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  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
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Crimson Raiders

Crimson Raiders
Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you guys the first map of the current project I am working on. Please note that this is my first project. I have been a content consumer for many years on this site and a while ago I decided I wanted to create something of my own.

About the Project:
Crimson Raiders Is the first campaign from the series I am working on right now. The action takes place in a different world called the World Of Vesta. This world in essence is a similar world with the Warcraft universe. The difference is that the story and characters are completely new. I am not planning on exploring a similar Warcraft 3 story or characters but building a different universe with its own story and characters. Since building a world is an enormous task, I've decided to focus on each race at the time while building up the world, characters and stories. The first Campaign will focus on the Red Skins orcs of the Blazing Blades Clan and their newfound leader Margor. The story will focus on his pilgrimage and his quest to build up a home for his people in a world where other empires and races rule supreme. After some time working on this project and seeing how much work it's required, I decided to stop rushing and focus on each map a the time. My vision was to have rich maps with stories, quests and well.. a world that feels alive in some sense.

In this particular update, I wanted to release the first map of the campaign and the beginning of my story. More maps will follow as I get to finish them, but at this point, since is the start of the project, updates and feedback will need to be done along the way. I am releasing this demo as I would like to ask for suggestions and feedback in terms of gameplay, story and characters. More will follow.

Please keep me updated

eubz For the chaos archer model

A new song (Map)

Played Common Goal. There are some pauses between some transmissions when nobody is saying anything. The camera is static and high above. No closeups or changes. It's monotonous and distracting from the ones talking. Also, nothing happens around the...
Level 21
Apr 17, 2021
The map was quite fun. Not outstanding in gameplay or scale but that is to be expected for an introduction map. It's got some challenging fights and requires the use of consumables which is very good. For a first project that is definitely a solid start.
Just a few issues/possible improvements :
- The loading screen is the standard one from melee. I don't know if that's a bug or not, especially since the map has a description, but you are going to want to add a loading screen introducing the chapter.
- The hero's abilities are slightly off to the side compared to where they should be.
  • In the first cutscene, the orcs start speaking before all the elves are dead. I think you should make the cutscene last longer so you have a moment between the fighting and the talking.
  • It is possible to go directly from the start of the mission to Aedosora's section through a hole north of the start.
  • Considering the amount of sorceresses slowing you, it would be nice to add a dispelling item.
  • The fel orc warlocks should probably have a caster level indicator.
  • The level lacks an ending cinematic.
Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
The map was quite fun. Not outstanding in gameplay or scale but that is to be expected for an introduction map. It's got some challenging fights and requires the use of consumables which is very good. For a first project that is definitely a solid start.
Just a few issues/possible improvements :
- The loading screen is the standard one from melee. I don't know if that's a bug or not, especially since the map has a description, but you are going to want to add a loading screen introducing the chapter.
View attachment 406352
- The hero's abilities are slightly off to the side compared to where they should be.
View attachment 406354
  • In the first cutscene, the orcs start speaking before all the elves are dead. I think you should make the cutscene last longer so you have a moment between the fighting and the talking.
  • It is possible to go directly from the start of the mission to Aedosora's section through a hole north of the start.
  • Considering the amount of sorceresses slowing you, it would be nice to add a dispelling item.
  • The fel orc warlocks should probably have a caster level indicator.
  • The level lacks an ending cinematic.
Yo Navy. Thanks for taking the time to give it a try. Regarding the gameplay. it's exactly as you said is the first map I have tried...to make it more fun than hard. The second map is around 1h of solid gameplay being a 1v1v3. I wanted to upload all playable maps but I am able to upload only one at a time for some reason.

Regarding the loading screen. I have already drawn a huge world map to use for the story. I was checking on how to cut this into pieces and use it for loading screen images. But I am not sure how to make the images used for the editor. I have done some writing on the side for it but is not yet complete and is under development.
World Of Sennonya.jpg

Regarding the first cinematic I need to see how I can fix that. I am just learning how to make them and how to work a bit with the camera. With the ending cinematic. I didn't have anything in mind for it so I decided to cut it short until I find something interesting to put at the end. I was thinking to create an interlude after this map instead of going straight into the second map.

Regarding the Aleodosa side, that was not intended to go through the starting only a bit further I will fix the terrain for that right now. That was just a place for you to explore and find some useful consumables to help with the second map.

Regarding sorceresses :)) I just assumed the priest will dispel that when you curse the units with the warlock, but I might add some chain dis-spell items I forgot how they are called but they work the same way as a chain of lighting and are consumables. Warlock units, need to be finished as units, while I created the upgraded tech with 2 caster level upgrades for the unit which work in the next maps, but I need to create the caster level indicator, Truth is that I have just forgotten.

The hero Abilities need to be fixed to thanks for letting me know.

I was curious about how I would be able to upload more than one map at a time, can I do that if I archive the maps folder with WinRAR and then upload the zip file containing all? I want to upload the campaign with more than one map as I already have around 4 playable maps including this one

Also, I hope I did a decent job of explaining my intentions. My first language is not English and I might make some writing or spelling mistakes, If I missed something please let me know and I will do my best to make it clear. I am currently reading the tutorial forums to try to learn more and hopefully become a bit better.

