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Community Shirt Update

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004

Hello everyone!

A quick update on the community shirt. We want to thank all of you who showed interest by pitching in $3 to have your name on the list. This campaign garnered far more interest than we had hoped for. A total of 153 people voted with their wallets to have their names on this list.
Thank you.
This is awesome, but also comes with a few complications. How do we have 153 names slightly more emphasised than the rest. That's a lot of names. But we had ideas and the results are shown in this post.
After we got the final list of names, we started re-designing the shirt with the now updated list of names. We showed the design to a focus group of master designers to get their feedback and this is what we came up with (see image below).

However, before we put the Community Shirt up for sale on our merch store. We want to make sure the quality matches our expectations as we don't want to sell you something you won't like. Thusly, we have ordered samples to test the print quality and fabric. This might take a couple of weeks based on previous sample orders.

Once we feel confident about the quality, we will make the shirt available for purchase on our merch store.

Thanks for being an incredible and awesome community!

Stay tuned.



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Compared to the "non-final preview" we had beforehand, I'd say this one is inferior in design. The names are a lot smaller and further apart, harder to read, and the big names don't work that well in holding the composition together as they did in the old design (because they're smaller and because of the larger gaps perhaps?).
I know it's hard to please everyone with one design, since everyone wants their name to be big and visiable and all, but ignoring that, purely from a design viewpoint, the old one was better. It must be hard to cram that many names in one design though, I suppose that's the reason names are smaller, because there are more of them?

It's not that bad really, just thought I'd share my opinion.
Out of curiosity, how many names were in the old design, and how many in the new one?
i want a refund
This can be what our community is all about now! Refund everything! Everyone could refund their purchase of name on shirt and sue blizzard for false advertising because the art of the shirt changed. Embrace it, like never before! We can become the vessels of destruction we were meant to be!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Yeah.. You can remove my name as well, as I'm not even active here anymore. Those who donated deserve better.
That's not how this should work.
For example, I think Bribe, Maker and Kobas deserve to be there in big bold text over anyone who donated.

Just a couple of my personal "idols" when I started out on the hive.

Which would I rather have on my Hive community shirt, some dude who donated 3$ or someone who put endless hours into the forum one way or another.
One does not have to exclude the other but yeah.
That's not how this should work.
For example, I think Bribe, Maker and Kobas deserve to be there in big bold text over anyone who donated.

Just a couple of my personal "idols" when I started out on the hive.

Which would I rather have on my Hive community shirt, some dude who donated 3$ or someone who put endless hours into the forum one way or another.
One does not have to exclude the other but yeah.
The clear issue with that would be the subjectivity of it all. Someone giving £3 to be on the shirt is an easy way to determine who gets on it. Whilst a shirt honouring all the Hive's "greatest" members would be liable to all sorts of fall outs over who "deserves" to be on it or people who feel hurt by their exclusion from such a shirt. It's a nice idea but I think this shirt is a good way to do it, people can't argue over whether someone paid £3 to get their name on it or not; they either did pay and are on it or didn't and are not. Also £3 is pretty cheap for the vast majority of the Hive and even those who may be younger members that don't have jobs would be able to contribute etc.
I don’t see my name. Did I donate too late? Does the text size take into account the amount of previous donations, or just the donations for the shirt?
Oh I found myself two to the right of Ralle. Jesus that’s tiny. I am guessing the amount of larger names are people buying the shirt. I liked the original layout better - people who donated just for the sake of it.
Oh I found myself two to the right of Ralle. Jesus that’s tiny. I am guessing the amount of larger names are people buying the shirt. I liked the original layout better - people who donated just for the sake of it.
Yeah if I have one suggestion for the shirt it would be that the average name size be a little more consistent.
Oh I found myself two to the right of Ralle. Jesus that’s tiny. I am guessing the amount of larger names are people buying the shirt. I liked the original layout better - people who donated just for the sake of it.
I thought it took message # into account, but looking at us, that can't be correct 😛
Level 7
Jan 29, 2008
Oh I found myself two to the right of Ralle. Jesus that’s tiny. I am guessing the amount of larger names are people buying the shirt. I liked the original layout better - people who donated just for the sake of it.
Well, I'm only on that list because I donated, but my name is as big as yours.

If it is too many names, maybe split it up into two logos? One on the front and one on the back of the shirt?
Or maybe design the back like the tour infos of a band shirt with the names of the donators?
Someone giving £3 to be on the shirt is an easy way to determine who gets on it. Whilst a shirt honouring all the Hive's "greatest" members would be liable to all sorts of fall outs over who "deserves" to be on it or people who feel hurt by their exclusion from such a shirt.
If I understand correctly, everyone agrees with you. But is there disagreement about the system that determines the size of names (reputation and activity, versus donation amount)? I do not know, I am just curious if I understand this possible dilemma correctly.

I can imagine how it would be hard either way. If bigger donation resulted in a bigger name, then the really active members of more limited means might be offended. But if bigger activity resulted in a bigger name, then the bigger donors might be offended.

I have a bit of a low attention span for these kinds of small town politics, so the answer to how this was decided is probably already published somewhere on Hive, and I probably just did not bother to find it yet. Does someone have a link, maybe?
If I understand correctly, everyone agrees with you. But is there disagreement about the system that determines the size of names (reputation and activity, versus donation amount)? I do not know, I am just curious if I understand this possible dilemma correctly.

I can imagine how it would be hard either way. If bigger donation resulted in a bigger name, then the really active members of more limited means might be offended. But if bigger activity resulted in a bigger name, then the bigger donors might be offended.

