What do you want in Warcraft IV?

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Level 6
Nov 3, 2005
I'm curious. Down to the fractions, the story, the heroes, the units and even possibly the race's techtrees and how they'd work. I've been wondering what the title would be like myself, coming up with this Warcraft III hybrid which re-tells the story of Warcraft II in which players decide on a single hero they use throughout the entire match, maybe even including lore-accurate heroes such as Alleria or a young Uther. I think it'd be interesting if some ranged units and heroes could move, attack and cast simultaneously like characters can in WoW. The game could even take off after Warcraft III had ended, creating an entire new story-line than seen in WoW, or after what's told in WoW now. Maybe it could even take place during the War of the Ancients.

Maybe it'd be more solely a strategic-rpg like Warcraft III was originally going to be where you re-enact events in WoW's past or future, like the siege on Icecrown Glacier.

What would you like to see in Warcraft IV?
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I would like to see a following of Forsaken after they take over Lordearon, but tomoraider one but It's will be good to see a new one, also in my opinion, I would to see a new sequal of the Orc extension Campaign of Rexxar, after they defaite Admiral Proudmore, and what is the alliance itention, that also will be great for a new world :)
They can go two roads really:

A linear campaign where they'll have to make a new big threat (Like burning legion was), that is powerful enough to be a major problem for whatever factions they decide to go with, so that each faction have to fight on the same side.

Or they make two quest lines, one for each side in a two sided conflict.

Whatever they do, it has to be spectacular and grandeur enough so that enough people want to play it.
Level 6
Nov 3, 2005
I find it difficult now due to WoW's Alliance and Horde fractions, unless they have this thing where there's Alliance, Horde, Naga and Burning Legion as the four playable races. I feel as though the lore introduced in WoW ruins the races that were in Warcraft III. You could always separate the Nightelves from the Alliance and so forth in the lore to fix the issues.

I guess it would be pretty cool having Nightelf units on human and footmen being able to transform into worgen at night. Orcs getting rangers and forsaken necromancers and whatnot.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
I agree with the above two, I would rather have a HD Remaster of Warcraft III than a Warcraft IV UNLESS they completely negate everything that happened in WoW and start in an alternate timeline after the events of TFT.

In my opinion, they completely destroyed the Lore after the events of Wrath of Lich King in world of warcraft.
Level 6
Nov 3, 2005
The biggest thing about wc3 was obviously the editor. Not to say that sc2's is obviously way more powerful and versatile, but if I can't use the thing there's no point in it.

Warcraft's editor was simple and easy to understand. It had models and resources which made driving our imaginations and creativity simple, making it easier to create content for both within the editor and out of it. Let's be real, no one wants to create or edit models, or even use their ui structure for Starcraft 2 without receiving a paycheck for their work, that is even if they had the skills required to do so.

What really differs wc3's engine from sc2's is it's pathing and unit detection. A lot of gameplay techniques that can be used in wc3 cannot be used in sc2, since units and objects get pushed away from each other.

Wc3 in essence can't properly be re-created with the sc2 editor.

I guess what I want from wc4 is for Blizzard to take these things into consideration and create an entire new engine than the one in sc2 or at least update it a lot. I hate to say it, but maybe even consider an art direction easier for us to manipulate.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
All the damn racez they made for WoW!!!
Unlimited selection!!
Moar realism(mechanical units crashing into the ground, mechanical units getting blown up and their debris stays.)
Battar Graphics(I want to see a real Footman!)!!
Propotional(a farm is smalla then a villager building?!?!!!)




An Interfaces that checks ping in multiplayer and easy Model/Skin/Texture Importing.
I haven't played WoW so my knowledge of the lore is rather superficial, but even though people say Blizzard ruined the lore (which is not hard to believe after playing through Starcraft II) I think there are some interesting factions that could come out of this. For my part, those four seem to be the most appealing:

Warcraft is full-blown high-fantasy, so why not these guys as a playable race? They risk becoming a bit too 'Protossy' for some people's taste, but... I like the Protss :p

Sylvanas is a badass character, and the undead under her command would make for a great RTS faction. Hopefully the Banshee influence will bring about a bit more ghosts than rotting corpses to the roster.

