  • Fixed some minor issues across all map.
  • Hissesh recieved her 2 new Arcane Spells - "Open Rift" & "Phylosophic Stone", each with their special unlock requirement. Also item "Runic Glossary", recieved from Malorn Warlock cinematic for "Pearl of Azshara" transformed into arcane spell "Open Runic Glossary", which have the same effect as previous item. You can find these new spells in "Arcane Book" (Hotkey: T);
  • Quality of Life - added numerous minimap icons for main quest and side quests, helping player to find out quest objective. Also some quest items now perish from inventory while you're doing quests, still "encounting" into their proper quests but lower amount of used inventory item slots;
  • Add 1 new side quest, related to Turtle Lair in south Eldarath Beach - can you find out a mystery of "Dragon Turtle" and strange engineer? Who knows, but reward will be… Precious;
  • Added some islands in Azshara's sea, where you can find some gems or other items;
  • Added 3+ new areas to be discovered by Hissesh. Note that map area is a specific zone, enter of which heroine recieves EXP;
  • Added new side quest, related to Turtle Lair, so you can't provoke Dragon Turtle by gems from now;
  • Added some side stories, related to infamous Lord Inut and his chickens;
  • Added new scenes for starting cinematic & first Bendis cinematic;
  • Minor decoration addition to some map regions across whole map;
  • Now you can clear map screen from text by using "ESC" button. Works when player isn't watching cinematic;
  • Now Ruined Fountains can restore health & mana of nearby units;
  • Now all texts before NPC's dialog should be cleared out of player screen;
  • Replaced all questgiver requirement finish SFX from "!" to "?";
  • Quest "Nature Balance": now naturalist Kelen can provide you some hints about enchanted deers and show them on map;
  • Quest "False God": updated Bendis first cinematic; if you don't visited Cenarious Statues before quest discover, you'll recieve quest marks on minimap, that shows all 4 locations for Cenarious Statues;
  • Quest "False God": now player could kill tree guards to complete quest requirement, without corrupting/fightning Cenarious Statues;
  • Quest "Huntress Riddle": now all needed NPC and Son of Goldrinn location are highlighted by SFX, if you didin't visited them before quest;
  • Quest "Damnation": now Timbermaw Alchemist & Bandit Camp location shows up by marks, player recieves hint about "decursing" Lunar Fountain; player recieves Runic Language knowledge after completing quest;
  • Quest "Happy End!": recieved quest marks in order to give proper gameplay feelings, "Strange Figurine" now provides a REALLY smell, not a map ping;
  • Quest "Happy End!": now Thristleback Chieftain properly recieves his Rainbow Gem;
  • Quest "Eternal War - Legashi Wins": all nature-related creatures on map (like dryads, tree guard, treants, mountain giants) will became hostile to player;
  • Fixed an issue with some reward items;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "Damnation" - now player should be able to finish it properly & quest marks properly completed in questlogs;
  • Fixed an issue with blue Hissesh after skipping starting cinematic;
  • Quest "Xylem Wisdom": now player should be able to complete this quest, added missing animals to their proper group;
  • Quest "False God": now Earth Spirit flowers should spawn after entering Earth Statue area, not before;
  • Quest "Eternal War": now quest properly marks in questlog, while eithier Timbermaw or Legashi wins;
  • Quest "Eternal War - Timbermaw Wins": satyr ghost clan now properly named & spawn timers corrected;
  • Quest "Xylem Charisma": now quest requirement should properly completes;
  • Fixed some text translation issues;
  • Minor fixes across whole map;
  • Minor changes across whole Hissesh learnable spells;
  • Removed "Empty Bottle" near Ancient Warrior statue - now you should find alchogol and sell it to Falnados for item;
  • Decreased cooldowns for fire spells by 10-15%.
  • Added 3 new map areas to be discovered, also some of them have special enemies & rewards;
  • Now player could turn off most of fire braizers upon map;
  • Some small additions of special units across whole map, most of them are hidden from normal eyes;
  • Now in quest "Nature Balance" all clues have their unique texts and properly highlights deers on your mini-map;
  • Recreated map shadows, so map overlook became slightly better;
  • Added a small road, that leads to Arcane Temple with Bendis the Damned in it;
  • Slightly changed minimap color of Twilight Forest trees, making them more twilight;
  • Fixed an issue with Elder Loredo quests - now player should be able to complete "Xylem Wisdom" and complete after it "Xylem Charisma" quests;
  • Fixed an issue with Elder Loredo rabbit cinematic - now player should be able to skip it;
  • Fixed issues with item "Rod of Discord" - now most of map units could be "used" as proper rod targets;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "Damnation" - now Lunar-Blessed Fountain doesn't require Empty Vial when player wants to dispell arcane shield from fountain;
  • Fixed an issue with quest "False God" - now player can complete it's requirement before discovering quest;
  • Fixed an issue with Bendis the Damned starting cinematic;
  • Fixed an issue with Redshell Turtle spell - now she should properly waste your resources and create random item without "resource burn out";
  • Fixed some issues, related to dispell spells across whole map;
  • Fixed an issue, related to Hissesh "Phylosophic Stone" - now it should properly transform selected item and return mana if target item isn't appropriable;
  • Translated nearly all untranslated texts across whole map;
  • Now Hissesh should lose buff "Gift of Cenarious" if she helped Legashi in their conflict;
  • Added some new items to next map traders: Legashi Demonologist, Legashi Huckster, Timbermaw Alchemist (if you talked to him), Timbermaw Druid. Note that Legashi Huckster/Timbermaw Druid disapperas after Timbermaw/Legashi wins in their conflict;
  • Changed stock item cooldowns for most of sellable items. That doesn't affected new added items;
  • Now Sandwalking Tidecaller can properly slow down on his attacks.
  • Added a backpack: temporary solution to item overwhelming. It is a hero with additional 6 slots, where you can store items like in normal inventory. Many reward items with passive effects will also work while in backpack;
  • Added 1 special ending for side quest "Eternal War" - now player could complete it by defeating Timbermaw and Legashi together. Note that you'll be able to achieve this ending BEFORE choosing any side of conflict. After attacking conflict side, they'll became aggresive towards you and you can't select them after that;
  • Added new 1 side quest, related to fountain ghost and her beloved executioner;
  • Small changes in side quest "Huntress Riddle": added some hints about all 3 jewels, tweaked some related events;
  • Small changes in side quest "Damnation": Lunar Fountain recieved his quest icon if player doesn't visited it before quest, satyr leader spawns after speaking with alchemist and now he drops special quest-related letter;
  • Small changes in side quest "Eye of Depths": now player could kill Abyss Dweller on Abyss Island to recieve treasure chest key;
  • Changed "Arcane Explosion" arcane spell to "Purge", which works like basic purge spell and could be useful for side quests "Nature Balance" or "Damnation";
  • Changed "Earth Shield" unlock requirement - now player need to recieve at least 1 Gift of Cenarious, not defeating Elder Hardrock;
  • Minor changes across whole map;
  • Now player could use spells to destroy treasure chests;
  • Changed "Rod of Azure Seas" item effect: now usage of elemental spells like "Chain Lightning" or "Regrowth" increases dealt basic damage up to 120;
  • Changed "Book of Forgotten" item effect: when hero level up, book allows to increase level of 1 elemental spells for free;
  • Changed "Enchanted Black Gemstone" item effect: now it's active item, which replaces target item with special gem, which increases max HP by 15 when acquired;
  • Now "Sacrificing Knife" deals damage when used, according to item description;
  • Changed "Dreamthread Hood" item effect: now usage of elemental spells like "Chain Lightning" or "Regrowth" restores 10 MP for item owner;
  • Fixed an issue with side quest "Xylem Charisma" - now player could finish quest;
  • Changed hints, related to completition optional quest requirement for main quest "Pearl of Azshara";
  • Minor fixes across whole map;


