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Custom Race: The Eternal Dynasty 2.0

Updated to 2.0

-Custom Race: The Eternal Dynasty-

This is an undead custom race that was inspired by Tomb kings from WarHammer Fantasy and Age of Mythology.

Made with Reforged: Classic graphics (Can be played with HD Graphics). This is an edit of the melee map Divide and Conquer to include The Eternal Dynasty as a playable race.
To play The Eternal Dynasty, select Undead and click Yes at the start of the map.



The Eternals are the remnants of an ancient civilisation that has long been lost beneath the sands. Awakened from their long slumber by the explorations of younger races, they now seek to awaken all of their people and reclaim their old empire.

The Roster:
  • 4 Heroes
  • 11 Units
  • 3 Summonables
  • 13 Buildings
  • 46 Abilities
  • 28 Upgrades
  • 7 Items

Important Mechanics:
  • Most units have a lower movement and attack rate than other faction units. Non-mechanical units have Degradation causing them to lose hit-points per second.

  • All Eternal Buildings have Conservation aura that increase the regeneration of Eternal units.
  • Pyramids and Spirit Obelisks Have Awaking Aura which increase the movement speed of Eternal units.

  • All organic units are classified as Undead.
  • All unit Eternal production buildings can move.

  • Gold is mined passively by Entombed gold mines.
  • Lumber is harvested by Necrotects.
  • Eternals have no secondary lumber drop off.
  • Spirit Obelisks provide food

  • All Healing abilities restore hit-points over time.

  • When engaging in battle make sure to be near your base or a living idol with the Glyphs of Conservation to prevent Degradation.
  • Make use of the ascend ability to bring your production to the front line.
  • Build Spirit Obelisks along your route of attack to keep your units speed up.



Tomb Guard

Tomb Watcher

Carrion Rider

Adherent of Phakth

Apostle of Djaf

Devotee of Asaph

Living Idol



Sand Worm


Tooltip: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build, repair and unsummon. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Normal
  • Attack cooldown: 2
  • Attack Target: Land and Trees
  • Base damage: 4
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 2
  • Range: 90
  • Movement Speed: 190
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Medium
  • Armor: 0
  • Hitpoint: 280
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 15
  • Food cost: 1
  • Gold cost: 75
  • Lumber cost: N\A
  • Level: 1
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Pyramid
  • Requirement: N\A


(Active) Builds the structure from the inside at a placed location.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


(Auto) Allows Necrotect restore hit points to damaged mechanical units and speed up construction.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


harvests lumber from trees before returning the carried resources to the nearest Pyramid.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Unsummons a building, destroying it and refunding half the cost. Buildings are magic immune while being unsummoned.


Tooltip: Ancient warrior bound into a Shabti. Powerful, but slow. Can learn Ancient Sword Techniques. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Normal
  • Attack cooldown: 2
  • Attack Target: Land
  • Base damage: 17
  • Number of dice: 2
  • Sides per dice: 6
  • Range: 90
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Large
  • Armor: 0
  • Hitpoint: 600
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 30
  • Food cost: 3
  • Gold cost: 180
  • Lumber cost: N\A
  • Level: 3
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Ancient Burial Mound
  • Requirement: N\A


Ancient Sword Techniques:
The Tomb Guard’s ancient training grants him a 8% chance to evade and 16% chance to deal extra 10 damage.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Tooltip: Ancient marksman bound into a Shabti. Effective against air units, but slow. Can learn the Curse of Khsar. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Pierce
  • Attack cooldown: 2.5
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 20
  • Number of dice: 2
  • Sides per dice: 6
  • Range: 450
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Medium
  • Armor: 0
  • Hitpoint: 485
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 22
  • Food cost: 2
  • Gold cost: 155
  • Lumber cost: 20
  • Level: 2
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Ancient Burial Mound
  • Requirement: Repository


Curse of Khsar:
The Tomb Watcher Glave is inscribed with the Curse of Khsar. Has a 33% chance to reduce the armor of his targets by 2
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Tooltip: Skeletal archer mounted atop an undead carrion bird. Generalist and good at scouting. Can learn Carrion Seeker. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Pierce
  • Attack cooldown: 2.3
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 35
  • Number of dice: 2
  • Sides per dice: 10
  • Range: 450
  • Movement Speed: 350
  • Movement Type: Fly
  • Armor Type: Small
  • Armor: 2
  • Hitpoint: 400
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 35
  • Food cost: 4
  • Gold cost: 245
  • Lumber cost: 40
  • Level: 4
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Ancient Burial Mound
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid


