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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
This new one is not prepared for the purposes it's supposed to serve, but TriggerHappy's right on that you can and should use Google's. We're not getting a search engine that's better than theirs anyway.

Actually, using Google could be more than a hot fix; since the old search wasn't much better, we could as well redirect searches to Google or integrate Google Search in the site somehow to avoid overhead, when a user's not searching based on categories.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
For all the whiners, here are some things for you to consider while you are spending your time crying a river:
  1. The update replaced everything the site had before. The previous features accumulated over years, replacing all of them is hard as f in a short time with limited resources (if not impossible)
  2. The update might not be completely comfortable, but it is definitely necessary. As a user you might disagree and not see the point, but big sites like the hive tend to accumulate patches and wobbly modules that become increasingly hard to administrate. The early modules also lose a lot of their meaning as time goes on.
  3. Getting even this far takes a LOT of work. Try to appreciate that.
  4. Chances are that any broken feature is not final and will get fixed over time
  5. If you want to do something for the staff to fix things faster, make screenshots and write detailed descriptions of the issues, then gather them in one place and filter out the replicated ones.
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Level 4
Jul 13, 2012
For all the whiners, here are some things for you to consider while you are spending your time crying a river:
  1. The update replaced everything the site had before. The previous features accumulated over years, replacing all of them is hard as f in a short time with limited resources (if not impossible)
  2. The update might not be completely comfortable, but it is definitely necessary. As a user you might disagree and not see the point, but big sites like the hive tend to accumulate patches and wobbly modules that become increasingly hard to administrate. The early modules also lose a lot of their meaning as time goes on.
  3. Getting even this far takes a LOT of work. Try to appreciate that.
  4. Chances are that any broken feature is not final and will get fixed over time
  5. If you want to do something for the staff to fix things faster, make screenshots and write detailed descriptions of the issues, then gather them in one place and filter out the replicated ones.

The new search engine is awful, simple as that. Now stop telling about hive history, alot of work, blabla like you're assuming we hate the new hive.

Overall, the new hive is a great update as Ralle is fixing the search engine atm, we'll just have to wait then. ^^
Level 3
Dec 8, 2013
World needs changes, guys. And so I also have to search for the icons on the other sites for now.:(
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Guys. I agree we need improvement in a lot of things, but repeatedly complaining about them is not gonna get them fixed. It only demoralizes Ralle. I'd probably feel that same way. Give it time.

The search engine is not so big a problem as you make it out to be. Like TriggerHappy suggested, insert your search terms on Google search bar and then add "site:www.hiveworkshop.com" to restrain query results to this site.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Guys. I agree we need improvement in a lot of things, but repeatedly complaining about them is not gonna get them fixed. It only demoralizes Ralle. I'd probably feel that same way. Give it time.
We can only complain, the inexperienced of us who do not know nuts about programming, flash, html or whatever this is. Complaining will result in the pointing out of things that could be fixed/improved.
The repetition of the complaints is there because most users are lazy to read through the posts or use the search option for keywords. If I had not been in this thread since near its beginning then I would've probably just spammed as well.
You don't even pay Ralle to do this upgrade.
Well, it's not compulsory, is it? A lot of people work on their creations. Without them, this site wouldn't have a purpose. Of course donations are needed because the site owner will not have an easy time paying for electricity, site domain, hard disks and whatnot. Who can and/or wants will surely donate.
We are allowed to express our opinions, good or bad.
Sorry for some "insulting", but anyway, i didnt want the update of hive.
I was reluctant at first too. It's not at least horrible. I can actually manage. It's a matter of taste and getting accustomed to it.
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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Well, it's not compulsory, is it? A lot of people work on their creations. Without them, this site wouldn't have a purpose. Of course donations are needed because the site owner will not have an easy time paying for electricity, site domain, hard disks and whatnot. Who can and/or wants will surely donate.
We are allowed to express our opinions, good or bad
Why don't you include my previous statement? To get my post negatively? Very childish of you. Let me get you the full post then:

Try to use less insulting words bro. You don't even pay Ralle to do this upgrade.

