God's Remnants Pack 2

The next chapter of my my 36 maps long campaign which can be either played as 3 player campaign or single player. Meet the elves and their ancient enemies in this chapter. Meet Adhelion's father and brother while also trying to solve the mysteries that this new continent of Vintas brings.

After escaping from the pirates in the first chapter our heroes are sailing towards new adventures that await them on the Elven continent - Vintas. They set sail for the capital city and the hometown of Adhelion - Junpuri. What mysteries will our heroes face and what consequences will be dealt to the dwarf that killed elven priest at the very beginning of the story...

Maps in this Pack:

  • 07 A Warm Welcome
  • 08 Abducted
  • 09 The Infiltration
  • 10 Temple of Dark Perdition
  • 11 Lost Harbour
  • 12 The Evergreen
Main characters:
Tranquil, Callahan, Direfury, General Frank, Wandering Soul, Em!, Mephestrial, Explobomb, -Berz-, The Panda, UgoUgo, 67chrome, Sopho, Solu9, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, JesusHipster, Marcos DAB, L_Lawliet, Juice_F, Nightmare, imforfun, Bloodslaughter, Ofel, zbc, Paladon, kittenranch, Assasin_lord, supertoinkz Edge45, Uncle Fester, Ujimasa Hojo, MatiS, Mc !, Tranquil, xorkatoss, Itius Leurn Freim, Misha, Talavaj, Assasin_lord, supertoinkz, Mike, HerrDave, Stefan.K, Miseracord, Explobomb, Forgotten_Warlord

Map 7:
Wezthal, ElfWarfare, JetFangInfeno, Deolrin, Sunchips, Sellenisko, LiOneSS, IanMarty, Zephyrius2412, Blood Raven, HappyCockroach, tee.dubs, -Grendel, HerrDave, Uncle Fester, Kehel, ironmaiden, Nightmare, UnholyDobry, Reflex, maxor_gan, SkriK, Mr.Goblin

Map 8:
-Grendel, Himperion, Sunchips, PrinceYaser, Tranquil, Radagast, IamMclovin, General Frank, Deolrin, exfyre, JetFangInferno, NFWar, xyzier_24, JesusHipster, DragoonZombie, AndrewOverload519, Uncle Fester, Mike, eubz, Verdun, Sellenisko, Hellish Hybrid, spong3bob, RodOfNOD, bigapple90, Marcos DAB

Map 9:
Sunchips, Thrikodius, Kuhneghetz, Dionesiist, LoDown, GolluM_KoMe, olofmoleman, CreatorD3292, Marcos DAB, San, Hemske, KelThuzad, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Cavman, WhiteDeath, Kingluis, eubz, Xlightscreen, Solu9, The_Silent, AndrewOverload519, Midnighters, Blood Raven, Kitabatake, lllLSDlll, BLayeKraze, Eagle XI, MassiveMaster, HerrDave, Sin'dorei300, Hellx-Magnus, D.ee, bigapple90, JetFangInferno

Map 10:
Mc !, PeeKay, Deolrin, -Grendel, Hayate, Misha, Direfury, eXciTe, Callahan, Ujimasa Hojo, MatiS, AlienAtSystem, Kino, Felipe Gormadoc, Kitabatake, Buster, A Void, Uncle Fester, Asssssvi, eubz, NFWar, Dragunov, Himperion, Sunchips, Mr.Bob, NexusBlizzard, Windrunner29, Kenathorn, Nightmare, Pyraeus

Map 11:
Uncle Fester, HerrDave, HappyCockroach, Sweet Oblivion, Explobomb, Kuhneghetz, PeeKay, PrinceYaser, ProxyCakey, Mythic, D.O.G., kola, Darkfang, TheWhiteWolf, Amigurumi, Em!, Mike, Buster, Callahan, Kino, The Weird Human, Sunchips, enjoy, PeeKay, Blood Raven, Remixer, Eagle XI

