Level Design Contest #1 - Boss Fight Arena

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Contestants must create a multi-layered Boss Fight Arena for 1 player, with at least 2 levels. The levels can be different floors, dimensions, other rooms and so on, as long as the Boss Fight Arena has 2 levels.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any map does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of each arena, before the deadline, as proof that it's yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be openable in the world editor.
  • The arenas must be fully walkable and utilizable, and pathing must be 100% done.
  • All available on-site and off-site models are allowed. That includes, but is not limited to any models you wish to port from a non-Warcraft 3 game into Warcraft 3 from any source.
  • You are not allowed to create your own models from scratch, but you are allowed to edit models or add simple animations. Asking someone to edit a model for you is also allowed.
  • All kinds of re-texturing of models is permitted.
  • You may not add any triggers or code to the map, except for purely visual effects such as weather, fog, etc.
  • In order to enter the contest and be eligible to win a prize, contestants must submit their final entry to the maps/templates section. Remember to write in the description: "Entry for the 1st Level Design Contest". In the map description you have to write down your thoughts/ideas behind the boss fight arena. If you have included special destructibles or other elements that can be utilized you must write it down.
  • This is intended for SD in the latest official patch. You may create your map in another patch, but the final submissions will be reviewed using the latest patch. The judges are not responsible for any version incompatibilities. Should you wish to have your map adapted to the latest patch you can do that, as long as you ask a mod or Hive staff member to do it. The person who adapts the map can only make sure things are looking as they should, and may not fix already existing errors, add more to the map or in any direct or indirect way contribute to making the map different from how the original author made it.
Breaking any of these rules may lead to punishment in the judgement score, up to disqualification from the contest, depending on the weight of the issue. In case of doubts towards a certain rule you are very encouraged to discuss it in the contest thread so others and judges may help with sorting it out.

Additional info: The final entries of this contest will be used for a future mini-mapping contest I plan to host as soon as this contest is concluded. More info about that will be revealed when this contest concludes.


  • 1st place: 750 experience points
  • 2nd place: 600 experience points
  • 3rd place: 450 experience points
  • Entry: 150 experience points
  • Judge: 50 experience points per entry
The three winners will receive an award icon representing the winning entry.



AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition./35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?/30
LayoutHow well are the arena layouts? Are they logical with little to no visual obstructions? Is it easy to move around? Is it a good place to fight a boss?/35

  • Judgement: 70%
  • Poll: 30%
FinalScore = (30*Reached_Votes/POSSIBLE_VOTES) + (70*Average_Judge_Score/POSSIBLE_SCORE)


The contest shall begin on 9th of May 2021 and conclude on 9th of Jun 2021 GMT (day is included).

Assigned Staff: @Riki

Poll | Results
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Should you wish to have your map adapted to the latest patch you can do that, and if you don't know how to do it you can reach out to someone who can do this for you, and ask them for help. The person who adapts the map can only make sure things are looking as they should, and may not fix already existing errors, add more to the map or in any direct or indirect way contribute to making the map different from how the original author made it.
It should be left to the judges or mod to resave entries on the latest patch, should the contestants approach them.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Let's goooooo

Though I may be in the minority here, only SD kind of kills the excitement for me a bit, but understand it, ultimately.
I'll likely still try to participate if that remains, anyway.
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Unfortunately not. It would have to be someone who's fairly good at terrain and so on.

So what will happen to the start date, seeing how it is today? I am guessing you will set a new start date when the contest is official?
Yes, the start date will change to coincide with the start of the Contest when it is official.
@FeelsGoodMan I have a question regarding the rules.

Is the Contest aimed exclusively at the design of the terrain or is it necessary to add the units that will be present in the Boss Fight? Nothing related to this is specified.
This is a level design contest, so no units are required. The contestants are only supposed to make two arenas.
Level 22
Sep 7, 2013
Not sure i understand, do you have to create a boss fight ? Or just a playable terrain (without any actual gameplay) ?

Also i don't understand rules about models : you can download, rip, edit, re-texture... but not create ? Why ?
That doesn't make sense, there is no clear frontier between edit and create.
do you have to create a boss fight ?
Or just a playable terrain (without any actual gameplay) ?
That doesn't make sense, there is no clear frontier between edit and create.
Downloading, ripping, editing and re-texturing models is basically editing already existing resources, and requires very little knowledge. When you create something from scratch you create something not currently available.
The Megaraut. (One of the four edges of a flying mega three-dimensional city-sized ziggurat as the first arena) Akin to the Gates of Icecrown Citadel
Players would start in the shallow water. Both shallow water and the level above it would be for introductory stuff and some weak creeps. More creeps can be in each side (west/east) of each plateau besides the highest (cant have a boss without trash mobs).
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Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
This looks like an awesome idea and also like a fun place to start getting involved in these contests. Going to try this out and see how it goes!

Here is my early WIP of what I've done so far on the first level of my entry, The Crucible of Flame:

Pit of Fire.PNG

A major issue I'm having right now is that it looks a little too 'arenaish' and I feel like I might be able to get it to carry a little bit more atmosphere. The plan is to have an arena based around what can be seen in the lava from beyond the alpha tile. In this regard I want to make a sort of 'second-phase' area where a character might have to hop around molten slags to fight the boss.

I'm also hopeful that I might be able to fill out the arena a bit more with doodads with that grayish cracked look like the pillars to balance out the color contrast.
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This looks like an awesome idea and also like a fun place to start getting involved in these contests. Going to try this out and see how it goes!

Here is my early WIP of what I've done so far on the first level of my entry, The Crucible of Flame:

A major issue I'm having right now is that it looks a little too 'arenaish' and I feel like I might be able to get it to carry a little bit more atmosphere. The plan is to have an arena based around what can be seen in the lava from beyond the alpha tile. In this regard I want to make a sort of 'second-phase' area where a character might have to hop around molten slags to fight the boss.

