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Wazzz, why do you keep fighting with people?
Glad to know it's not just my threads that are being infested with Bramblecow's idiocy.
Listen chaps, we are all in this together. Using our pure logic and at least semi intelligent brains (more than enough to counter the sludge of moronic tendency), we should be able to easily rid the thread of the horrible taint that is this 'bramblecow's' stupidity.
This silly twat's ability to not only be completely retarded, but to also completely ignore any counter points (even as easy and obvious as they are to make at this point) is uncanny.
Luckily, there is hope. The "offtopic threads" thread did indeed win the fight against cancer *cough* I mean bramblecow.
Surely by continuing the topic, we should be able to be off on our way of enlightenment!
You've been here for a bit over a year, how would you know anything about the userbase? Also you don't pay attention very well because this place has been littered with trolls since the beginning.Hey looky a fellow troll has entered this thread. Really im surpised HIVE has so many of these. It didn't use to be like this. Sigh i guess people just got bored.
Wazzz, why do you keep fighting with people?
So it no longer applies?Yes project recruitment is where you advertise your project to prospectors who may join. But this is different to hijacking somones thread.
That rule was in existance but its not there anymore :L (But it was)
Technically his idea of taking over the team doesn't apply to any of the above. Yes, you could think he's advertising in sverk's thread, but since he's gone and the team is falling apart, he thought he should reassemble it and make the new leader. So it's kind of a weird situation here.If you want i can choose at least 3 rules which your breaking
1. Advertising
2. Offtopic
3. Spam
What you are doing is behind the board and low. If you have no respect for people then they will not have respect for your. Now buck up and learn the rules bro play fair or dont play at all
YEs you were advertising and offtopic as "your project is unrelated to his", so go be a man and stop failing at dodging the truth.
And thank you for insulting me i see how that is a lovely think to do.
I feel so great about myself now for yes im a Bramblecow and a silly twat. How inventive of you. I applaud you with a round of apathy on your sucess.
Brambleclaw, you needn't worry.
Wazzz is a perfectly capable person. His expertise, particularly in the fields of modelling and lovemaking, is unrivaled. IMO Svekerman would be proud to pass his leadership to this handsome beast of handsomeness named Wazzz.
Necroposting....Was notifying that it needed to be updated....I don't think you should be complaining about necro posting, because you are the one who revived this tread after it was dead for 25 days.
Wazzz didn't break any rules, hes just trying to keep this thing going. Personally, if I had a big project and I had to be inactive for a longer period of time because of real world, when I return, I would be happy to see that my project is still going thx to the initiative of some people, and not end up dead like so many other projects...
As for mentioning of another tread and "advertising it", that only started AFTER you complained about him taking over the project and how its unfair. He then said "Ok I'm gonna make my own tread" and then you started complaining about that. You need to decide.
So your reason in this post is what?
Or are you just Wazz's fan bud parade like Mr.Bob who turned up only as Wazz started in an argument. After refusing to remove wrong material.
I agree i believe sverkerman is anumber of things idiot included. But i defend him in the idea of inegrity and lowly things such as simple people stealing, no matter how bad a person is via hijacking a thread is wrong. On a number of levels and should never be done. It is dishonourable or however you want to put it.
Its like beating up a man when's he is down. This is only acceptable if he presents a threat that must be dealt with. I.E puts your life at risk. There is no real need for what Wazz is doing and a simple thread created and a few messages out to people would suffice.
Simply posting a "HEY COME JOIN ME" in his thread is wrong and disrespectufull. This should not occur.
not to mention it breaks the rules.
We should care if rules are broken so that we may mantain a decent level of Order on THW instead of following entropy.
Using it to his advantage again is cheating the system. Its wrong and its directing traffic from this thread which shouldnt be redirected.
Something in his siggy would be fine but a post in this thread blatantly advertising it is wrong -.-
What you are doing is behind the board and low. If you have no respect for people then they will not have respect for your. Now buck up and learn the rules bro play fair or dont play at all
....so go be a man and stop failing at dodging the truth.
Hey looky a fellow troll has entered this thread.
You can delete your posts now and spare yourself the realisation of how bad a troll you truly are.
Waa? He's getting angry over a forum.Now that means he has some serious issues to care that much for what one guy says on the internet>:L. Social life needed :L!!!!
Or are you just Wazz's fan bud parade like Mr.Bob who turned up only as Wazz started in an argument. After refusing to remove wrong material.
A VM does nothing to a troll.
Please continue with your bull...
Bamble, there is no rule that states that a user can't take over a project of someone else if current leader is inactive.
If its a 1 man project, then its wrong, and that guy can finish it when ever he likes.
In any successful team project there is no "I", but there must be a hierarchy so it can work properly. If someone is missing, it needs to be replaced. If teams texturer said "I can't do this any more" (just an example, not relevant to this specific team), you find a replacement. Same must be applied for the leader.
You forget, maybe the base idea is the project is sverkerman's, but other team members have their time spent in it too, so its not just his project, its theirs.
Wazzzs idea to change the project came after you complained how it's not fair to take over sverk's project. So his idea is to keep the team together by working on something.
Actually this would be highly wrong as you would need permission. As generally when there is a team leader. He was meant to be the creator of the map, and produce it, the rest just help him. So to the main part he is the as his name says LEADER so he makes the decisions. So everything must be passed through him. Or you could get a bunch o' people joining his Team, Then booting him of for another guy and continuing "HIS PROJECT"
His idea's to change it came when he originally wrote it. After hagge_5 asked if he was continuing svkerman's Project or different one as he considered it needing permission if it was Sverkerman's project. Therefore flawing your argument anyway.
A team texturer is different to a leader. A leader controls and directs its workers. Its like communism, everyone is replacable apart from the leader. Emphasis on LEADER.
Wazz i did not insult you i stated facts. These are different things. To blatant no brain insults "Hey Bramblecow You suck" Or matter like that.
Also Wazz the above ^ you could of just VM'd him instead of spamming some more
Well as long as the results will be a project of total epicness and you've disgust it with Sverker I don't see why not. If you dont get Sverkers approval I dont see why you should continue on this project instead of making a brand new one.
Lowe disagrees. So does hagge_5, im pretty sure if sverkerman doen't want it hagge_5 won't. There very good friends.
But tbh we need to wait for Sverkerman to return ^^
And no the leader is only replacable when they quit. He did a bad job. But he is the creator of the team. The team can go elsewhere but the leader will stay till somone else comes along. Or the leader quits and lets somone else take over
He froze the project this implies he wants to continue it at a later date. The project is not over yet nor dead. Just lacking members. So i can assure you, don't assume what other people mean by what they do they may have other reasons.
And he was very unfriendly and tried to force stuff on people, thats sverker, just don't talk about him again...
I had very big problems with him because of his competency, he was the project leader and rejected to give me orders and plans for the terrain I should create, wtf?
I should make everything up... figure out how that would have worked with the triggerer, cinematics and story guys -.-