Map 12:
Gluma, Sunchips, -Berz-, Darkfang, Mythic, Cavman, Callahan, Uncle Fester, eubz, HerrDave, kellym0, stonneash, HappyTauren, Sven, olofmoleman, JetFangInferno, Remixer, JesusHipster, 00110000, Daelin, PrMosquito, UgoUgo, Pyritite, dansaDisco
November 14.2021.
  • Fixed opening cinematics in each map - now showing black screen before cinematics instead of map area
  • Fixed snake eggs having no death animations
  • Now when you gather items during mission it counts how many items are required to finish that mission as well
  • Optional quest in this campaign are considered - subquest required to finish the main one
  • Description during mission when you search for herb to sharpen the sword now says - Oases (plural)
  • Changed terrain in 7th map to represent actual oasis to the South
  • Thomas' victory was the courtesy of Eialana, she didn't want to embarass him in front of whole city though she easily could have - futue love is in the air
  • Heat during 8th map now has it's own place among hero abilities (no longer switches places with heroes passive abilities)
  • Changed terrain so it makes sense why you reach Astarion's colleaggue first before going into the desert
  • Added extra time after the stampede is gone so you can clear the outposts and camps more easily
  • Now the mission is to reach the Palace insted of killing every Huchnom warrior in the city (most of the soldiers survive and abandon the city)
    Not fit for heroes to massacre entire city - Huchnom tribe still exists afterwards
  • Mutated Leopard are not invulnerable while in cages
  • The mini-map is now pinging where you need to go to pull the levers so it's easier for you
  • The area where you are fihting Themba is no longer retreatable (you can't draw him out of there, you have to fight them all at once)
  • Fixed pathing inside the temple adding pathing blockers etc.
  • Fixed doodad placing inside Takelma and Huchnom city, building now seem more natural
  • Renamed Mesoa Oasis to Mesoa Jungle (makes more sense since it's huge)
  • Fixed gloves in mission 12 (no longer require full health to be used)
  • Fixed dialog briinging confusion why they chose Bronndin to climb into the tent (he is the smallest and unnoticable)
  • The lizardmen village is no longer reachable (gates untargetable)
  • Fixed mission with giant lizard eggs (now it working properly and it shows how many you need to collect)
  • Overlap with dialogs is fixed at the last cinematic
  • Heroes deselected during last cinematic
  • The ship was standing still durin cinematic due to dwarves regrouping the crystals they collected
  • The ship is intended to move North and South and North again due to their argument where they are actually going
  • And at last - the boss fight is intended to kill one hero at the time, you can't kill them all at once since they are protecting one another with spells (triggered like that)
November 21.2021.
  • Fixed an issue with giant lizard eggs not working properly
November 08.2022.
  • Added more camera options
  • Improved Thomas' spells by a lot and some of Adhelion's as well
  • Each hero now has it's own cape and color representing their race and people
  • Fixed herbs text in chapter 7 presentin wrong numbers
  • Removed Fire Wave from Thomas during Arena quest (he gets it again after the duel)
  • Changed the color of enemies that attack the city in chapter 7 so there is no confusion who to fight
  • Added more pointers what to do during the mission in chapter 9 (blinking on map almost always)
  • Added vision of the Bisons and Elephants so it's easier to coordinate the attacks
  • Mutated leopards are no longer invulnerable while in cages in chapter 10
  • Moved north lever further north so it's visible to the players
Don't play this chapter if you haven't played pack 1 yet. Here is the link to do so:
God's Remnants Pack 1

The story inspired by various books that always missed the 'epic journey' factor for me. Hope you enjoy playing it. Great time killer for playing with friends.
Feel free to DM for suggestions and comments or if you would like to discuss the storyline.