Carrion Seeker:
Reveals nearby invisible units.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Shabti of the god of the sky and justice. Specialized in wind magic. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Magic
  • Attack cooldown: 1.9
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 7
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 4
  • Range: 600
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Unarmoured
  • Armor: 0
  • Hitpoint: 305
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: 200
  • Mana Regeneration: .66
  • Training time: 30
  • Food cost: 2
  • Gold cost: 145
  • Lumber cost: 20
  • Level: 2
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Temple of the Gods
  • Requirement: N\A


Shearing Winds:
Decreases the attack rate of a target unit by 50%, and drains 1 hit point per second. Lasts 45 seconds..
  • Mana Cost: 50
  • Cooldown: 1
  • Requirement: N\A


Incantation of Protection:
Heals a target friendly unit for 2 hit points per second and the unit gains 30% damage reduction.
Lasts 60 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 125
  • Cooldown: 1
  • Requirement: Adherent Adept Training


Incantation of Righteous Smiting:
Increases a friendly unit's attack rate by 40% and movement speed by 40%. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 40
  • Cooldown: 1
  • Requirement: Adherent Master Training


Shabti of the god of war and death. Specialized in death magic. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Magic
  • Attack cooldown: 2.1
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 10
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 5
  • Range: 600
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Unarmoured
  • Armor: 0
  • Hitpoint: 390
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: 200
  • Mana Regeneration: .66
  • Training time: 28
  • Food cost: 2
  • Gold cost: 135
  • Lumber cost: 20
  • Level: 2
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Temple of the Gods
  • Requirement: N\A


Adds 2 bonus damage to attacks. Units killed while under the effect of Mummification will turn into 240 hit point mummy. Lasts 45 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 6
  • Cooldown: 0
  • Requirement: N\A


Incantation of Cursed Blades:
Increases a target friendly unit's damage by 25%. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 50
  • Cooldown: 1
  • Requirement: Apostle Adept Training


Incantation of Desiccation:
Reduces damage by 50% of a target enemy unit. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 100
  • Cooldown: 10
  • Requirement: Apostle Master Training


Shabti of the goddess of beauty, magic, and vengeance. Specialized in anti-magic. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Normal
  • Attack cooldown: 1.8
  • Attack Target: Land
  • Base damage: 15
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 9
  • Range: 250
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Large
  • Armor: 3
  • Hitpoint: 650
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana: 250
  • Mana Regeneration: .8
  • Training time: 28
  • Food cost: 3
  • Gold cost: 215
  • Lumber cost: 30
  • Level: 3
  • Type: Orgainic
  • Recruitment Building: Temple of the Gods
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Incantation of Revoke:
Dispels enemy units. Deals 400 damage to summoned units.
  • Mana Cost: 25
  • Cooldown: 0
  • Requirement: Incantation of Revoke


Cobra Ward:
Summons an immobile serpentine ward to attack enemies. Lasts 40 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 50
  • Cooldown: 6.5
  • Requirement: Cobra Ward


Devotee attacks destroy 20 mana per hit. The mana combusts, dealing damage to the attacked unit.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Inscribed Clay:
Reduces spell and magic damage dealt to the Devotee by 100% and blocks a negative spell that an enemy casts on the Devotee every .33 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Living statues that can support your army with different auras. Has no Attack.
  • Attack Type: N\A
  • Attack cooldown: N\A
  • Attack Target: N\A
  • Base damage: N\A
  • Number of dice: N\A
  • Sides per dice: N\A
  • Range: N\A
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Large
  • Armor: 4
  • Hitpoint: 800
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Mana: 300
  • Mana Regeneration: .5
  • Training time: 45
  • Food cost: 3
  • Gold cost: 235
  • Lumber cost: 50
  • Level: 3
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Recruitment Building: Clay Shaper
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Eternal Oaths:
Raises certain fallen non-Hero units from the dead. The unit is revived with 50% of its hit points restored.
  • Mana Cost: 125
  • Cooldown: 25
  • Requirement: Eternal Oaths


The Living Idol enters hibernation becoming stationary gaining spell immunity, increased armor and health and mana regeneration, but loses its ability to use its abilities.
  • Mana Cost: 25
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Divine Glyphs:
Allows Living Idol to be inscribed with different glyphs that grant it different auras.

