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Custom Race: Kingdom of Stromgarde 2.0 (Recrafted)

Updated to 2.0 (Recrafted)

-Custom Race: Kingdom of Stromgarde-

Made with Reforged; Classic graphics. This is an edit of the melee map Stromguarde to include the Kingdom of Stromgarde as a playable race.

To play the Kingdom of Stromgarde, select Human and click Yes at the start of the map.

Special thanks to StormKnight and Wa666r for testing and advising me on Versions 1.0 to 1.3.


Veterancy Mechanic

Tech Tree


The Roster:
4 Heroes
11 Units
16 Buildings
46 Abilities
23 Upgrades
7 Items

Veteran Defenders: Nearly non-stop defensive warfare has granted them many young veterans skilled siege and counter-siege.
Declining Empire: Non-stop defensive warfare has left their kingdom a mess of neglected civil structures and new fortifications, while their exhausted armies grow older.

- Units now have Veterancy and will rank up for every 3 units they kill, gaining bonus armor, health, damage and ability levels up (Max rank of 4).
- Many abilities require situational awareness.
- Some unit abilities cause a speed debuff when used.
- Caster Abilities cost and\or Cooldown and cost increase with Veterancy.
- Alchemicalist abilities are non-channeling powerful AoEs but they can be maneuvered around and out of.
- Salvage ability recovers half the resource cost of the original building.
- Reconstruction requires a cost and build time equal to the original building, however they are self building.

Stromgarde units, except workers and heroes, can gain Veterancy. Units can rank up by killing three enemy units, reaching a maximum rank of 4. Each rank above 1 grants 1 armor bonus, 3 damage, 50 hit points, and a 1 level in certain abilities.

Units above rank 1 gain the overhead effect of floating Stars with 1 star representing each rank. As abilities are leveled they become more powerful and last longer at the cost of a higher debuff, mana cost, and/or cooldown.

At tier 2 and 3 Stromgarde research Rotational Units and then Rotational Veteran Units from Retreat, Palisade, or Bulwark.
Rotational Units: Rotates in troops from other fronts. Units are now trained at Veterancy - Rank 2
Rotational Veteran Units: Rotates in veteran troops from other fronts. Units are now trained at Veterancy - Rank 3


This faction is now essentially where I want it to be. As I release more Warcraft-based human races, I'll probably go back and adjust or replace the abilities of the cavalryman and heroes. I have the Syndicate of Alterac Custom Race in development, though it needs some revisions, and I have the beginings of aoutline document for a Kingdom of Lordaeron race.


2022-01-29 Version 1.0

2022-01-29 Version 1.1

2022-01-29 Version 1.2

2022-02-09 Version 1.3

2023-11-07 Version 2.0

- Uploaded the map section.

- Fixed Tooltip errors and Icon placement

- Properly rebalanced Gold and Lumber cost for all Stromgarde units
- Increased Hurlbat Hit Points and reworked its damage output
- Reworked Man-at-Arms damage and decreased attack rate reduction of Defensive Stance
- Renamed Siege Ram to Assault Ram; Increased its Hit Points, lowered its damage output and changed armor type from large to fortified
- Increased Corrosive Decoction duration to 30 seconds from 15
- Increased Explosive Elixirs AoE to 175 from 150
- Increased the hitpoint bonus provided by Masonry upgrades from 10% to 15%
- Updated Map page description

Note to self and others: Don’t forget to turn off auto save when making updates. I left it on and now I have no backups of the release version

- Fixed trigger for dismounted chance; All ranks have their chance increased by 5%
- Matched dismounted Cavalryman status to the Cavalryman, reduced his movement speed, and removed War Animal Training
- Fixed Archmage's Recall and Mana Shield Requirements
- Edited Warmaster’s Cavalry charge tooltip
- Edited Markswoman’s Death Arrow tooltip
- Replaced Defensive Stance icon
- Reworked Ballista Tower damage, decreased attack rate,
- Reworked Gunnery Tower damage, reduced its damage against small by 25%, and added Sundering Rounds Ability; Increases damage against large by 50%
- Increased Mortar tower attack range
- Removed Magic Tower

>Mechanics Changes;
Removed - Upgrades no longer affect abilities levels.
New - Veterancy: Units will rank up for every 3 units they kill, gaining bonus armor, health, damage and ability levels to rank 4.
New - Foundations: Towns halls, farms, barracks And towers can create scorched foundations that can be rebuilt or salvaged.

>General Changes
- Defensive Towers are stronger but are more expensive. Can have their armor upgraded to Fortified.
- Units have slightly higher DPS, 20% more Hit Points, but are 10% more expensive than their equivalents.
- The exception of Towers. Structures have 20% less Hit Points and 1 less armor, but are 10% cheaper and lack defensive improvements.
- New UI, Health Bar, and Selection
- All Heroes and their abilities have been replaced.

>Balance Changes;
Renamed to Roustabout.

Attack Cooldown increased from 1.25 to 1.45.
Number of Damage Dice increased from 2 to 3.
Attack Range increased from 90 to 100.
Hit Points increased from 390 to 500.
Gold Cost increased from 120 to 150.
Defensive Stance ability is now based on Berserk rather than Defend.
Defensive Stance ability now has a Cooldown and Duration.
Defensive Stance ability now reduces damage taken by a percentage rather than increasing armor.

Renamed to Woodsman.
Attack Cooldown reduced from 1.5 to 1.45.
Base Damage reduced from 16 to 13.
Number of Dice Sides reduced from 6 to 3.
Hit Points increased from 500 to 645.
Build Time reduced from 26 seconds to 25.
Gold Cost increased from 105 to 205.
Lumber Cost increased from 25 to 30.
Ensnare ability now has 4 ranks.