07 A Warm Welcome (Map)

08 Abducted (Map)

09 The Infiltration (Map)

10 Temple of Perdition (Map)

11 Lost Harbour (Map)

12 The Evergreen (Map)

Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES BB Codes | HIVE MELEE MAPS Description Guide - Melee Maps Describing...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Cinematic scenes should start with blackness and then move to visible screen. However, they start with visibility and then turn black and visible again.
  2. You should avoid placing cameras near map edges since the edges are visible and look ugly.
  3. Why would the elven king and his entourage be waiting in a port? Why would he remember a random soldier's name?
  4. Thomas almost got killed by the elven warrioress but he eventually won after her HP got red even though it was more than Thomas'.
  5. Snake Eggs don't have a death animation and the model remains there after you take the items. It can get confusing.
  6. You only get a "Snake Egg Found" message but not one about how many you've found.
  7. Optional quests are not optional.
  8. I wouldn't have said the little water in the south is also an oasis. Also, the quest said oasis which is the singular form of the word.
  9. Heat switches places with the heroes' passive abilities after game load.
  10. Weird that you get a message to first meet Asterion's acquaintance before going in the desert since you have to go anyway.
  11. The golem guardians stumble upon each other in the ending sequence.
  12. The soldiers return rather fast and you don't have much to do after the stampede.
  13. Are we supposed to applaud the three for destroying a city with civilians and all?
  14. The Mutated Leopards can be killed while they are trapped by the magic walls.
  15. Had no idea there was a big lever to close the serpent path in the north because of the big wall. Realized that after seeing there was one lever in the south.
  16. I drew Themba out through the gates then got to destroy the southern shrine, then returned to Themba and used magic on him until he died.
  17. Only Adhelion survived in the last scene.
  18. Generally, you should avoid playing around the map edges as the transition between the non-playable areas and the playable ones is ugly looking and immersion breaking. You can usually see proper playable areas in Blizzard melee or campaign maps.
  19. Some bridges like the rope ones could be placed better. Just use CTRL+Page Up/Page Down to lower or raise their position in the editor.
  20. Thomas killed an Albatross during the scene after gathering the plants.
  21. Playing on 1.30.4 and the attacking wards don't have a model and thus cannot be manually attacked. It's a patch version texture issue I think. Should be tested on newer patches to see if it still happens. It's not game breaking though so that's good.
  22. Jumano's Leader Gloves says it needs full HP to cast its spell but the description says it increases attack speed not regenerate life.
  23. This map is too big to be considered an oasis though especially since it's practically made of patches of land and streams with waterfalls.
  24. Strange that Bronndin was the only one to fit in the hut since the lizards are tall and those are basically their huts.
  25. Collected 10 lizard eggs and nothing happened.
  26. If you reach the enemy heroes, nothing happens, probably because of the issue with the lizard egg quest. Killed all the village.
  27. Reloaded and took the eggs again with pause between them (waited for the text to appear on the screen first).
  28. The reinforcements spawn out of thin air.
  29. The shore dialogue gets mixed with the one in the cinematic scene.
  30. Funny that the boat wasn't fast enough to reach its destination and the heroes happened to pass by it.
  31. Not sure if intended but you can kill the lizard heroes one by one.
  32. Heroes are selected during the scene after defeating the bosses.
  33. The ship goes east, then returns and goes north, then stops when the dwarf soldier talks and then returns and goes south. Not sure if that was intended as a joke that the people on board were not in agreement where to go.


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Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

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Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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Level 9
Feb 25, 2021
November 14.2021.
  • Fixed opening cinematics in each map - now showing black screen before cinematics instead of map area
  • Fixed snake eggs having no death animations
  • Now when you gather items during mission it counts how many items are required to finish that mission as well
  • Optional quest in this campaign are considered - subquest required to finish the main one
  • Description during mission when you search for herb to sharpen the sword now says - Oases (plural)
  • Changed terrain in 7th map to represent actual oasis to the South
  • Thomas' victory was the courtesy of Eialana, she didn't want to embarass him in front of whole city though she easily could have - futue love is in the air
  • Heat during 8th map now has it's own place among hero abilities (no longer switches places with heroes passive abilities)
  • Changed terrain so it makes sense why you reach Astarion's colleaggue first before going into the desert
  • Added extra time after the stampede is gone so you can clear the outposts and camps more easily
  • Now the mission is to reach the Palace insted of killing every Huchnom warrior in the city (most of the soldiers survive and abandon the city)
    Not fit for heroes to massacre entire city - Huchnom tribe still exists afterwards
  • Mutated Leopard are not invulnerable while in cages
  • The mini-map is now pinging where you need to go to pull the levers so it's easier for you
  • The area where you are fihting Themba is no longer retreatable (you can't draw him out of there, you have to fight them all at once)
  • Fixed pathing inside the temple adding pathing blockers etc.
  • Fixed doodad placing inside Takelma and Huchnom city, building now seem more natural
  • Renamed Mesoa Oasis to Mesoa Jungle (makes more sense since it's huge)
  • Fixed gloves in mission 12 (no longer require full health to be used)
  • Fixed dialog briinging confusion why they chose Bronndin to climb into the tent (he is the smallest and unnoticable)
  • The lizardmen village is no longer reachable (gates untargetable)
  • Fixed mission with giant lizard eggs (now it working properly and it shows how many you need to collect)
  • Overlap with dialogs is fixed at the last cinematic
  • Heroes deselected during last cinematic
  • The ship was standing still durin cinematic due to dwarves regrouping the crystals they collected
  • The ship is intended to move North and South and North again due to their argument where they are actually going
  • And at last - the boss fight is intended to kill one hero at the time, you can't kill them all at once since they are protecting one another with spells (triggered like that)
Level 9
Feb 25, 2021
So how do I play this on 1.31, do I put all the maps in the campaign folder or just the map folder?
Map folder, you play one by one, because it is also intended for multiplayer so I couldn't make campaign type maps

Ziv Noel:​

I see, if so then after each map, all of my characters will start again at level 1 without any items from the previous mission?
No man, it transfers from map to map, items, levels etc. No need to worry about those things it's all sorted out
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Level 4
Sep 25, 2021
Map folder, you play one by one, because it is also intended for multiplayer so I couldn't make campaign type maps
I see, if so then after each map, all of my characters will start again at level 1 without any items from the previous mission?
Level 4
Jan 4, 2021
map 7: stuck, can't find herbs anywhere...

so, moved to the next task: collecting snake eggs. When picking up an egg, the counter starts looping infinitely..