Glyphs of Compulsion: Enscribs the living idol with Glyphs that increases nearby friendly units' movement speed and attack rate by 20%.
Glyphs of Conservation: Enscribes the living idol with Glyphs that increases nearby friendly units' life regeneration rate.
Glyphs of Attenuation: Enscribs the living idol with Glyphs that decreases nearby enemy units’ movement speed and attack rate by 20%.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: 60
  • Requirement: N\A


Long-range siege weaponry. Exceptional damage versus buildings, but slow and vulnerable. Can learn Siege Mastery
Note; Has same AOE as the Meatwagon
  • Attack Type: Siege
  • Attack cooldown: 4.5
  • Attack Target: Land
  • Base damage: 55
  • Number of dice: 2
  • Sides per dice: 22
  • Range: 1150
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Large
  • Armor: 2
  • Hitpoint: 380
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Mana:N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 36
  • Food cost: 4
  • Gold cost: 230
  • Lumber cost: 50
  • Level: 3
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Recruitment Building: Clay Shaper
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Siege Mastery:
The Viperpult targets the critical points of its targets, giving a 30% chance to instantly destroy structures below 20% health.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: Siege Mastery


Demon bound in living clay. Upon death there is a 5% chance the demon will manifest as neutral hostile doomguard. Can Learn Demonic Frenzy. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.
  • Attack Type: Normal
  • Attack cooldown: 2.5
  • Attack Target: Land
  • Base damage: 35
  • Number of dice: 2
  • Sides per dice: 7
  • Range: 129
  • Movement Speed: 230
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Large
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 700
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: -2.00
  • Mana:N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 45
  • Food cost: 4
  • Gold cost: 245
  • Lumber cost: 60
  • Level: 4
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Recruitment Building: Clay Shaper
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid, Grand Ossuary


Demonic Frenzy:
On an attack, the Ushabti’s bindings may temporarily weaken, giving it a 20% chance of increasing its attack rate by 50%, but drains 10 hit points per second. Lasts 5 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: Demonic Frenzy


Enormous burrowing sandworm.
  • Attack Type: Magic
  • Attack cooldown: 2.5
  • Attack Target: Land
  • Base damage: 60
  • Number of dice: 2
  • Sides per dice: 22
  • Range: 850
  • Movement Speed: 160
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Large
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1250
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: 0.25
  • Mana:N\A
  • Mana Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Food cost: 5
  • Gold cost: 330
  • Lumber cost: 70
  • Level: 5
  • Type: Organic
  • Recruitment Building: Royal Burial Chamber
  • Requirement: N\A


The Sand Worm digs into the ground, becomes invisible, and gains a regeneration rate of 10 hit points per second, and increased movement speed. The Sandworm cannot attack while burrowed.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: N\A


Lightning Breath:
Gives a 20% chance to electrocute the occupants of a building stunning it for 10 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: N\A
  • Cooldown: N\A
  • Requirement: Lightning Breath



Grand Pyramid

Black Pyramid

Spirit Obelisk


Altar of Embalming

Ancient Burial Mound


Entombed Gold Mine

Grand Ossuary

Clay Shaper

Temple of the Gods

Royal Burial Chamber


Tier 1 Primary structure that receives gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Grand Pyramid and Black Pyramid to enable the production of additional types of structures, units and the ability to attack enemy units. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Movement Speed: 60
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1500
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 120
  • Food Produced: 12
  • Gold cost: 255
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical, Town Hall
  • Requirement: N\A


Tooltip: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build, repair and unsummon. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


  • Research time: 20
  • Gold cost: 50
  • Lumber cost: 25
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Allows the Pyramid to levitate out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in combat. Pyramid retains its Fortified armor.


Entombs a Gold Mine, slowly draining it of its gold.


Awakening Aura:
Increases nearby friendly ground units' movement speed by 40. Stacks with Glyphs of Compulsion.


