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HD Level Design Contest #1 - Maze






Contestants must create a maze with at least one entry point, and at least one exit point. The map should be made in HD mode, and should not be openable in SD. Only custom models from Hive's HD model and texture sections are allowed. The only exceptions are DNC models and omnilights.

This is mainly a visual and design oriented contest, not technical. The UI and video walkthrough rules are there to give everyone an equal shot at victory by standardizing how viewers see the terrain.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any map does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of each arena, before the deadline, as proof that it's yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be openable in the world editor.
  • The maze must be fully walkable and utilizable, and pathing must be 100% done.
  • Only custom models from Hive's HD model and texture sections are allowed. The only exceptions are DNC models and omnilights.
  • In order to enter the contest and be eligible to win a prize, contestants must submit their final entry to the templates section. Remember to write in the description: "Entry for the 1st HD Level Design Contest". The map submission should include a short description of your map.
  • This is intended for the latest patch in HD mode. You may create your map in another patch, but the final submissions will be reviewed using the latest patch. The judges are not responsible for any version incompatibilities. Should you wish to have your map adapted to the latest patch you can do that, as long as you ask a mod or Hive staff member to do it. The person who adapts the map can only make sure things are looking as they should, and may not fix already existing errors, add more to the map or in any direct or indirect way contribute to making the map different from how the original author made it.
  • Quenching Mod IS allowed, however, the maps will be judged without Quenching Mod in mind, so if the judges does not experience your map as it was intended due to Quenching mod this is your responsibility, and the judges can't be forced to download Quenching mod just for your entry.
  • The maze should have at least one entry point, and one exit point.
  • The maze should be solveable.
  • The idea behind the maze should be your own work, and hard copying other works is not allowed.
  • The map must not be protected in any way.
  • Playable map size limit must not exceed 128x128. Remember that this is not supposed to be a huge map, it's supposed to be a small, but detailed maze.
  • If the maze uses teleporting or other kinds of instant movement, phasing, etc. to get to different sections, worlds, realms, and so on you must create teleporting triggers. If you do not know how to make this, you can ask a judge for assistance. In such a case it's important to give clear instructions of special effects when teleporting/phasing/moving, and what parts are connected/where to teleport.
  • You must post a video walkthrough of your map. The following must be implemented in your map for the video walkthrough:

    - The camera must be locked on to a unit.
    - Day of time must be locked.
    - UI must be removed. I have attached two maps (one for JASS, and one for Lua) with a trigger that hides the UI. Simply copy/paste this trigger
    into your map to hide the UI. Hiding the UI can be done by running the following at map initialization:
    • [*]Hide UI
      • Events
        • Map initialization
      • Conditions
      • Actions
        • Custom script: call BlzFrameSetAllPoints( BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME,0), BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0) )
        • Custom script: call BlzHideOriginFrames( true )
        • Custom script: call BlzFrameSetScale( BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0), 0.01 )
        • Custom script: call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop",0), false)
    • [*]

    If you don't know how to configure these settings a judge will help you (I can provide the judges with a setting template). If you need assistance making the video I am more than happy to assist with filming, as long as I am provided with instructions on route, and what/where to film.

Breaking any of these rules may lead to punishment in the judgement score, up to disqualification from the contest, depending on the weight of the issue. In case of doubts towards a certain rule you are encouraged to discuss it in the contest thread so others and judges may help with sorting it out.

The maze doesn't have to follow "traditional" maze layout, and you're free to make the maze just how you see fit.


  • 1st place: 750 experience points
  • 2nd place: 600 experience points
  • 3rd place: 450 experience points
  • Entry: 150 experience points
  • Judge: 50 experience points per entry
The three winners will receive an award icon representing the winning entry.


To be announced...


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition./40
LayoutHow was the maze layout? Was the layout logical with an intuitive approach to solving the maze, or was it confusing to find out how to solve the maze?/30
CreativityHow unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?/30


The contest shall begin on 25th of November 2023 and conclude on 20th of Jan 2023 GMT (day is included).


Last updated December 27th, 2023

Assigned Staff:


Poll | Results


  • Hide UI JASS.w3m
    27.6 KB · Views: 30
  • Hide UI Lua.w3m
    27.1 KB · Views: 20
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Wait, so it needs to be playable then? Considering the puzzle should be solvable.
Doesn't that make this more of a mapping contest rather than a level design contest?

