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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I dont like that you see the avatar of the person who created a thread in the forum.
Especially with the avatar animations it just distracts from reading the thread title.
And for me the title is much more important than a visual reminder who created the thread.
Yes, that is annoying for most forum sections. It becomes useful when you remember a user's avatar and use the current search for a map for instance. It reduces its use when the avatar has been changed or is the same as someone else's.

Is it me or the rating for a resource (a map for instance) isn't specifically shown/written as in: 4.25/5 or something?
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If you accept it, it's fine, but it doesn't mean it's necessariyl the better choice.

But I must also say, that I find it good and very matching for NewsFeed, Started Conversation, Profile Posts and Recent Activity. Here it's good that a person comes in forground and is easy to identify.
Though in our forums it's not really needed imo if the author's name is readable enough, and also on NewPosts for example I don't see it as any worthful.
When I want to inform about activity in my section of interest I solely care about the topic being discussed there, and it's not about following the activity of one of my friends.
Since many avatars are petty eye-catching, it will lead to distraction.

Only that we can, does not mean we should do it. And sometimes less is more.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Aww come on guys, now you're just being picky. The images are fine. XenForo comes with that stuff by default and all others XenForo communities I've been to accept it, it's just a matter of getting used to it.
Basically all of this. I've seen multiple forums upgrade to XenForo and to such a surprise, everyone is more than fine with it after a little while. If you keep telling yourself you don't like the change by nitpicking, it'll just take longer to get used to.
Sure, Fladder. I also don't want to obstrude my opinion, but in case it's shared by you guys it's a possible change for sure. An alternative would also be of course just to block avatars for me, if needed urgently.


Something to chat, though. There is this cool notifications in the tab window, one for public unread messages, and one for unread messages where people called you by name (so, private).
I experienced that if you participate in a private channel with someone you will get the public counter increased, and not the private one for unread messages. Could this maybe be changed, so the private one get increased?


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
A lot of resources refer to nothing, so i often see " ...could not be found".
Can you show me with links and screenshots?
Can we have the feature that lets you collapse (and remember which are collapsed) forum sections?
Another way is to "Watch" the forums you like and just go to "Watched Forums".
Me too, honestly. The only problem is priorities. We can probably write an addon for it, but right now it's not really top of the list.

I think agreeing that it's good and scheduling it/putting it on a queue somewhere would be good enough for now. Hopefully you have some kind of issue tracker.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2016
Well, well, things have finally changed here. It looks more pro now and I don't miss the old look even the slightest, whatever changes you do, keep up this good design. The other forum themes are still not added it seems.
Level 6
Dec 6, 2009
Can you show me with links and screenshots?

Another way is to "Watch" the forums you like and just go to "Watched Forums".


There you go with links
Level 3
Nov 19, 2014
I have a question about resource filtering, have you taken away custom text filtering? its pretty annoying having to filter just through certain keywords.
Level 1
Jul 18, 2013
Is there any way to change it back to the old site? I think this new site has bad search features, and I just don't like the new site at all. But that's just my opinion, good job nonetheless!


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Is there any way to change it back to the old site?
No, that's not an option. However, I can tell you that we're working on improving the search feature a bit. Although, this new search feature is by far better than our old one, there are still a few issues with it, specifically in the Resource Section.

Search by highest rating for example needs to be fixed. A search bar will be added to the resource section because it's only natural that people would look for a seach bar there even though you can also use the top right search bar. But it's not obvious enough.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
I liked the shiny gems images for rep than this old one.

When the main issues of Hive 2 as a productivity tool are fixed, I would suggest Ralle then creates a poll for the rep' gems. Therefore everyone could have his/her say in a manageable way, regarding this minor cosmetic issue.

For now, I would say Hive 2 works very nicely as a social network. I had little to no trouble adapting to it.

Keep up the great hard work, Ralle and Staff.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
The rep gems are subject to change. But be advised that the ones you saw when first we upgraded to Hive 2, weren't meant for this theme. They were created by BlackDeath for our upcoming Diablo theme style.
You want to customize stuff that much? I think it'll be confusing to have so many differences between themes. I guess the borders and maybe the background would do.
Well, if you're deciding to make it look more like the older site, then you could add an offline off light bulb as well.
Oh, and where is the status now? Won't it be shown in a user's post anymore?
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