Tier 2 Primary structure that receives gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Black Pyramid to enable the production of additional types of structures, units and the ability to attack enemy units. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Attack Type: Pierce
  • Attack cooldown: 1.00
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 40
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 10
  • Range: 800
  • Movement Speed: 60
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1750
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 140
  • Food Produced: 12
  • Gold cost: 320
  • Lumber cost: 210
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical, Town Hall
  • Requirement: N\A


Tooltip: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build, repair and unsummon. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


  • Research time: 20
  • Gold cost: 50
  • Lumber cost: 25
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Allows the Pyramid to levitate out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in combat. Pyramid retains its Fortified armor.


Entombs a Gold Mine, slowly draining it of its gold.


Awakening Aura:
Increases nearby friendly ground units' movement speed by 40. Stacks with Glyphs of Compulsion.


Tier 3 Primary structure that receives gathered resources. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Attack Type: Pierce
  • Attack cooldown: 1.00
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 48
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 12
  • Range: 800
  • Movement Speed: 60
  • Movement Type: Hover
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 2000
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 140
  • Food Produced: 12
  • Gold cost: 345
  • Lumber cost: 250
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical, Town Hall
  • Requirement: Altar of Embalming


Tooltip: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build, repair and unsummon. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


  • Research time: 20
  • Gold cost: 50
  • Lumber cost: 25
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Allows the Pyramid to levitate out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in combat. Pyramid retains its Fortified armor.


Entombs a Gold Mine, slowly draining it of its gold.


Awakening Aura:
Increases nearby friendly ground units' movement speed by 40. Stacks with Glyphs of Compulsion.


Vital Structure. Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 600
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 50
  • Food Produced: 10
  • Gold cost: 120
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A

Awakening Aura:
Increases nearby friendly ground units' movement speed by 40. Stacks with Glyphs of Compulsion.


Defensive structure. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Attack Type: Pierce
  • Attack cooldown: 1.00
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Base damage: 26
  • Number of dice: 1
  • Sides per dice: 6
  • Range: 700
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 550
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Gold cost: 160
  • Lumber cost: 40
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 900
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Gold cost: 180
  • Lumber cost: 50
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Tomb King:
Warrior Hero, adept at war and manipulating the battlefield.


Priest of Khsar:
Mystical Hero, particularly adept at using desert to damage his foes.


Liche of Usirian:
Mystical Hero, particularly adept at death magic and area of effect.


Hunter of Sokth:
Cunning Hero, adept summoning and overwhelming single units.


Allows the structure to levitate out of the ground so that it can move. Also gives the structure Heavy armor.


Primary troop production building. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1300
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Gold cost: 200
  • Lumber cost: 50
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Tomb Guard:
Ancient warrior bound into a Shabti. Powerful, but slow. Can learn Ancient Sword Techniques. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


Tomb Watcher:
Ancient marksman bound into a Shabti. Effective against air units, but slow. Can learn the Curse of Khsar. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


Carrion Rider:
Skeletal archer mounted atop an undead carrion bird. Generalist and good at scouting. Can learn Carrion Seeker. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


Ancient Sword Techniques:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 150
  • Lumber cost: 100
  • Requirement: N\A


Curse of Khsar:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 100
  • Lumber cost: 150
  • Requirement: Repository


Carrion Seeker:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 50
  • Lumber cost: 50
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid


Allows the structure to levitate out of the ground so that it can move. Also gives the structure Heavy armor.


Provides attack, armor and building upgrades for The Eternal units. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 900
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 80
  • Gold cost: 215
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Koprite Armor; Ironite Armor; Obsiusite Armor:
  • Research time: 60; 75; 90
  • Gold cost: 150; 225; 300
  • Lumber cost: 75; 225; 350
  • Requirement: N\A; Grand Pyramid; Black Pyramid


Koprite Melee Weapons; Ironite Melee Weapons; Obsiusite Melee Weapons:
  • Research time: 60; 75; 90
  • Gold cost: 100; 150; 200
  • Lumber cost: 75; 175; 275
  • Requirement: N\A; Grand Pyramid; Black Pyramid


Koprite Ranged Weapons; Ironite Ranged Weapons; Obsiusite Ranged Weapons:
  • Research time: 60; 75; 90
  • Gold cost: 100; 150; 200
  • Lumber cost: 100; 200; 300
  • Requirement: N\A; Grand Pyramid; Black Pyramid


