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Creating Director's Cut Map Making Team! Need Members!

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Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Wazzz, just make your own tread for your own project, since it is completely your idea and therefore has a better chance of turning out to be good map, maybe a DC.
As for people, you can always pm members of this team and ask them if they want to join yours. Maybe people from other dead teams will join (Hive's Battlefield for example).
Just make sure you do it. Because this and Hive's Battlefield are 2 maps that had potential, good teams, good ideas, but because team leaders lacked time they fell apart.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Glad to know it's not just my threads that are being infested with Bramblecow's idiocy.

Listen chaps, we are all in this together. Using our pure logic and at least semi intelligent brains (more than enough to counter the sludge of moronic tendency), we should be able to easily rid the thread of the horrible taint that is this 'bramblecow's' stupidity.

This silly twat's ability to not only be completely retarded, but to also completely ignore any counter points (even as easy and obvious as they are to make at this point) is uncanny.

Luckily, there is hope. The "offtopic threads" thread did indeed win the fight against cancer *cough* I mean bramblecow.

Surely by continuing the topic, we should be able to be off on our way of enlightenment!

Hey looky a fellow troll has entered this thread. Really im surpised HIVE has so many of these. It didn't use to be like this. Sigh i guess people just got bored.

And thank you for insulting me i see how that is a lovely think to do.
I feel so great about myself now for yes im a Bramblecow and a silly twat. How inventive of you. I applaud you with a round of apathy on your sucess.

Now lets just stop post irellavant stuff.
Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
Hey looky a fellow troll has entered this thread. Really im surpised HIVE has so many of these. It didn't use to be like this. Sigh i guess people just got bored.
You've been here for a bit over a year, how would you know anything about the userbase? Also you don't pay attention very well because this place has been littered with trolls since the beginning.
Wazzz, why do you keep fighting with people?

i'm just going to assume you have not actually paid attention to the context of bramblecow being the one fighting with me, not me with him. as a mod i expect you to be able to determine the difference between these two events.

however, as you seem a little confused, allow me to explain:

my side:
- suggesting a possible outcome for this project team
- giving info on current project to help their decision

bramble's side:
- constant mentioning of the rules, most of which he is breaking while doing so
- posting inflammatory posts (feel free to read his posts at any time)
- starting a 'fight' by attacking my integrity, as well as other user's (which seems to be the bramblecow way)

i do suggest paying attention to the whole story before assuming that i'm the only one responsible for anything going 'wrong'. all i was trying to do was help a project team without a project, after all.
Yes project recruitment is where you advertise your project to prospectors who may join. But this is different to hijacking somones thread.
That rule was in existance but its not there anymore :L (But it was)
So it no longer applies?

If you want i can choose at least 3 rules which your breaking

1. Advertising
2. Offtopic
3. Spam
Technically his idea of taking over the team doesn't apply to any of the above. Yes, you could think he's advertising in sverk's thread, but since he's gone and the team is falling apart, he thought he should reassemble it and make the new leader. So it's kind of a weird situation here.

When it comes to a user called Wazzz, you know there's trolling involved, however he can be serious and a useful asset to other users with his overall knowledge. For example when it comes to modding he's usually serious and tries to help other people.
I myself am all for the idea of him taking over the team so that at least the members that are left still make some effort and finish up a single map.

There was no flaming/spamming in the beginning of this discussion, but it's quite clear now that some other users have decided to jump in and make fun of another user as much as they can, like Trax or Bob. As far as I can tell from the comments, Bramble has been neutral from the beginning and hasn't flamed anyone else, thus not making much sense when other users just come in and start arguing with him about the things he has said.

Anyways, I think it's time you guys stop (fighting)/arguing about such a silly thing and Wazzz just makes a new thread now.
Act I.
A Degredation Of Argument
by Bramble the Cow

What you are doing is behind the board and low. If you have no respect for people then they will not have respect for your. Now buck up and learn the rules bro play fair or dont play at all

YEs you were advertising and offtopic as "your project is unrelated to his", so go be a man and stop failing at dodging the truth.