High Elves
Hopefully I'm up-to-date with this; since the Sunwell was restored and there seems to be hints that it could restore the Blood Elves from their changes due to fel magic. It would be interesting to see how a new, erm, High Elfdom? would do post-WoW. Having High Elves could clash with the Eredars as a magic-heavy faction, though, but as an eternal lover of elves I just can't help it :D. The two will have to be designed differently.

Since Illidan is coming back in Legions, why not? It's a diverse-enough group to make an interesting faction out of it. It would mean they kinda become the big-bad race by default (like the Undead were in wc3), but eh, the Forsaken can balance things out a bit by being morally grey.

I've opted to leave our the staple Human and Orc because, honestly, I have no idea what state these two races are currently in. High Elves could give way to humans, and Orcs could replace the Forsaken, but given the extent to which Warcraft has so drastically changed, I don't feel that this is entirely necessary.

And, also, of course, a better editor. And no, not like sc2, I'd rather have one that I can use. (Don't get me wrong though, the data editor is great for the complexity if offers... but it's just not user-friendly at all, and extremely time-consuming.)

Alternatively, use the time travel bs in WoD and just retcon a bunch of shit, but I still want the Eredar or High Elves though.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
I want evry race they put in WoW, every major racez!!

Dragons!(Why not?)
High Elves
Blood Elves
Night Elves
Orcs(green dudes)
Daranei(protoss incoming!)

I do want a squad system, air units crashing to the ground upon death, different death animations depending on the type of death, And Unlimited unit selection!
Well we can only assume that wc4 would improve on sc2's exitsing physics and death animations and such, so those are very likely. Though crashing air units shouldnt deal damage imo bcz that can be hard to balance out since it will add too much randomness.

As far as races are concerned... that's a lot. Blizzard won't be making anything higher than 4, if you consider the sheer amount of work that will go into making all the models, textures, animations, visual effects, sound assets, etc. You might get a combination of several races, like the Alliance in wc3 has Humans, Dwarves and High Elves.

I do want to say though, please no Pandaren. plz.

PS: Also I don't like the idea of squads. That worked in CnC3, but for a game like Warcraft, I don't think it'll work.
said it before and it got ignored, but no one should want wc4.

is there room to balance melee gameplay? sure. is there room to improve the world editor? definitely. but in terms of narrative/themes, warcraft just doesn't have anywhere to go that wouldn't feel out of place or a retread. plus wow has butchered the lore to a point where the only way an rts storyline can follow it is via retcon, another time travel plot device, or a vast jump ahead of time.

however, other things that could work:
- a multiplayer-only warcraft RTS, with no campaign but improved graphics, melee balance, and world editor. possibly free-to-play, but not pay-to-win
- a spiritual successor to wc3, being similar in terms of gameplay mechanics (and world editor) but set in a different universe. this gives us the gameplay we all know and love without the burden of trying to fit in new lore to an already stuffed-full universe. e.g., i could totally see a cyberpunk game with wc3's mechanics working really well.
Well to be honest I don't expect Blizzard to tell good stories anymore (sc2 and diablo 3 pretty much proved that) so honestly I don't expect anything brilliant concerning a story for wc4, so I just went with the flow. A large leap in time would be a good idea given the current state of the lore... maybe a leap backwards? Like, High Borne times, when Azshara was still a Night Elf?

That being said, I do like the idea of a spiritual successor - only I'd prefer fantasy steampunk instead of cyberpunk :p
Well to be honest I don't expect Blizzard to tell good stories anymore (sc2 and diablo 3 pretty much proved that) so honestly I don't expect anything brilliant concerning a story for wc4, so I just went with the flow. A large leap in time would be a good idea given the current state of the lore... maybe a leap backwards? Like, High Borne times, when Azshara was still a Night Elf?