  • New Adventure: More than 10 new events of different themes: from small-scale demonic invasion to dreadful night knight, who roams across Azshara;
  • Madness Awaits: Master power of madness to increase power of your elemental spells, but it will cost your sanity - will you sacrifice it or not?
  • Mercenary Contracts: speak with Captain Wrathstorm to hire your trustful companion, who will fight for you until death;
  • New Items to Gather: find new merchants, who are hidden across whole Azshara, to buy new unusual items or old ones;
  • New Enemies to Fight: fight with new enemies like dreadful Infernal or wrathful Night Knight - and gather your rewards;


  • Now Eldarath Inkeeper could sell you alcohol, if you destroyed your reputation with Thristleskin murloc village;
  • Now neutral monster should aggressively responce to your attacking spells, such as "Chain Lighning" or "Fireball";
  • Added 2+ map areas to be discovered;
  • Now elementals have different opinions on player: earth elementals doesn't want to attack you first, water elementals will be pleasant if you help Baron Aquantis, but fire elementals aggressive towards you all time;
  • Added small yet global event, related to freezing all fire braizers across Azshara - just try to do it and see what will happen;
  • Small decorative changes across whole Azshara: in fel-tainted grove you can visit fel wisps, or you can find their authum brothers in north Azshara corner, or you can find some new ruined structures across whole Brightwood Forest;
  • Now player could use "Elemental-filled Bottle" to free trapped Air Cenarius spirit;
  • Now all Forest Dryads, who enters Twilight Forest, rename themself into "Twilight Dryads" and recieve blue-violet transparent color;
  • Renamed NPC "Captain Shadow" into "Captain's Shadow";
  • Changed outlook of next runes: "Vex", "Gul", "Hal", "
  • Added new hints about "Pearl of Azshara" when completing next side quests: "Xylem Charisma", "False Gods", "Eye of Depths", "Huntress Riddle";
  • Changed Hissesh model from "Naga Summoner" to "Naga Sorceress";


  • Removed all unused upgrades from all neutral / aggressive enemies, due to upcoming changes in next version;
  • Decreased recieved hero exp from exploring by 15%;
  • Decreased overall spell effects from next elemental spells: "Fireball", "Chain Lightning", "Regrowth";
  • Increased dealt damage for "Forked Lightning" by 10-15%, determining on spell level;
  • Decreased cooldown for all levels of "Enslave Sea Elemental" by 30% and increased lifespawn of Enslaved Sea Elemental by 15%, to enable player summon more than 1 elemental;
  • Added next mana potions, which could be useful to quickly restore your mana pool: "Lesser Mana Potion", "Mana Potion", "Great Mana Potion";
  • Decreased Chimaera & Royal Chimaera power by 15%;
  • Now Tree Guards & Corrupted Tree Guards attack values properly changes with their "size types": big Tree Guard deals more damage than small or medium Tree Guard;
  • Decreased power of "Forest Dryads" by 25%, reducing their level from 8 to 6 and replacing their "Hero" attack type with "Piercing" attack type;
  • Added new neutral animals, who spawns across whole Azure Sea, to help player fight with annoying sharks or dreadful battleship;
  • Now Hissesh shouldn't recieve EXP from friendly Timbermaw/Legashi killings;
  • Increased total popularity of Azshara by 10-15%;
  • Now makruras and crabs could "walk" on water - there's no way to hide from them;
  • Now special night-time events occur on 0.00, also NPC goes to sleep on 0.00, not 18.00 like before;
  • Fixed minor bug, that occured in side quest "False God" - now player can't recieve earth flowers before speaking with Earth Cenarius spirit;
  • Fixed bug with item "Lucky Coin" - now if player doesn't have substracting gold value, he'll be shot with lightning, recieving damage;
  • Fixed sound error with "Redshell Turtle" - now player should hear constant "thunder" sound near this unit;
  • Fixed (?) strange sound error with Hissesh attack sound - due to model changement, it should disappear;
  • Fixed unprevented errors with side quest "Nature Balance" - now killed corrupted dears should respawn and stag notes should properly disappear after buying;
  • Fixed unexpected errors with side quest "Eye of Depths" - now player can't interact with Abyss Giant on night and can't activate ritual circle without quest;
  • Now Abyss Watcher, used in side quest "Eye of Depths", should be able to drop items from his inventory;
  • Now player can't speak with NPC "Forgotten Ghost" or fight with "Old Crunchy" before recieving side quest "Huntress Riddle";
  • Now neutral monster "Dreamwalk" shouldn't roam through whole map like crazy;
  • Now backpack can't level up;
  • Now all alcohol items properly named "alcohol", not "alchogol";
  • Minor bug fixes across whole Azshara.