And thank you for insulting me i see how that is a lovely think to do.
I feel so great about myself now for yes im a Bramblecow and a silly twat. How inventive of you. I applaud you with a round of apathy on your sucess.

Perhaps not 'flaming' in the most literal sense, could be seen as trolling or just being rude overall.

Anyway yes, I will make my own thread, as I said that I would a while ago (yet Bramblecow decided to continue his 'mission'). I may put forth contact to some of the team members that were listed here, too, just to see if they're interested (mostly coders needed, having some people to run ideas by couldn't hurt, either).
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Vengeancekael he put it on hold.

Would you honestly say its fair if your trying to create a project, and you have to go afk for a bit due to life issues/other and your projects are paused due to terrainer issues, that somone just comes in directly takes your team members from your project instead of letting them wander in their own way.

This way he has lost much more members than he would of done, as most would be waiting and too lazy to move projects. So effectively there being stolen as some were still loyal. Such as hagge_5 who has been in the majority/nearly every project by sverkerman since there in the same clan.

Vengeancekael, how about if you try to start a thread and projects get frozen due to lack of ceertain vital team mates, i went in a created a whole knew "bigger and better project", and lure them away from your work :(

Its not a nice feeling, and yes 1. it is offtopic as its not directly relating to this thread. There is no excuse, just because this thread is falling apart because sverkerman is offline and Terrainers and unlikely. Does not mean we are allowed to randomly come in and stealing people.

And if it is dead, then we are necro posting.
So if your posting on a broken thread because its broken as your excuse, your necro posting. (Of course unless you beleive that posting something which doesn't belong here does not contribute to the topic and should be in a seperate thread from the start, should suddenly be a contributable post and significant then by all means post to your fullest desires).

Otherwise if its not dead then 1 of the three rules apply. My point is this sort of thing is low, and under no circumstances should be allowed. Its plain theft.
"Not only has sverkerman had his project collapse due to terrainer issues a bit of leadership+teamwork issues (Its not all his leadership problems no matter how much we would like it to be-Its the team at fault)But he has something hijacking his recruits.

Even if some left the project im sure the majority of them can find a thread. Posting in this thread is not required. And the simple fact that you are shows desperation on your behalf. As already said you should just set them messages inviting to your project. As the majority of people who may of stayed have also thought about or have done so in moving on to you.

@Wazz Please go on with this unacceptable behaviour. And i really do love your new bill. The only floor is bills don't get passed unles there 999999999pages long cause thats the way it is :(. Sounds good to me

(I swear at some point in the rules that we shouldn't be insulting other people. Well thats just me thinking, because that rule is also why i got a neg rep :( The only neg rep i've ever got o_O. Or something like that but meh)

Who gives a f about rules anymore.....
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
I don't think you should be complaining about necro posting, because you are the one who revived this tread after it was dead for 25 days.

Wazzz didn't break any rules, hes just trying to keep this thing going. Personally, if I had a big project and I had to be inactive for a longer period of time because of real world, when I return, I would be happy to see that my project is still going thx to the initiative of some people, and not end up dead like so many other projects...

As for mentioning of another tread and "advertising it", that only started AFTER you complained about him taking over the project and how its unfair. He then said "Ok I'm gonna make my own tread" and then you started complaining about that. You need to decide.
Wazzz exploited the fact this project is currently leaderless and he's doing coup d'état to propel himself on the lead, after all, it's known that when the leader leaves, a bloody battle for supremacy ensues.

Although I don't see why would take control of a dying project, oh well at least this time it will be Wazzz to blame when this going down, not Sverkerman, so this will be known as 'yet another Wazzz' failed project'. 8Đ

So there are two options now. If Brambleclaw thinks he's better candidate for a leader, participate at democratic elections and users will choose more appropriate leader or just fight to death!
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Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Brambleclaw, you needn't worry.