Attack Cooldown increased from 1.35 to 1.5.
Base Damage reduced from 33 to 32.
Number of Damage Dice reduced from 2 to 1.
Defense Base increased from 3 to 5.
Hit Points increased from 600 to 1060.
Build Time increased from 40 seconds to 45.
Food Cost increased from 4 to 5.
Gold Cost increased from 190 to 270.
Lumber Cost reduced from 45 to 65.
Replaced Mounted Martial Arts ability with Mounted Warfare.

Base Damage reduced from 9 to 6.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 5 to 11.
Hit Points increased from 300 to 380.
Build Time reduced from 35 seconds to 30.
Food Cost increased from 2 to 3.
Gold Cost reduced from 165 to 160.
Lumber Cost reduced from 30 to 20.
Removed old abilities.
New abilities: Corrosive Miasma, Explosive Flasks, Cloud of Arcane Diffusion and Fog of lethargy.

Attack Cooldown increased from 2 to 2.1.
Base Damage reduced from 7 to 6.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 2 to 3.
Hit Points increased from 200 to 350.
Build Time increased from 28 seconds to 30.
Gold Cost increased from 110 to 150.
Removed ability: Nullify Magic.
Reworked abilities: Lay on Hands, Shadow Word: Pain, and Shadow Form.
New abilities: Lights's Protection and Power Infusion.

Renamed to Troll Hunter.
Attack Cooldown increased from 1.9 to 2.
Number of Damage Dice increased from 1 to 2.
Attack Range reduced from 250 to 128.
Hit Points increased from 540 to 720.
Mana reduced from 250 to 200.
Build Time increased from 28 seconds to 30.
Gold Cost increased from 115 to 235.
Lumber Cost increased from 30 to 35.
Removed abilities: Mind Blast, Execute, Spell Immunity, and Backfire.
New abilities: Cauterize, Voodoo Breaker, and Magic Defense.

Observation Balloon;
Attack Cooldown increased from 1.5 to 2.2
Base Damage reduced from 15 to 8
Number of Damage Dice increased from 1 to 2
Attack Range increased from 400 to 600
Defense Base increased from 0 to 2
Hit Points reduced from 500 to 450
Build Time reduced from 30 seconds to 15
Food Cost reduced from 3 to 2
Gold Cost increased from 155 to 160
Lumber Cost increased from 20 to 30
New Abilities Cargo Hold and Arrow Slit.

Assault Ram;
Removed unit.

Added unit

Boulder Slinger;
Renamed to Catapult.
Attack Cooldown increased from 3.5 to 4.6.
Base Damage increased from 44 to 65.
Number of Damage Dice increased from 1 to 2.
Hit Points increased from 300 to 510.
Build Time reduced from 48 seconds to 40.
Food Cost increased from 3 to 4.
Gold Cost increased from 145 to 245.
Lumber Cost reduced from 65 to 55.
Replaced Vorpal Stones ability with Flammable Coating

Pegasus Rider;
Attack Cooldown increased from 2.3 to
Base Damage reduced from 44 to 40
Number of Damage Dice increased from 1 to 2
Hit Points increased from 875 to 1050
Mana increased from 90 to 200
Build Time increased from 45 seconds to 50
Food Cost increased from 4 to 5
Gold Cost increased from 280 to 310
Lumber Cost increased from 70 to 75








Troll Hunter


Observation Balloon


Pegasus Rider


Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 0 Food Cost: 1
Requirement: N\A

Tooltip: With all of the young men fighting, the kingdom's various logistic demands have been left to these stalwart elderly men. Despite graying hair and elderly bodies, they can still build and harvest like the best of men.

Initial Abilities:
Gather Resources: Mines gold from gold mines and harvests lumber from trees.
Build: Structures are built from the outside allowing Flagellants to halt construction by moving away.
Repair: Repairs mechanical units and structures at the cost of resources.
Call to Arms: Run to the nearest Retreat, Palisade, or Bulwark to arm the Roustabout, converting him into a Defender.
Cooldown: N/A
Duration: 40 Seconds
View attachment 452215


Gold Cost: 150 Lumber Cost: 0 Food Cost: 2
Requirement: N\A

Tooltip: Arrayed in a mixture of hardened steel and leather armor, they courageously wield a war-ax and round shield in hand-to-hand combat against their vile foes.

Learnable Abilities:
Defensive Stance: Activate to reduce damage taken by 20%/30%/40%/50% but movement speed is reduced by 15%/25%/35%/45%.
Cooldown: 20/25/30/35 Seconds
Duration: 10/15/20/25 Seconds

Gold Cost
: 205 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 3
Requirement: Mill

Tooltip: Clad in Brigandine armor, these hardy hunters make use of their recreational ax-thrower skills to strike out at their brutish enemies and make use of their trapping skills to capture any would-be air attacker.

Learnable Abilities:
Hurl Stance: Activate to increase attack rate by 20%/30%/40%/50% but movement speed is reduced by 15%/25%/35%/45%.
Cooldown: 20/25/30/35 Seconds
Duration: 10/15/20/25 Seconds
Capture Net: Binds an aerial target enemy unit to the ground, preventing it from moving so it can be attacked as if they were land units.
Cooldown: 10/15/20/25 Seconds
Duration: 5/10/15/20 Seconds

Gold Cost
: 270 Lumber Cost: 65 Food Cost: 5
Requirement: Bulwark, Mill, and Forge

Tooltip: Astride great warhorses armed with full plate and Warhammers, these symbols of humanities strength are capable of smashing any battleline.

Learnable Abilities:
Mounted Warfare: When issued an attack command on a unit a distance between 150 and 400 away, it will charge at the target while passing other units. Target unit has its attack rate by 15%/20%/25%/35% and movement speed reduced by 20%/30%/40%/50%.
Cooldown: 15/20/25/30
Duration: 4/6/8/10


Gold Cost: 160 Lumber Cost: 20 Food Cost: 3
Requirement: N\A

Tooltip: These elders have spent their lives researching the natural world to create powerful cures and enhancements. With the invaders encroaching they have begun to use the more dangerous outcomes of their experiments against them.