I'm also hopeful that I might be able to fill out the arena a bit more with doodads with that grayish cracked look like the pillars to balance out the color contrast.
I like it! It looks a bit like how I was planning my second arena/phase actually.
Level 11
Oct 16, 2013
It seems I have no hope in this contest but I'm joining anyway with this unoriginal idea: three elemental arenas (storm/earth/fire) where the players have to beat their respective Spirit to challenge a Pandaren Shang Tsung.

I also would like to know what's the average size of an arena to keep it between the reasonable limits, let's say, how many walkable 'yellow squares' (512x512) should it have?

three elemental arenas
Remember that the contest is 2 arenas ;)
where the players have to beat their respective Spirit to challenge a Pandaren Shang Tsung.
Also remember that this contest is only design, not actual game play.

I also would like to know what's the average size of an arena to keep it between the reasonable limits, let's say, how many walkable 'yellow squares' (512x512) should it have?
You can have as many walkable squares as you'd like, and build your arena exactly how you want it.
Sorry, I'm a little lost. So I can have three arenas with a final fourth one?
The thought was to only have 2 arenas, but since the contest already started and I failed to be specific enough regarding the amount of arenas then I say go for it.
Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
Making good progress, filled out the Arena part much more but I feel like it lost a little bit of its earlier character. Still I'm pretty happy with the result, moving on to the second phase/arena which will be a bridge that the boss would move to.

My thoughts here is that the bridge could cater to a fight where the boss flings projectiles at the character and grants them debuff that eventually immolates the ground beneath them. In this sense the bridge could be a great spot for someone to manage ground effects, as an unthinking player may eventually block themselves in.

I'm honestly thinking a lot of the Iron Keep from Dark Souls 2 for the aesthetic, but somewhere along the way I thought of the moonlight butterfly fight from Dark Souls 1 and I thought it might be a neat arena to bring in to the map.

Here is WIP 2!


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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I don't think I'll enter but I find this interesting.

Like.. how the heck do you judge it?
To me the difficulty comes in where a boss room is often if not always built to compliment the boss.
If a boss requires a lot of moving things around there is probably a big area.
If there is a 'random' obelisk in the middle it is probably there to either work directly with a mechanic to enable it, or make a certain mechanic more difficult.
If there is a gaping hole somewhere it is probably because there is a knockback mechanic of some sorts to push you down and die, or perhaps you jump down to enter another level, get rid of a debuff etc

So it's kinda like you have to design a bossfight without putting the boss in, then somehow show what your idea was through your terrain.
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Here's my second WIP for my arena entry Heaven and Hell.

Not sure if I like it. I tried to go for something a bit unconventional, but I may change the arena to something more "fiery" with deep lava pits and such although that's less original.
Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
Here's my second WIP for my arena entry Heaven and Hell.

Not sure if I like it. I tried to go for something a bit unconventional, but I may change the arena to something more "fiery" with deep lava pits and such although that's less original.
I love it! I like the 'Bony' atmosphere. I can almost imagine the weird crunchy noises steps must make in such a place as brittle ivory just sort of breaks beneath boots.

But did somebody say, "deep lava pits"?


Honestly looking at your awesome arenas keeps reminding me that I need more and more space in mine. I made the bridge T H I C C E R in an attempt to rectify this.

Also 00110000 I want to see more of that Megaraut! I just love the green ooze aesthetic and I want to see more of those terraces!
I love it! I like the 'Bony' atmosphere. I can almost imagine the weird crunchy noises steps must make in such a place as brittle ivory just sort of breaks beneath boots.

But did somebody say, "deep lava pits"?

Honestly looking at your awesome arenas keeps reminding me that I need more and more space in mine. I made the bridge T H I C C E R in an attempt to rectify this.

Also 00110000 I want to see more of that Megaraut! I just love the green ooze aesthetic and I want to see more of those terraces!
That looks great!

Here is my entry: Heaven and Hell.

It may, or may not be my final entry, and I may change it at any point in time before the contest is finished.
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Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
I made some improvements to the first arena, and I'm currently working on the second one.

I love the ice aesthetic. If I wasn't working on a Northrend map as my main project right now I would've gone for something similar. I like how you managed to blend the ice tiles over one another, and I really love the throne. The ice flows are also super cool.

What did you do to get that icy texture beneath the ice floes too? Was it like a custom tile or some sort of custom water texture? Either way it looks great!

I'm also super interested on what the second arena is going to look like. Is it going to be a field of icy spikes? Is it going to be an underground cavern with winding tunnels for adds? Honestly I cannot wait, keep up the awesome work!
I love the ice aesthetic. If I wasn't working on a Northrend map as my main project right now I would've gone for something similar. I like how you managed to blend the ice tiles over one another, and I really love the throne. The ice flows are also super cool.

What did you do to get that icy texture beneath the ice floes too? Was it like a custom tile or some sort of custom water texture? Either way it looks great!

I'm also super interested on what the second arena is going to look like. Is it going to be a field of icy spikes? Is it going to be an underground cavern with winding tunnels for adds? Honestly I cannot wait, keep up the awesome work!
Thank you. :)

That's a custom texture I found and use with HappyTauren's Lava. I was worried it wouldn't look good, but it actually looks a lot better than I expected.
Thank you. :)

That's a custom texture I found and use with HappyTauren's Lava. I was worried it wouldn't look good, but it actually looks a lot better than I expected.
Honestly should be uploaded cause it looks amazing.

I think you should work on something for the cliff edges cause (imo) it brings everything else down.
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