Melee Mapping Contest #2 - Poll

Cast your vote up to 5 entries:

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  • Poll closed .
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Level 21
Nov 6, 2013



Create a competitive 1v1 melee map that excels in terrain, dynamic, and creativity, but most importantly balance.


  • Each user can only vote once in the poll.
  • You cannot vote for yourself. If a voter has the same IP as the author then the vote will not be counted and it may result in the disqualification of the entry.
  • You cannot create multiple accounts to vote for an entry in the poll. If a voter has been found to be using multiple accounts none of the voters votes will count in the final result.
  • You cannot bribe users for votes. Contestants who break this rule will be disqualified and given negative reputation.
  • You cannot invite friends to vote strictly for you in the poll.


  • 1st place: 30 reputation points
  • 2nd place: 20 reputation points
  • 3rd place: 10 reputation points
  • Judges: 5 rep
The three winning entries will receive an award icon, representing the winning entry.




Is the map balanced for a player vs player 1v1? Are the positions and distance between points of interest fair? Does the map allow the 4 races to be balanced? Consider balance when implementing the pathing, resources, creep camps, and item drops.50/100
TerrainIs the map visually pleasing in mediums of terrain, doodad placement, and overall theme? Is the map repetitive? Is the aesthetic well designed but not overly obstructive?35/100
Creativity & UniquenessDoes the map bring something new or creative to the table?15/100
BugsScores may be brought down if there are bug-like issues such as faulty pathing, unusable resources, etc -
  • 80% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 20% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

Contest thread can be found here: Melee Mapping Contest #2
You can download all the contest entries in the ZIP file down bellow.

Assigned Moderator: @Naze


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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Poll is officially up! That's sure gonna be a fine dispute. You can give your vote for up to 5 participants. Just remember these rules:


  • Each user can only vote once in the poll.
  • You cannot vote for yourself. If a voter has the same IP as the author then the vote will not be counted and it may result in the disqualification of the entry.
  • You cannot create multiple accounts to vote for an entry in the poll. If a voter has been found to be using multiple accounts none of the voters votes will count in the final result.
  • You cannot bribe users for votes. Contestants who break this rule will be disqualified and given negative reputation.
  • You cannot invite friends to vote strictly for you in the poll.
Level 29
May 21, 2013

@foje tit:


I would ask piety for foje tit action.

edit: foje tit contacted Mr.Henci before I detected it, that should be taken in account as good behavior. I remember once I had internet problems while uploading a map, and it wasn´t uploaded, users had to tell me about that bug. Queen Sinestralis Fortress v 1.03

Melee Mapping Contest #2 - Poll


also is good that foje tit voted for others users aswell.
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Level 11
Mar 4, 2016
I apologize, this is also my first time with this contest when I found out my mistake I tried commenting on Mr. Henci's profile. But it wasn't really intentional when I voted I realized that I had voted for two maps with the same first two letters "Ae" and also that one of my choice was not chosen.(It was the loading time for casting my vote quite have a slow internet ) And finally when I scroll I read the rules and that's it.
I sincerely apologize for it because of my inpatient behaviors.
Voted for the following (in no particular order):

Logging Camp - by Knecht
Silverwind Clearing - by Mr.Henci
Brightwater Oasis - by mafe
Bloodmyst Quarry v1.1 - by Ascrelle
Ruins of Azshara - by JaleVeliki

It was quite tough choosing from so many great maps. There were a couple others which also deserved a vote, but I was limited to 5. Hope the other users will do them justice.
It was a great contest, hope to have more of these in the future. Also good luck to all participants!
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Why don't you put screenshots of every map in the topic instead of making us download, unzip and open the maps map by map?! It's exhausting.
Well, there is list to all participants and their maps (wich have screens in them) + judging melee map by a screen isn't the best way to look at it. (You can only see asthetic, not the gameplay and balance of the map)
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
So you are saying that I have to play the maps too?!
You do you buddy. Do what you want. I'm just saying, that judging melee maps by pictures isn't the proper way. Simple look at it in the editor, or few minutes of gameplay should provide you with much better picture of what these maps are capable of and what are their strong and weaknesses. But as I said, if you want to rate it based on the pictures, feel free to do it. Nobody is stoping you.
Level 29
May 21, 2013

