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Hero Contest #5 - Science Fiction

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Contestants must create a hero that makes sense in the context of a futuristic world. Such a world is translated with the presence of advanced technology, robotics and/or improved weaponry.


• No submission may violate the Hiveworkshop Rules and Spells Rules.
• Teams are not allowed; the entire hero must be made by a single user. However, you're able to use any resources publicly available in THW database, except for spells.
• The hero must have a total of 4 skills. You can use any combination, all passive, all active, three active and one passive, anything, as long as it offers a creative approach to the play style. However, the three of them must be regular, while one of them must be an ultimate, gained at level 6, just like default Warcraft III.
• The spells can be made using GUI, JASS, vJASS, Zinc or just significant object editor work. One that is not familiar with all of the listed languages cannot be appointed as a judge.
• All spells must have been made after the start of this contest; no previous work is allowed.
• You are allowed to use any system, as long as it does enhance the functionality of the spell and it is bug free. For questions regarding this subject, feel free to ask within this thread whether the said system is useable.
• You're allowed only one submission.
• Any submission must follow a Work In Progress (WiP), before it is published and labelled as the final piece.


First Place: 50 reputation points and your entry on an award icon
Second Place: 30 reputation points and an award icon
Third Place: 15 reputation points and an award icon


Tell us if you want to judge. Appointed judges must have previous experience in spell-making, familiarity with the Object Editor and Trigger Editor themselves, knowledge of GUI, Jass, vJass, Zinc, in case each of those languages are used in the submissions.


How interesting is the hero to play with?/10

Is the hero bug and lag free? How well was the coding executed?/10

How well do the abilities work with each other? Do they fit with the theme of the hero?/10

How balanced the hero is? Is it extremely weak to own or extremely hard to face?/10

How good-looking the hero is? How well their appearance is fitting with the icons? Are the tooltips self-explanatory?/5
  • 70 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 30 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.


The contest shall begin on 11/09/2011 and conclude on 23:59, 12/15/2011, GMT
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
The hero must have a total of 4 skills. You can use any combination, all passive, all active, three active and one passive, anything, as long as it offers a creative approach to the play style. However, the three of them must be regular, while one of them must be an ultimate, gained at level 6, just like default Warcraft III

does the additional skill count??
So, if my hero has 4 skill to be learned, and 2 of the learnable skill are giving 2 additional skill (in total of 4 additional skill)
So my hero gain total of 6 skill, including the ultimate, and passive
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
The parent is only a dummy learnable skill, the true skill is the 2 additional skill
So it'll be like this:
learning skill 1 gives you 2 additional ability
Learning skill 2 gives you 2 additional ability
Learning skill 3 gives you no additional ability
Learning ultimates, gives you no additonal ability

Almost like morphling from DotA, or even nevermore
Anyways, i'm joining, i'll recreate the triggered locust swarm..., hehe~
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Dayum, I definitely must join this one. Don't care if I win or not, just want to make something awesome. I'm thinking something evil and powerful. Magic based of course.

Edit: I want something sith like, but can't find a fitting model.

Edit again: Just to make sure, only the hero needs to be sci-fi'ish, rite? I don't have to make robot spells or some shit like that? Something from the Star Wars universe will suffice, yes?
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
The Force, mate :D
Oh, and lightsabers of course.

These are the spells I'm thinking of right now:

[Active] Lightsaber Throw:
The jedi throws his lightsaber in a target direction using the force. On the way it will deal damage to all units it hits.

[Active] Force Jump:
The jedi uses the force to jump towards a target position. Upon impact the jedi will erect a force barrier in a certain AOE around him, keeping all enemy ground units from leaving or entering the area.

[Passive (Two modes)] Force Sustenance:
Force Rage: In this mode his attack is slightly enhanced by the force. Additionally, while being attacked in this mode the jedi's rage is continuously fuelled and upon reaching a certain limit he will use this deep pool of rage to unleash a quick flurry of attacks with his lightsaber upon random enemies around him. This sudden burst will however also penalise him with some HP loss, and can result in death.

Force Preservation: In this mode the jedi is generating a force field around himself that will reduce the impact of enemy attacks. Also, whenever he slays a foe he'll use the force to grab pieces from them to apply quick fixes on himself. These repairs will then be held in place by the force, however he will not be able to hold the repairs in place forever. As a consequence, these repairs will be temporary and this can potentially reach a point where he lives entirely on burrowed life.

Note: Switching mode will nullify the "rage pool" that is generated in Force Rage as well as all burrowed life gained via Force Preservation. The latter can potentially be fatal.

[Channelling (Ultimate)] <No name yet>:
The jedi focuses all his powers on a targeted area, sending crushing force waves from random angles towards the core, pushing enemies inwards and dealing damage. Enemies inside will also have reduced movement speed and defence.

Edit: Btw, I don't feel that having him throw a Destroyer on his enemies would make sense, although it could make him look sci-fi like.

Edit again: Updated descriptions.
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Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
What if I say he'll use the force to grab pieces of slain foes to "repair" himself. These repairs will then be held in place by the force? :D

This also gives me a slightly different idea for more balance. The jedi will not be able to hold the repairs in place forever, and thus they will only be temporary. Therefore if he is living on "burrowed" life only, then he can potentially die unless he heals himself somehow.

Edit: Updated the passive ability above with the new ideas that you indirectly gave me Pharaoh_. MUAHAHAAA!
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Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Yes!,another hero contest,hope you guys have luck!
looking forward since Science Fiction sure is Interesting and Epic
Level 6
Jun 20, 2011
In the last hero contest some of the judges submitted heroes, and one of them won.
It's ok if judges don't evaluate their own spell and have other judges do it.
It wont affect the result if you use the same evaluation system the last contest did
Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
i'll show some references if required.

I'll approve Dirac anytime. As a judge. So if you fail with irl and time like me, you're free to join me (if Pharaoh_ approves ofc) :)

Still I'm thinking about the time.

And are these dates still valid?
The contest shall begin on 11/09/2011 and conclude on 23:59, 12/15/2011

I never saw this "notice" until like yesterday?
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