Creating Director's Cut Map Making Team! Need Members!

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... That's so sad :( So is there ever going to be anything or will you throw the project in the trash?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well not to seem negative but freezing a map never seems to end well. However I hope you'll laugh in that theories face and return to the project 1 day.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I left too, not because I couldn't wait.

But because although it had a neat exterior, the leadership is really the opposite of what it states here.
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
I left too, not because I couldn't wait.

But because although it had a neat exterior, the leadership is really the opposite of what it states here.

Seems strange cause if your willing to pay for people to make a map you'd think they leadership would be pretty well thought out. But then again I never even added anyone on skype yet and i dunno if any one of yah added me either. I think the main issue is the scope of the project, I mean it is still coordinating 14 or so people with different time zones etc.

Also on a side note:
Not to be a team theft or anything; but i mean anyone who wants to join a project that will be split up in parts for a project that is really well thought out for leadership can join my project.
You could join my project. I plan on splitting up my project to work on code improvement and even better coded features once i have more of a team anyway. Like one part works on the terrain generator; other part works on the inventory;another on improving spells; etc etc.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
It was a bit different... The leadership wanted much, collected the members for it, then the leader disappeared for a week or so, during that we got nothing from the terrainers, and since the leader promised that in 1 month we'll have a terrain to show up and we had nothing loremakers left

Apart from that we had everything a good project needs. We had the best coders and loremakers out there, and even the best terrainers applied, but the latters didn't do a thing...
happens a lot

to be quite frank, I'm surprised that this many people actually joined
I mean, it was a project where the 'leader' was getting you to come up with it, to work on it, to make it for yourselves
in the modding community, such 'leadership' roles do not exist

the way a project SHOULD work is that a mapper will come up with an idea, begin implementing it, show people their work in map development to see what people think and then after getting it closer to completion, start looking for modellers, skinners and whatnot

there is no point in rallying a large amount of people to work on a project that is not guranteed to be finished, let alone not even have a core idea put down (FYI the basic storyline created as a guideline was really generic, designed to let you guys think it was a core idea when really you had to implement even THAT much yourself)

another point, who should /really/ be the leader? as far as i'm aware, the 'leader' was focusing too heavily on the wrong things (signatures before actually making a mod? really?)

but yes, if you want to make 'map-making history', come up with an idea, and make a map about it. just make sure that idea is a great one.
Wazzz is right, I can tell you the leader didn't do much beside making wrong promises to lure people in.

And really, the leader had not enough knowledge to be respectable as leader.

And kanadj, I just listed what I know about your problem, theres no point in denying, I was a member and I heard the other members talk and stuff.... and what I said was their complaints, atleast mostly.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
My problem is that I commited to way more then I had time for. I had to finish judging the terraining contest before really working on this. By the time I was actually ready (and had the time) to start, the whole team seemed to fall apart and several were complaining about Sverkerman. So I really just lost interest. The campaign lost its appeal as "professional mod."

So this is all I got done. At the rate that we were adding more and more to this instead of fine-tuning what we already had, this would probably have been about 0.01% of the terrain and that is no exageration.
Note: no floors or walls have yet been added. This would have been the dungeon. Over 300 doodads.

So with this I officially take my leave from the project.
Best of luck.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well he's not online at Skype right now but I can try to contact him whenever I get the chanse.
well, if you folks are looking for a project to work on, you could always turn control of the team to me

i actually do have a clear idea of what i want done with the project, where i want it to go and all that jazz

now, i wouldn't want you all turning control over to me without knowing what kind of project i'm working on, so here's some of the core ideas:

- Squad based strategy, initial release will have only humans, further releases will implement more races

- Town system is in consideration at the moment, where instead of building bases in the traditional warcraft style, the approach of some turn-based strategies is put into play instead (more on that later if interest is abound, there are plans on how this will work)

- Fully customisable armies, you determine what roles your units will play out ingame by researching different weapon, armor, gadget, etc. types and outfitting your units with them (more on that later if interest etc. etc.)

i'm fairly sure i mentioned somewhere that if there IS interest in this project, then i will release more information. At the moment, i have created the system for customising a unit, replicated it for another unit (if there's a more efficient way of doing it then i'm sure i'll let someone do that for me), the squad system can be implemented at any time (created by Illidan(evil)x or source[x], lest we forget), and plans have been made with regards to the town system and how that will work.

Your thoughts, team?