The way I always saw the level design contest concept was that the map needed to be "ready" for playability, as in a playable terrain, but not that we actually hade to make gameplay aspects as a part of the competition.

I might consider joining, though I do find the idea of having to work with gameplay and triggers daunting, it's been so long since I did that.

If not, I would gladly judge.
Wait, so it needs to be playable then? Considering the puzzle should be solvable.
Doesn't that make this more of a mapping contest rather than a level design contest?

The way I always saw the level design contest concept was that the map needed to be "ready" for playability, as in a playable terrain, but not that we actually hade to make gameplay aspects as a part of the competition.

I might consider joining, though I do find the idea of having to work with gameplay and triggers daunting, it's been so long since I did that.
Well, when thinking of the actual term "level design" it does encapsulate puzzles, secrets, and other things like that.

Don't overthink the puzzles and secrets part though, you don't need triggers to actually make puzzles and secrets. It can be as simple as a unit disguised as a rock, and when you kill it, it drops an item or something. No advanced stuff required here.
Well, when thinking of the actual term "level design" it does encapsulate puzzles, secrets, and other things like that.

Don't overthink the puzzles and secrets part though, you don't need triggers to actually make puzzles and secrets. It can be as simple as a unit disguised as a rock, and when you kill it, it drops an item or something. No advanced stuff required here.
But doesnt that mean people who do know triggers gain an edge?
Im also a bit dazed by this. Doesnt "Playable" mean there should also be combat per say or just some attackless villager walking about?
Playable just means a playable terrain, it should be possible to traverse through it, and it should look good when doing so. As opposed to a scenic terrain that just looks good from one angle.
But doesnt that mean people who do know triggers gain an edge?
Well, to some degree. It's possible to make some pretty decent puzzles with very (we're talking extremely) basic triggers.

Anyway, may change the contest to not include secrets and puzzles, I just thought it would be cool. If people don't want it, and would rather just focus on terrain and aesthetics then I'm not gonna stop them.
Playable just means a playable terrain, it should be possible to traverse through it, and it should look good when doing so. As opposed to a scenic terrain that just looks good from one angle.

Well, to some degree. It's possible to make some pretty decent puzzles with very (we're talking extremely) basic triggers.

Anyway, may change the contest to not include secrets and puzzles, I just thought it would be cool. If people don't want it, and would rather just focus on terrain and aesthetics then I'm not gonna stop them.
And I have said this before and must once again bring it up with a very heavy emphasis. You use the words "Playable", "walkable" but there is a really, really heavy loophole. You can make everything fully out of doodads, like full fletched cinematic terrain, involve 0 pathable terrain or bridges and if you got a spare 10+ hours on your hand, trace the entire level with invisible platforms and blockers. Me personally, I probably won't have that time, so how am I ever supposed to compete against someone who does?

I think you should have a rule against the use of invisible platforms or excessive use of walkable doodads (individual bridges and raising platforms are fine).
And I have said this before and must once again bring it up with a very heavy emphasis. You use the words "Playable", "walkable" but there is a really, really heavy loophole. You can make everything fully out of doodads, like full fletched cinematic terrain, involve 0 pathable terrain or bridges and if you got a spare 10+ hours on your hand, trace the entire level with invisible platforms and blockers. Me personally, I probably won't have that time, so how am I ever supposed to compete against someone who does?

I think you should have a rule against the use of invisible platforms or excessive use of walkable doodads (individual bridges and raising platforms are fine).
I think you're misunderstanding the terms "playable terrain" and "scenic terrain". A "playable terrain" is a very specific term that originated in Hive, to separate it from "scenic terrains". A playable terrain is simply a terrain that's supposed to be utilized in some way or another. You can decorate it however you wish, and there's not that much more to it than that. A scenic terrain on the other hand is a terrain where you create a scene, and it's only supposed to look good from one angle.

Not really sure what your point with the invisible platforms are. Yes, you could do that, but it sounds very counter-productive. If I wanted to make a nice looking terrain from only doodads I'd probably just go with alpha tiles and make the pathing with the regular world editor ground. I've actually done it many times, and it's not that time consuming.