I have a bit of a low attention span for these kinds of small town politics, so the answer to how this was decided is probably already published somewhere on Hive, and I probably just did not bother to find it yet. Does someone have a link, maybe?
Yeah I suppose that's a fair question to ask, how was name size determined? Because I don't know, but if its based on rep/exp or messages etc I think that would probably be a good way of highlighting those who have contributed a lot to the community.
Because I don't know, but if its based on rep/exp or messages etc I think that would probably be a good way of highlighting those who have contributed a lot to the community.
Not being a large donor myself, I would probably say that name size should be determined by whatever the large donors want. Essentially if its the wealthy people versus the less wealthy people, generally the wealthy people always win. Maybe it's just my modern Reforged style of thinking saying this, but that's what I'm inclined to think. Because basically if we offend the active members, then they leave, after that they wealthy people could pay for more members and pay people to spend time on the site. But if we offend the biggest donors, then they leave, the remaining members might not have enough money to have a site anymore.

Where we would get lucky in a case like this would be if the biggest donors wanted the largest names to be the most active members rather than the biggest donors. If that were the case, then everybody wins. It's a possibility, but I don't even know who those are to ask.

Just my 2 cents.
Not being a large donor myself, I would probably say that name size should be determined by whatever the large donors want. Essentially if its the wealthy people versus the less wealthy people, generally the wealthy people always win. Maybe it's just my modern Reforged style of thinking saying this, but that's what I'm inclined to think. Because basically if we offend the active members, then they leave, after that they wealthy people could pay for more members and pay people to spend time on the site. But if we offend the biggest donors, then they leave, the remaining members might not have enough money to have a site anymore.

Where we would get lucky in a case like this would be if the biggest donors wanted the largest names to be the most active members rather than the biggest donors. If that were the case, then everybody wins. It's a possibility, but I don't even know who those are to ask.

Just my 2 cents.
Well however you think it works can be different to how you think it should work :) I think the most active members are what keeps the community alive; I don't think these big wealthy donors you're referring to really exist on the site since you talk as if they're a cabal of CEOs controlling the site through their donations. There are people who have contributed large amounts of money to the site but this isn't an oligarchy nor do I think they would pay people to be here or to be members. Personally I think the £3 sum to get your name on it is enough of a financial leverage since it's a small amount but is still a big contribution when many people partake but the size of your name being determined by something objective like number of messages, exp etc is a good way to show appreciation for the most active members.
I don't think these big wealthy donors you're referring to really exist on the site since you talk as if they're a cabal of CEOs controlling the site through their donations.
I don't think people who value their money and who would take it elsewhere if things stopped going how they wanted are equivalent to a "cabal of CEOs controlling the site." Reforged teaches us that if I don't pay attention to the money, eventually the people who have it walk up to me and when I ask "What is this, what are you doing my man?" they stab a sword through my gut emotionally and declare "Succeeding you... Retera!"

So, I don't know who pays for this Hive Workshop site but I sure have enjoyed using it. Because I don't know that and didn't pay attention, it's a prime opportunity for the same kind of misunderstanding and feeling that I had towards leadership that we see in Reforged. So I enjoy the thought of just sucking up to the money in this case. We gotta do this right. This is a good website. Even if nobody exists who actually feels like they are the major donors of Hive, and I am just spouting madness, I think it's still worth spouting that madness just in case out of respect for them.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Because basically if we offend the active members, then they leave, after that they wealthy people could pay for more members and pay people to spend time on the site. But if we offend the biggest donors, then they leave, the remaining members might not have enough money to have a site anymore.
I mean, you would have to be really vain to get so offended by a name on a t-shirt that you would leave the community - but maybe that's just me.

Anyway - why is my name so small??!! I AM OUTTA HERE!

Thinking of that, is there a way that I can order my own shirt where i size everyone's name based on how much I like them? It would be totally in the spirit of warsmash for me to rebel against the Tshirt and make my own, wouldnt it?

For example, I would probably make Kam's name bigger on my rebellion shirt where I size people's names based on how much I like them (with or without Kam's permission)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
This is exactly how I look at it as well, I didn't even want to donate cos I'd rather have you guys on my shirt over my name there :')
Although, to be fair...
It's mainly a theoretical problem I don't see why some dude with 10 posts would try to buy a shirt-slot.
It's not really a scandal if someone with let's say "only" 2000 posts and a coucple of model submissions, sure it does not stack up with some freaks that have 3x the post count and 100x the resource submission count.
Level 6
Jun 18, 2011
I am at the center of the shirt. I am the center of the universe. I like it.
Why can’t I find your name? Am I blind?

edit: Found you. Imo your name should be a little bigger since you are an OG and I love your model studio and tutorials. I just need to rewatch/reread them to learn the stuff you teach and really bring my models to life.

Oh I found myself two to the right of Ralle. Jesus that’s tiny. I am guessing the amount of larger names are people buying the shirt. I liked the original layout better - people who donated just for the sake of it.
Bribe’s name should be much larger in my opinion.

I changed my name to match my discord name a couple days ago. I don’t really care too much which one is used, but I’d prefer this one I am using now. My old name was mr subs.

I don’t think I deserve to have my name on the shirt based on my contributions right now, but once I have more free time (like after graduation) I want to start contributing A LOT more.
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Level 6
Jun 18, 2011
I changed my name to match my discord name a couple days ago. I don’t really care too much which one is used, but I’d prefer this one I am using now. My old name was mr subs.
Found me I like it, maybe I should just change my name back and change my discord name to mr subs.


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