Creating Director's Cut Map Making Team! Need Members!

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what i find amusing the most is that your constant spam against us has only brought more attention to my project. i didn't even want this thread to be about MY project, but it seems that's the topic you are inadvertently making it about.

anyway your 'people are objects' idea hits a dead end when it comes into factoring free will.

on another note, terrainers are also welcome aboard, if indeed they are interested.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
You can treat people like objects... but they are not objects. Some are maybe stupid, but neither are objects.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Free will is flawed in the fact, that the majority of people are contrallable via certain methods. And the majority of people think the same way macro wise.
Free will is flawed in the fact it allows anybody to do whatever they want. Or perhaps that's the way it should be. Nonetheless, those are the rules. We have no choice but to play by them.

Do not forget it is free will that allows you to post such filth. And it is my free will to not remove my post.

However, when you become a moderator of this section (or maybe even just a moderator in general), I will concede my points and remove my post. Until then, I do wish people would not have delusions of grandeur.
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