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Official WarCraft IV Discussion

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Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
i want realistic sized buildings and units

Look at the Alpha screenshots for WC3 and you will see that they had realistic sized buildings and units. They had build-able walls and gates too. I'm not sure why they decided to go in a different direction. However, I would like to see realistic sized buildings as well for WC4, but I don't think they will do it.

Note warcraft 4 wont happen for quite a long time.

Of course it won't, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it until it does.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Well they did but it could have bin better here's a few things i want in the new wc4.

A scroll in and out for camera.
A better gameplay system.
A better campaign 1 since it wont be played on bnet they should make it epic.
A way to make epic battles and i don't mean small groups i mean armies and without lag.
A awesome editor full of fun/epic things to revolutionize fan made maps.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Epic battles are awesome, thing is i just don't like having a group of 7 footman fighting like 3 abominations as a epic battle for warcraft.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
I really have no ideal what Blizzard will do for WC4. Will they make it like WC3 where the game revolves around heroes; if so than it won't have big battles. Or do you think they will make it like SC1 and SC2 where it focuses much more on fast paced action with bigger battles and more units? Personally, thats what I would like, but I think the majority of the people here want the same gameplay as WC3.

I would also like them to stick to 4 factions; anymore and the game will be too hard to balance. Personally, I wasn't satisfied with the Undead in WC3. If they decide to bring them back as a faction for WC4 than they better get them right. In fact, I think the Undead are best left just being a bunch of creeps. The Horde and Alliance are definites', but I'm curious to see what races are implemented into these factions besides the Orcs, Taurens, Dwaves and Humans. Any thought of what races you want in any of the factions?
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
I actually hope the Forsaken or any of those other factions from WoW don't exist in WC4. I want a whole new story that just starts off from scratch. Maybe about 30-50 years after WoW. However, I won't go into details( we already have a thread for that).
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Ehh, Samlag, we aren't talking about some World of Warcraft expansion but rather a new game, a continue of Warcraft 3.
The Scourge and The Forsaken were both born in wc3...
And yeah i guess playin as the scourge could be fun ^^
Level 9
Dec 26, 2008
Im pretty sure it will continue as warcraft 3. So it's storyline will be WOW's but more detailed,

I would like Hero upgrades, weapon changes (without triggers) and stuff that makes heros more unique, and cool regular units to help the heroes
A world editor with an easy way to eliminate leaks
a kind of twist in graphics, and other stuff
a change on WE cliffs to change style and make more realistic to the use
moving skies!
Race campaings, and even some for unplayable races (a pandaren campaign, draenei one)
and other stuff, we must w8 only




Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
I would like the option of adding/changing anything and everything even though its possible now but one problem that its not all possible because of the object editor and triggers can't change units names otherwise that'd be a little fun instead of having 11 footman it could be Bob,Dave etc...
Level 3
Jul 26, 2009
would I like the graph to be with more details, and what be the heroes controlled as in a RPG when you want and later it did go back to strategy way understand?
Level 5
Sep 27, 2008
i want the option that you can set befor a game the importaint of a hero: for people who love Dota and hero Wars can play a game with hero importaint and people who don't like heroes can play a game where a hero isn't much more then a captain.
Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
i want the option that you can set befor a game the importaint of a hero: for people who love Dota and hero Wars can play a game with hero importaint and people who don't like heroes can play a game where a hero isn't much more then a captain.
this is pretty complicated...
Well, I THINK it is better to play two maps: if you like heroes, play the first, and if you don't, then play other one. So I don't think that's what we need in WC4. But if you insist to have....
Level 8
Aug 21, 2009
I would love to see a different spell system.

Spells should simply be a way to apply buffs and buffs should do all the effects like damage over time or armor bonuses etc instead of that all being done by the spell and all the buffs do is add visuals and tooltips.

oo, also no limit on tiles. I hate that you can't have a multi-themed level without skimping on the terrain variation with each theme.

also, hero skill limit should be higher than 5, that would be cool too.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
A huge improvment to JASS, making it more flexable, and improving GUI to 3/4 or all of JASS's abilitys. A garbage collection system so we dont have to destroy handles, OOP added to JASS, like structs, becuase if they don't Vex will make another JNGP

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I want to see a built-in model editor with tutorials in the wc4 editor.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
For me as well I'm hoping for some water based missions.
Like sending your ships againist a enemy shipyard base and sending your ground troops with the transport ships to the gold mine so you can make your base.