Initial Abilities:
Corrosive Miasma: Summons a immovable acidic mist that decreases armor by 2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 in a 250-radius.
Cooldown: 25/30/35/40
Duration: 20/25/30/35

Learnable Abilities:
Explosive Flasks: Causes attacks to deals 2/3/4/5 times normal damage to buildings
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A
Cloud of Arcane Diffusion: Creates a cloud of magically charged mist that dispels and prevents the casting of spells in a 200-radius.
Cooldown: 20/25/30/35
Duration: 10/15/20/25
Fog of lethargy: Summons a immovable dark fog that decreases Attack and Movement speed by 10%/15%/20%/25% in a 250-radius.
Cooldown: 25/30/35/40
Duration: 20/25/30/35


Gold Cost: 150 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 2
Requirement: N\A

Tooltip: These holy casters are made up of local priests and priestesses, having joined the fight alongside their countrymen. Despite their faith, the rigors of war have led to their more maverick members to look to darker arts to combat their foes.

Initial Abilities:
Lay on Hands: Heals a friendly living unit, healing hit points equal to one-sixth/one-third/half/two-thirds the caster's current life.
Cooldown: 3/4/5/6
Duration: N\A

Learnable Abilities:
Lights’s Protection: Increases a target friendly unit's armor by 3/4/5/6.
Cooldown: 1/2/3/4
Duration: 40/50/60/70
Shadow Form: Turns the Oblate ethereal, making him immune to physical damage but unable to attack. Can initially cast Shadow Word: Pain. Can learn Power Infusion ability.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A
Shadow Word: Pain A word of darkness that decreases the attack rate of a target unit by 20%/30%/40%/50% and drains 2/3/4/5 hit points per second.

- When casting Shadow Word: Pain there is 10%/20%/30%/40% that a Shadowy Apparition will spawn. The Shadowy Apparition deals damage equal to caster, but takes 2 times the damage from enemy attacks, and will disappear when its duration ends or when it's hit points reach zero.
Cooldown: 1/2/3/4
Duration: 15/20/25/30
Spawn Duration: 30
Power Infusion: Infuses the target with power, increasing attack rate by 25%/35%/45%/55%.
Cooldown: 1/2/3/4 Seconds
Duration: 50/55/60/65 Seconds

View attachment 452214
Gold Cost: 235 Lumber Cost: 35 Food Cost: 3
Requirement: Palisade and Trade House

Tooltip: These soldiers have devoted their entire life to battle against their ancestral enemy. They are trained to fight the trolls' vile arts and inherent regeneration, and they wear an enchanted heavy plate.

Initial Abilities:
Cauterize: Adds 5 damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing and regeneration on enemy units by 10%/20%/30%/40%.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: 3/4/5/6

Learnable Abilities:
Voodoo Breaker: Dispels negative buffs from friendly units, deals 150/200/250/300 damage to summoned units and restores 10/20/30/40 Mana.
Cooldown: 1/2/3/4
Duration: N\A
Magic Defense: Activate to gain magic immunity, but have 33% reduced movement speed.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A

Gold Cost
: 290 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 4
Requirement: N\A

Tooltip: The Sailplanes follow their prey unrecognized by silently gliding far above it and then striking down unexpectedly at a low angle. But because of the fixed angle of the attached ballista, they are defenseless against other air units.

Initial Abilities:
Wind Glide: Makes the unit invisible, except for a moment after attacking.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A

Learnable Abilities:
Poisoned Spears: Coats spears in a toxic slime that causes attacks to deal 3/4/5/6 poison damage per second.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: 5/10/15/20

Gold Cost
: 160 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 2
Requirement: N\A

Tooltip: Crafted from captured Zeppelins. Although they are cumbersome, these balloons can be utilized for both transportation and observation. Their line of sight and arrow holes enable them to monitor and attack their foes

Initial Abilities:
True Sight: Reveals nearby invisible units.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A
Load: Loads up to 2 targeted friendly land units.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A

Learnable Abilities:
Arrowslits: Allows units carried by Observation Balloon to fire arrows at 2 additional nearby enemy units.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A

Gold Cost
: 245 Lumber Cost: 55 Food Cost: 4
Requirement: Palisade and Forge

Tooltip: These behemoths, which are made of high-quality timber and steel, are the foundation of any siege or defense because while being slow and difficult to maneuver, they can destroy even the most robust walls and buildings.

Learnable Abilities:
Flammable Coating: Flings a volatile liquid that prevents mechanical units and buildings from being repaired and causes 4/6/8/10 damage per second.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: 2/3/4/5 Seconds


Gold Cost: 310 Lumber Cost: 75 Food Cost: 5
Requirement: Bulwark

Tooltip: Mounted atop winged horses, clad in plated mail, and armed with lightning enchanted spears. These elite calvary are tasked with patrolling the contested lands of stromgarde.

Learnable Abilities:
Thunder Spear: Causes a Pegasus Knights 's attacks to deal area of effect damage to ground units in 75/100/125/150 radius.
Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A



Altar of Champions


Alchemist Tower

Engineer Guild

Aviary Roost

Trade House




Observer Tower

Observer Tower Upgrades



Primary structure, receives gathered resources and provides 12 food. Can be upgraded to Palisade and Bulwark to enable the production of additional types of structures and units
Gold Cost: 345 Lumber Cost: 185 Requirement: N\A
Gold Cost: 290 Lumber Cost: 190 Requirement: N\A
Gold Cost: 290 Lumber Cost: 190 Requirement: Altar of Champions

: Builder and resources gather. Can temporarily become a Defender.
Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 0 Food Cost: 1 Requirement: N\A

Backpack: Gives specific Stromgarde ground units the ability to carry 2 items.
Gold Cost: 50 Lumber Cost: 25 Requirement: Trade House
Rotational Units: Rotates in troops from other fronts. Units are now trained at Veterancy - Rank 2.
Gold Cost: 500 Lumber Cost: 500 Requirement: Trade House and Palisade
Rotational Veteran Units: Rotates in veteran troops from other fronts. Units are now trained at Veterancy - Rank 2.
Gold Cost: 750 Lumber Cost: 750 Requirement: Trade House and Bulwark