What I was saying was don't insult Ralle's work since you don't even pay him. Unless if you hired Ralle to upgrade this site. But you don't (at the best scenario you only chip in some money).
When you are at a restaurant and there is something wrong with the service, it's your rights to complain. Since you pay for it. But if you get your foods for free (some short of free sample) and it tastes very bad, you have no right to complain since you ask to taste the foods yourself. Just common sense bro.
And I didn't say anything about not to say something bad or give some critiques for the update.

Also I'm not saying that he intended to insult or not. But isn't it nicer to use "the search feature is not good" than "the search feature is completely awful"? Or is it just me? That explains why some people are bombing at me for this little suggestion. I'm outta here.


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Hive 1 had more than 10 options to add. Can it be extended/fixed?
The new search engine is awful, simple as that. Now stop telling about hive history, alot of work, blabla like you're assuming we hate the new hive.
Mostly because of a bug actually. Also, icon search was special in Hive 1 and I am addding that back. What I did was to split the icon name into words (for the search system to work). I am going to do that again, don't worry. It was on my list even before you guys started to complain about it..
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014

I'm trying to help Ralle gather feedback on how the search engine can be improved. If you want to help out too, just visit this thread:

I've compiled most issues I've run into and seen people talk about there:
1. If your complaint is on the list (it's a long one, but you can skip most reading simply by going through the headlines) - it was already acknowledged by Ralle and is being worked on, so just calm down and wait :)
2. If you have found any other bug/have any other issues or suggestions - post it in that topic or PM me and I will update the list with new findings as I have the time.

I'm confident Ralle is doing his best to improve the search engine. Going around and saying "oh, the new search engine is awful, just bring the old one back" doesn't help. The best we can do is just provide detailed feedback on what doesn't work and be patient :)
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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Evil minds think alike.
Oh wait, that was a decent normal suggestion.

Make [center]work on tables please.
It does afaik.
Don't we get to see the number of missions/maps in a campaign file anymore?
I can make that but I cut a corner there for now.
Hum, Director's Cut seems to show as an ordinary post below resources.
That doesn't make sense. It used to be a rating. It's a tag now.
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
This isn't directly related to the previous posts, but I've found that when altering the "Author" part of a map I've uploaded, changing it from "Saken" to "Saken & Krath" I no longer have access to edit the resource anymore, the option to Edit is simply not there anymore.
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
Are you speaking of the mini-map screen picture or actual in-game screenshots to showcase your map? If the latter, then you just need to upload the screenshots using the Image tool and then apply the spoiler tags before and after what you need to upload.


[ Hidden=Screenshots ] (Minus space before Hidden and after Screenshots)
-Pictures Go Here-
[ /hidden ]

-Pictures Go Here-

Does that work for you?


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
This isn't directly related to the previous posts, but I've found that when altering the "Author" part of a map I've uploaded, changing it from "Saken" to "Saken & Krath" I no longer have access to edit the resource anymore, the option to Edit is simply not there anymore.
That's because there's no user named "Saken & Krath". You have to separate user names by ;. I have removed this permission from normal users. You will have to request an author to be added to your bundle.
The medals list [Special Awards] seems to be doubled
Not a big deal though...o_O
Said it before, say it again. It's on my list but not important right now.
When uploading maps, where would the screenshot appear? We used to upload images separately and then link them to the map thread.
They appear in the "Preview" section of the bundle page.
No! Don't upload images to something else. Upload them with the bundle.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
@Ralle, maybe it would assuage some people's concerns (& mitigate the number of "repeat complaints") if you wrote down a little personal "to-do list" and put it in a linked pastebin in your signature or something? Not telling you what to do; just that, it might help minimize the number of "I'M COMPLAINING ABOUT X" and you having to explain "I ALREADY SAID I'D WORK ON THAT". : )


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Why not just assume that everyone reads everything before making a post? :D

I guess you're right. I will do that when I get home. This is my raw TODO list. The first items before the space are things I plan to do today. But it's RAW man.
Make import script that creates file of md5 sums of each addon
Add arrange team / host map next to download button
Set MySQL fulltext letter count to 2
Delete duplicate medals
Import smilies
Bundle merge with duplicate ratings
Add new thinner rep gem
Stop Apache from logging