(didn't get the latest update, though, played on previous version (November), on 1.29, I'll remove it if it's fixed)
Level 9
Feb 25, 2021
map 7: stuck, can't find herbs anywhere...

so, moved to the next task: collecting snake eggs. When picking up an egg, the counter starts looping infinitely..

View attachment 392175

(didn't get the latest update, though, played on previous version (November), on 1.29, I'll remove it if it's fixed)
Herbs, stay near the oases, and yes, this loop is fixed in the current version
Here, let me show to you and anyone else that has troubles with those herbs
Look at the minimap (herbs start growing once you get in range with them).

thanks, that's great! I'm to lazy to pick that that myself hehe

about the loop, good, I thought so.. well, I need to download it and start over

a nice touch, Elves living in a desert instead of a forest hehe
Need to be original doing some of the things, hope you like the storyline, Vintas is kinda sad story in this pack and packs to come


  • Herb 1.png
    Herb 1.png
    3.1 MB · Views: 77
  • Herb 2.png
    Herb 2.png
    2.5 MB · Views: 71
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Level 2
Oct 8, 2014
Hello i like your maps, but the 7th map is broken for me, no matter what order i do it, i get loops in either snake eggs or in the herbs after collecting 1. All this is not a problem but when i try to go to the king after all those 3 quest, i kinda can't start the quest cuz it keeps triggering the previous finished quests cinematics if i get closer to any other quest giver of the previous quest.
Level 9
Feb 25, 2021
Hello i like your maps, but the 7th map is broken for me, no matter what order i do it, i get loops in either snake eggs or in the herbs after collecting 1. All this is not a problem but when i try to go to the king after all those 3 quest, i kinda can't start the quest cuz it keeps triggering the previous finished quests cinematics if i get closer to any other quest giver of the previous quest.
Glad you like the maps man, third part is coming up soon
As far as the 7th map, I will look into it right now and fix it.
Did you manage to get the story part at the end of that map, kinda important for the overall storyline of campaign?

APRIL 4th:
7th map - Fixed infinite loop issue with quests not able to proceed forward

APRIL 12th:
7th map - Fixed infinite loop issue with quests not able to proceed forward
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Level 2
Oct 8, 2014
I got most of what could have happened, was kinda hyped to continue and finished the maps. I will def wanna try to see what's going on, i kinda know it was a crucial part of the story so i will play it again, thanks for the update.
Level 9
Feb 25, 2021
November 08.2022.
  • Added more camera options
  • Improved Thomas' spells by a lot and some of Adhelion's as well
  • Each hero now has it's own cape and color representing their race and people
  • Fixed herbs text in chapter 7 presentin wrong numbers
  • Removed Fire Wave from Thomas during Arena quest (he gets it again after the duel)
  • Changed the color of enemies that attack the city in chapter 7 so there is no confusion who to fight
  • Added more pointers what to do during the mission in chapter 9 (blinking on map almost always)
  • Added vision of the Bisons and Elephants so it's easier to coordinate the attacks
  • Mutated leopards are no longer invulnerable while in cages in chapter 10
  • Moved north lever further north so it's visible to the players
November 30.2022.
  • Minor player color update
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Level 2
May 29, 2023
My man
It starts growing once you are next to the oasis at right angle, put your heroes around the water and it will start to grow larger if you have vision around the water
yea srry thx i did it already thx alot and another question when will god's remnants pack 4 coming cuz i like your god's remenants serious
Level 8
Jan 28, 2018
Here's my full playthrough for Pack 2. Most boss fights or tricky sections (except the first and last ones) in this one requires setting game speed to slow or enabling num keys (for using healing spells mostly), or else cheats are used widely since reloading savefiles can be so tedious.
The puzzle part for some chapters is once again passable without cheats, but I'll still just blaze through them instead.
Level 9
Feb 25, 2021
Here's my full playthrough for Pack 2. Most boss fights or tricky sections (except the first and last ones) in this one requires setting game speed to slow or enabling num keys (for using healing spells mostly), or else cheats are used widely since reloading savefiles can be so tedious.
The puzzle part for some chapters is once again passable without cheats, but I'll still just blaze through them instead.
Thank you for the feedback and play-through
LOVE the part where you fought bosses and I see you lost and restarted the fight with cheats

Needs a lot of coordination for those fights TBH, except if you play co-op, it's easier and more FUN!