Call to Arms: Calls Roustabouts to the nearest Retreat, Palisade, or Bulwark, converting them into Defenders.
Cooldown: N/A
Duration: 40 Seconds

Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Gold Cost: 160 Lumber Cost: 45 Requirement: N\A

Battlemage: Mystical Hero, adept mana manipulation.
Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
Markswoman: Cunning Hero, adept at ranged assaults.
Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
Field Marshal: Warrior Hero, adept at absorbing damage and melee combat.
Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
"Black Wolf" Champion: Warrior Hero. effective at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops.
Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A

Primary troop production building.
Gold Cost: 145 Lumber Cost: 55 Requirement: N\A

Men-at-Arms: Defensive melee Infantry.
Gold Cost: 150 Lumber Cost: 0 Food Cost: 2 Requirement: N\A
Woodsmen: Ranged assault Infantry.
Gold Cost: 205 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 3 Requirement: Mill
Cavalrymen: Mounted heavy melee.
Gold Cost: 270 Lumber Cost: 65 Food Cost: 5 Requirement: Bulwark, Mill, and Forge

Defensive Stance: Allows Men-at-arms to use the Defensive Stance ability, which increases their damage resistance at the cost of movement speed.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 100 Requirement: Forge
Hurl Stance: Allows Woodsmen to use the Hurl Stance ability, which increases their attack rate at the cost of movement speed.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 100 Requirement: Mill
Capture Net: Allows Woodsmen to use the Capture Net ability, which binds an aerial target enemy unit to the ground, preventing it from moving so it can be attacked as if they were land units.
Gold Cost: 50 Lumber Cost: 75 Requirement: Palisade
Mounted Warfare: Allows Cavalryman to have the Mounted Warfare ability, which increases their mobility and damage.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 100 Requirement: Bulwark, Forge, and Mill

Magic troop production building.
Gold Cost: 135 Lumber Cost: 125 Requirement: Palisade

Alchemists: Persistent AoE debuffer caster.
Gold Cost: 160 Lumber Cost: 20 Food Cost: 3 Requirement: N\A
Oblates: Versatile support caster.
Gold Cost: 150 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 2 Requirement: N\A
Troll Hunters: Heavy melee anticaster.
Gold Cost: 235 Lumber Cost: 35 Food Cost: 3 Requirement: Palisade and Trade House

Alchemist Adept Training: Increases Alchemists' mana capacity by 100, mana regeneration rate by 0.325, hit points by 50, and gives them the ability to cast Cloud of Arcane Diffusion.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 50 Requirement: N\A
Alchemist Master Training
: Increases Alchemists' mana capacity by 100, mana regeneration rate by 0.325, hit points by 50, and gives them the ability to cast Fog of Lethargy.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 150 Requirement: Bulwark
Oblate Adept Training: Increases Oblates' mana capacity by 100, mana regeneration rate by 0.325, hit points by 40, and gives them the ability to cast Light's Protection while in Human Form.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 50 Requirement: N\A

Oblate Master Training: Increases Oblates' mana capacity by 100, mana regeneration rate by 0.325, hit points by 40, and gives them the ability to cast Power Infusion while in Shadow Form.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 150 Requirement: Bulwark
Explosive Flasks: Allows Alchemist to use Explosive Flasks, which deals additional damage to structures.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 150 Requirement: Engineer Guild
Mark of Shadows: Allows Oblates to use the Shadow Form ability, which Turns the Oblate ethereal and allows him to cast Shadow Word: Pain and Power Infusion.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 100 Requirement: N\A
Voodoo Breaker: Allows Troll Hunters to use the Voodoo Breaker ability, which dispels negative buffs from friendly units and restores Mana.
Gold Cost: 50 Lumber Cost: 50 Requirement: Palisade and Trade House
Magic Defense: Allows Troll Hunters to use the Magic Defense ability, which gives them magic immunity at the cost of movement speed.
Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 75 Requirement: Palisade and Trade House

Mechanical troop production building.
Gold Cost: 125 Lumber Cost: 125 Requirement: Palisade

Sailplane: Scout and ground attack craft.
Gold Cost: 290 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 4 Requirement: N\A
Observation Balloons: Revealer, transporter and anti-air craft.
Gold Cost: 160 Lumber Cost: 30 Food Cost: 2 Requirement: N\A
Catapult: Long range siege engine.
Gold Cost: 245 Lumber Cost: 55 Food Cost: 4 Requirement: Palisade and Forge

Poisoned Spears: Allows Sailplanes to use the Poisoned Spears ability, which allows their attacks to deal damage over time.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 150 Requirement: Bulwark
Arrowslits: Allows Observation Balloon to use the Arrow Slits ability, which allows units carried by Observation Balloon to fire arrows at nearby enemy units.
Gold Cost: 50 Lumber Cost: 150 Requirement: Bulwark
Flammable Coating: Allows Mangonels to use Flammable Coating, which prevents mechanical units and buildings from being repaired and causes damage per second.
Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 125 Requirement: Bulwark and Trade House

Elite troop production building.
Gold Cost: 125 Lumber Cost: 135 Requirement: Bulwark

Pegasus Riders: Heavy magic assault flier.
Gold Cost: 310 Lumber Cost: 75 Food Cost: 5 Requirement: Bulwark

Thunder Spear: Allows Pegasus Knights to use the Thunder Spear ability, which allows their attack to deal area of effect damage vs ground units.
Gold Cost: 125 Lumber Cost: 225 Requirement: Bulwark

Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Retreat, Palisade, or Bulwark) and which buildings you have.
Gold Cost: 115 Lumber Cost: 25 Requirement: N\A