... and the links continue

And yet, it would be great to provide a collection of screenshots for every map in this topic.

in these links that are posted in this thread, you can access to the description of every map, there you can see screens of every map. Put the screens here will crowd the thread. The number of screens submited per user is free. While some users upload like 4-5 others may upload like 20 or more, there is no limit in that and depends on the participant wish on how many screens show.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
And yet, it would be great to provide a collection of screenshots for every map in this topic.

You are free to vote with the criteria you wish since this is a public poll, there is time till 8 of october so you can do it when you have more time if you wish to.

What's hard to understand that as @Mr.Henci implied, we do not vote images because it's not a terraining contest but you have to vote the maps which means at least loading them in the editor...

since this is a public poll, the general public is free to vote in the way they wish with no need to give explanations on how they vote.

While we can ask and recommend to look the map inside the editor, we can not make that mandatory.

There is no way to control how every user of the general public vote.

I do give thanks to those users that take the time to see this thread and vote with the criteria they wish (not everybody has melee knoledge).
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Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
How do you guys feel about linking this poll on reddit/various discords? This would most likely bring in some players, in the sense of people who play the game, but are not mappers themsleves; those therefore are probably more likely to look at it exclusively from a could-this-map-be-acceptable-for-bnet-ladder perspective. Obviously, this could lead to other results than if only people from the hiveworkshop (and some others who are paying attention anyway) are voting.

Also, the quality of the maps is very high. Maybe the lack of prize money made sure we dont have any nonsensical entries like at the last contest. Will be hard to make a decision which ones not to vote for.
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
How do you guys feel about linking this poll on reddit/various discords? This would most likely bring in some players, in the sense of people who play the game, but are not mappers themsleves; those therefore are probably more likely to look at it exclusively from a could-this-map-be-acceptable-for-bnet-ladder perspective. Obviously, this could lead to other results than if only people from the hiveworkshop (and some others who are paying attention anyway) are voting.

Please do, this is a public poll anybody with a Hiveworkshop account can log and vote. If they don´t have an account but they create one to come here and vote they are free to go.

not everybody has melee knoledge, so many users of the public may vote considering an artisitc criteria.
users that will vote only considering balance of course they are welcome too.
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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
@foje tit and @Isaak voted for themselves. It might've been a misclick or lack of acknowledge of the rules, whatever. I won't remove them from the contest, instead they will receive a malus (small subtraction of points in the final score). Those votes also won't be taken in consideration in the results calculation.

Until recently we used to forgive people who voted for themselves when it was the first time they did it, but it's getting out of hand and hard to keep track of such things.

How do you guys feel about linking this poll on reddit/various discords? This would most likely bring in some players, in the sense of people who play the game, but are not mappers themsleves; those therefore are probably more likely to look at it exclusively from a could-this-map-be-acceptable-for-bnet-ladder perspective. Obviously, this could lead to other results than if only people from the hiveworkshop (and some others who are paying attention anyway) are voting.

Also, the quality of the maps is very high. Maybe the lack of prize money made sure we dont have any nonsensical entries like at the last contest. Will be hard to make a decision which ones not to vote for.
Sounds fine for me!


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
since this is a public poll, the general public is free to vote in the way they wish with no need to give explanations on how they vote.

While we can ask and recommend to look the map inside the editor, we can not make that mandatory.
I didn't ask for anything but those who vote incorrectly not to make demands.
Level 14
Sep 4, 2018
Alright, here goes something:

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate everyone on their entries. Some really cool ideas around here, although lots of them require some polish maybe.
Even though I'm a novice around here, it's pleasant to see that people still care about this game and the scene, as well as that the map-making community is alive.
I hope that future melee map contests will keep coming and that number of quality entries, judges, moderators, mapmakers and generally: people evolved, will grow.