  • Add new item "Forest Sister Necklace" with next effect: Using "Chain Lightning" or "Forked Lightning" could provoke a "Evocation" of main target, dealing [HP/4] lightning DMG. Item effect works even in Hissesh Backpack;
  • Add new item "Eldarath Brilliant Ring" with next effect: When you own this ring, an invincible wisp will follow you, attacking nearby enemies. Item effect works even in Hissesh Backpack;
  • Main Quest Quality of Life Changes: Tweaked amount of "needed" words to be learn for deciphering Rune Stones, rewritten deciphered text on each Rune Stone and provided with explanable hints;
  • Side Quest Quaility of Life Changes: Tweaked side quest "Nature Balance": now deers spawns at the same time and doesn't despawn at night/day; Tweaked side quest "False God": now riddles from Cenarious spirits became more understandable;


  • Increased overall Hissesh EXP level barrier from 200 to 450 - 950 - 1350 - etc, but each level up gives Hissesh additional bonuses to her stats;
  • Increased spellpower of next spells: "Chain Lightning", "Forked Lightning", "Regrowth" and "Flamestrike";
  • Replaced "Fireball" with "Unleash Flamewrath" - summoning spell, which creates fire elemental that can clone himself after enough successful attacks;
  • Replaced "Gifts of Sea" with "Soul of Sea" - summoning spell, which splits up heroine into 5 small water elementals for some time;
  • Reconfigurated arcane items in Hissesh Arcane Spellbook;
  • Replaced arcane spell "Activate Mana Shield" with "Mirror Image" - creates 2 mirror images of Hissesh to distract enemy;
  • Added 1 new arcane spell - "Stasis Rune" - create stasis rune at target location, which will stun nearby enemies after enemy will step on it;
  • Minor balance changes across whole enemies on Azshara;
  • Now player can't upgrade his elemental spells, if doesn't know any elemental spell for upgradable elemental school;
  • Now player automaticaly receives new elemental spell while "learning" it, if Hissesh doesn't possess any spell of new learn elemental school;
  • Now player can't receive upgrades from Elemental Stones of unknown elemental schools, if he didn't possess any spell of matching school;
  • Now collecting gems would give Hissesh not +5 EXP, but random EXP from range 1-5;
  • Increased Hissesh daytime sight range by 20%;
  • Increased Hissesh nighttime sight range by 15%;
  • Now player could see another ghosts in Eldarath ruins and beyond them without "Gem of Truth Seeing";
  • Renamed item "Gem of True Seeing" into "Gem of Truth Seeing";
  • Changed player colors for next AI-players: "Cenarious Circle", "Azshara Creatures";
  • Now all Cenarious Spirits near their statues have level 5, not 10;
  • Now Awakened Doomguard spawns from Cursed Wolf after last dies, not by "Curse of Doom" spell;
  • Minor balance tweaks across whole Azshara;


  • Fixed an issue, when game registered quest usage of "Rod of Discord" after completing quest requirement;
  • Fixed an issue which occured with Naturalist Kelen hints - now they should properly show up after usage;
  • Fixed an issue, which sometimes occur with furbolg/satyr leaders;
  • Fixed an issue with enourmously big satyr leader in WC3:Reforged with classic graphics;
  • Now event "Sand Hydra" should normaly occur in game;
  • Now rare event "Dragons Arriving" should normaly occur in game;
  • Now rare event "Emerald Rift" should normaly occur in game;
  • Decreased overall amount of Hungry Wolfs for side quest "Xylem Agility";
  • Minor text issues, that I've found, were fixed.
  • Skipped!


  • Meet IO THE WISP – your most favorable companion, which would help you in finding Pearl of Azshara and beyond;
  • Face PLANET APPULSE – new global event, which will re-shape Azshara forever: new items, new quests, new spells and new monsters waits!
  • Learn NEW HERO SPELLS – now your spellpower is determined by YOUR level, master fire-earth skills or defile land with fel magic;
  • Discover TALENTS – special passive effects, that will change your spellstyle in different ways and talent amount isn’t limited;


  • Implemented usage of Bribe’s “Damage Engine”;
  • Now map graphics is restricted to “CLASSIC”, even if player is selected “REFORGED” in his game settings;
  • Added 10+ new side quests to be completed;
  • Added special Visage quests, required to increase power of your companion Wisp;
  • Added new traders, which will replace old-ones after special circumstances;
  • Now player can fight against NPC, but they will fight back;
  • Added 5+ new areas to be visited by player;
  • Added dozens of new secrets to be discovered by player;
  • Slightly tweaked old side quests;
  • Added 10+ new items to be collected, tweaked charged potions;
  • Added new alcohol to be gained by player;
  • Implemented player attribute multiboard, which contains main and new-added attributes, amount of completed quests and last completed quest, amount of discovered object types and Planet Appulse data;