Purchase Scroll of Regeneration:
Non-Combat Consumable. Regenerates the hit points of all friendly non-mechanical units in an area around your Hero by 225 over 45 seconds when used.
Gold Cost: 100 Requirement: N\A
Purchase Wand of Shadowsight:
Gives the player vision of a target unit until that unit is dispelled.
Gold Cost: 150 Requirement: N\A
Purchase Potion of Healing:
Heals 250 hit points when used.
Gold Cost: 150 Requirement: Palisade
Purchase Potion of Mana:
Restores 125 mana when used.
Gold Cost: 150 Requirement: Palisade
Purchase Scroll of Town Portal:
Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly town hall.
Gold Cost: 325 Requirement: Palisade
Purchase Wand of Shadowy Apparitions:
Create a Shadowy Apparition of the targeted unit when used. The Shadowy Apparition deals damage equal to target, but takes 2 times the damage from enemy attacks, and will disappear after 30 seconds or when its hit points reach zero.
Gold Cost: 150 Requirement: Bulwark
Purchase Strom'kar, the Warbreaker:
Increases strength by 1 and adds 6 bonus damage to the attack of a Hero when carried. The Hero's attacks also become ranged when attacking air. Allows hero to cast minor Thunder Clap dealing 25 damage and reducing the movement and attack rate of enemy units in 250-radius.
Gold Cost: 450 Requirement: Bulwark

Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Gold Cost: 110 Lumber Cost: 0 Requirement: N\A

Improved Lumber Harvesting: Increases the amount of lumber that Roustabouts can carry by 10.
Gold Cost: 100 Lumber Cost: 0 Requirement: N\A
Advanced Lumber Harvesting: Increases the amount of lumber that Roustabouts can carry by 10.
Gold Cost: 200 Lumber Cost: 0 Requirement: Palisade
Basic Reconstruction: Allows the Houses and Towers to create foundations upon death that can be rebuilt at a cost or salvaged for resources.
Gold Cost: 125 Lumber Cost: 50 Requirement: N\A
Improved Reconstruction: Allows the Garrisons to create foundations upon death that can be rebuilt at a cost or salvaged for resources.
Gold Cost: 150 Lumber Cost: 75 Requirement: Palisade
Advanced Reconstruction: Allows the Retreat, Palisade, and Bulwark to create foundations upon death that can be rebuilt at a cost or salvaged for resources.
Gold Cost: 175 Lumber Cost: 100 Requirement: Bulwark
Reinforced Foundations: Changes the defense type of Observer Tower, Ballista Tower, Gunnery Tower, and Mortar Tower from large to fortified and increases their defense by 3.
Gold Cost: 175 Lumber Cost: 100 Requirement: Bulwark

Contains Upgrades for improved arms and armours.
Gold Cost: 125 Lumber Cost: 35 Requirement: N\A

Iron Forged Arrows/Steel Forged Arrows/Mithril Forged Arrows: Increases the number of damage die by 1 per upgrade

- Woodsmen + 1-3 damage.
- Observation Balloons + 1-3 damage.
- Catapults + 1-18 damage.
- Pegasus Riders + 1-11 damage.
Iron Forged Axes/Steel Forged Axes/Steel Forged Axes: Increases the number of damage die by 1 per upgrade

- Men-at-Arms + 1-3 damage.
- Troll Hunters + 1-5 damage.
- Cavalrymen + 1-7 damage.
Iron Forged Shields/Steel Forged Shields/Mithril Forged Shields: Increases armor by 2 per upgrade

- Men-at-Arms
- Troll Hunters
- Cavalrymen
- Woodsmen
- Observation Balloons
- Catapults
- Pegasus Riders
Small Hatchets: Replaces the Woodsmen's Hand-Axes with Small Hatchets increasing their attack range by 200.

Provides 6 food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 0 Requirement: N\A

Basic observation tower. Has no attack. Can be upgraded into other defensive structures.
Gold Cost: 35 Lumber Cost: 20 Requirement: N\A

True Sight: Reveals nearby invisible units.

Upgrades to:


Ballista Tower: Primary defensive tower, effective against units with small and unarmored armor type.
Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 60 Requirement: Mill


Gunnery Tower: Marksman defensive structure, effective against units with large and medium armor type.
Gold Cost: 75 Lumber Cost: 20 Requirement: Forge

Sundering Rounds: Increases damage dealt to enemy targets with large armor by 25%.


Mortar Tower: Heavy artillery tower. Particularly effective against clusters of troops and units with the fortified armor type.
Gold Cost: 130 Lumber Cost: 115 Requirement: Engineer Guild


Field Marshal

Black Wolf Champion



Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
Field Marshal: Warrior Hero, adept at absorbing damage and melee combat.

Learnable Abilities:
Impending Victory: Instantly attack the target, causing strength based damage and healing.

Cooldown: 15
Duration: N\A

Level 1 - 2 times strength damage and heals the caster for equal to strength.
Level 2 - 4 times strength damage and heals the caster for 2 times strength
Level 3 - 6 times strength damage and heals the caster for 3 times strength

Into the Fray: You gain attack rate and movement speed for each enemy or ally within 300-radius, up to 80%.

Cooldown: 30
Duration: 30

Level 1 - 2% attack rate and movement speed.
Level 2 - 4% attack rate and movement speed.
Level 3 - 6% attack rate and movement speed.

Rallying Cry: Lets lose a rallying cry, granting allied units within 500-radius damage and restores hit-points.

Cooldown: 15
Duration: 45

Level 1 - 15% bonus damage and restores 50 hitpoints.
Level 2 - 30% bonus damage and restores 75 hitpoints.
Level 3 - 45% bonus damage and restores 100 hitpoints.

Battle-Scarred Veteran: When health is brought below 10%, take less 75% damage and return 20% of melee attack damage to enemies. Once hit-points are restored above 33% the hero takes normal damage

Cooldown: N/A
Duration: N/A

Gold Cost N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
"Black Wolf" Champion: Warrior Hero. effective at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops.

Learnable Abilities:
Warbreaker: Smash the ground and shatter the armor of all enemies within 350-radius, dealing damage and reducing armor.