I am by no means, an excellent and top wc3 player, but I've got some experience a looot of map-making experience and I believe I understand what makes a good competitive (especially 1v1) map.
That being said, I've closely checked out all the entries (above and below everything, turned things upside-down, checked distances, pathing and everything! :D ) in the editor and even played some of the more promising ones. At first, I couldn't decide what I was going to base my TOP-5 votes on, but - in the end - I've decided that I'll be voting for maps that executed all the rules needed for a map to be playable and have any chance to make it into competitive 1v1, and those are - I must admit, rare. I've also decided not to comment on specifics, as that role will remain for the judge(s) and I'd have too much to say on each entry.

My goal is not to discourage anyone from posting future entries - Please! Share your work - however it looks! Don't listen to folks like me and decide to not enter the contest! But learning the basic rules every map should follow (even before class balance) is only way to become better, and eventually, be able to break the rules. I am very confident that judge(s) results will agree with my choices and honorable mentions due to many of the maps being fairly unplayable in a highly competitive setting.

My top-5 votes (in no particular order) go to:

- Avoj (by Arrr)
- Desert's Edge (by Rockstar356)
- Logging Camp (by Knecht)
- Silverwing Clearing (by Mr.Henci)

for being objectively & technically properly executed melee maps

and special spot in top 5, because I think it at least deserves a vote for creativity, for:

- Aetherium (by Blood Raven)

for creating an extraordinarily creative theme and aesthetic, as well as an extremely unique and precise layout of the map, although too large, unplayable/unbalanced and choke-y for competitive 1v1.

I'd also like to give my honorable mentions to:

- Mars Lighthouse, Torn World and The Screaming River for the crazy/good/unique aesthetic/theme
- Ocean Beyond, Flooded Waters and Brightwater Oasis for the good enough layout/balance that are just behind the vote picks :)

That's all from me, hopefully we get more shared opinions, thoughts and reviews, don't be afraid! :)
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
Alright, here goes something:

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate everyone on their entries. Some really cool ideas around here, although lots of them require some polish maybe.
Even though I'm a novice around here, it's pleasant to see that people still care about this game and the scene, as well as that the map-making community is alive.
I hope that future melee map contests will keep coming and that number of quality entries, judges, moderators, mapmakers and generally: people evolved, will grow.

I am by no means, an excellent and top wc3 player, but I've got some experience a looot of map-making experience and I believe I understand what makes a good competitive (especially 1v1) map.
That being said, I've closely checked out all the entries (above and below everything, turned things upside-down, checked distances, pathing and everything! :D ) in the editor and even played some of the more promising ones. At first, I couldn't decide what I was going to base my TOP-5 votes on, but - in the end - I've decided that I'll be voting for maps that executed all the rules needed for a map to be playable and have any chance to make it into competitive 1v1, and those are - I must admit, rare. I've also decided not to comment on specifics, as that role will remain for the judge(s) and I'd have too much to say on each entry.

My goal is not to discourage anyone from posting future entries - Please! Share your work - however it looks! Don't listen to folks like me and decide to not enter the contest! But learning the basic rules every map should follow (even before class balance) is only way to become better, and eventually, be able to break the rules. I am very confident that judge(s) results will agree with my choices and honorable mentions due to many of the maps being fairly unplayable in a highly competitive setting.

My top-5 votes (in no particular order) go to:

- Avoj (by Arrr)
- Desert's Edge (by Rockstar356)
- Logging Camp (by Knecht)
- Silverwing Clearing (by Mr.Henci)

for being objectively & technically properly executed melee maps

and special spot in top 5, because I think it at least deserves a vote for creativity, for:

- Aetherium (by Blood Raven)

for creating an extraordinarily creative theme and aesthetic, as well as an extremely unique and precise layout of the map, although too large, unplayable/unbalanced and choke-y for competitive 1v1.