Fix leaked files in temp
Add margin above award medals (look at happycockroach)
Setup nginx reverse proxy
Add more info to search results
Report to XenForo that re-searching becomes global
Make better separator for stickies
Update XF
Fix "Most Reputation" page
Remove "like" references
Chat text too small
Chat too small
Chat cannot visit profile
Fix bug where rep is given to bundle but alert says it's a different thread
Add iOS touch icon
Discord widget


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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Why not just assume that everyone reads everything before making a post? :D

I guess you're right. I will do that when I get home. This is my raw TODO list. The first items before the space are things I plan to do today. But it's RAW man.
Make import script that creates file of md5 sums of each addon
Add arrange team / host map next to download button
Set MySQL fulltext letter count to 2
Delete duplicate medals
Import smilies
Bundle merge with duplicate ratings
Add new thinner rep gem
Stop Apache from logging

Fix leaked files in temp
Add margin above award medals (look at happycockroach)
Setup nginx reverse proxy
Add more info to search results
Report to XenForo that re-searching becomes global
Make better separator for stickies
Update XF
Fix "Most Reputation" page
Remove "like" references
Chat text too small
Chat too small
Chat cannot visit profile
Fix bug where rep is given to bundle but alert says it's a different thread
Add iOS touch icon
Discord widget


- Tables can't be centered. (just scroll down for the proof)
- Previously, creating tables was easier: I don't need to add [/td] nor [/tr] at the end every time I create new row or column in my table. Now I have to, or the editor will add those closer tags automatically at random places. Which will mess all threads that are using tables.
- Can you remove vertical padding between images? In the same thread above, in the gallery part, you will find that every image won't stick to the other images beneath or above it. In Hive 1, they do stick to each other.

Btw, when I look at a conversation, there's link called "star conversation". What does it mean?

Bt-second-w, I have no intention to promote my map at all. Only on that thread I have experienced how the new BB codes work.
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Could the padding for
ljass tags
be a bit less?
Because it seperates the nearby lines like this pretty much.
Just an other line to see the difference.
About this? :sad:

At NewPosts it was more easy to read from which forum it was, and to click on LastMessage-link.
For example, for all resource section there is written only "Submissions", so you have no idea which kind of submission it is atm.
And for coming to the LastMessage you have to click on the little time-text in the right.
1. Name of thread
2. Directing Path/Section
3. LastMessage-link/Date
^These are probably the most important criteria when looking at NewPosts, so the latter two can also be made more visible. :)

Also more people mentioned it with stickies. If you have place in your list you also could add this, to seperate the stickies a bit better from normal threads. (the continuous same background color makes it hard to seperate)

Is this normal that it is written:
"You are giving 1 reputation points to XY"
it was used I could give 4 points iirc.
Clicking on title -> first message, sounds better actually. Wasn't aware of it. :)

But seeing where it is coming from was very useful imo, I was looking like only on those to decide if I read a thread or not.. you easily can filter the section where you are interested in.
For getting news about your fav sections this is much more elegant way instead of explicitly going to the forum section and looking for new posts in threads.

Btw, I recognize it now, is it manageable to preview the thread under your Post-Box when you are at "More Options" menu?
Like the feature it was before, so you could easily recognize if someone else posted meanwhile, or quickly read up some information.


Also the Signature could be in the "Preview" included for posts. :/ ^^ It was always helpful for me to include some links.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
MEDIA is the new YOUTUBE. I guess you can be explicit about it and use the URL tag.
It doesn't work with [url = link] insert something here [/ url]. Still 5 of the links are automatically embedded or what's that called. The spaces in that example are present as for the code not to convert the text into a link.

it works if in between the url tags not the link but something else is written.
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
It's not about being able to fix, but rather about looking through my 7000 posts.

I have used my review tempate for dozens of maps, you can't expect me to remember all of them. And my template is broken right now due changes.
This does not impact me directly since I can change my template for future reviews but it will look horrible if someone stumble across those posts.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
Doing a quick fix somewhere, may break something else somewhere else. For example here :

if you clicked on "Show" back then, the hearts image was perfectly fit. It is not the case anymore.
Therefore, I refrain from fixing my posts (mostly YouTube links) atm. Because I might have to fix them again soon.

Now is it me, or was the site layout changed today, for screen resolutions of 1280x768 ?

** edit ** : both issues are now fixed. thanks.
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