Can you elaborate a bit further on why exactly you want invisible platforms and such to be prohibited? Personally I don't see any advantages of using them as opposed to alpha tile ground.
I think you're misunderstanding the terms "playable terrain" and "scenic terrain". A "playable terrain" is a very specific term that originated in Hive, to separate it from "scenic terrains". A playable terrain is simply a terrain that's supposed to be utilized in some way or another. You can decorate it however you wish, and there's not that much more to it than that. A scenic terrain on the other hand is a terrain where you create a scene, and it's only supposed to look good from one angle.

Not really sure what your point with the invisible platforms are. Yes, you could do that, but it sounds very counter-productive. If I wanted to make a nice looking terrain from only doodads I'd probably just go with alpha tiles and make the pathing with the regular world editor ground. I've actually done it many times, and it's not that time consuming.

Can you elaborate a bit further on why exactly you want invisible platforms and such to be prohibited? Personally I don't see any advantages of using them as opposed to alpha tile ground.
Got any tutorial or visual explanation on alpha terrain? Im not quite familiar with the term.

And please realize if this is what I think it is, this is raising the bar for contestants and will probably deter new/upcoming terrainers from participating. That's why I will say maybe its best for the contest to just be more grounded and inviting. Focus on the maze design and playability of the map, so fancy alpha terrain, invisible platforms, ect, maybe just not touch those and limit it to a more grounded, blizzard campaign-like style where the majority of the points are awarded toward the layout and gameplay design rather than the visual.
Got any tutorial or visual explanation on alpha terrain? Im not quite familiar with the term.
Sure: Alpha Tile for Dummies

And please realize if this is what I think it is, this is raising the bar for contestants and will probably deter new/upcoming terrainers from participating. That's why I will say maybe its best for the contest to just be more grounded and inviting. Focus on the maze design and playability of the map, so fancy alpha terrain, invisible platforms, ect, maybe just not touch those and limit it to a more grounded, blizzard campaign-like style where the majority of the points are awarded toward the layout and gameplay design rather than the visual.
I think you're reading too much into it, this is pretty much what people expect when they hear about a "playable terrain" contest. Playable terrains have always been about how to make the terrain look as good as humanly possible while still being viable for game play. See examples of random "playable terrains":

Sure: Alpha Tile for Dummies

I think you're reading too much into it, this is pretty much what people expect when they hear about a "playable terrain" contest. Playable terrains have always been about how to make the terrain look as good as humanly possible while still being viable for game play. See examples of random "playable terrains":

well I still think the concept is crooked and filled with a massive loophole. You can make any scenic piece playable with enough platforms and time on your hand, making this entire thing one big bust. There is just no difference whatsoever apart from 10+ hours of platforming. Pasting and rotating a texture to make it look good from another angle hardly takes much effort to do, especially if you're good at it. This is just a scenic terrain competition with extra steps on top, very time-consuming and tedious steps, time that I don't have and only cream of the crop pros can take advantage of.

Alpha terrain is just a pseudo, more limited version of it, heck, you can tilt and raise invisible platforms to match tilted scenic terrain features and make them much bigger than their 4x4 size. They are alpha terrain without hard-coded terrain limitations. If they are allowed, then I'm out.
well I still think the concept is crooked and filled with a massive loophole. You can make any scenic piece playable with enough platforms and time on your hand, making this entire thing one big bust. There is just no difference whatsoever apart from 10+ hours of platforming. Pasting and rotating a texture to make it look good from another angle hardly takes much effort to do, especially if you're good at it. This is just a scenic terrain competition with extra steps on top, very time-consuming and tedious steps, time that I don't have and only cream of the crop pros can take advantage of.

Alpha terrain is just a pseudo, more limited version of it, heck, you can tilt and raise invisible platforms to match tilted scenic terrain features and make them much bigger than their 4x4 size. They are alpha terrain without hard-coded terrain limitations. If they are allowed, then I'm out.
I'm sorry, I'm not really sure how to say this, but as a person who have some experience with scenic terrains, and extensive experience with playable terrains, you're dead wrong. Making a scenic terrain is different because the process of making it is different. Can you turn it into a playable one? Yes, but then it won't be a scenic terrain anymore. Making a playable terrain is way different from making a scenic one.