I'd also like to give my honorable mentions to:

- Mars Lighthouse, Torn World and The Screaming River for the crazy/good/unique aesthetic/theme
- Ocean Beyond, Flooded Waters and Brightwater Oasis for the good enough layout/balance that are just behind the vote picks :)

That's all from me, hopefully we get more shared opinions and thoughts :)

I was going to remain silent but since you posted that review and encourage to share opinions, well I have something I wrote these days.

Mine is just a sumary of the maps about gameplay and enviroment, I don´t qualify or judge the maps in any sense, just wrote a nice description of the map as if I am going to sell it. Maps are on alphabetic order, diferent text size means nothing, I wrote with randon size, and if is too long maybe I could have say it much more shortly.

1-Aetherium: a mix of many tiles, mostly sunken ruins and outland gave shape to a world that all the terrain and even the small rocks, and boats float in the void . The map has way-gates to make shortcuts between some parts. We also find ramps and magical bridges made from the sunken ruins tile. Near the main base we have a goblin market. The goblin labs will be very important to get zeppelings and move more fast in the map. There is one mercenary camp and one mana fountain to be contested. The creeps are also from diferents tiles wich are outland, dungeon, barrens, felwood, and even lordaeron tiles.

2-Aesopian waterway: in a sunken ruin tile-set map, it seems that a strong storm has started (with rain and thunders). Players are divided by a canal, wile they will expand and defend each side of the canal they have to contest the tavern and the goblin market. Players may use 3 paths to reach the other side. Main bases also have 3 paths to defend. Here we can find an artificial canal, a fleet, a destroyed fleet, and some towns in a natural enviroment. All creeps used belongs to the sunken ruins theme.

3-Aridity: An interesting mix of barrens and outland tiles. Players may camp near the tavern and then go to the expanding goldmine. Main bases have two paths to defend and expandings have 3 paths. From the middle, players will defend both bases and visit the merc camps and goblin market to boost their army against the enemy. We have a desert, a dry river of red tile, some desert pillars, deep canyons, and grass/ brown earth areas. The creeps used belongs to the barren following the main theme.

4-Avoj: an interesting mix of sunken ruins and ashenvale tiles. Main bases have 2 paths and the expanding have 3. In the expanding goldmine the bridge use is very interesting. The base has a merc camp and a goblin market near. The expanding gets you near the goblin lab. From the expanding you can go to the goblin market near the enemy base to buy ítems before launch the attack to the main base. The theme is a mix of a town in a natural forest, rivers areas with many elements of both natural and human activity. The 4 green creeps in the center may favor an early confrontation in a duel f heroes. Creeps are mostly bandits but we can find wolves, golems, water elementals and mages.

5-Bloodmyst quarry: a mix of outland and dalaran ruins tiles, we find this land with very unique red shiny minerals that fits with the outland tiles.
The red tiles-sets match with the Bloodmyst island of WOW region, where the Draenai of the Alliance live (Exodar). One expansion is near the goblin market and the other is near the mercenary camp. Both will get you near the red creep. Two main posibilities can happen that players figth each other expansion vs expansion, or that both players expand in a symetric form and attack directly the main base. Here we find dry land in red and green tones, and water parts with red different tiles than the dry lands. Fog is red and the creeps are mainly ogres and kobolds.

6-Brightwater Oasis: a mix of barrens and sunken ruins tile-sets. We have a dry land, and in the center a Oasis. It remembers the oasis that can be found in WOW areas in the barren, west of Durotar and that are defended with centaurs. Creeps types are also barrens and sunken ruins ones. We find here that the positions of the merc camps, goblin shops, and goblin labs may change with symetry. So pre-study the map won´t work at 100%. One play will differ from the others in a very interesting way. Fast expandings are more far from base than the hard ones. Here we find the oasis, the desert where only cactus grow, mountains and some grasslands. There is some green gas that is emerging from the earth, remembers me the vespen gas of starcraft.

