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Hiveworkshop's 17th Anniversary!

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Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007

Today marks the Hive's 17th anniversary!
Join us as we celebrate:
Tens of thousands of custom maps, tools, and assets
Over 248 completed and ongoing community contests
13 completed hosted projects and more than 13 more on the way
As well as now over 100,000 users!

To prepare for this celebration, over the last few months we have been working hard on a special LIMITED TIME ONLY community shirt!

Members who give 3$ before October 20th will get their name on the banner guaranteed. All other names will be backfilled prioritized by the highest level. You still have the chance for your name to be immortalized:


Check out the banner below (design not final):

The final shirt will be available for purchase after the deadline of October 20th and will come in black, white, and red versions. Members who give 3$ will get an equal discount as a coupon.

Here's to the memories, to the community's ongoing growth, and to our users' endless creativity. Here's to another 17 years!

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Wait, we're allowed to celebrate? I thought the shadowy overlords of the Burning Legion decided only negativity is allowed now... no positivity. Warcraft III was a symbol of friendship, creativity, World Editor empowering the little guy to make great things... now it is rewritten. It is a symbol of corporate greed, property theft, abuse of power, opression and suffering.
How can the shadowy will of the Burning Legion allow you to celebrate? Are you even a symbol of corporate greed?

Happy birthday Hive. Continue to weather the storm until we have HiveGame and HiveWE in 2040. Warsmash written in C++. You think I'm crazy for suggesting something great like that? It's totally possible on Hive in the next 17 years. The original Warsmash design document from 2018 even said, "we leave it as an exercise for the reader to rewrite the engine in C++."
Donated, even though I found my name in there. <3

Anyway, just wanted to thank this amazing community. So many good memories, so many friends who loved this game just as much as we loved modding it. Even though I joined Hive way back 10 years ago, I used to browse this website for maps and World Editor tutorials. Happy anniversary, and thank you for amazing 17 years!

@Ralle Thank you for giving the community a place to be, and thank everyone else who contributed in any way they could. ;)
Level 15
Sep 26, 2007
Happy birthday, Hive! I wish you and everyone well, and may this fantastic site live on and be with us (and in our hearts) for many, many years to come. Perhaps in the future, we may and hope to be still around (and log in) as elders! After all... and in my opinion, once a Hiver, it's for life.

Getting close to 20! Just gotta wait three more years...
Congratz! One of the most wonderful communities I have ever experienced! Joined almost 6 years ago, but I used to browse Hive way back then. I have had some good years of my life spent with this game and website.

Couldn't find a way to donate though... due to the limitations of where I live in. I wish the best for everyone anyway!

Cheers and toast to the years to come!
Level 5
Jul 4, 2008
Happy birthday Hive!
Not modding for a while but still checking the website and ressources.
Can't believe I am part of the Hive since 13 years.. silent but still part.

As long as Wacraft III will exist, in whatever state, the Hive will live on... and probably beyond.

Cheers! Happy 17th Birthday!
This brings back memories when I was 11 and first joined hive, persistently posting completely shit flitered and recolored skins, and shiik persistently rejecting them :D
Good times. Shiik, if by any chance you happen upon this post, cheers mate. Hope your name is on that shirt, so it can always bring me back to those times :cgrin:
Level 25
May 31, 2007
Cheers everyone! Life goes on and responsibilities pile up. And there is less time for games and hobbies. I open Hive from time to time, just to check things. I was amazed the other day at how many downloads my models had in the past years. wow. Almost 5 years ago my cousin and I started a toy design company. So I'm into that. We learned a lot in this community back then. He about digital texture painting and I about 3D modeling. Which is especially useful to me now in making new STEM toys that require to be made somewhere in the 3D space (or in the head :D) before the prototype.
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Level 9
Oct 20, 2010
Long-time member, long-time lurker here. I have known so many of your names since I was a wee child. I cannot fathom what it's been like to have the pleasure of being even the slightest bit a part of this community. You all have kept this great game alive, pouring your hearts into something that tickles the hearts of so many nostalgic souls. I really wish I were more active and that I go to know a lot more of you, but it's so hard to do or get into (Hiveworkshop app when?). You're all idols to me and reading your names or seeing your conversations is like watching celebrity gossip.

It's crazy how a lot of you are still so active from General Frank, my personal HERO so many years ago (I love the tanks, but the old Bloodelf models are as engraved in my memory as Kael'thas himself). Tauer, who I loved to follow on all of his development of the Horde models. I even got to briefly talk to him, he helped me get into modeling! I'm taking a class for it next quarter, but he probably has no idea how much it meant for him to help the bit he did. Mr. Goblin, the icon king! OutsiderXE with the best custom campaigns I've ever played (please blizzard)! Ujimasa Hojo, anyone else still play his map series? I love them. Deolrin, who I remember working on the Second War campaign... I don't know whatever came of that, but it has so many great models to play with. I never made anything worthwhile with these models but they were like toys in my hand as a child. And Retera and Bribe? Get outa here! You two must've singlehandedly evolved Warcraft III modding into what it is today. I'm sure I'm missing out on a lot of backstories, a lot of your own personal inspirations, but these are names I know like TV show characters, haha. I could go on and on, and there are still names on the tip of my tongue, but...

Of course, thank you to Ralle for keeping us all together. Even the outsiders like me, who drop in on a daily basis and don't say anything. You're a hero and all of those who help you deserve as much praise. All of the staff who help you and community members who pump out content. I remember the days when Stefan.K was just beginning to create models, and it's so nice that even still this is a community people are coming into and joining. Here's to another 17 years!
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Truly an amazing site and community - the main reason I am still (semi) active despite being among the first members all those years ago. Thank you to @Ralle, and everyone on the staff, that has made the Hive what is it today.

Here's to 17 more years!

Tauer, who I loved to follow on all of his development of the Horde models. I even got to briefly talk to him, he helped me get into modeling! I'm taking a class for it next quarter, but he probably has no idea how much it meant for him to help the bit he did.

That's awesome to hear! Although I am ashamed to admit that I don't remember when or what I helped you with :gg:
Level 9
Oct 20, 2010
That's awesome to hear! Although I am ashamed to admit that I don't remember when or what I helped you with :gg:
No worries! I wouldn't expect you to. I previously went by "majistey" but even then, it was only a day we talked and on discord at that. I've not stuck to Gmax, milkshape, or whichever was that program you shared. But I enjoyed the attempt at learning it, and have only stuck to blender since haha.


Spell Reviewer
Level 25
Aug 27, 2013
This is so amazing, I'm so glad to be a part of this community. Even though I'm not that active anymore, I still come and visit this place time to time. It's just so hard to move on from this place. I got to know a lot of amazing people here, I learned about many things and I had such a wonderful experience throughout my stay. The memory is just irreplaceable.
Happy Birthday, Hive!

There are a lot of names that I no longer see around here :(
ikr, people come and go. It's inevitable.
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