Entombed Servants; Entombed Condemned:
Increases gold income.
  • Research time: 60; 75:
  • Gold cost: 0; 0
  • Lumber cost: 100; 200
  • Requirement: Grand Pyramid; Black Pyramid


Gives specific The Eternal structures the ability to levitate off the ground
  • Research time: 20
  • Gold cost: 150
  • Lumber cost: 125
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary


Glyphs Propulsion:
Upgrades movement speed and armor Eternal Ascendable structures.
  • Research time: 60
  • Gold cost: 150
  • Lumber cost: 200
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid; Ascend


Entombed gold mine that passively mines gold. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 950


Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Pyramid has. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 475
  • Constructing Time: 60
  • Food Produced: N\A
  • Gold cost: 130
  • Lumber cost: 30
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Purchase Lesser Scroll of Replenishment:
Non-Combat Consumable. Regenerates 250 hit points and 100 mana of the Hero and nearby friendly units over 45 seconds.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 300
  • Sell value: 198
  • Requirement: N\A


Purchase Scarab Stone:
Summons 5 Scarabs with slow poison to fight for you. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 350
  • Sell value: 210
  • Requirement: N\A


Purchase Potion of Healing:
Heals 250 hit points when used.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 150
  • Sell value: 90
  • Requirement: Tier 2

Purchase Potion of Mana:
Restores 125 mana when used.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 150
  • Sell value: 90
  • Requirement: Tier 2


Purchase Scroll of Town Portal:
Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly town hall.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 325
  • Sell value: 195
  • Requirement: Tier 2


PurchaseTablet of Lesser Resurrection:
Bring 2 of your nearby dead units back to life.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 325
  • Sell value: 100
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid


Purchase Orb of Sand:
Adds 6 bonus damage. The Hero's attacks become ranged when attacking air, and inflict mummification.
  • Stock Replenish Interval: 120
  • Gold cost: 400
  • Sell value: 225
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid


Heavy troop production building. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1200
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Gold cost: 140
  • Lumber cost: 135
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Living Idol:
Living statues that can support your army with different auras. Has no Attack.


Long-range siege weaponry. Exceptional damage versus buildings, but slow and vulnerable. Can learn Siege Mastery


Demon bound in living clay. Upon death there is a 5% chance the demon will manifest as neutral hostile doomguard. Can Learn Demonic Frenzy. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points


Eternal Oaths:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 125
  • Lumber cost: 150
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary; Grand Pyramid


Siege Mastery:
  • Research time: 40
  • Gold cost: 50
  • Lumber cost: 100
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid


Demonic Frenzy:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 50
  • Lumber cost: 100
  • Requirement: Black Pyramid


Allows the structure to levitate out of the ground so that it can move. Also gives the structure Heavy armor.


Magic troop production building. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1100
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Gold cost: 155
  • Lumber cost: 140
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Adherent of Phakth:
Shabti of the god of the sky and justice. Specialized in wind magic. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


Apostle of Djaf:
Shabti of the god of war and death. Specialized in death magic. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


Devotee of Asaph:
Shabti of the goddess of beauty, magic, and vengeance. Specialized in anti-magic. Has Degradation; it will lose 2 hit-points per second.


Adherent Adept Training; Adherent Master Training:
  • Research time: 60; 75
  • Gold cost: 100; 100
  • Lumber cost: 50; 150
  • Requirement: N\A; Black Pyramid


Apostle Adept Training; Apostle Master Training:
  • Research time: 60; 75
  • Gold cost: 100; 100
  • Lumber cost: 50; 150
  • Requirement: N\A; Black Pyramid


Incantation of Revoke:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 75
  • Lumber cost: 75
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary; Grand Pyramid


Cobra Ward:
  • Research time: 45
  • Gold cost: 75
  • Lumber cost: 75
  • Requirement: Grand Ossuary; Grand Pyramid


Allows the structure to levitate out of the ground so that it can move. Also gives the structure Heavy armor.


Elite production building. Has Conservation; Buildings are engraved with glyphs that increase nearby Eternal Dynasty units' life regeneration rate by 3.
  • Armor Type: Fortified
  • Armor: 5
  • Hitpoint: 1100
  • Hitpoint Regeneration: N\A
  • Training time: 60
  • Gold cost: 155
  • Lumber cost: 140
  • Level: 0
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Requirement: N\A


Sand Worm:
Enormous burrowing sandworm.