Oh and I want to see some, for me a lot of ship wars among the seas and having creatures of the ocean coming up and killing the ship. Almost like a Kraken monster thing.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
WoW will eventually come to an end. You do realize that they are making another MMO, right? Why? To replace WoW. The MMO is suppose to be a whole new franchise as well. See, there is still room for WC4.

Really, you cannot justify that they are making that new mmo just to replace WoW.
Level 9
Aug 17, 2008
The Threat of Warcraft IV

Warcraft III is an old game and there can be a possibility of Blizzard, rumored developing Warcraft IV, will be releasing Warcraft IV soon (But not too soon. Kinda 2 years from now.). Do you think that Resources from this site and other communities won't be usable in WC4 and will be put to dump?
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Warcraft III is an old game and there can be a possibility of Blizzard, rumored developing Warcraft IV, will be releasing Warcraft IV soon (But not too soon. Kinda 2 years from now.). Do you think that Resources from this site and other communities won't be usable in WC4 and will be put to dump?

I doubt it will be released in 2 years, Diablo 3 will be released in 2011 and a bit sooner then that wc4 may be announced I guess
Level 9
Aug 17, 2008
Warcraft IV is planned. And the plot may be centered on Illidan and Arthas. I wonder if Blizzard plans to make another Blood Elf Campaign (Either the Blood Knights, Farstriders or the Blood Elves under Lothremar Theron or Grand Magister Romath.). Of course, no more Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. And a Naga Campaign.

But I hope they show how the events in WoW happen Warcraft IV. And is playable.

And the final campaign is a Human Campaign. You control the Argent Dawn and kill the lich king. Arthas will be revived as a paladin in some kind of "Miracle" or "Magic" thing but I doubt it. Or maybe an epic battle between Deathwing and Arthas. And leaving the fans waiting for Warcraft V and a lot of questions. And then, another expansion for WoW.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
WC4 ill be in probably 6 years time.

Next year will be SC2.
Following year will be SC2 EXP1. (design phase of WC4 will probably start here)
Following year will be SC2 EXP2.
Following year will be the last of the rapid patching phase with patches comming yearly like WC3 after that. (WC4 will start development unless there is another major project which is unlikly as the RTS team does RTS games).
2-3 years will pass.
WC4 will be beta / released.

That is if WC4 does not turn into a new part of WoW, as WoW fucked up the story so the writers will sweat blood trying to make a game of same standards to WC3.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Why do people constantly think that Warcarft 3 will die because of the new game? Doesn't the fact that Warcraft 2 is still actually being played means nothing?

And will they bother to make new Warcraft RTS when WoW is so popular and not to mention that Warcraft 3 is to much RPG like already. It looks to me that Warcraft "RTS" is dead or dieing.

And I think that Blizzard had proved time and time again that Lore means nothing to them.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
Why do people constantly think that Warcarft 3 will die because of the new game? Doesn't the fact that Warcraft 2 is still actually being played means nothing?

WC2 is still being played because it's a completely different game than WC3. What I mean by that is that the gameplay is totally different. WC3 was more of a whole new game than a sequel to WC2.

SC2's gameplay won't be much different than SC1's gameplay. In fact it will only be improved. I don't think I will go back to SC1 when SC2 comes out, but I do know that some people will go back just too play LAN since it won't be in SC2.

So, it all depends on what type of game WC4 will be. I'm starting to doubt it will be like Starcraft and WC2. I think it will be an improvement of WC3's gameplay. If this is the case than I don't think many people will go back to WC3. Plus, the editor for WC4 will be much better which means that few people will spend their time on WC3. The only reason people will go back to that game is to play the campaigns again and maybe play some LAN as well. (If LAN won't be in SC2 than I doubt Blizzard will put it in WC4.)
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