  • Now player’s spellpower will be slightly determined by terrain: water and air spell will be empowered while in water, but fire will be depowered;
  • Now Hissesh will move very fast, if she is in water;
  • Remastered Player Mercenary system – now it’s controllable by bot, which will follow Hissesh until his death. Mercenary can be replaced by special items, only 1 mercenary at the same time;
  • Now “Carved Timbermaw/Legashi Statues” will summon mercenary hero, which will follow rules above. This items allows player to replace already existant mercenary;
  • Slightly tweaked initial spellpower of air, earth and fire Hissesh spells;
  • Now nearly all summons benefits from CHARISMA value – new hero attribute, which will affect summon lifetime, limit and other summon values;
  • Now player can receive cashbacks by increasing his TRADE value – new hero attribute, which will affect player cashback chance and value;
  • Now nearly all effect with chance will benefit from LUCK value – new hero attribute, which will affect most of random effects on map;
  • Now player can interact with neutral NPC to speak with them by selecting, allowing them to response some phrase;
  • Now player can receive Abyssal Sign, which will give Hissesh special bonus and unlocks additional interactions across Azshara;
  • Now Hissesh can freely die due to implementation of “Bonfire” system, which will allow player to resurrect after death at the selected bonfire;
  • Now Hissesh can interact with Azshara by her spells, manipulating BALANCE value – new attribute, which starts from 50 and could be decreased down to 0, which will empower non-nature creatures, or increased up to 100, which will empower nature creatures across Azshara;
  • Reworked “Eternal War” initial conflict – now sides will train their troops from barracks, new defensive buildings appeared and sides will constantly improve their units by upgrades;


  • Now in Twilight Forest player can find small lakes, which will increase Hissesh movement speed;
  • Now player can nearly free travel across all previously inaccessible areas like mountains and find new rewards there;
  • Added 3+ new small-scale islands across Azshara Azure Sea, where player can find gems or gold;
  • Added some special secret areas on mountains above Timbermaw Hold;
  • Adjusted traveling across Azure Sea by adding maw rifts, which will allow player to quickly teleport across sea;
  • Slightly tweaked “Stormbreaker End” area terrain;
  • Slightly tweaked “Dragon Turtle Lair” area terrain;
  • Slightly tweaked “Eldarath” area terrain;
  • Reworked “Ruins of Lunar Temple” area – now it should resemble ruins of ancient temple;


  • Minor tweaks for Timbermaw/Legashi factions;
  • Now Tree Guards will appear from fallen trees more frequently than before;
  • Now undead deals increased damage from all sources across all non-undead;
  • Now summoned/arcane creatures receive more damage from all sources;
  • Now elementals differ through their alignment: water elementals initially aggressive but could be turned into passive; earth elementals are passive initially, but could be turned into aggressive; fire elementals permanently aggressive; air elementals initially aggressive, but could be turned into passive;
  • Now all Tree Sprouts starts as injured, and player can heal them for reward;
  • Now player can gift seashells or flowers to any NPC, increasing their max HP and receiving EXP reward;
  • Additional minor changes for other monsters across all factions;


  • Fixed an issue, which occurred with “Dragon Arriving” event – now player should be able to see those creatures;
  • Fixed an issue, which occurred in “Damnation” side quest – now player should be able to finish side quest without any issues;
  • Fixed an issue, which occurred in Thrisleback Village – now player can fail side quest;
  • Replaced mechanism, by which player can access “Wrath of the Loa/Into Other Side” side quest;
  • Fixed some minor issues in starting cinematics;
  • Fixed strange lags in cinematics by forcefully using “CLASSIC” graphics in map settings.


  • Added a special NPC, related to Xylem Encampment, in Eldarath to provide more clarified story about Xylem & Hissesh relations;
  • Added missing phrases for Spitelash Murloc & Naga units;
  • Now Spitelash Coral Bed, which will spawn after finishing main quest "Pearl of Azshara", can buy your items and heals nearby units over time;
  • Fixed an issue with main post-Appulse quest - "Exodus": now player should be able to complete main quest;
  • Fixed issues with side quest "Treasure Island" - now player shouldn't stuck, if he don't had enought space in inventory for medallion;
  • Fixed issues with non-working items & wrong working effects.


  • Appulse Monsters Prevail: Added 3+ special mini-bosses, each of them have dreadful abilities and valuable reward for their defeating. Note that not only player can participate in fight against them;
  • Item Changes: Overall correction of items, adding 3+ new items to acquire, replaced some odd effects like "Enchanted Black Gemstone" with more valuble, finished triggering of "Maw Shark Tooth" item;
  • Hissesh SpellDMG Bonus: Additionaly to all values, now player can additionaly increase his spell damage from air/fire/earth/fel attacking spells, mostly by using new "Enchanted Black Gemstone" effect & permanent bonus from 2 new items.


  • Fixed an issue, that occured in Druid Visage quest - now player should complete it correctly;
  • Fixed an issue with Wandering Xylem student - now he should properly leave Eldarath;
  • Fixed an issue, that occured in Archer Visage quest - now player should be able to complete it correctly;
  • Fixed minor issues across whole map;
  • Fixed issue with items, that required an spellcast - now they should include latest added elemental skills from v1.05;

  • Corrected Appulse creatures, some of them recieved buffs, some of them - nerfed;
  • Added an "Spell Damage" hidden value to Hissesh attacking spells - special bonus value, that will even more increase damage from your spells;
  • Small item corrections across all quest rewards.


  • Corrected tooltip issue that occurred in the latest version - now player tooltips should look correctly;
  • Tweaked different map events across Azshara;
  • Small corrections to items that Hissesh can acquire;
  • Reverted changes from v1.06;
  • Minore text corrections across the whole map.


  • Changed player UI to naga, water-styled UI, using Underwater UI [Reforged] SD by keepitmovin
  • Tweaked minor doodads and decorations across the map;
  • Changed unit models for player hero Hissesh, Eldarath kaldorei ghosts, and all high elves where possible into highborn elves.

Pearl of Azshara v1.07 (Map)

A lovely mildly violent RPGish map. I still had to find a way to finish the Eye of Depths quest and the main one. Deciphered both runestones but don't really have a good idea what they want from me. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should...
Level 11
Dec 31, 2008
Hi there.