The thing you're mentioning with platforms and such; nobody who makes playable terrains uses those, because it's a waste of time and effort. Can they be useful sometimes? Sure, but most of the time you'd just use alpha tiles because it's easier, faster, more efficient, and gives the same results.

I am confident there is some misunderstanding here though, because making playable terrains is not at all as time consuming as you're making it out to be. It's literally as easy as this; Make the maze layout, decorate it, shut off areas with pathing blockers.

Here's a time lapse video of me making a tiny piece of playable terrain. As you can see, it's not all that hard or time consuming:
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Anyway, may change the contest to not include secrets and puzzles, I just thought it would be cool. If people don't want it, and would rather just focus on terrain and aesthetics then I'm not gonna stop them.

Wow okay, you guys really went into this with gusto!

My point was merely that the focus should be on the level designer aspect: Level (video games) - Wikipedia

Mostly, the way I've understood it, the level designer only makes the playable space, not the actual gameplay, which is why I wanted to raise the concern about adding gameplay aspects as part of the contest, because then it would be more of a mapping contest, in my opinion.

Anyway, as a compromise, couldn't we just have the rules be flexible on how much gameplay you want to add to the map, but that the gameplay will have no consequence in terms of judge voting? As in, the judges only focus on the terrain itself in their verdict. In that way, you could add as many or as few puzzles as you want to your map, and everyone should be happy. Though that does in turn make it very important that we do have judges for the contest.

Because otherwise, if the contest were to be decided only by public poll, then flashy gameplay and awesome puzzles might suddenly win you the contest, regardless of the quality of the terrain.
Wow okay, you guys really went into this with gusto!

My point was merely that the focus should be on the level designer aspect: Level (video games) - Wikipedia

Mostly, the way I've understood it, the level designer only makes the playable space, not the actual gameplay, which is why I wanted to raise the concern about adding gameplay aspects as part of the contest, because then it would be more of a mapping contest, in my opinion.

Anyway, as a compromise, couldn't we just have the rules be flexible on how much gameplay you want to add to the map, but that the gameplay will have no consequence in terms of judge voting? As in, the judges only focus on the terrain itself in their verdict. In that way, you could add as many or as few puzzles as you want to your map, and everyone should be happy. Though that does in turn make it very important that we do have judges for the contest.

Because otherwise, if the contest were to be decided only by public poll, then flashy gameplay and awesome puzzles might suddenly win you the contest, regardless of the quality of the terrain.
That's a good point. The issue though, is that let's say you make a maze where you teleport from room to room. That requires at least some degree of triggers to make. If you don't make the functions to allow players to experience your design it means they probably won't, and will only see it through pictures rather than opening the map and seeing it for themselves.

Being flexible with how much game play is allowed is a slippery slope to people with more editor skills gaining an edge, just like @Sapprine pointed out. The focus is not on technical aspects, but if a lot of technical aspects are added they will naturally turn the polls to their favor.

I'll give it some thorough thought, and hopefully get some more opinions. One thing is certain, and that is that the rules do need some adjustments.
Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
That's a good point. The issue though, is that let's say you make a maze where you teleport from room to room. That requires at least some degree of triggers to make. If you don't make the functions to allow players to experience your design it means they probably won't, and will only see it through pictures rather than opening the map and seeing it for themselves.

Being flexible with how much game play is allowed is a slippery slope to people with more editor skills gaining an edge, just like @Sapprine pointed out. The focus is not on technical aspects, but if a lot of technical aspects are added they will naturally turn the polls to their favor.

I'll give it some thorough thought, and hopefully get some more opinions. One thing is certain, and that is that the rules do need some adjustments.
I agree with the sentiment for rules adjustments. I suppose the best thing to nail down is whether or not this map is meant to be a ‘template’ to be used by others and remain rather agnostic in terms of functions (beyond being a maze of course!) or if it’s meant to be a legitimate level to be ‘played’.

For example, it would be wierd for enemies to be completely barred from the entry if it’s meant to be a level that is played. A classic example of a maze from literature, The Labyrinth with its ferocious Minotaur, would be a trope disallowed under this rule if you wanted to design a maze with a monster chasing the player around.