In terms of items. I wanted to have upgradable items. What I mean by that is side quests items or secret items etc... to fuse together in future maps. I was experimenting a bit with that. I learned how to build the trigger to make that work a lithe over a week ago and it seems to work well but I am not sure if I want this system or not to need more testing or changes in implementation.
Last edited:
Level 21
Apr 17, 2021
Sorry I really don't have any experience working on the editor or uploading maps. However the Hive has a discord server with a modding channel so that would probably be a good place to get help for these sorts of things.
Level 21
Apr 17, 2021
Played the new chapter "Buy the future":
Haven't managed to finish the level. That is my main complaint at this point : the level is insanely difficult. (Didn't think I'd say that in a campaign where all your units deal chaos damage).
  • The main issue seems to be that the enemies are way too aggressive. They train massive amount of units and send them all to attack. 1664717657070.png
  • You should probably limit the amount of forces each enemy sends so that attacks are less brutal and so they keep the resst at home to defend better against each other.
  • Also, several important characters seem to have gotten killed by the AI (one of the centaur leader and the human tide sage). Reducing the attack waves should help but most of these should probably be on a specific team that isn't hostile to other ai (or be put behind gate. The tide sage is way too exposed)
A few other issues :
  • There is no way to upgrade the catapult's attack damage.
  • The gold mine on the first centaur clan isn't neutral.
  • The warlocks you start with are not the same ones you can train (they have normal armor and don't have a training indicator)
  • Rain of fire is weirdly placed on the command menu. (It's at the end of the row instead of being next to curse)
  • I don't know if that's intentional but the warlocks are called fel orcs, whereas the other orcs are called red orcs.
  • Being able to skip the cutscene would be very nice.
  • The mercenary camps are really nice (the razormane are a lifesaver) but it would be even better to also have a durable ground ranged unit that could take the hits for the warlocks (as it is, they are getting absolutely hammered by mortars)
Overall, I really like the idea of the level (the free for all between orcs, centaurs and humans). The opening cinematic was very nice and gave some interesting lore (though there are quite some spelling mistakes). The terrain is also well made. Once the difficulty issue gets solved, it will definitely be a very solid level :thumbs_up:
Level 29
Jun 11, 2017
Played it: completed first chapter and stuck in second due to FFA aspect:
Chapter 1:
  • Elven units near graveyard looking towards it. I assumed firstly that they expecting me or someone else from front, but after fight I saw only unbreakable prison cages (it would be nice to use them as actual cages with redskin orcs in it, will come handy in final battle) and graves;
  • Level felt smooth - constantly receiving healing runes, healing salves and so-on. But on final fight I nearly died (my fault), but still managed to defeat outnumbering forces. Strange that only specific spellbreaker from final enemy squad drops healing rune;
Chapter 2:
  • I don't completed it - managed to somehow kill 1 of 3 centaur chieftains, but stuck in human camps. Maybe if I would try to fight them a little bit longer…
  • But for what reason I need an sappler?
Althought chapter 2 lacks in terms of balance, I felt myself satisfied when completed chapter 1 - linear and simple adventure with unusual landscape, where enemy tries to use it as advantage.

Also I'll attack my replays for each played chapter, so it would help You to understood how others playing your map.
I wish you nice day and good mood, it's a nice story with potential in it.

Good luck!


  • ANewSong01.w3g
    70.6 KB · Views: 16
  • ANewSong02.w3g
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Right now, this has little if anything gameplay-wise to show. The first map is so simple and short that's just a minor filler.
  2. The second is objectively better. The techtree is pretty much orc with some few abilities from other races or neutral faction.
  3. Fung has already been killed but the hero still talks with it.
  4. Spammed message: "Now we don't have to worry about those humans anymore..." in the centaur camp near the fountain. Still happens each time I select the hero. Or actually when an enemy is killed.
  5. What does reaching the goblins do? You don't get anything.
  6. After I killed the last centaur in the north, two cinematic scenes mixed, one with the goblin and one with the orcs leaving.
Right now, it's too early to give a verdict. I'll wait for more maps and then decide. Hopefully, you'll get more creative trying to go away from standard gameplay.
Level 5
Oct 28, 2018
I enjoy the map; it reminds me a lot of an older game called Exiled Kingdom, and your map is just like that one. I truly enjoy the game, and on the basis of that alone, I'd say it's worth the time I spend playing it. In terms of the evaluation, I have to admit that I agree with Navy45.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2018
on the first level the hero has avatar and on the 2nd he only has shockwave, brawler and endurance aura

on the second level the Centaur Sorcerer that's in a cage has a spell with no tooltip looks like the staff item from the humans item shop idr the name of it.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Played Common Goal.
There are some pauses between some transmissions when nobody is saying anything.
The camera is static and high above. No closeups or changes. It's monotonous and distracting from the ones talking. Also, nothing happens around the base.
Not sure if it's related to stepping in the caves or not but the screen turned black during the last cinematic scene until the blonde elf spoke. Also, was he supposed to appear as a unit where the camera then moved because he wasn't present?
The map has many cramped spaces which make the gameplay quite annoying.

Anyways, I can pretty much approve this although it's not finished and really unpolished.

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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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