Wazzz is a perfectly capable person. His expertise, particularly in the fields of modelling and lovemaking, is unrivaled. IMO Svekerman would be proud to pass his leadership to this handsome beast of handsomeness named Wazzz.


Don't. Tread is already a mess as it is. We don't need one.
ooooh mech man! ooooooooh ghostthruster!

incidentally, why does brambleclaw's constant change of reasoning behind trying to start some sort of argument against me give me the idea that he's not actually trying to say something for the benefit of the hive or this thread, but more so for the purpose of instigating an argument?

as far as i was aware, such behaviour is unacceptable and against the rules. considerably immature to boot.

anyway off to make a thread!
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I don't think you should be complaining about necro posting, because you are the one who revived this tread after it was dead for 25 days.

Wazzz didn't break any rules, hes just trying to keep this thing going. Personally, if I had a big project and I had to be inactive for a longer period of time because of real world, when I return, I would be happy to see that my project is still going thx to the initiative of some people, and not end up dead like so many other projects...

As for mentioning of another tread and "advertising it", that only started AFTER you complained about him taking over the project and how its unfair. He then said "Ok I'm gonna make my own tread" and then you started complaining about that. You need to decide.
Necroposting....Was notifying that it needed to be updated....

Total fail. Wazz is advertising a compeltly different project to sverkmans. So there is nothing to look forward to. It will have Wazz's name all over it and won't even have a single idea taken from what sverkerman had collected together for his project. So no he wouldn't be happy. He would be pretty pissed.

I never complaiend if he makes his own thread fine.

I am just asking him to remove his posts on this thread which clearly advertise his project which has no relation to this thread or sverkerman

On a side note, once you have started your thread, and effectively stolen 99% sverkmans team please can we clear up this ridicolous unescessary argument spam crap. It has no place here on this thread. I will hapilly delete my posts if all following also delete, so it was left the way we found it.

That way when he gets back he has no reason to get uber piss3d :O
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
You can delete your posts now and spare yourself the realisation of how bad a troll you truly are.

(No seriously i've met better trolls before alot better ones)
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Waa? He's getting angry over a forum. o_O Now that means he has some serious issues to care that much for what one guy says on the internet>:L. Social life needed :L!!!!
Brambleclaw, have you ever thought that Sverkerman is an idiot?

Because I know I have, I predicted the fall of this team very early, as did Vengeancekael. Even his team complained about their glorious leader.

My point is, why the frog are you defending this person who just leaves a project before it like even starts? He didn't put any work or any effort to it, why do you give a shit if Wazzz takes this team off some incompetent dude who lures people in and wastes their time?

Unless of course..YOU are trolling and, like Wazzz said, just trying to instigate an argument.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I agree i believe sverkerman is anumber of things idiot included. But i defend him in the idea of inegrity and lowly things such as simple people stealing, no matter how bad a person is via hijacking a thread is wrong. On a number of levels and should never be done. It is dishonourable or however you want to put it.

Its like beating up a man when's he is down. This is only acceptable if he presents a threat that must be dealt with. I.E puts your life at risk. There is no real need for what Wazz is doing and a simple thread created and a few messages out to people would suffice.

Simply posting a "HEY COME JOIN ME" in his thread is wrong and disrespectufull. This should not occur.

not to mention it breaks the rules.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
So your reason in this post is what?

Or are you just Wazz's fan bud parade like Mr.Bob who turned up only as Wazz started in an argument. After refusing to remove wrong material.
Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
So your reason in this post is what?

Or are you just Wazz's fan bud parade like Mr.Bob who turned up only as Wazz started in an argument. After refusing to remove wrong material.

Actually we were all laughing at your idiotic replies in the chat and how contradictory they were after Wazzz publicly pasted the thread.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Because ofc i have contradicted myself about 20 times. As thats blatantly obvious when actually i have been repeating spam is not required in this thread can we please stop piling up complete crap. And remove a stupiD *Come to my project im a 5 yearold bull*

Just recruit people the normal way. dont steal its uncool dude
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Its not his choice to make. its not relevant this thread is dedicated to SVERKERMANS PRoject not his. So really he should butt out as its none of his buisness, he is stealing. A VM does nothing to a troll. He's offering in the wrong place
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I agree i believe sverkerman is anumber of things idiot included. But i defend him in the idea of inegrity and lowly things such as simple people stealing, no matter how bad a person is via hijacking a thread is wrong. On a number of levels and should never be done. It is dishonourable or however you want to put it.