Just because I'm the first download I wanted to leave a comment here.

I played a bit (about 15 mins or so) and got killed by the Chimera. But for the little gameplay I did I wanna share on what went on.

Here are some things I've experienced and questions I had while playing:

0) I really like how you are presenting the features your map has!
1) The transition of cinematics when talking to NPCs feel like it takes too much time.
2) Why all of a sudden (i'm not certain) someone uses ciclyone on the Naga and dissapears all of a sudden from map? I guess it was the Chimera that appears later when she landed but why? If it's intended I feel you should put some kind of warning / explanation of what happened.
3) I'm not sure but when I found the first Guardian Statue Altar of fire, or when I first was assaulted by the chimera a text said "Chain Lightning spell Learned" and I already had that spell.
4) You should probably say anywhere that if you die you loose the game (it's pretty much obvious, I know, but who knows).
5) You can climb walk past some terrain montains I think you shouldn't be able to, you should check that. (If remember correctly near the altar of the wind was one of the both parts I experiened).

It shows you are putting effort on it! Whenever I had time I'll try to keep on playing it.

Keep up!!
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Hi there.

Just because I'm the first download I wanted to leave a comment here.

I played a bit (about 15 mins or so) and got killed by the Chimera. But for the little gameplay I did I wanna share on what went on.

Here are some things I've experienced and questions I had while playing:

0) I really like how you are presenting the features your map has!
1) The transition of cinematics when talking to NPCs feel like it takes too much time.
2) Why all of a sudden (i'm not certain) someone uses ciclyone on the Naga and dissapears all of a sudden from map? I guess it was the Chimera that appears later when she landed but why? If it's intended I feel you should put some kind of warning / explanation of what happened.
3) I'm not sure but when I found the first Guardian Statue Altar of fire, or when I first was assaulted by the chimera a text said "Chain Lightning spell Learned" and I already had that spell.
4) You should probably say anywhere that if you die you loose the game (it's pretty much obvious, I know, but who knows).
5) You can climb walk past some terrain montains I think you shouldn't be able to, you should check that. (If remember correctly near the altar of the wind was one of the both parts I experiened).

It shows you are putting effort on it! Whenever I had time I'll try to keep on playing it.

Keep up!!
Hello there!
Thanks for your fast yet first reply.
  • Chimaera is one of deadliest enemy type in map, but I missed that Chimaera could use "Whirlwind" on heroes, so I'll count it as balance bug.
  • About cinematic transitions - I don't feel them too long, but I understood your complain and will decrease it a bit;
  • If you got lightning strike from Chimaera, you'll learn "Forked Lightning" spell. If it says "Chain Lightning" - I'll fix it;
  • Personally I agree with you, but in design I was though about that player should value his desicion and try to play peaceful. When you see big creature with level higher than yours, you should be on guard - it could quickly kill you;
  • Pathing issues are still on map and I'll try to fix them in first bugfix version.
Anyway, how your first expression was? Is it plays bad or good?
As a creator, it would be good if you tell me your feelings. But it's not necessary, of course.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2008
Hello there!
Thanks for your fast yet first reply.
  • Chimaera is one of deadliest enemy type in map, but I missed that Chimaera could use "Whirlwind" on heroes, so I'll count it as balance bug.
  • About cinematic transitions - I don't feel them too long, but I understood your complain and will decrease it a bit;
  • If you got lightning strike from Chimaera, you'll learn "Forked Lightning" spell. If it says "Chain Lightning" - I'll fix it;
  • Personally I agree with you, but in design I was though about that player should value his desicion and try to play peaceful. When you see big creature with level higher than yours, you should be on guard - it could quickly kill you;
  • Pathing issues are still on map and I'll try to fix them in first bugfix version.
Anyway, how your first expression was? Is it plays bad or good?
As a creator, it would be good if you tell me your feelings. But it's not necessary, of course.

Oh, I might have been wrong and it might have been "Forked Lightning" instead of "Chain Lightning"! So that's my bad! (Note that I found first the chimera, stones, runic language item, altars; and later on: I've found out about the NPCs introducing you to all of those features you have lol).

That it was overwhelming at first. (Not in a bad way!) It seems you went for an open world type of map, where the player can venture whenever they want. I haven't played much open world myself so I'm a bit used to at least having someone telling me first how the mechanics of the game works, so that I can later go on out and do my thing. I like that you divided your map into names + getting XP by discovering them. In a sense it feels rewarding and encourging to go out and explore the world. Also the neutral creeps not attacking you also reafirms that (also I think you did it because in wow it was annoying having neutral creeps unmounting you everytime you were traveling lol). I think there are too many items. I'd be cool if we could have some vault or a backpack.

Edit: oHHH also! It really looks like you've put a lot of effor on the map. It shows!
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Hell yeah! Another (optionally) reforged map!
For best experience I would recommend to play on Reforged graphics.
Oh, I might have been wrong and it might have been "Forked Lightning" instead of "Chain Lightning"! So that's my bad! (Note that I found first the chimera, stones, runic language item, altars; and later on: I've found out about the NPCs introducing you to all of those features you have lol).

That it was overwhelming at first. (Not in a bad way!) It seems you went for an open world type of map, where the player can venture whenever they want. I haven't played much open world myself so I'm a bit used to at least having someone telling me first how the mechanics of the game works, so that I can later go on out and do my thing. I like that you divided your map into names + getting XP by discovering them. In a sense it feels rewarding and encourging to go out and explore the world. Also the neutral creeps not attacking you also reafirms that (also I think you did it because in wow it was annoying having neutral creeps unmounting you everytime you were traveling lol). I think there are too many items. I'd be cool if we could have some vault or a backpack.