Lightning Breath:
  • Research time: 60
  • Gold cost: 150
  • Lumber cost: 275
  • Requirement: N\A


Allows the structure to levitate out of the ground so that it can move. Also gives the structure Heavy armor.


Tomb King

Priest of Khsar

Liche of Usirian

Hunter of Sokth


Tooltip: Warrior Hero, adept at war and manipulating the battlefield.
  • Attack Type: Hero
  • Attack cooldown: 1.9
  • Attack Target: Land.
  • Damage: 28 - 34
  • Range: 128
  • Movement Speed: 270
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Hero
  • Armor: 2
  • Hitpoint: 675
  • Mana: 210
  • Training time: 55
  • Food cost: 5
  • Type: Organic


Impaling Bones:
Using bones of laying forgotten beneath the earth, shooting spiked ribs out in 3 straight lines, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them. Main wave has greater distance than the secondary ones.


Gives a divinely ordained order to targeted units, increasing Attack speed, Movement speed, and damage. However, a targeted unit can not cast spells under its effects. Lasts 15 seconds.


Cleaving Sickles:
The razor sharp blades of the heroes' weapons cleave through enemies dealing damage to nearby foes.


Neru's Avatar:
When activated, it gives the hero 10 bonus armor, 1000 bonus hit points, and spell immunity.
Requirement: Level 6


Tooltip: Mystical Hero, particularly adept at using desert to damage his foes.
  • Attack Type: Hero
  • Attack cooldown: 2.13
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Damage: 21 - 27
  • Range: 500
  • Movement Speed: 320
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Hero
  • Armor: 3
  • Hitpoint: 475
  • Mana: 285
  • Training time: 55
  • Food cost: 5
  • Type: Organic


Caster Summons a cone of sandy air that rips the flesh from enemy units in its path.


Sand Cloud:
Engulfs the unit in sand, providing armor and causing damage to nearby enemy land units. Drains mana until deactivated.


Far Sight:
Reveals the area of the map that it is cast upon. Also reveals invisible units.


Sand Storm:
Summons a fierce controllable Sand Storm that slows enemy units' movement speed and damages enemies. The Tornado does 25 damage per second to enemies under it, and 5 damage per second to enemies in its general vicinity. Lasts 40 seconds.
Requirement: Level 6


Tooltip: Mystical Hero, particularly adept at death magic and area of effect.
  • Attack Type: Hero
  • Attack cooldown: 2.13
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Damage: 22 - 28
  • Range: 500
  • Movement Speed: 320
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Hero
  • Armor: 2
  • Hitpoint: 475
  • Mana: 300
  • Training time: 55
  • Food cost: 5
  • Type: Organic


Harnessing the darker powers of the underworld, the Arch-Liche weakens his foes' will to survive the battle. Lasts 15 seconds.


Dark Mend:
Calls upon the mystical power of the underworld to the world of living. Friendly units affected by Dark Mend will be healed hit points over time, and enemy units will be damaged over time. 140 AOE, lasts 8 seconds.


The Hero comments taboo by destroying the bodies of the dead and Consuming the life force of the souls for his own healing.


Calls upon the power of Usirian. 6 Friendly units brought back to life.
Requirement: Level 6


Tooltip: Cunning Hero, adept summoning and overwhelming single units.
  • Attack Type: Hero
  • Attack cooldown: 2.3
  • Attack Target: Land and Air
  • Damage: 22 - 28
  • Range: 500
  • Movement Speed: 320
  • Movement Type: Foot
  • Armor Type: Hero
  • Armor: 4
  • Hitpoint: 475
  • Mana: 255
  • Training time: 55
  • Food cost: 5
  • Type: Organic


Summon Scorpion:
Summons a powerful Scorpion to attack your enemies. Lasts 70 Seconds.


Scarab Trap:
Summons a trap that activates when an enemy unit approaches. The trap will release scarabs to attack your enemies. Maximum of 7 traps at the same time.


Datura Poison:
Increases the damage of the Hunter's attack by adding poison. Last 10 seconds.


