Fort Pearl

Fort Pearl - FFA, 2v2
10 gold mines
4 goblin merchants
2 goblin laboratories
2 mercenary camps
1 tavern

2 red camps
12-16 orange camps
12 green camps
small amount of creeps and close spawns. Theres also 4 spying spots build farm there! ffa uses alot of tavern heroes so theyre treated with lots of perma 2 drops in the middle


v 1.0
-treelines adusted
-red camp harder: now has golem

Fort Pearl 1.0 (Map)

Ok, well it's about time I reviewed Fort Pearl officially: Of course, the congratulations for making into w3champions and some tournaments by now! I have to admit that initially thought the map looked a bit bland with the relatively large sand areas...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Ok, well it's about time I reviewed Fort Pearl officially:
Of course, the congratulations for making into w3champions and some tournaments by now!

I have to admit that initially thought the map looked a bit bland with the relatively large sand areas, but I've come to the conclusion that this is intentional and not due to a lack of care. The more I look at it, the more I think it works well.

I dont really have anything important that I could point out as needing improvement. The creeps and items are all fine. The layout reminds me of Circle of the Fallen heroes, whereas there I somehow felt that movement around the map is somewhat obstructed/clumsy, I dont have this impression here.

Possibly the only problem I see are the stonewalls behind the trees of the main bases, as those can be destroyed together with the trees, and then the pathing blockers will become confusing obstructions. But in >99,9% of all games this should be a non-issuse.

Some pointf of curiosity though:
1. What is the reason for fixed NE vs SW spawns? I dont see an immediate reason for this, except that it means less randomness.
2. What is the point of the small ramps near the shops?

Map approved.
Level 13
May 18, 2019
Yas! Thanks for nice comments! The red camp is between the teammates so that they can do teammate stuff such as creep and defend their expo there more easier. Small ramps are free to use creative space. I've seen players do some hiding low hp unit action there. The walls thing would be difficult to fix normally. For altered melee map setting walls as "decoration" in editor would make them untargetable in game.