Its like beating up a man when's he is down. This is only acceptable if he presents a threat that must be dealt with. I.E puts your life at risk. There is no real need for what Wazz is doing and a simple thread created and a few messages out to people would suffice.

Simply posting a "HEY COME JOIN ME" in his thread is wrong and disrespectufull. This should not occur.

not to mention it breaks the rules.

What's wrong with stealing? "Great artists are great thieves."

That quote applies to many areas. This thread is dead, the project is dead, the team has split up. So what's the problem if anyone comes in this thread to advertise his project?
This thread generated a lot of views for it's time, it's a useful advantage to actually advertise here. And since everything about this thread is dead (well, at a modding level at least) than I don't really see what's your problem.
If anyone should have a problem with advertisement of other projects in this thread, it should be Sverkerman, not you, or anyone else. So if Sverkerman relogs and reports the fact that the rules are broken in "his" thread, than okay. Otherwise neither of us shouldn't really care if rules were broken or not.

Some people forget that they are living on Earth, and to live they require food and water. Just saying.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
We should care if rules are broken so that we may mantain a decent level of Order on THW instead of following entropy.

Using it to his advantage again is cheating the system. Its wrong and its directing traffic from this thread which shouldnt be redirected.

Something in his siggy would be fine but a post in this thread blatantly advertising it is wrong -.-
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
We should care if rules are broken so that we may mantain a decent level of Order on THW instead of following entropy.

Using it to his advantage again is cheating the system. Its wrong and its directing traffic from this thread which shouldnt be redirected.

Something in his siggy would be fine but a post in this thread blatantly advertising it is wrong -.-

What doesn't affect you shouldn't interest you.

Furthermore if you really believe what your saying, that just press the "report" button and let the mods handle it. Why you try change people? 99. (9)% it's just a waste of time. And el oh el, you picked Wazz to change. xD
@Chaos.: Perfectly understandable, and thankyou for the good luck :)

@Everyone Else: Observe my signature. The deed of creating my own thread has been done.

Anyway I do love the irony behind using 'integrity' and 'sverkerman' in the same sentence. I too love the irony of being told earlier to 'be a man' and 'buck up' by the very same person who has everyone saying that he has no place in saying the things he's saying.

If indeed I /was/ stealing, I don't think the way to bring that to light would be insulting user after user for pointing out your own hypocrisies. So please, Bramblecow, stop before you look back on this and realise just how out of place you are. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on morality and bullcrap like that, but not when they start going against their own so-called 'morals' to preach about how 'morally wrong' other people are.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I did not insult users but was insulted and spammed to please be a hippocrite some more. Throughout i have simply been stating the facts.
Please continue with your bull...
you believe you have not insulted us?
well wow, i never knew people could be so unaware of their actions

if indeed your intents are to uphold the integrity of users, you have done the opposite for pretty much everyone you're arguing with

i do wish you could see this


What you are doing is behind the board and low. If you have no respect for people then they will not have respect for your. Now buck up and learn the rules bro play fair or dont play at all

....so go be a man and stop failing at dodging the truth.

Hey looky a fellow troll has entered this thread.

You can delete your posts now and spare yourself the realisation of how bad a troll you truly are.

Waa? He's getting angry over a forum. o_O Now that means he has some serious issues to care that much for what one guy says on the internet>:L. Social life needed :L!!!!

Or are you just Wazz's fan bud parade like Mr.Bob who turned up only as Wazz started in an argument. After refusing to remove wrong material.

A VM does nothing to a troll.

