• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Joining the Texturing Contests - A decade too late!

Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
"For this competition, you are required to modify the texture of an existing model within Warcraft 3 of either the Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead race. You must then reskin the choosen model into another concept from any of the 3 other races. (For example, if you choose an Orc unit. Then you must reskin it into one of the 3 other races)"

Blood Elves are part of the Human faction/race, the Eredar - Kil'jaden & Archimonde - are linked to Undead via Campaign Units. There are no limitations on Melee or Campaign units, so I'd say that your skin passes the rules. If the people back in 2007 would've agreed, I do not know.
Level 5
Aug 12, 2016
May I join?
I have first WIP for Racial Conversion (Texturing Contest 2)

I tried to create 100% freehand Unded Witch skin with Dryad as the base model.

@Arowanna , May I join?
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Decided to make a texture for the 25th texturing contest (dark elves).

Using Tarrasque's Lasher as a base model.
Heavily influenced by HoMM5's Shadow Matriarches (and their upgrades):

Here's the first WiP.

P.S. The links for the 25th contest actually link to the 24th, you might want to fix them.


  • ShadowMatriarch.PNG
    331.8 KB · Views: 205
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
@Teldorei, there's no need to ask for permission, of course you can join! Adding you to the table as well.

I've been sick for a long while now, so I've not made much progress in any regards, but I'll update the Demoness and Death Knight later today, as I've been able to make some progress at least. Updating this post some time later today.

Fuck it, here's an update:
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Looking awesome, Blood Raven. Please consider making a version with dark blue / gray skin, ala Drows.
Maybe I'll tweak it once it's done, but I kinda want it to look like those HoMM5 dark elves, which actually have lighter than normal skin since they live underground and have lost their skin/eye/hair pigmentation. I'm not sure if those tattoos will look okay on a dark skin tbh.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
We have added the tag Timeless Texturing in the resource section. I will add the tag to the TT entries submitted to the resource section.

Check it out (your golden little corner in the skin section) Skins | HIVE

Keep them coming! I really enjoy seeing all the old contests getting revised.

I've done some work on the Northern/Icecrown and Demon textures, but I'll focus on them once we're done with the current Texturing Content!
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Yay, activity! I'm delayed again. Apparently the last 3D Coat patch did this to my Demoness. I'll check if I've some old Autosave where I can restore the parts that are gone.

3D Coat fucked up the last patch by giving us plebs the pro version, which gave us more layers than we're suppose to have. And I used that as I thought they had finally changed their mind and stopped being dicks about it. Seriously, restricting the layer count to 7 for the amateur/student license is lame.


Trying to restore the chaos, the wings look like crap if you wonder. Not worth sharing them yet though.

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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Looks pretty cool! I would give her more muscles and some dramatic shading tho. The golden trim could be more metallic. That's just some quick thoughts, but pretty neat idea! Looking forward for more participants in this.

@Archian make it a news perhaps? It would be great if there are more number of participants tho.
Yepp, the texture lost a lot of detail. Heck, it was almost ready for publishing. I'll work on the contrast, but man, there's nothing more annoying than restoring crap that I've already done.

And yes, a post in the News Section would be great! Not a lot of people visit the Texture sub-forum, would be neat to garner some traffic! :)


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
@Archian make it a news perhaps? It would be great if there are more number of participants tho.
Indeed! I will spread some more highlight on this lovely thread. As for a news post, I will for sure, but after a few days. We just announced that we are looking for a new Community Manager. I want that to be frontpage news for a few days (perhaps a week). But in the meantime I will spread the news on our facebook, twitter and discord channel.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
In a rude manner, it's a nostalgia trip for old bums like myself and a self indulgence of the past. Beyond that, it's simply a texture thread where we revisit the past.

The main purpose, I guess, is to promote peoples work, get people working on stuff by giving them a theme with established rules; restrictions are not all bad when it comes to art. It's not a contest or anything along those lines.

In the beginning, I just wanted to share my take on past contests that I missed due to laziness or lack of skill, with heavy dose of nostalgia sprinkled upon it.
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In a rude manner, it's a nostalgia trip for old bums like myself and a self indulgence of the past. Beyond that, it's simply a texture thread where we revisit the past.

The main purpose, I guess, is to promote peoples work, get people working on stuff by giving them a theme with established rules; restrictions are not all bad when it comes to art. It's not a contest or anything along those lines.

In the beginning, I just wanted to share my take on past contest that I missed due to laziness or lack of skill, with heavy dose of nostalgia sprinkled upon it.
So, this is a texturing thread with contest themes. Nice! Maybe I'll participate too. :)
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Done with the Demoness, in a way. Struggling with the Team Color at the moment, didn't think about it when I made the texture and trying to back-track and actually make Red, Blue, Teal and etc. actually fit with the texture is torturous. I'll most likely make two variants of this one, one without TC, one with.

Looking great, Arowanna. About adding glow on the eyes, I would do so, I think. Something small and not too flamboyant.
I've tried, but I can't get it right. Not giving up just yet, but I'll post some WIPs today or Soon™.

Looking good @Arowanna
I liked that talon part it looks really cool and refreshing!
Would need more shadows. The wings looked fine from that angle XD

Meanwhile might take a custom model for the #20. Also 17 & 18 has the same theme description.
That's why I hid the wings in an odd angle, they still look like crap despite numerous attempts. *Arowanna runs away*

And I've understood something recently, I need a new monitor. Recently compared my textures on a couple of monitors and what I see on mine surely doesn't pop on other monitors. I've done some work with the highlights though, but now I worry that things are too bright and too dark. Easy to tweak in PS if nothing else.

And thanks for noting the theme description screw up, fixed!