Edit: oHHH also! It really looks like you've put a lot of effor on the map. It shows!
Thanks for your reply and it's nice to hear that you've like it!
  • No worries, I've checked it anyway and corrected Chimaera - in next days I'll try to post version with some bug fixes and small content addition;
  • I really love that rpg design type! It helps player to understand that he's a part of game world and could participate in different situations without limiting him to complete main questline;
  • About map regions - I liked that Bethesda concept when you walk through global map and uncover non-mentioned areas. An EXP-Explore model, I think, is underrated feature in RPG maps. It's enables player to farm EXP without killing any creep on map;
  • Neutral Creeps aren't neutral, they could be helpful - if you fight agains furbolgs, satyrs or elementals, they could help you in fightning. Also elementals are counted as summoned creatures, so some neutral creeps like hippogryphs could quickly dispell them :D
  • About items - I agree with you but most of items are unneccesary to be used: seashells stacks up to 50, you can sell most of items and potions with scrolls stacks too. After all I agree about item overwhelming and I'm think about what I can do with it.
Level 8
Apr 25, 2020
Hello. I've played your map as part of checking out Maporino (!) submissions this year. Very nice concept with a non-violent RPG, and the elaborate magic system is also quite good, especially the arcane spells which serve different utility functions (big fan of the waygates mechanic). The idea of you collecting shards to upgrade is also nice, gives a motivation to explore the map further.

A couple of issues I've noticed:
  • Attacking creeps turns them hostile, but using spells like chain lightning on them does not. This means you can potentially kill any neutral creep by simply spamming chain lightning and then dealing a finishing blow with a regular attack.
  • It feels like some neutral creeps should be invulnerable. Some of them don't turn hostile when attacked and there are places where I need to receive a quest from a character of the same faction. For example, when a murloc chief gives me a quest after I just killed all his tribe in front of him, it feels odd. Same thing with Xylem's followers, as they can be easily killed but don't fight back at all.
  • Generally, I also feel like the map may feel a bit too empty at times, in the sense of interactable characters and dialogue. Sidequests here are great and are pretty original, but, on the other hand, many regular NPCs just stand there, doing nothing unless you attack them. Like with the Furbolg tribe the first time you meet them, or with Xylem followers before you reach the mage that gives you quests. Makes the world feel a little bit lifeless at times. It's nice to have NPCs there in the first place, but I think some of them could use some little improvements (maybe some additional bits of dialogue or having some of them wander around with "patrol") to make them feel like they're actually a part of the surrounding world.

Besides that, the map's very solid. Good luck with the development.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Hello. I've played your map as part of checking out Maporino (!) submissions this year. Very nice concept with a non-violent RPG, and the elaborate magic system is also quite good, especially the arcane spells which serve different utility functions (big fan of the waygates mechanic). The idea of you collecting shards to upgrade is also nice, gives a motivation to explore the map further.

A couple of issues I've noticed:
  • Attacking creeps turns them hostile, but using spells like chain lightning on them does not. This means you can potentially kill any neutral creep by simply spamming chain lightning and then dealing a finishing blow with a regular attack.
  • It feels like some neutral creeps should be invulnerable. Some of them don't turn hostile when attacked and there are places where I need to receive a quest from a character of the same faction. For example, when a murloc chief gives me a quest after I just killed all his tribe in front of him, it feels odd. Same thing with Xylem's followers, as they can be easily killed but don't fight back at all.
  • Generally, I also feel like the map may feel a bit too empty at times, in the sense of interactable characters and dialogue. Sidequests here are great and are pretty original, but, on the other hand, many regular NPCs just stand there, doing nothing unless you attack them. Like with the Furbolg tribe the first time you meet them, or with Xylem followers before you reach the mage that gives you quests. Makes the world feel a little bit lifeless at times. It's nice to have NPCs there in the first place, but I think some of them could use some little improvements (maybe some additional bits of dialogue or having some of them wander around with "patrol") to make them feel like they're actually a part of the surrounding world.

Besides that, the map's very solid. Good luck with the development.
Hello there and first of all - thanks for your post, I hope that you've liked it!
Currently map based on concept "Don't kill more than you need", so you in some way right - map is non-violent :D. About spells - I want to add more interesting spells in future, as well add some "talents" to existant spells.

And what about issues:
  • But why you should attack them? You're really don't get anything from them and they aren't hostile towards you. But I agree - I'll add a spell provocation option, because it's seems... Logical, yeah;
  • About invulnerable: all needed characters have their invul due to some participation in main/side stories. About murlocs - I agree with you, I'll add it in next version. But on another hand we have Xylem followers - they're really mad and doesn't want to protect themself due to their "mana shield" - if some animal or monster tries to enter region near Xylem Tower, it would be instanlty killed. And Xylem doesn't really care about his followers - he's just a mad archmage, who doesn't know what he want;
  • About emptiness - 100%, I feel for myself! In nearest future I want to add more generic & special events with secrets to increase player involvement in map. About furbolgs vs satyrs - just in latest version, that I released on HIVE, furbolgs/satyrs will attack you if you attack someone of their kin. Also it unlocks special ending in their war - player need to defeat them ALONE.
Thanks for reply and review! I've marked some interesting notes and I'll try to increase overall map experience.
Thanks again!
Level 8
Apr 25, 2020
  • But why you should attack them? You're really don't get anything from them and they aren't hostile towards you. But I agree - I'll add a spell provocation option, because it's seems... Logical, yeah;
I suppose it's more of an RPG player instinct than anything else, as the majority of maps like these rely on creeping/killing wandering mobs (and it's not uncommon to have starting mobs be non-hostile until you attack them to lessen difficulty). I've realized that creeping here doesn't get you much a bit later, but at first, it did seem like an exploit of sorts.

About Xylem's followers, I guess it does make sense. My initial confusion might've been because I found their questgiver a bit later than I found their regular units, so at first, I didn't quite understand what they were.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
I suppose it's more of an RPG player instinct than anything else, as the majority of maps like these rely on creeping/killing wandering mobs (and it's not uncommon to have starting mobs be non-hostile until you attack them to lessen difficulty). I've realized that creeping here doesn't get you much a bit later, but at first, it did seem like an exploit of sorts.