Regardless of whether the map is meant to be a template or a level, I am still incredibly interested.
you're dead wrong.
Can you turn it into a playable one? Yes, but then it won't be a scenic terrain anymore.
This was literally my entire point. Seems like a scenic pro with tons of patience and time on their hand can do anything they please with zero limitations while the rest of us suckers stuck with tiles and hard-coded terrain limitations. If this is how it's gonna be, count me out.

It's just a terraining contest but with hours of additional labor of adding pathing.
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This was literally my entire point. Seems like a scenic pro with tons of patience and time on their hand can do anything they please with zero limitations while the rest of us suckers stuck with tiles and hard-coded terrain limitations. If this is how it's gonna be, count me out.

It's just a terraining contest but with hours of additional labor of adding pathing.
Whats the point of making a scenic terrain into a playable one though? Even if you DID do that it'll be so horribly impractical in terms of game play, so you'd probably lose anyway. Nobody does that, and it seems like you're trying to purposely misunderstand how these contests are. I've given you many examples of previous playable terrains, all you need to do is take a look at them to get a better understanding of what is expected of contestants here.

I can tell you this: 0 of the good terrainers who participate here are going to turn a scenic terrain into a playable one, and 0 of them are going to use invisible platforms like a madman, like you're suggesting.

I can also tell you that a lot of scenic pros struggle with playable terrain, and vice versa. It's not the same ways to make terrain, in part because of the camera and visibility.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Whats the point of making a scenic terrain into a playable one though?


I can also tell you that a lot of scenic pros struggle with playable terrain, and vice versa. It's not the same ways to make terrain, in part because of the camera and visibility.

This is very true, while both are essentially in the same category of modding, you could think of scenic terraining more like photography or painting, or both. Whereas by comparison playable terraining (aka. level design), is more like a landscape architect or a gardener, or both. If you want a different perspective on the difference, @Sapprine, read this post: Terrain Board Reforged

In essence they are both terraining contests, yes. But like @FeelsGoodMan points out, the difference of mindset required to make one (scenic) or the other (playable) is so vastly different that the contests should probably have different names or something--- Oh, right.

Now, I'd be more than happy to see a mapping contest with more focus on environment design and terraining, but that's a different contest and a different discussion. This is level design, and to shamelessly quote myself:

"As opposed to our traditional terraining contests, where the unwritten formal agreement was that every fifth contest would be a playable terraining contest, these new contests will focus exclusively on the creation of physical space."


"The level designer's job is both an artistic and a technical one, on the one hand they create the largest visual representation of the game, and on the other hand they have to make a gameplay environment where said gameplay can happen unhindered, or in accordance with the virtual space they have created."

So yeah, join or don't join, that's up to you, but don't make your decision on false premises, please.
The rules have been changed, see below:


  • No longer a rule that contestants have to create secrets, puzzles or traps.
  • Map must now be uploaded to "templates" section.


  • Playable map size limit must not exceed 128x128. Remember that this is not supposed to be a huge map, it's supposed to be a small, but detailed maze.
  • If the maze uses teleporting or other kinds of instant movement, phasing, etc. to get to different sections, worlds, realms, and so on you must create teleporting triggers. If you do not know how to make this, you can ask a judge for assistance. In such a case it's important to give clear instructions of special effects when teleporting/phasing/moving, and what parts are connected/where to teleport.
  • You must post a video walkthrough of your map. The following must be implemented in your map for the video walkthrough:

    - The camera must be locked on to a unit at default distance to target.
    - The map must be visible, unfogged, and black mask removed. - Removed
    - Day of time must be locked.
    - UI must be removed.