Cooldown: 12
Duration: 15

Level 1 - Deals 50 damage and reduces armor by 2.
Level 2 - Deals 90 damage and reduces armor by 3.
Level 3 - Deals 130 damage and reduces armor by 4.

Stand Ground: Order a target friendly unit to stand their ground. Adds armor.

Cooldown: 2
Duration: 35

Level 1 - Increases their armor by 4.
Level 2 - Increases their armor by 6.
Level 3 - Increases their armor by 8.

Summon Black Wolf: Summons a powerful wolf to attack your enemies.

Cooldown: 40
Duration: 70

Level 1 - 500 hit points, 22 to 24 damage.
Level 2 - 700 hit points, 32 to 34 damage, has Critical Strike.
Level 3 - 1000 hit points, 42 to 44 damage, has Critical Strike and Evasion.

Cavalry Charge: Calls heavy cavalry to charge upon the enemy trampling them before being charged off the field. Each Knight deals 30 damage.

Cooldown: 180
Duration: 30

Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
Markswoman: Cunning Hero, adept at ranged assaults.

Learnable Abilities:
Darken the Sky: Orders down volleys of arrows that damage units in a target area.

Cooldown: 6
Duration: N/A

Level 1 - 6 volleys at 30 damage each.
Level 2 - 8 volleys at 40 damage each.
Level 3 - 10 volleys at 50 damage each.

Herbal Healing: Heals a target friendly unit over time.

Cooldown: 5
Duration: 10; 15; 20

Level 1 - Heals 400 hit points over 10 seconds.
Level 2 - Heals 600 hit points over 15 seconds.
Level 3 - Heals 800 hit points over 20 seconds

Accuracy Training: Increases your damage done against enemies at a distance of 300 or closer. Has a 15% chance of dealing 2 times the damage against enemies at a distance of 500 or further.

Cooldown: N/A
Duration: N/A

Level 1 - 10% increased damage.
Level 2 - 20% increased damage.
Level 3 - 30% increased damage.

Whirlwind Arrow: Loose an wind enhanced arrow that passes through enemy units up to a distance of 600. Enemy units in a 50-radius of the projectile are dealt 400 damage.

Cooldown: 180
Duration: N/A

Gold Cost: N\A Lumber Cost: N\A Food Cost: 5 Requirement: N\A
Battlemage: Mystical Hero, adept elemental assaults.

Learnable Abilities:

Bursting Lance: Unleashes torrent of flame at target enemy with each attack adding damage and causing the attack to do area of effect damage.

Cooldown: 2
Duration: N\A

Level 1 - 5 bonus damage.
Level 2 - 10 bonus damage.
Level 3 - 15 bonus damage.

Crushing Wave: Sends a gigantic wave which deals damages to each enemy land unit in a line.

Cooldown: 10
Duration: N\A

Level 1 - 75 damage per unit.
Level 2 - 150 damage per unit.
Level 3 - 225 damage per unit.

Arcane Will: Damage dealt while above 70% mana is increased, Mana Regen while below 70% is increased.

Cooldown: N\A
Duration: N\A

Level 1 - 5 bonus damage, Regeneration of 1.
Level 2 - 10 bonus damage, Regeneration of 2.
Level 3 - 15 bonus damage, Regeneration of 3.

Storm Field: Calls a storm of lightning bolts to strike enemy units. Each wave deals 50 damage.

Cooldown: 120
Duration: 45





Tools Used & Misc

Alacrity Submitted by Vinz
Armor Penetration / Stimulus Submitted by Vinz
Balloon Transport Submitted by Kitabatake
Brown Pegasus Rider Submitted by Em!
HumanAlchemist Edited by Em!
Battle Cry Target Submitted by Battle Cry Target, Infrisios
CloudOfFog Submitted by JetFangInferno
CloudOfFog Submitted by Callahan
Confirmation models - pack Submitted by stan0033
GreySmoke Submitted by Ergius
Konstrukt_SniperMissile01 Submitted by Talon the Mage
Laborer Submitted by Dionesiist
LightningArrow Submitted by JesusHipster
Warhammer Morale and Health Boost Submitted by JesusHipster
Black Legion Triumvirate and Derivatives Submitted by Jiok, johnwar
Magician and Derivatives Submitted by Jiok, Himperion
Knight, Bandit Lord & Riderless Horse (WC1 & WC2) Submitted by loktar
Stromgarde Footman Submitted by takakenji
Human Alliance Banners Submitted by bakr
Stromgarde Buildings Submitted by bakr
Town Hall, Keep, Castle, and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Tower (Human) and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Farm (Human) and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Barracks (Human) and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Archmagi and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Warlord (Orc) and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Militia and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
Arthas Menethil (Paladin), Daelin Proudmoore, and Derivatives Submitted by Ujimasa Hojo
AxeMissile Submitted by HerrDave
Bandit Axethrower Submitted by HerrDave
FlyingSpearThrower Submitted by MassiveMaster
Human Catapult Submitted by AndrewOverload519
ArmoredWolf Submitted by Sellenisko
ArrowVolley Submitted by Em!
Danath Trollbane Submitted by Tauer
First Aid V2 Submitted by stan0033
General Zoia Blackwolf (Legends of Arkain) Submitted by johnwar
WindSerpentMissile Submitted by Callahan

Stromgarde Edits by Jiok
-Stromgarde Axethrower
-Stromgarde Axethrower Missile

Stromgarde Units Submitted by Footman16
Health Bars v1.30 Submitted by Avatars Lord
Selection Circles v1.50 Submitted by Avatars Lord
Stromgarde Footman (WOWTexture) Submitted by AnthonyRiver
High Res Dota2-ish UI by Legal_Ease