About Xylem's followers, I guess it does make sense. My initial confusion might've been because I found their questgiver a bit later than I found their regular units, so at first, I didn't quite understand what they were.
Oh, I agree with you about instincts. Sure I'll try to do something with that...
About Xylem's followers - elder Loredo looks like regular follower, I'll change his model later in next version.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
A lovely mildly violent RPGish map.
  1. Why is Hisseh's selection circle so big?
  2. If you place something that you shouldn't (?) in the Abyssal Watcher's inventory, it won't drop the items.
  3. Vex and Gul look the same. Intended? Ral and Thul too; same: Ort and Tir.
  4. Why does every hero have the red glow? Do they all belong to player 1?
  5. Abyss Dweller sleeps during the night and talks to Hisseh.
  6. Seashell Necklace can create crabs that get blocked on water. The unit should be able to swim or not appear at all there.
  7. Water Elementals also attack the Hisseh in rabbit form. Pretty much trial and error since you basically stumble in either wolves or elementals. Made it to the northern edge of the hills and was easier to get to the human base than directly through the forest.
  8. Some of the cinematic scene transmissions run too fast.
  9. There's an invisible Satyr (?) attacking with a sort of red wave (Phoenix Fire?). Playing on Classic. The enemy cannot be selected but can be attacked by letting the player units automatically engage.
  10. So if the Furbolgs win, the war still goes on eternally somewhere between the Furbolg and Satyr camps?
  11. Upgrading spells from 1 to 5 but the text says I reached level 7 and gems got consumed although my spell is still rank 5. Did this on Enslave Sea Elemental and it did not cost any mana anymore and did not do anything when clicked.
  12. Since I got the Wand of Neutralization, I have found no more Enchanted Deer (neither green, nor blue). Did they die until I reached this quest or something? Oh, darn, some info items appeared on the mage. Violet Deer item doesn't do anything when you click on it, it also does not disappear. Maybe it works after you neutralize the others? Apparently, no. So it might be a bug.
  13. Son of Maw is weird when it attacks. It's like it just stand on Hisseh.
  14. Friendship Flower buff doesn't help. Rank 5 Regrowth doesn't summon any Treant. I only get the crab from the Seashell Necklace.
  15. Hisseh can get on the mountainous part behind the Furbolg village.
  16. Crap, don't have enough gems for Living Wood. Aw man...
  17. Backpack sometime reached level 2. Should it level up?
  18. When Rootwood sleeps, its animations are frozen and there's a Dark Summoning FX to its right (left as you look at Rootwood).
  19. Regrowth remains indefinitely on Baron Aquantis if it's cast on the elemental.
I still had to find a way to finish the Eye of Depths quest and the main one. Deciphered both runestones but don't really have a good idea what they want from me.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
A lovely mildly violent RPGish map.
  1. Why is Hisseh's selection circle so big?
  2. If you place something that you shouldn't (?) in the Abyssal Watcher's inventory, it won't drop the items.
  3. Vex and Gul look the same. Intended? Ral and Thul too; same: Ort and Tir.
  4. Why does every hero have the red glow? Do they all belong to player 1?
  5. Abyss Dweller sleeps during the night and talks to Hisseh.
  6. Seashell Necklace can create crabs that get blocked on water. The unit should be able to swim or not appear at all there.
  7. Water Elementals also attack the Hisseh in rabbit form. Pretty much trial and error since you basically stumble in either wolves or elementals. Made it to the northern edge of the hills and was easier to get to the human base than directly through the forest.
  8. Some of the cinematic scene transmissions run too fast.
  9. There's an invisible Satyr (?) attacking with a sort of red wave (Phoenix Fire?). Playing on Classic. The enemy cannot be selected but can be attacked by letting the player units automatically engage.
  10. So if the Furbolgs win, the war still goes on eternally somewhere between the Furbolg and Satyr camps?
  11. Upgrading spells from 1 to 5 but the text says I reached level 7 and gems got consumed although my spell is still rank 5. Did this on Enslave Sea Elemental and it did not cost any mana anymore and did not do anything when clicked.
  12. Since I got the Wand of Neutralization, I have found no more Enchanted Deer (neither green, nor blue). Did they die until I reached this quest or something? Oh, darn, some info items appeared on the mage. Violet Deer item doesn't do anything when you click on it, it also does not disappear. Maybe it works after you neutralize the others? Apparently, no. So it might be a bug.
  13. Son of Maw is weird when it attacks. It's like it just stand on Hisseh.
  14. Friendship Flower buff doesn't help. Rank 5 Regrowth doesn't summon any Treant. I only get the crab from the Seashell Necklace.
  15. Hisseh can get on the mountainous part behind the Furbolg village.
  16. Crap, don't have enough gems for Living Wood. Aw man...
  17. Backpack sometime reached level 2. Should it level up?
  18. When Rootwood sleeps, its animations are frozen and there's a Dark Summoning FX to its right (left as you look at Rootwood).
  19. Regrowth remains indefinitely on Baron Aquantis if it's cast on the elemental.
I still had to find a way to finish the Eye of Depths quest and the main one. Deciphered both runestones but don't really have a good idea what they want from me.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Thank you for your review and approvement! I hope that you've enjoyed it so far.
About bugs - I'll make you sure, that I'll fix them in next content version. Thank you again!
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
900+ downloads! :grin:
I'm gladly thank you for downloading my map and it's nice to hear that you've found something in my project, something that interested you.
I'm working hard on new version 1.05 with dozens of new content and I swear that a new development diary will be posted as soon as possible, and then new version will release at all!
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
1000+ downloads!
I'm gladly thanks anyone who downloaded map - your doing feeling me with enjoyment and happiness!
Right now I refocused myself into another project, but I'm still think about continuation of Hissesh stories, new mechanics like small-scale proffesions and new side quests.
So thank you, thank you again - and I wish you good mood, joy and peace, whenever you're.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
As I can see, the map is available in Classic and Reforged versions. Does anyone know why, despite the fact that I have selected reforged graphics, the map is loading clasic?
Map will load only Classic Graphics due to increasement of map fps & stability. Selected in Reforged graphic type wouldn't affect map.
When new REF patch will release, I'll try to re-enable both graphic modes.
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Hey Nightmare Book, I tried Pearl of Azshara for the first time yesterday. It is super impressive--- the stuff you made here is great. The quests actually make players feel like they are in a real situation, like the drunk ghoul one fighting for sobriety, and the one where you give quests to adventurers.
The story really pulls people in, and the main naga character actually feels like a real 3dimentional person with a real personality. There is also great foreshadowing in the early part of the game, like when the shade talks about at what cost we will pay to find the Pearl later on. It really makes me want to become deeply involved in the plot.