    If you don't know how to configure these settings a judge will help you (I can provide the judges with a setting template). If you need assistance making the video I am more than happy to assist with filming, as long as I am provided with instructions on route, and what/where to film.
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I am very interested in this and it sounds very provoking. I will definitely participate. I wonder if @deepstrasz will participate? One of his ol’ maps comes to mind when I’m thinking of a mazey puzzle map!
I'm totally honoured for such a high compliment, although I'm Reforged neutral hostile, still :D Plus, time is short, sadly.
I'll give it some thorough thought, and hopefully get some more opinions. One thing is certain, and that is that the rules do need some adjustments.
I guess the "technical" or gameplay aspects of the map should not be evaluated per se but more inferred from the terrain itself.
Example: the judge/tester sees a long lane with torches on the the walls (these could be used for a on/off puzzle to open the door at the end of the corridor. After the door there's a deep pit and many meters in front, an edge. A way must be found to get over the chasm. Maybe the edge has some stern pole like structures on it which the protagonist could throw a rope at to pass.
Of course, the judges and voters will have to use their imagination to make the best out of the terrain. It's quite subjective but that's what playable terrains is about IMO in comparison with mapping contests.
"The level designer's job is both an artistic and a technical one, on the one hand they create the largest visual representation of the game, and on the other hand they have to make a gameplay environment where said gameplay can happen unhindered, or in accordance with the virtual space they have created."
@Sapprine, as @Celaquil quoted, such contests are about the technique of making a terrain playable considering a specific type of gameplay and of course Warcraft III's pathing and limitations.
Please @FeelsGoodMan write a contest rule which explains that the point and necessity of the contest is terrain foremost but with an overlap of gameplay ideas/concepts (which must not include fully triggered game mechanics).

EDIT: wait, I've read your new instructions. I'm not sure you should force the removal of the UI. Maybe the point of the gameplay is to use the usual inventory, for instance?
EDIT: wait, I've read your new instructions. I'm not sure you should force the removal of the UI. Maybe the point of the gameplay is to use the usual inventory, for instance?
There will be no game play, only a walkthrough (and potentially teleporting). Since there will only be walkthrough, no UI allows for a better viewing experience.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
The idea that people with more time or expertise get an "edge" is totally asinine... Obviously people with more time and knowledge are able to make something objectively better than people with less time, knowledge, or intuition. Unfortunate that the rules have to be so stringent to account for this "imbalance", and create a more restrictive contest because of it.
Even just looking at the closest example of a similar contest like the one below; seemingly the only template other than your own entry to use triggers to "help" present their terrain was the lowest scoring contestant. If a contestant chooses to add various triggers or additional gameplay-lite mechanics to their template they should be able to, and shouldn't be penalized for their greater knowledge, or perceived "additional time" spent on the activity.

Regardless, I may actually join just to try and make something completely devoid of triggers lol. Though, the only specific additional rule that I think is unnecessary is the camera lock distance. For instance, what if an integral part of my level design was a close up camera to get the player lost in the maze more easily.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007

Long time no see mate :)

It would be amazing if you wanted to join, or if not, then we'd for sure love to have you on board as a judge I'm sure.

See I think judges are paramount to this contest, especially considering the debate that has been going on here. In the past, terraining contests were always judge-heavy, as in, judge scores counted for almost twice as much as the public poll did. Now, you could argue whether or not that was necessary back then, but for this contest I think it's absolutely important to have good judges and have their scores count heavier in the final verdict. That way, we can "allow" participants to be more flexible in the way they make their map, so long as we know we have competent and unbiased judges that will follow the set criteria for the judging process. So, we'll have a jury that won't be shifted this way or that based on flashy gameplay or impressive puzzles, but you'll be free to include it if you want and maybe potentially get a few more votes in the public poll. In that way I'd say it gets balanced out nicely.

About the camera, I agree that having a forced camera distance and maybe even forcing the participants to remove the UI is a bit much, if there is to be a forced UI removal then there also needs to be a readily available step-by-step easy tutorial for how this is done attached to the main post in the contest.
The idea that people with more time or expertise get an "edge" is totally asinine... Obviously people with more time and knowledge are able to make something objectively better than people with less time, knowledge, or intuition. Unfortunate that the rules have to be so stringent to account for this "imbalance", and create a more restrictive contest because of it.
Even just looking at the closest example of a similar contest like the one below; seemingly the only template other than your own entry to use triggers to "help" present their terrain was the lowest scoring contestant. If a contestant chooses to add various triggers or additional gameplay-lite mechanics to their template they should be able to, and shouldn't be penalized for their greater knowledge, or perceived "additional time" spent on the activity.
While I agree, the question is whether or not the focus of this contest should be purely terrain, or if it should be more level design oriented with mechanics and such. If the focus is purely terrain then I'd say that to some extent, having game play can turn polls to their favor, based on false reasons. Personally I'd prefer half half when it comes to focus on aesthetics and game play, but the fact remains that; A) people who enjoy making interesting game play and map mechanics don't like to have a focus on aesthetics, and find it off putting (I have received backlash for this in previous contests where I added scoring metrics for aesthetics), and B) many people who enjoy making terrain don't enjoy making map mechanics and triggers, and may be deterred from participating.