Please continue with your bull...

the last one is my personal favourite. i am a fan of ironic humour.
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Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Bamble, there is no rule that states that a user can't take over a project of someone else if current leader is inactive.
If its a 1 man project, then its wrong, and that guy can finish it when ever he likes.
In any successful team project there is no "I", but there must be a hierarchy so it can work properly. If someone is missing, it needs to be replaced. If teams texturer said "I can't do this any more" (just an example, not relevant to this specific team), you find a replacement. Same must be applied for the leader.
You forget, maybe the base idea is the project is sverkerman's, but other team members have their time spent in it too, so its not just his project, its theirs.

Wazzzs idea to change the project came after you complained how it's not fair to take over sverk's project. So his idea is to keep the team together by working on something.
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Warsoc/RTC is a dead project that only works on older versions of wc3. And I agree with the large portion of the last few people in this thread that are saying just stop posting already in this and let it die.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Bamble, there is no rule that states that a user can't take over a project of someone else if current leader is inactive.
If its a 1 man project, then its wrong, and that guy can finish it when ever he likes.
In any successful team project there is no "I", but there must be a hierarchy so it can work properly. If someone is missing, it needs to be replaced. If teams texturer said "I can't do this any more" (just an example, not relevant to this specific team), you find a replacement. Same must be applied for the leader.
You forget, maybe the base idea is the project is sverkerman's, but other team members have their time spent in it too, so its not just his project, its theirs.

Wazzzs idea to change the project came after you complained how it's not fair to take over sverk's project. So his idea is to keep the team together by working on something.

Actually this would be highly wrong as you would need permission. As generally when there is a team leader. He was meant to be the creator of the map, and produce it, the rest just help him. So to the main part he is the as his name says LEADER so he makes the decisions. So everything must be passed through him. Or you could get a bunch o' people joining his Team, Then booting him of for another guy and continuing "HIS PROJECT"

His idea's to change it came when he originally wrote it. After hagge_5 asked if he was continuing svkerman's Project or different one as he considered it needing permission if it was Sverkerman's project. Therefore flawing your argument anyway.

A team texturer is different to a leader. A leader controls and directs its workers. Its like communism, everyone is replacable apart from the leader. Emphasis on LEADER.

Wazz i did not insult you i stated facts. These are different things. To blatant no brain insults "Hey Bramblecow You suck" Or matter like that.

Also Wazz the above ^ you could of just VM'd him instead of spamming some more
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Actually, in true communism, everyone is equal, and everyone is equally replaceable. Communism in eastern Europe wasn't like that cuz it didn't suit the leaders. But that's off topic. This tread should get closed.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Actually this would be highly wrong as you would need permission. As generally when there is a team leader. He was meant to be the creator of the map, and produce it, the rest just help him. So to the main part he is the as his name says LEADER so he makes the decisions. So everything must be passed through him. Or you could get a bunch o' people joining his Team, Then booting him of for another guy and continuing "HIS PROJECT"

His idea's to change it came when he originally wrote it. After hagge_5 asked if he was continuing svkerman's Project or different one as he considered it needing permission if it was Sverkerman's project. Therefore flawing your argument anyway.

A team texturer is different to a leader. A leader controls and directs its workers. Its like communism, everyone is replacable apart from the leader. Emphasis on LEADER.

Wazz i did not insult you i stated facts. These are different things. To blatant no brain insults "Hey Bramblecow You suck" Or matter like that.

Also Wazz the above ^ you could of just VM'd him instead of spamming some more

Your fail here really.

Hagge_5 asked because he maybe liked the project he started here, or maybe he thought that this kind of a project is too complex and didn't want to get involved. You're really talking out of your rear flank.

Even the leader is replaceable. Your view is narrow and rigid, you'll never get your cutie mark this way.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Well as long as the results will be a project of total epicness and you've disgust it with Sverker I don't see why not. If you dont get Sverkers approval I dont see why you should continue on this project instead of making a brand new one.

Lowe disagrees. So does hagge_5, im pretty sure if sverkerman doen't want it hagge_5 won't. There very good friends.