I would love to write a full review of the map, but because 1.33 is being released in a few days and save files normally don't convert over between different wc3 versions, I'm going to wait till they get 1.33 out + any shorter patches they release to bug fix to play the map, and then when there is a period of time where they probably won't be updating wc3 for a while, I will go and finish the map from start to end.

Thanks for making this.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Hey Nightmare Book, I tried Pearl of Azshara for the first time yesterday. It is super impressive--- the stuff you made here is great. The quests actually make players feel like they are in a real situation, like the drunk ghoul one fighting for sobriety, and the one where you give quests to adventurers.
The story really pulls people in, and the main naga character actually feels like a real 3dimentional person with a real personality. There is also great foreshadowing in the early part of the game, like when the shade talks about at what cost we will pay to find the Pearl later on. It really makes me want to become deeply involved in the plot.

I would love to write a full review of the map, but because 1.33 is being released in a few days and save files normally don't convert over between different wc3 versions, I'm going to wait till they get 1.33 out + any shorter patches they release to bug fix to play the map, and then when there is a period of time where they probably won't be updating wc3 for a while, I will go and finish the map from start to end.

Thanks for making this.
Thanks, thank you for reply!
I enjoyed that you've found it impressive and likeable! Hissesh comments nearly everything, but her companion Io comments even more, depending on his current form!
About patch - I know that will release in coming days, I'll check up map on it and try to release special bug-fix & correction version just to be sure that map is playable on 1.33. On PTR it was playable, but without normal save & load stuff it would be frustruating.
Thank you again for such emotion you've wrote :)
Level 4
Sep 6, 2020
Hi! Quick question about the 1.06 release. Is it better played with Classic or Reforged graphics because earlier I played with reforged graphics and everything was going great but then after completing the side quest in the beginning where you are the quest giver a few seconds later the game crashed on me completely. Straight to desktop to the game has encountered an error would you like to report it to Blizzard that screen. So could the graphics mode help with that or is it something else? Just want to check with you. Other than that I love the map and the premise of it!
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Hi! Quick question about the 1.06 release. Is it better played with Classic or Reforged graphics because earlier I played with reforged graphics and everything was going great but then after completing the side quest in the beginning where you are the quest giver a few seconds later the game crashed on me completely. Straight to desktop to the game has encountered an error would you like to report it to Blizzard that screen. So could the graphics mode help with that or is it something else? Just want to check with you. Other than that I love the map and the premise of it!
Hm, sound strange. You can try again to play it on Reforged and reach this side quest. If it will crash again - play on Classic graphics.
Most of map development I've used Classic graphics and most of import models are in that style, so you shouldn't expect errors regarding it.
However if encount them - please, tell me about :)
Level 4
Sep 6, 2020
Hm, sound strange. You can try again to play it on Reforged and reach this side quest. If it will crash again - play on Classic graphics.
Most of map development I've used Classic graphics and most of import models are in that style, so you shouldn't expect errors regarding it.
However if encount them - please, tell me about :)
Ok I'll do that. Thank you for your help. hopefully I won't have the same problem but if it happens then I'll go classic then if something goes wrong again then I'll let you know like you said. Thank you for reaching out and sorry for the late reply.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Hello, since the last update I get serious, periodic drops in FPS (stuttering).
Hello there
This is very strange, do you play on Reforged or Classic graphics? If on Reforged - yes, it could have some FPS drops in cutscenes or when you quickly move camera through map.
Currently I'm dunno what's wrong, I suggest to play on Classic graphics. But if problems still persists on it - I'll try to look what's wrong.
Level 6
Sep 29, 2015
Hello there
This is very strange, do you play on Reforged or Classic graphics? If on Reforged - yes, it could have some FPS drops in cutscenes or when you quickly move camera through map.
Currently I'm dunno what's wrong, I suggest to play on Classic graphics. But if problems still persists on it - I'll try to look what's wrong.
Hello again,
Thank you for your response. I use Classic graphics since I do have v1.36 but I didn't buy Reforged. The problem persists, I tried saving, exiting the game and then reloading too, but nothing changes. Other custom maps work fine so the problem must be contained in your map.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
All of Io's abilities have a placeholder icon and say "Tooltip missing", same for Hissesh (the Io controls ability works fine, however).
Yes, I know that error and its already been fixed in new, currently unreleased version.

Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Yes, I know that error and its already been fixed in new, currently unreleased version.

Uploaded new version, check it out ;)
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
What's new?


  • Changed player UI to naga, water-styled UI, using Underwater UI [Reforged] SD by keepitmovin
  • Tweaked minor doodads and decorations across the map;
  • Changed unit models for player hero Hissesh, Eldarath kaldorei ghosts, and all high elves where possible into highborn elves.
...So, in gameplay terms - nothing. Anyway, I will appreciate your reviews, suggestions, likes, dislikes, and comments!