The thing is that having both aesthetics and game play as scoring metrics targets different segments of modders that don't intertwine in most cases. That's why I think, for the sake of having more participants, the focus should be one of them, not both.

As for the camera, I can agree. However the UI will have to be removed. I'll add the natives and a step guide for this. As I said; if contestants aren't able to do any of these things by themselves I'll be more than happy to do it for them.
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Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
That's a fair, and yet, still unfortunate perspective. I'm not sure if "team" mini-mapping contests are still a thing but maybe those kinds of contests are better suited to people with more limited skills than their imagination can conceive. And maybe that's even beyond the scope of what this contest should ultimately entail.
Anyway, I'll keep an eye on the thread and depending on what's needed I might be convinced of judging or participating.
While I agree, the question is whether or not the focus of this contest should be purely terrain, or if it should be more level design oriented with mechanics and such. If the focus is purely terrain then I'd say that to some extent, having game play can turn polls to their favor, based on false reasons. Personally I'd prefer half half when it comes to focus on anesthetics and game play, but the fact remains that; A) people who enjoy making interesting game play and map mechanics don't like to have a focus on aesthetics, and find it off putting (I have received backlash for this in previous contests where I added scoring metrics for aesthetics), and B) many people who enjoy making terrain don't enjoy making map mechanics and triggers, and may be deterred from participating.

The thing is that having both aesthetics and game play as scoring metrics targets different segments of modders that don't intertwine in most cases. That's why I think, for the sake of having more participants, the focus should be one of them, not both.
That's a fair, and yet, still unfortunate perspective. I'm not sure if "team" mini-mapping contests are still a thing but maybe those kinds of contests are better suited to people with more limited skills than their imagination can conceive. And maybe that's even beyond the scope of what this contest should ultimately entail.
Anyway, I'll keep an eye on the thread and depending on what's needed I might be convinced of judging or participating.
Unfortunately I think team contests were scrapped a couple of years ago. Not sure exactly why they're not allowed anymore, but personally I think a team contest would be cool

As for this contest I think we can just think of it as a playable terrain contest. You should most definitely participate :p
Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
I will say that is rather odd to me that a requirement for the submission is a video walkthrough, and removal of UI.

Do we not expect the Judges to have UI or something these days?

On another note, whatever is decided for the contest is fine by me… but I feel like if the map is to be used as a template then the modifying user will just modify the ui/camera settings to their heart’s content anyways.

I’m still a little unclear on whether the contest is meant to be a template or a legitimate playable map (with mechanics etc not just pathing). Though map designers have different focuses such as visuals vs gameplay, it’s sort of hard to make a contest agnostically placed closer to visuals rather than gameplay without eschewing it entirely.

I highly recommend just narrowing down if this is to be a maze ‘map’ or a maze ‘template’ to be colloquial, and in the case of the former to simply trust a judge’s weight for visuals and mechanics.
I will say that is rather odd to me that a requirement for the submission is a video walkthrough, and removal of UI.
The reason is that I want everyone to have an equal shot at victory. In a contest where game play is not the main focus, but rather the aesthetic aspects of a playable terrain, many people may vote purely based on screenshots without actually opening the map to check whether or not the map looks good from a playable perspective. That's why a video walkthrough can benefit the contestants in terms of poll votage. The UI requirement is there because some contestants may decide to remove UI, while others don't. The ones who removes the UI will have a better chance at more votes in polls due to a better viewing experience, even though their terrain doesn't look as good. By making all contestants remove UI, the viewer will view all terrains equally.