7-Desert edge: a map that used many tile-sets. We are placed in the border between two major regions. While in one side we have a green and dense jungle, in the other side we have a much less fertile and dry land. In the middle where tiles collide we find wetlands with shallow water.There are two expansions that both gets the player more near the goblin lab and the red creep of the corner. The map has creeps of sunken ruins and barrens in a simetryc way. Merc camp and goblin market are hard defended while the goblin lab is more easy. The journey seems to be, go to the easy expanding goldmine then to the goblin lab then to the goblin market and the merc camp. I can imagine some kind of loop.

8-Flooded waters: made with lordaeron fall tiles and 2 village tiles. Map has like 5 paths from north-east to south-west. Scouting all the paths will be a very interesting challange for players. The goldmine expansion allows the user to have access to the goblin lab, goblin market and mercenary camp. There are many abandoned cages, wood tables and even a tower and windmill destroyed by war or by the forces of nature.
The creeps used are from the lordaeron tile-sets. Here we find dry land, shallow and deep water, and rocks areas. The map seems to be some kind of island where the water flows givig life to a lot of plants and fishes.

9-Forgotten straits: a sunken ruin map mixed others tiles, here we can find the shores, the rivers inside the land, the ruins parts and the grasslands parts. We can find a lot of abandoned boats and cages that may belong to some trade company. Main bases have 2 access points and the first expandings have 3. Players may camp near the goblin lab and merc camp to protect the first expanding from both sides. Goblin labs may be used to buy zeppelings for sneak attacks and avoid enemy defenses. There is a second expanding for long plays. The creeps are a mix of lordaeron and sunken ruins tile-sets.

10-Glowing doom: a map with unique custom tiles, map has interesting starting positions and neutral buildings positions. Players are on the south and will expand to the north wile figth in a east-west direction. Between the players we find a goblin lab to contest and can be used as shortcuts to the expandings. The expandings will get you near the goblin markets, and there is a mana fountain to be contested. There are 2nd expandings for long plays. It has many areas, the minerals areas green and blue ones with their fogs of same colors, the green river, the mountains and some swamp of brown living plants. Creeps of differents tiles have been used.

11-Logging camp: In wow, there are many logging camps. Here we find that some trees can be taken down and become bridges. Players may choose if take down the bridge or not, but once is down, the path is open for the rest of the game.
There is 1 goblin lab, 1 goblin shop, 1 tavern, 1 market place and 1 mercenary camp. All those buildings seems that they will be contested early. Players may choose to expand and be more near the goblin shop (wich allows scouting and get a saw log machine to boost economy) or expand near the mercenary camps to get adicional units. There is an extensive tile-mix over all the map, and even a small and nice waterfall can be found. I counted 5 paths, and there is a 6 if both trees bridges are cut down in the marketplace area.

12- Ocean beyond: a barrens map with the option of using boats and zeppeling to reach the 2nd expansion. The main bases have 1 access point and the first expanding have 2. Merc camps are near the base and the goblin shops are more near the tavern in the middle. The mana fountains are valuable places to visit shortly since is important to be in the center to domain the map. Two important regions can be recogniced. The dry islands and the wet center area. The creeps used belongs to barrens and others to sunken ruins and lordaeron murlocs. We can also find red creeps of bronze dragons in small isolated islands.

13- Ruins of Azshara: a map that uses mainly barrens tiles with two more tiles of other set. One expantion gets you more near to the goblin lab and a bit far to the goblin market, the other expansion gets you more near the goblin market and more far to the goblin lab. Both ways allows you to reach the mana fountain equally. The theme is a mix of natural wetland with white solid and magic ruins of an old Night elf place (Cenarius statues are placed). There also big ruined temples, craters with steam bubbles, destroyed ships, murlocks and bandits camps, and some waterfalls comming from the cliff.