Viper Strike:
Allows the Hunter of Sokth to become invisible, and move 100% faster until the Hunter of Sokth attacks a unit. The attack will deal 800 bonus damage.
Requirement: Level 6





- Uploaded to map development

- Uploaded the map section.
-Small misc changes
-replaces doodads with correct tileset ones
-Fix blight placement on desecration

- Fixed UI Tile 5 and 6
- New Health bar and selection
- Tooltips/lore more inline with the Nehekharan Pantheon
- Added Train/Build time to Tooltips
- Theme changed from “Undead” to “Living Statues”
- Replaced Unit models
- Replaced Unit Icons
- Goldmine now has visual feedback for upgrades.
- Added Custom Music

- Carrion Rider now Tier 3
- Carrion Rider moved to Ancient Burial Mound
- Living Idol moved to Clay Shaper
- Fixed Items

- Removed base game undead Mechanics
- New Caster Units
- New unit abilities
- New Items
- Unit production Buildings Ascend
- Added Degradation And Conservation Mechanic
- Degradation; Certain Eternal units will passively lose 2 hp per second.
- Conservation: All Eternal Buildings have Conservation aura that increase the regeneration of - - Eternal units.

Future Plans


- Lore of Nehekhara; killing and research gains Canopic Jars which can be spent on rituals.
Researching earns 1 Jar each. Kills earn Jars equal to the dying units level. Shop can Trade Gold and lumber or Canopic Jars; 20/10 for 1
- New Hero Abilities.
- Additional Maps.





Imported Spells and Systems

Tools Used & Misc

Ujimasa Hojo
Grey Knight
Uncle Fester
Mr. Bob

The Panda
The D3ath
Blizzard Entertainment
Marcos DAB

Avatars Lord
Blizzard Entertainment

Desecration from Simple Spell Pack 1.3
Impaile from Simple Spell Pack 1.3
Dark Mend from Dekku’s Spell Pack 1.4
Spider Trap from Dekku’s Spell Pack 1.4

Button Manager v1.8.2 by Shadow Daemon
MDL MDX Converter by Guessed
Wc3 Universal Calculator & Colorizer v5.3.2 Submitted by D.O.G.


The Eternal Dynasty 2.0 (Map)

The shop could have unique things, especially the orb. It could definitely use more triggered/custom spells and mechanics but it's good. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site...
Level 9
Jul 22, 2017
Hello, Mr. Seyahnayr. The map is very good. And report three problems.
1. Sandworms will still be attacked by enemy after burrowing into the ground.
2. The last item in the store cannot be purchased.
3. Buildings cannot enlarge the area of decaying ground.
Last edited:
Level 24
Feb 19, 2011
I tried out this race and overall all it's very well done.

There's a few small issues that I found. Such as the Ascend disabled icon still having a border around it, the orb of sand being in the wrong XY position. There are also various small tooltip errors like extra spaces between words, wrong icons for buffs, and wrong buffs overall. The Avatar unit and the Carrion Rider both have teamcolor issues. The Avatar seems to mix its colors, so if you're a blue player he looks purple and so one. The Carrion Rider straight up does not have team color.
The custom UI could be fixed. As of now it shows Undead style for Tile05 and Tile06.

  • The tooltip and descriptions on structures and units is very much like I do it, providing lots of info with visually pleasing and relevant colors to the faction.
  • The description you have on this page is very nice. I can see a lot of hard work and care went into presenting your ideas. There are a few spelling errors in such in there though.
  • Plenty of interesting idea on how the race operates. With the blight spreading, the slow marching army, and the moving structures.
  • Custom abilities with some nice ideas. Even just changing a simple spell to have a more varied effect goes a long way.
  • Good, varied selection of units and heroes.
  • Good selection of models and effects.

  • Though you have a lot of custom icons, there are still many that are just vanilla icons. I am personally not a fan when there is so much vanilla content.
  • I was not terribly impressed with the heroes. Some has nice kits and interesting ideas, but I felt the majority of the ideas were just too generic and didn't fit well with the rest of the race.
  • Same could be said about a few of the units. Particularly the 2 spellcasters.
  • Items for the race only have one semi-custom item. Aside from the T2 stuff, I feel all custom races should have something unique. Right now it is all vanilla Undead items.