But tbh we need to wait for Sverkerman to return ^^

And no the leader is only replacable when they quit. He did a bad job. But he is the creator of the team. The team can go elsewhere but the leader will stay till somone else comes along. Or the leader quits and lets somone else take over
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Lowe disagrees. So does hagge_5, im pretty sure if sverkerman doen't want it hagge_5 won't. There very good friends.

But tbh we need to wait for Sverkerman to return ^^

And no the leader is only replacable when they quit. He did a bad job. But he is the creator of the team. The team can go elsewhere but the leader will stay till somone else comes along. Or the leader quits and lets somone else take over

Stop farting, really :pir:

1 - Doesn't matter if Lowe agrees or not, I was part of the team, and Lowe wasn't. Lowe never was part of any of our Skype conferences.
2 - No, not really, no one agreed blindly with Sverkerman.
3 - I can assure you that Sverkerman left the project first. He just did it without saying anything.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
He froze the project this implies he wants to continue it at a later date. The project is not over yet nor dead. Just lacking members. So i can assure you, don't assume what other people mean by what they do they may have other reasons.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
He froze the project this implies he wants to continue it at a later date. The project is not over yet nor dead. Just lacking members. So i can assure you, don't assume what other people mean by what they do they may have other reasons.

He chose to 'freeze' the project after all the members left the project. And the members left the project because he stopped logging/caring about the project.

We had no really active terrainer in our team, and Sverkerman didn't uphold his duties as a Project Leader. Although capable he didn't want to terrain. Although the leader, he didn't want to search for a terrainer.
As a leader he was naive, undecided and most of all lazy.

He was just a bored kid with a broken arm and nothing to do until school started. Once school started he stopped participating in anyway, shape or form to the project.

After he stopped participating at the project, the team continued for another 1-2 weeks until we eventually decided it wasn't worth our time anymore.
And he was very unfriendly and tried to force stuff on people, thats sverker, just don't talk about him again...

I had very big problems with him because of his competency, he was the project leader and rejected to give me orders and plans for the terrain I should create, wtf?

I should make everything up... figure out how that would have worked with the triggerer, cinematics and story guys -.-
And he was very unfriendly and tried to force stuff on people, thats sverker, just don't talk about him again...

I had very big problems with him because of his competency, he was the project leader and rejected to give me orders and plans for the terrain I should create, wtf?

I should make everything up... figure out how that would have worked with the triggerer, cinematics and story guys -.-

That there is the very reason I figured these guys deserved more for mod development.

But apparently all of this could have been avoided by a simple VM. Isn't that what was mentioned with regards to you, bramblecow? That you could have just VMed me? And your response was, I believe, 'a VM to a troll does nothing'?

What erks me is the fact that you've now not denied insulting users after saying you never insulted a user. Perhaps you should consider leaving this thread. If you chose to leave that hive that would suffice, also.

But here's your major mistake - People are not objects. How can I steal people when all I've done is offer them an alternative option that is, as far as everyone seems to believe including myself, much better than what has currently taken place with regards to the project leader? If they choose to turn leadership over to me, then that is their decision. I never forced anything on them. Never underestimate the free will of people.

Anyway, you have yet to provide one person who actually agrees with you rather than theoretically 'should' agree with you. I have received a lot of support. You are entitled to your opinion, but everybody has opinions. You can't say something is against the rules just because you don't like it. If it's not against the rules, then it's legal. End of story.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Again. You took people from this project instead of letting them find there way to you. That is stealing as they are possesions they are objects they belong somwhere. Everyone belongs to some form or group. So before you start object lark they are. Humans are commodities deal with it!

I don't give a damn if people support you, and with your comments about sverkerman i would have to agree with you. He is a douche etc etc.

But again we should be upstanding gentlemen and recruit the proper way instead of spam hijacking others threads. So please spare all of this grief just delete the Advertisement Post and we can all just go to your project like happy daisies. Its served its purpose and the post shouldn't be here anyway.
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