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New Wc3 Team

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Yes, I think most of us agree. While I do not tend to make you "warm" for one of the ideas I posted already, I think for example the space station idea is small enough while still having many possible extensions. In a certain way it's a mini-game, with the potential of growing into a big map.

Intentionally, I saw that concept as a space-themed map (as in: you're inside a station, there's security camera's; etc.) while still having many fantastic elements, mainly heroes like "pack of rats" or "Zombie" that have "less scientifical" abilities. It could ofcourse be transformed into a more fantasy oriented map. This could go from a gnomish laboratory with test animals that try to escape, to a giant spider lair with prisoners that need to escape before they get cocooned. I personally feel more for a space-theme because I think it fits the idea better though.

There is one thing I do find important though: it shouldn't be a "me too" map. If you decide the team should make a TD, you better come up with a good idea that would make this TD different from the others. By this I don't mean having more towers (although if they differ a lot that would be good too), but having a different way of playing it.

Totally agreed.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006

-Stinger Productions

-Shadow of the Apocalypse

-Everlasting Entertainment

-Virtual Gloom

-C. (Colossus) Eye Studios

-Shy Guy Studios (Start over again?)


And I'm not doing a TD. It has to be something original. And we don't need a simple map to get our name out there. If we have all of these willing mappers who really want to make something spectacular (like Project Revolution) then why the hell shouldn't we? That'd get our name out to. Or something like Heart of the Storms, something cool, a real achievement. Think of the team as a team of cooks, why make junk food when we can make a timeless masterpiece?
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
Lets make a TO, tower offense. We have to send Hordes of creeps past towers that get harder on every level. For every creep we get past, we get gold and Spirit points(replaces lumber)

Decent critters need some Spirit Points to summon as well as gold and you have to get to level 40 (or whatever) to pass.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Then It'd be better to have a mix of both, having 1 team to assault a base (within 30 minutes) and the other one defending it.

The Attackers could have multiple techtrees, having fast but vulnerable units or slow tankers. A 3rd branch could actually be offensive, having its own attack against towers.
The Defenders could both have a wide range of towers and perhaps a Unit branch that allows you to perhaps start a counter-offensive. Obviously, the attacker's units should be much stronger.

Just another suggestion ofcourse.
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
For the TD idea, we start at a city, we are lvl 1, we only have starting abilitys like, poison tower, ice tower, siege tower, etc.

Then when we go to a arena or something the abilitys open up and we can build to stop enemys from passing. 3+ needed in arena or something

Towers can be upgraded when you level, for example, ice lvl 1 turns ice lvl 2 when you level up and put a point into that ability.

When you are a high enough level you go into the wilderness or something and kill baddies without towers for quick exp.

For the complicated complaints, we are a team, we have many people, we want to make a map that is complicated. If we make a old school TD what did we accomplish? Anyone can make a TD, now if we upgrade it to my idea, it will destroy all the other TDs if we work hard on it.

This is just a suggestion, but it would be a pretty decent map.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
I think TD's are lame... we should INNOVATE, not make a friggin' TD, however original it is, the concept of a TD is overused...

I want a challenge, not some microwaved leftover shiz that will 'put us on the map'. We have all of the talent to create something completely new, why not exploit that?
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
I count 16 team members. If we're making a large map, each one of them could be useful. However, as we should perhaps start small, I think it's hard to come up with an idea everybody in the team likes. For instance, some people already said they do not like TD's. It's not at all my favourite either, but I can live with it. Perhaps, considering the fact it's a large team, if we're starting small, we should have 2 separate projects? I know it'll be hard, especially because we haven't accomplished anything, but as things look like now, it's going to take a while before everyone agrees on a concept.

HINDYhat, while I agree you think TD's are lame, do you have any innovative idea? Anyone else? I have given some, including the space themed idea, the TD variant (I don't fully consider that idea TD as it has different mechanics), and ofcourse the Altered Melee concept (although that idea is not new, I haven't seen a good (original - unless you call 10 different Naga races original) implementation of it in a warcraft 3 map). I mainly agree with you on the point that our maps should be innovative.

