Gladiator Arena Map in the Making - Need members for a developement team!!!

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Level 3
Dec 6, 2008
Hey, I have started making a "Gladiator Arena" type map. It has a good base started including heroes, multiple arena selectors and items. However, I am relatively new to map making and I can't make it the beautiful finished product I want it to be by myself.

Map Description:
Gladiator Arena is a map where you join a group of 8 allies and spawn in a town with items and tomes to power your hero up. There is an arena timer which when expires Player 1 gets moved to an area with arena type selectors and chooses one. It is NOT a team map considering it depends on which arena is selected. The first person to reach the kill limit or arena win limit wins the game and is declared the greatest gladiator of all time.

Current map features:
-Team Arena
-Free For All Arena
-One Vs One Arena
-Great selection of items
-Around 20 customized heroes
-Many game enhancing commands

Features desired for the finished product:
-Item recipe
-10 more customized heroes (Being done by Me)
-Couple more arena terrains (Being done by hero_lief)
-Enhanced terrain/doodads (Being done by hero_lief)
-More fun features (Complex triggers by Zypher)

Where I need help:
-Triggers (Spot taken by Zypher)
-Triggers (Spot taken by Zypher)
-Item recipe
-Terrain enhancement (Spot Taken by hero_lief)
-Custom loading/preview screen

If you want to join tell me in a reply on this post and what area you could help in. I will pm you whether or not I have accepted you into the team and the details of what needs to be done.

*****Really the only person we need now is someone who can create some custom spells and pretty up the heroes, as well as someone who can make a large recipe system with creative gladiator items. This two jobs Could be filled by the same person.

*****Looking for another Terrainer, will need to add a few arena grounds and largely enhance the current map giving it an old time gladiator feel.

EDIT - The map development team is full now, nobody is needed.
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Level 3
Dec 6, 2008
Okay, cool. So right now I have an unreliable terrainer and need to find a new one. I also have someone who could make item recipe and customize heroes, but I am not sure about them. Zypher, this started out being a some what small map idea with little development. However, I have gotten a few more ideas and posted about them, if they get good review, I will want to add them. They will make this a HUGE project that will take a good while. Check out my post on what might be added and you can imagine why it would make it a huge project. Look here and if you feel up to the new ideas we can get started as soon as possible.

I know you have visited that page already, I just looked while getting the link. But look again knowing that what I am looking to gain from those ideas is a gladiator rpg+pvp kind of game.
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