BTNRedPriestAdept Submitted by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNRedPriestMaster Submitted by Blizzard Entertainment
Bone Mask Submitted by Darkfang
Searing Bullet Submitted by Darkfang
BTNThunderArrow Submitted by Darkfang
BTNKoboldMelee1 Submitted by Stanakin
BTNKoboldMelee2 Submitted by Stanakin
BTNFirePotion Submitted by kola
BTNSelfDestruct Submitted by kola
BTNPowerBarrier Submitted by 8512590215848
BTNPray Submitted by 8512590215848
BTNRondache1 Submitted by 8512590215848
BTNRondache2 Submitted by 8512590215848
BTNRondache3 Submitted by 8512590215848
BTNUpgradeAxe1 Submitted by viiva
BTNUpgradeAxe2 Submitted by viiva
BTNUpgradeAxe3 Submitted by viiva
BTNSpearup1 Submitted by pippo
BTNSpearup2 Submitted by pippo
BTNSpearup3 Submitted by pippo
BTNManaPotion Submitted by JesusHipster, Tiodor
BTNPoisonPotion Submitted by JesusHipster, Tiodor
Arthas and Derivatives Submitted by r.ace613
Knight, Othmar Garithos and Derivatives Submitted by r.ace613
BTNSmokepot Submitted by Hemske
BTNUpgradeshipArmorHuman2 Submitted by Super Mario
BTNEyeOfBeholder Submitted by Kuhneghetz
BTNRainOfArrows Submitted by Insk
BTN_PlatedFootman Submitted by Muoteck
BTNCharge Submitted by KelThuzad
BTNINV_Torch_Lit Submitted by Bibendus
Alternate Call to Arms Submitted by Aldeia
Knight (WC2) Submitted by loktar
BTNGreatWoodenShield Submitted by Marcos DAB
Crimson Footman Shield Submitted by Aldeia
Royal Shield Submitted by Aldeia
BTNMagicWand Submitted by Palaslayer
BTNWarStomp Submitted by -Berz-
Accuracy Submitted by Altruistic Anduin, Jared Katamani
BTNHerbalHealing Submitted by Blood Raven
BTNOverwhelmingShot Submitted by Farrien
BTNSylvanasCriticalStrike Submitted by Sin'dorei300
BTNCrushingWave Submitted by mikeisman2
BTNReinforcedFireAttack Submitted by Moy
BTNStormField Submitted by 8512590215848
Mana Staff Submitted by Altruistic Anduin, Jared Katamani

Button Manager v1.8.2 by Shadow Daemon
MDL MDX Converter by Guessed
Wc3 Universal Calculator & Colorizer v5.3.2 Submitted by D.O.G.


Kingdom of Stromgarde Recrafted (Map)

Generally feels like the Human faction. Could use more custom abilities and a techtree less reflective of the original Human. The shop could use some custom items as well rather than regular Warcraft III and Human ones. The Rank icon (Adept and...
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
Finally got around testing your map more i guess.

I initially thought you accidentally misplaced the position of the Archmages ultimate, but maybe not.
Because Mass Recall can be picked straight up while Mana Shield needs level 6.

Rank icon for Shade (Priest shadow form) is missing.

Warmasters icons are improved, great choices.

I have reasons to believe Arrow Rains AoE circle and the actual damage circle do not match
check if this is a game bug or your own mistake.

Not having an icon distinction between footie defense on/off is bad.

Gunnery Tower has no sound, projectile for it is the rifleman's one which is an instant explosion because riflemen never had a projectile to begin with, their attack type is instant, hence the effect. but either change it to be instant, or grab a gun projectile sfx from Hive. think HerrDave has some.

Executor's Backfire spell should use its shield stand animation in my humble opinion, otherwise it looks abit out of place. unless u make em move.

Okay so, i'm responsible for this so i need to give proper feedback regarding it:

When i stated that Magic Sentry (The ability to detect invisible) feels a bit odd for this faction, you removed it. but this makes the towers usefulness very low.

@Footman16 What do you think ? does Stromgarde having the tower ability of detecting invisible units suit them ? (as in magic sentry)

On the other hand the tower having Magic damage is legit an interesting change, maybe a simple speedbuff to the attack rate can make it so its spammable against enemies who come after you with alot of Heavy Armor units.

This is definitely a topic worth of greater discussion. though i love how you gave an actual purpose to Observation tower with the true sight other then being a simple upgrade proxy.

Though upon further thought, maybe it wouldn't be bad to remove magic tower but make the Gunnery good against heavy armor by using Sunder Blades ability, again, just brainstorming ideas here.

When you use the word "passes through" makes me think the Markswomans ability is some form of crushing wave or shockwave ability.

Assault Ram has no attack sound.
The Baloons are really lovely, you gave them arrows now.
Boulder Slingers either have an issue with Vorpal Stones research or their default attack, its projectile looks as if its instantly teleported.

I really liked Warmasters original idea that the Knights magically teleported away but it was a hard sell for the ultimate of that specific hero, however what you did with it now is also amazing. it looks like the knights land a strike doing an animation then continue off the field.

Your Cavalry dismount works but 20% as its stated doesn't really feel like its correct ? i sacrificed knights in groups of 12 only to have 1 trigger of this ability, after i finally got hold of a dismounted knight it felt underwhelming, you should atleast remove animal war training on them since it isn't even used. they do have Sundering Blades but that ability by default is meant to have a very niche usage.

I think you should give more of a personality to these dismounted knights. i mean they have less health then a footman.
@Footman16 What do you think ? does Stromgarde having the tower ability of detecting invisible units suit them ? (as in magic sentry)
I suppose it depends from a lore or gameplay perspective. Gameplay wise detection is a must or else your faction/tech-tree would be wayyy too weak against any form invisibility (i.e. Blademaster, Night Elf). Lore wise, I suppose towers would be ideal for "detecting" and looking at things and Magic Sentry suggests just sticking a dude that can detect those things in the tower. However, as a custom tech-tree maybe he could look at making something a bit more original. Like the tower instead has a dust of appearance like ability it can use?
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
I suppose it depends from a lore or gameplay perspective. Gameplay wise detection is a must or else your faction/tech-tree would be wayyy too weak against any form invisibility (i.e. Blademaster, Night Elf). Lore wise, I suppose towers would be ideal for "detecting" and looking at things and Magic Sentry suggests just sticking a dude that can detect those things in the tower. However, as a custom tech-tree maybe he could look at making something a bit more original. Like the tower instead has a dust of appearance like ability it can use?
Thanks for the reply.