I’m still a little unclear on whether the contest is meant to be a template or a legitimate playable map (with mechanics etc not just pathing). Though map designers have different focuses such as visuals vs gameplay, it’s sort of hard to make a contest agnostically placed closer to visuals rather than gameplay without eschewing it entirely.
The goal is a template. A playable terrain, not a technical map. Just visuals and layout, so to speak.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
I think we've come to a solid explanation as to the criteria. I'm not entirely sure how or what might be needed to make the intention more clear for the final submission/contest rule set to help everyone be on the same page as to what's expected though.
Maybe anybody still unclear or with more insight on where/how the rules are unclear at any point can provide some suggestions for changes to language?
Updated the main post:

  • Removed camera distance requirement.
  • The following explanation in the header to remove any confusion regarding rules or intentions: "This is mainly a visual and design oriented contest, not technical. The UI and video walkthrough rules are there to give everyone an equal shot at victory by standardizing how viewers see the terrain."
  • Guide to remove UI, and attached two example maps (one for JASS and one for Lua).
See guide here, or in the main post:
  • Hide UI
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: call BlzFrameSetAllPoints( BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME,0), BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0) )
      • Custom script: call BlzHideOriginFrames( true )
      • Custom script: call BlzFrameSetScale( BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0), 0.01 )
      • Custom script: call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop",0), false)
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
See guide here, or in the main post:
You can do this instead:
  • ui
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing ui as An exact match
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Cinematic - Turn on letterbox mode (hide interface) for (All players): fade out over 0.00 seconds
      • Cinematic - Hide Cinematic Panels True
Run it as a trigger through map initialization to start by itself.
You can do this instead:
  • ui
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing ui as An exact match
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Cinematic - Turn on letterbox mode (hide interface) for (All players): fade out over 0.00 seconds
      • Cinematic - Hide Cinematic Panels True
Run it as a trigger through map initialization to start by itself.
Doesn't this also remove the cursor? If people are going to be walking through the terrain they would need a cursor.
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Hey y'all. So I've checked through the Rules/Criteria/etc, & skimmed the thread, and it seems alright to me; area all the kinks hammered out? Do you have a Host? (FeelsGoodMan I assume?)

Would love to start working on this as soon as the contest officially starts, but I can't if it's not approved by then.
That's why usually, when writing up the contest, I don't write the starting/ending date until it actually gets approved. 😉
Hey y'all. So I've checked through the Rules/Criteria/etc, & skimmed the thread, and it seems alright to me; area all the kinks hammered out? Do you have a Host? (FeelsGoodMan?)
Yep everything should be good to go. I'm host, and also participating.

That's why usually, when writing up the contest, I don't write the starting/ending date until it actually gets approved. 😉
Not a bad idea.
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Yep everything should be good to go. I'm host, and also participating.
Very cool!

I was about to ask if you had a separate contest thread prepared... But looking over this thread, it looks like you pretty much have it all ready to go right here 👀 (just find a nice image for the top, and add me as the assigned staff, edits like that).

You cool with me just moving this thread into the Arena proper (rather than making a new one)? (If not, a new one can be made, but if it's up to me it'll probably have to wait till after work 💀)
Very cool!

I was about to ask if you had a separate contest thread prepared... But looking over this thread, it looks like you pretty much have it all ready to go right here 👀 (just find a nice image for the top, and add me as the assigned staff, edits like that).

You cool with me just moving this thread into the Arena proper (rather than making a new one)? (If not, a new one can be made, but if it's up to me it'll probably have to wait till after work 💀)
I don't have a separate contest thread, the idea was to use this one. Feel free to just move this one, but sadly I don't have any nice images to use.
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
I don't have a separate contest thread, the idea was to use this one. Feel free to just move this one, but sadly I don't have any nice images to use.
Well if that was your idea, you followed through! Excellent work on the thread and organizing all this man; takes me back to my days of Hosting Contests. 😊

And yeah, an image is hardly necessary. We can always find one later.


By the authority vested in me, I move this thread & hereby dub this Contest officially Started!! (on the 25th 😅)
Level 16
Sep 29, 2008
About this rule:
f the maze uses teleporting or other kinds of instant movement, phasing, etc. to get to different sections, worlds, realms, and so on you must create teleporting triggers. If you do not know how to make this, you can ask a judge for assistance. In such a case it's important to give clear instructions of special effects when teleporting/phasing/moving, and what parts are connected/where to teleport.

Question: Is it allowed to make triggers for enabling - disabling obstacles?