I feel that it's time to start selecting some ideas, and pick 1 or 2 of them and choose which one you want to work on...
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
Please, no space themed maps. If you want a space them, wait for SCII. You could battle with Zeppelins or Boats. Hero Defenses... I don't know if I have ever played one. I don't think we should make one though.

So, are we going to WarCraft III a map or are we going to go with a WarCraft III style? Do you want me to come up with a new genre? I will if I have to but it will take a bit of focussed thought.

low_kwaliti, if you think it is winter, come to Australia.:grin: It is summer. We are already getting 34*degrees*C (I dont know what that is in farenheight, but it is a lot. I think it is about 100 but I have no idea)
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Alternate events happening at the same time of the Wc3 campaigns and the characters then come across the same areas and events at some points as what the Wc3 characters did. As a randome example: You are a bunch of soldiers that randomly finds out something important and you need to deliver the info to arthas and so you embark on a quest to find him and deliver the info etc. etc.
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Sounds to much like dota >.<

I think the hole lore starts when Arthas is Lich King. You are on a journey to reach Arthas and kill him for killing your friends and family from Strat village(the first village from the human campaign)

We go on and on, following Arthas's foot steps until we reach Icecrown. But since this is going to be a short campaign, we start at the village, head north, run into hordies, kill them, set up a camp for a horde attack. Then we head to the undead area where they are repairing Thrall's ships that landed in Kalimdor. You kill those undead, steal the ships and go on...then there should be a level where you are on your ship sailing around islands.

Then we go on to Northrend, meet the country, go into Icecrown, go through the traps, then we fight Arthas.

I don't know how short this campaign will be, but this is a good idea for the campaign.
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
How bout
Rogue Death Knight
Start off in Icecrown Glacier, you've just realized everything you have done and decide to escape. Lich King senses this, you run, he sends mad guys after you. You land somewhere, either Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Maelstrom..something
You ally yourself with a bunch of rebels consisting of all differant races. Travel the world trying to find atrifacts trying to beat the Lich King, while his assassins are pursuing you, etc. You fight the Lich King...but die
Tragic ending
How bout
Rogue Death Knight
Start off in Icecrown Glacier, you've just realized everything you have done and decide to escape. Lich King senses this, you run, he sends mad guys after you. You land somewhere, either Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Maelstrom..something
You ally yourself with a bunch of rebels consisting of all differant races. Travel the world trying to find atrifacts trying to beat the Lich King, while his assassins are pursuing you, etc. You fight the Lich King...but die
Tragic ending

Let us start this one...NOW!
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I would rather go with a Death Squire, who is generally quite average i.e. Not exceptional at anything, not a chosen one, not really gifted. He is chosen by the Great Dragon Spirit to perform a quest to bring back the Death Knight because he is the squire of the Death Knight and he is pretty much expendable.

I don't really like the idea of another Undead campaign. So many people do them. I will write story, make icons as best I can and give many ideas if we do this though.

Please at least consider my idea. A Death Squire... it is unique, and we all want to do something different don't we?
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
The Squire starts in a training camp, 8 days from the last know location of the Lich King. He has dreams of the ancient dragon, but assumes he has been reading too much lore.

One night, he wakes up and leaves his tent. In the distance, he sees a pyre of fire. Against his better judgement, he goes out to investigate. It turns out it was a Inquisition ambush. They take him to their base camp and start interrogation with psyckers. It is at this time a commotion is heard outside. The door blasts in and a ghostly dragon is there. It saves him and takes him to a generic pond. It is here that he is told of his master's plight and gets the quest to save him.

On is journey, he has to fight many foes ad overcome many challenges.

He has to be careful. If he is too reckless in his acts, the Inquisition will come and kill him with a mass of Paladins. If he is too pious, the dragon will disown him and he will lose his place in the world. (incorporate a good/evil indicator.)

I think it should either end with the destruction of the dragon, saving of the Death Knight or both. I have an idea for a really good ending, but I don't want it to be open to the public.

Twist and Turns: Depends on the script. Is the character ruthless, misguided, good at heart?

What race is the character? Human, Orc, Penguin, etc.?

The twists and turns also depend on the ending.
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