So, his scout tower (Observation Tower) can detect invisibility, so can another unit i forgot about. i think its the Baloons.

The real question is that, he has a regular tower, gun tower, cannon tower and magic tower. and Magic Tower feels like it can have more character rn.
Finally got around testing your map more i guess.

I initially thought you accidentally misplaced the position of the Archmages ultimate, but maybe not.
Because Mass Recall can be picked straight up while Mana Shield needs level 6.

Rank icon for Shade (Priest shadow form) is missing.

Warmasters icons are improved, great choices.

I have reasons to believe Arrow Rains AoE circle and the actual damage circle do not match
check if this is a game bug or your own mistake.

Not having an icon distinction between footie defense on/off is bad.

Gunnery Tower has no sound, projectile for it is the rifleman's one which is an instant explosion because riflemen never had a projectile to begin with, their attack type is instant, hence the effect. but either change it to be instant, or grab a gun projectile sfx from Hive. think HerrDave has some.

Executor's Backfire spell should use its shield stand animation in my humble opinion, otherwise it looks abit out of place. unless u make em move.

Okay so, i'm responsible for this so i need to give proper feedback regarding it:

When i stated that Magic Sentry (The ability to detect invisible) feels a bit odd for this faction, you removed it. but this makes the towers usefulness very low.

@Footman16 What do you think ? does Stromgarde having the tower ability of detecting invisible units suit them ? (as in magic sentry)

On the other hand the tower having Magic damage is legit an interesting change, maybe a simple speedbuff to the attack rate can make it so its spammable against enemies who come after you with alot of Heavy Armor units.

This is definitely a topic worth of greater discussion. though i love how you gave an actual purpose to Observation tower with the true sight other then being a simple upgrade proxy.

Though upon further thought, maybe it wouldn't be bad to remove magic tower but make the Gunnery good against heavy armor by using Sunder Blades ability, again, just brainstorming ideas here.

When you use the word "passes through" makes me think the Markswomans ability is some form of crushing wave or shockwave ability.

Assault Ram has no attack sound.
The Baloons are really lovely, you gave them arrows now.
Boulder Slingers either have an issue with Vorpal Stones research or their default attack, its projectile looks as if its instantly teleported.

I really liked Warmasters original idea that the Knights magically teleported away but it was a hard sell for the ultimate of that specific hero, however what you did with it now is also amazing. it looks like the knights land a strike doing an animation then continue off the field.

Your Cavalry dismount works but 20% as its stated doesn't really feel like its correct ? i sacrificed knights in groups of 12 only to have 1 trigger of this ability, after i finally got hold of a dismounted knight it felt underwhelming, you should atleast remove animal war training on them since it isn't even used. they do have Sundering Blades but that ability by default is meant to have a very niche usage.

I think you should give more of a personality to these dismounted knights. i mean they have less health then a footman.
Thanks for the feedback. I tend to be impatient, so I Miss things a lot. Doesn't help that I tend to do my editing first thing in the morning when I'm half sleep. Here's an updated version of the map and the changelog. The sites are not letting me update the map page at the moment. so I’ll address a few of the things you mentioned above.

  • Fixed trigger for dismounted chance; All ranks have their chance increased by 5%
  • Matched dismounted Cavalryman status to the Cavalryman, reduced his movement speed, and removed War Animal Training
  • Fixed Archmage's Recall and Mana Shield Requirements
  • Edited Warmaster’s Cavalry charge tooltip
  • Edited Markswoman’s Death Arrow tooltip
  • Replaced Defensive Stance icon
  • Reworked Ballista Tower damage, decreased attack rate,
  • Reworked Gunnery Tower damage, reduced its damage against small by 25%, and added Sundering Rounds Ability; Increases damage against large by 50%
  • Increased Mortar tower attack range; Has min attacks range, it can not attack units in melee range.
  • Removed Magic Tower

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • I didn't make The Arrow rain spell, it's from Amazon Spellpack v1.5 by Marsal. From how I understand the spell, it doesn't actually have any aoe damage. The targeting aoe is only the area where the fragments randomly fall in. The damage is dealt by the falling fragments hitting units in the target aoe; similarly to how stampede damage is dealt by the lizards. Visual feedback seems to imply otherwise. I've tried missing around the trigger but the newer versions of wc3 have made it somewhat temperamental and buggy when editing it. I'm thinking about replacing it with a reskin of blizzard. (This spell is a pain)
  • I can’t get the Backfire spell to use the defend stand animation without a trigger. I’ll look into it.
  • I removed The magic tower. I agree that it didn't really fit with the rest of the theme. I'll use the idea for a future custom race.
  • The issue with Boulder Slingers attack is actually from the projectile model. I tried messing around with its launch point but it didn't seem to do anything.

This is probably the last time I will update this race for a while. My attention is focused on my Admiralty of Kul Tiras custom race which is almost at the beta phase; I'll be uploading it to the map development section soon. And after that I plan to work a Kingdom of Alterac/Syndicate custom race.


  • KingdomofStromguarde(6)stromguarde1.3.w3x
    3.6 MB · Views: 49
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Generally feels like the Human faction.
  • Could use more custom abilities and a techtree less reflective of the original Human. The shop could use some custom items as well rather than regular Warcraft III and Human ones.
  • The Rank icon (Adept and Master) in Shadow Form looks like a green icon. The icon's DISBTN isn't added/properly pathed.
  • The Boulder Slinger's projectile is pretty much invisible.
  • Rank 4 Hurler's Stance doesn't have a cooldown anymore. Also, seems to last forever.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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