That being said, I do like the idea of a spiritual successor - only I'd prefer fantasy steampunk instead of cyberpunk :p

leap in time is not a good idea imo, not for 'warcraft 4'. fans want continuity, and familiarity. but if we were to make this rts a spiritual successor, then there would not be the expectation of familiarity within players.

steampunk would work too, but i didnt mention it coz wc3 already has elements of it (dwarves & goblins) + i've never seen a cyberpunk rts while i have seen a couple steampunk ones.
Level 18
Feb 9, 2008
I agree with this guy here ^^

A powerful world editor.

Powerful editor THAT HAS TUTORIALS AND SUPPORT + uses extensions that aren't ridiculous, like their orange normal maps and ".m3"s. A big reason SC2's mod community aside from the piss Arcade system fell apart was the lack of support and how confusing the editor was, how poorly organized, optimized mislabeled/not-even-labeled most of it was.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
like their orange normal maps
They are not images, but rather a 2D array of "normal" vectors. Hence why the colours look alien. I am not sure how they are "baked" from the model geometry though, I would imagine it not being that hard or maybe requiring a per-pixel conversion filter at most.

and ".m3"s.
Which are pretty much similar to mdx files.

A big reason SC2's mod community aside from the piss Arcade system fell apart was the lack of support and how confusing the editor was, how poorly organized, optimized mislabeled/not-even-labeled most of it was.
Actually the biggest reason was that few people bothered to ever use it. Unlike WC3, there were no people like Vexorian and company to pave the way for mappers. The editor is a lot more usable than you might imagine and even puts WC3 to shame in many ways. Off the top of my head I can think of probably several dozen stupid problems in WC3 which took people days to find out.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2004
I haven't messed with the sc2 editor since it first came out, but, my first impressions were that it was incredibly confusing and took forever to actually make anything. With wc3's editor, the teenage version of myself could make something that resembled a game in a few hours. The young adult me just stared befuddled at sc2's editor and gave up.

User friendliness and speed of development are very important, imo. wc3's world editor was pretty good with both.
I haven't messed with the sc2 editor since it first came out, but, my first impressions were that it was incredibly confusing and took forever to actually make anything. With wc3's editor, the teenage version of myself could make something that resembled a game in a few hours. The young adult me just stared befuddled at sc2's editor and gave up.

User friendliness and speed of development are very important, imo. wc3's world editor was pretty good with both.

I agree with this x 1000000000

I have no doubt Vexorian was instrumental in making wc3 modding what it is today, but I didn't need Vexorian to figure out how to make a custom unit. If the basics are so confusing that only a few people can understand them, then no one is gonna bother with the more advanced parts. It's sad, because the Sc2 editor is capable of so much greatness, but it's initial complexity pushed too many people away.

There is also the idea that the way the Arcade was when WoL came out (listed maps by popularity) that deterred creators from bothering with map-making. Could be a factor as well.
Level 8
Mar 5, 2012
I can't imagine that people playing a Warcraft IV would all played Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. There would be probably dozens of flashbacks to make newcomers understand the story of Warcraft 3. It was in Starcraft 2.
If Blizzard would make new factions and characters they have to be introduced in some way, so the first game's campaign would show some kind of origin story. Also there isn't a conflict that would make all the races battle each other(imo).

I think they should introduce factions that fits all kinds of play styles. Where the Scourge starts with puny Ghouls but can exploit the other faction, if that doesn't lean into Civilization's style, that doesn't feel like Warcraft.

They can also go back to their roots and make Warcraft IV very Warhammer-ish. Again just an opinion.




@Moreno: Pardon me, Stop double posting, please use the
Button instead.

I would like to have a easy way on triggering and scripting maps :3
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