P.S. I won't make you fill out shitty resumes
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well as long as the results will be a project of total epicness and you've disgust it with Sverker I don't see why not. If you dont get Sverkers approval I dont see why you should continue on this project instead of making a brand new one.
i don't think you fully understand

the project i outlined is my own, not sverkerman's. i'm essentially giving you folks and option to defect to a project that is actually active. which will essentially be the same as taking leadership role over this team.

i do not need sverkerman's permission to do this as i'm not taking anything he has control over (unless you consider yourselves to be another man's property)
need i remind you double posting is against the rules?

there is nothing in the rules about 'thread hijacking'

nonetheless, this is not 'thread hijacking', i am simply offering my services as a new leader for the team if people wish to seek a new project leader. i am also displaying information on my current project so people can decide whether or not they want to work on this as a team.

after all, you are a project team, but you lack a project. that can all change if you want it to.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
need i remind you double posting is against the rules?

there is nothing in the rules about 'thread hijacking'

nonetheless, this is not 'thread hijacking', i am simply offering my services as a new leader for the team if people wish to seek a new project leader. i am also displaying information on my current project so people can decide whether or not they want to work on this as a team.

after all, you are a project team, but you lack a project. that can all change if you want it to.

Why don't you just make a new thread and invite people there?
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Wazz Thread hijacking is against the rules (It was removed :( so can't provide a link._. Also its techinically advertising so i will just take that approach. As you are advertising your project in somone elses thread.....

Your making no sense

I did not double post. Somone deleted there post which was inbetween/reported anyways
no, it is not 'advertisement'. that's just like saying that people talking about the project they were 'working' on here is 'advertisement'.

besides, get over whatever you seem to have 'issue' with (first you're against me for one rule, upon finding that the rule is not in existance you just decide to go with another rule. stop going offtopic), the idea behind putting this team together in the first place will go to waste if a new leader is not put in place and if there are not projects to work on.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
no, it is not 'advertisement'. that's just like saying that people talking about the project they were 'working' on here is 'advertisement'.

besides, get over whatever you seem to have 'issue' with (first you're against me for one rule, upon finding that the rule is not in existance you just decide to go with another rule. stop going offtopic), the idea behind putting this team together in the first place will go to waste if a new leader is not put in place and if there are not projects to work on.

Yes project recruitment is where you advertise your project to prospectors who may join. But this is different to hijacking somones thread.
That rule was in existance but its not there anymore :L (But it was)

Also going by your logic i could just post "JOIN MY PROJECT BLAH BLAH BLAH" in anyones thread, and literally spam everyones elses thread.

If you want i can choose at least 3 rules which your breaking

1. Advertising
2. Offtopic
3. Spam

What you are doing is behind the board and low. If you have no respect for people then they will not have respect for your. Now buck up and learn the rules bro play fair or dont play at all

Now vegeancekael(Edit sorry for the mispell) offers a perfectly honourable and decent decision which follows the rules. You should take his advice ^^
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You should stop talking, it does not produce anything intelligent.

I was never saying 'join my project', I was saying 'place me as the new leader'. That is not offtopic, nor is it advertisement. I mentioned details of my current project so people know what they're getting into before they decide on making me the leader (clearly they did not know before joining in the first place).

'Spam'. Wow. Says you. Interesting.

So yeah, buck up and learn your place. Quoting rules where you should not is incorrect. The reason Vkael has suggested his alternative is:

A) Original members don't seem too active here
B) My own thread can attract more attention
C) So you can shutup
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
wazz your reasons don't make a difference and idgf. The rules are the rules.
And considering the topic is a project where svkerman is the leader. YEs you were advertising and offtopic as "your project is unrelated to his", so go be a man and stop failing at dodging the truth.

Thank you.

Also gl in your project.
interesting you say i'm 'failing'

if we were to follow your '0 context' philosophy, on a thread that's about 'a project where sverkerman is the leader', you have so far posted about:

- the 'rules'
- your philosophies regarding the 'rules'
- my project

the third one is my favourite because my talking about my project seems to be the point you're fighting against.

now, these posts are classed as 'fighting'. interesting how you never mention that rule. with 0 context i'd say they're mostly inflammatory. with context, they're still inflammatory (telling me to 'be a man' and 'stop failing at dodging the truth'? people have not so far agreed with you).

so if we were going to go by the 'rules' with '0 context', you've so far have been offtopic, flaming and spamming. oddly enough apparantly instigated by me breaking 2 of those 3 rules according to your 'philosophy'.

@HFR and pals: ty for the support, i may contact the listed members of this team and see if they're interested in turning over leadership. if that's not a possibility, some of them may be interested in joining my project instead.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
Glad to know it's not just my threads that are being infested with Bramblecow's idiocy.

Listen chaps, we are all in this together. Using our pure logic and at least semi intelligent brains (more than enough to counter the sludge of moronic tendency), we should be able to easily rid the thread of the horrible taint that is this 'bramblecow's' stupidity.

This silly twat's ability to not only be completely retarded, but to also completely ignore any counter points (even as easy and obvious as they are to make at this point) is uncanny.

Luckily, there is hope. The "offtopic threads" thread did indeed win the fight against cancer *cough* I mean bramblecow.

Surely by continuing the topic, we should be able to be off on our way of enlightenment!
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