All in all, good job. Keep up the good work.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
The shop could have unique things, especially the orb.
It could definitely use more triggered/custom spells and mechanics but it's good.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 5
Jun 21, 2016
The Sand Worm feels a bit janky with its animations and movement and the circle that indicates that it's affected by an aura is above-ground, meaning mid-air, but the race itself is very thematic for a Tomb Kings adaption and I think is a relatively original take on the undead. I'd love to use them in my campaign as a replacement for the generic undead, but unfortunately they'd be extremely out of place amongst all other stuff that is HD and not SD, which is a shame.

If you have the motivation and ability to do so, I'd love to see this for HD and I'd 100% use the race :) Good job overall, but needs some polish ^^
Before I make the thicc review, here's some remarks :
You don't get an auto haunted mine at start.
Mummy model a bit small
Early heal is extremely harsh, it is either too long or too expensive to heal heroes, this locks strategic choices early on since the priority is to get a healing hero (and the only one is underwhelming at that role)
When a new Pyramid is build it instantly disappear
5% of chances to spawn a hostile doom guard when a Ushabti dies... what the what ? Free russian roulette money, mana & XP.
Again, balance is 1.0 Warcraft 3 melee, set it to latest patch. Do not forget to change the default data of your units afterward.
Before I make the thicc review, here's some remarks :
You don't get an auto haunted mine at start.
Mummy model a bit small
Early heal is extremely harsh, it is either too long or too expensive to heal heroes, this locks strategic choices early on since the priority is to get a healing hero (and the only one is underwhelming at that role)
When a new Pyramid is build it instantly disappear
5% of chances to spawn a hostile doom guard when a Ushabti dies... what the what ? Free russian roulette money, mana & XP.
Again, balance is 1.0 Warcraft 3 melee, set it to latest patch. Do not forget to change the default data of your units afterward.
Thanks for the quick review. I'll give some quick answers. This started as a small update to fix some of the bugs mentioned in old reviews, but derailed into a semi-remake.
  • I was having trouble replacing the haunted mine with the entombed mine; the best i could do at the time was get a normal gold mine.
  • It was a little higher than I intended.
  • i didn't have a problem with the pyramid. I'll take a look at it.
  • I forgot about the $, XP, and Mana bonuses. The idea was that the demon housed in the Ushabti was the resolute of the eternals, who tried to defeat it in the past but bound it instead.
  • forgot to check that when i made it. I've been making sure to change it in new maps after you told me that in the IC review.
I have the old 1.1 version if you want take look at what was changed.

Report a bug:
The last item in the store can't be purchased.

Report a problem of 2.0 version:
During playing the map, sometimes game is automatically ended and return to the upper menu.And this problem doesn't happen every time.
Thanks for the heads up.
Do you have any ideas about what caused it. What where you doing/training/researching when it happened?
Last edited:
Level 9
Jul 22, 2017
Thanks for the quick review. I'll give some quick answers. This started as a small update to fix some of the bugs mentioned in old reviews, but derailed into a semi-remake.
  • I was having trouble replacing the haunted mine with the entombed mine; the best i could do at the time was get a normal gold mine.
  • It was a little higher than I intended.
  • i didn't have a problem with the pyramid. I'll take a look at it.
  • I forgot about the $, XP, and Mana bonuses. The idea was that the demon housed in the Ushabti was the resolute of the eternals, who tried to defeat it in the past but bound it instead.
  • forgot to check that when i made it. I've been making sure to change it in new maps after you told me that in the IC review.
I have the old 1.1 version if you want take look at what was changed.

Thanks for the heads up.
Do you have any ideas about what caused it. What where you doing/training/researching when it happened?
Now this problem doesn't happen again. I don't know why.
I forgot about the $, XP, and Mana bonuses. The idea was that the demon housed in the Ushabti was the resolute of the eternals, who tried to defeat it in the past but bound it instead
Good ideas often make terrible concepts, because they collide with many other game systems by generating side effects. You can simply replace the doom guard by making the Ushabti hostile & invulnerable for a short duration when it dies before dying for good (I roughly did the same for my ADHD Youngster's YOLO ability). No more out of place unit spawn. However this is very double edged since the unit is a bit expensive for what it can field (not much tanky). In my opinion this is quite gimmick and doesn't bring much to the faction gameplay-wise, but that's just one detail.
I was having trouble replacing the haunted mine with the entombed mine; the best i could do at the time was get a normal gold mine.
Simply order the Pyramid to entomb the nearby goldmine just after they are both created.