14-ryukyu9: a sunken ruin map with 2 more tiles, this map has two taverns, and the goblin shop in the middle. The goblin saw-machine will be contested early. Players can fast expand and from there contest the goblin market. The expansion is easy to take, but a bit more hard to defend than normal. There are also 2 more hard expandings for long plays. The creep selection is all sunken ruins. Here we can find water parts, islands and the ruins of a temple where the goblin shop is placed.

15-Silverwind Clearing: A pure ashenvale tile-set map. With a goldmine, merc camp and goblin lab to be contested, the middle part we have a very wide river with multiple and complex waterfalls. Players can walk above and below 2 waterfalls. Here we can find all the deep of the Ashenvale forest with mushrooms circles , fulborg houses, Cenarion statues, and dense plants in a very live place. The map has like 5 paths from one base to another, so scouting would be very interesting.

16-The screaming River: the map is done with mainly Northrend (or also some ICC ice and ashenvale leaves) tilesets. Snow and ice is the main theme. Here we can find a river that goes from corner to corner. The goblin markets near base are hard defended, so the route is go for the market-place, then go for the expanding goldmine, and then go to the goblin market near the enemy base. Players will contest the tavern and probably figth there to try to domain the major amount of paths (wich I counted 5-7, 2 incomplete that joins in the tavern). Here we have the river enviroment, the ice areas, and grass areas.

17-The cursedsalesman: somehow I was thinking in caribean pirates, with a mix of lordaeron tiles and dead/cursed land. Players start in the south, will contest the tavern, the marketplace and even a goldmine. The fast (and safe from the enemy) expansion is to the north. From there, players can be more near to the goblin lab. Here we can find all lordaeron creeps, except one, a void walker (ghost) that it seems to be the cursed salesman. Some sunken ships can be found. Here we find grass and dead grass, brown land, deep and shallow waters.

18-Torn World: a barrens map having the outland void, the map remembers the region of Outland Blade-edge Mountains. We can see portions of terrain floating in the vast void. The players start in the north and expand to the south. There will be a west-east battle. Each expansion is near a merc camp wich allows to buy aditional units. Tavern and goblin market are contested. Here we find dry areas, grass areas and void areas. The creeps used belongs to outland and barrens. We can find barrens craters with intense fire.

still I don´t decided.
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Level 3
May 3, 2018
Man there are some quality maps here. Aetherium is the obvious winner in terms of creativity, and as a ladder map it seems to hold the potential for a huge amount of tactical creativity and strategic flexibility. I love the use of waygates and ramps. This map would lead to some very fun matches, in a similar vein to Swamped Temple, but with an extraordinarily more creative map theme.

For runner-ups, in no particular order, Aridity, Avoj, Desert's Edge, and Flooded Waters, and Logging Camp all look excellent. Aridity is probably my favorite in the runner-up lineup, despite the fact that the map could probably use some polish.* Avoj is the most technically well designed and prettiest of these maps.

* - Aridity: The three 'roads' out in abandoned territory could try to look a bit more roadlike. Get some abandoned caravans, footprints, burning wreckage, etc, out there! The middle red dragon camp is a bit weird - not even a health fountain or a marketplace or some other relevant map resource for the dragons to be guarding? Also, given the desert theme, why no oasis in the middle? If this is a confluence of roads in the middle of the desert, why no oasis, no buildings, etc.
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Level 3
May 3, 2018
The only problem with Avoj is the name. Like, seriously, Arr's named his maps (the ones I know about!) Emersion and Avoj. Where does he even come up with those nonsense 'words?'
Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
Ahahahah well to be honest I chose Avoj just because it sounded good with the idea I had for the map, didn't really think about a meaning -
- the name or the way it sounds carries the map theme for me, so I chose a name based on what kind of map I want to achieve //

@JSRGN next map will have a proper name I promise - or maybe will make you choose it if you want!
Level 3
May 3, 2018
The map's got a fair bit of a bandit/pirate/South Seas theme, and is clearly on an island. I'd propose the name 'Bloodsail Peninsula', for example - a remote base for bloodsail pirates somewhere in the south seas.
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