The map was quite fun. Not outstanding in gameplay or scale but that is to be expected for an introduction map. It's got some challenging fights and requires the use of consumables which is very good. For a first project that is definitely a solid start.
Just a few issues/possible improvements :
- The loading screen is the standard one from melee. I don't know if that's a bug or not, especially since the map has a description, but you are going to want to add a loading screen introducing the chapter.
View attachment 406352
- The hero's abilities are slightly off to the side compared to where they should be.
View attachment 406354
- In the first cutscene, the orcs start speaking before all the elves are dead. I think you should make the cutscene last longer so you have a moment between the fighting and the talking.
- It is possible to go directly from the start of the mission to Aedosora's section through a hole north of the start.
- Considering the amount of sorceresses slowing you, it would be nice to add a dispelling item.
- The fel orc warlocks should probably have a caster level indicator.
- The level lacks an ending cinematic.
Yo Navy. Thanks for taking the time to give it a try. Regarding the gameplay. it's exactly as you said is the first map I have make it more fun than hard. The second map is around 1h of solid gameplay being a 1v1v3. I wanted to upload all playable maps but I am able to upload only one at a time for some reason.
Regarding the loading screen. I have already drawn a huge world map to use for the story. I was checking on how to cut this into pieces and use it for loading screen images. But I am not sure how to make the images used for the editor. I have done some writing on the side for it but is not yet complete and is under development.
Regarding the first cinematic I need to see how I can fix that. I am just learning how to make them and how to work a bit with the camera. With the ending cinematic. I didn't have anything in mind for it so I decided to cut it short until I find something interesting to put at the end. I was thinking to create an interlude after this map instead of going straight into the second map.
Regarding the Aleodosa side, that was not intended to go through the starting only a bit further I will fix the terrain for that right now. That was just a place for you to explore and find some useful consumables to help with the second map.
Regarding sorceresses

) I just assumed the priest will dispel that when you curse the units with the warlock, but I might add some chain dis-spell items I forgot how they are called but they work the same way as a chain of lighting and are consumables. Warlock units, need to be finished as units, while I created the upgraded tech with 2 caster level upgrades for the unit which work in the next maps, but I need to create the caster level indicator, Truth is that I have just forgotten.
The hero Abilities need to be fixed to thanks for letting me know.
I was curious about how I would be able to upload more than one map at a time, can I do that if I archive the maps folder with WinRAR and then upload the zip file containing all? I want to upload the campaign with more than one map as I already have around 4 playable maps including this one
Also, I hope I did a decent job of explaining my intentions. My first language is not English and I might make some writing or spelling mistakes, If I missed something please let me know and I will do my best to make it clear. I am currently reading the tutorial forums to try to learn more and hopefully become a bit better.
In terms of items. I wanted to have upgradable items. What I mean by that is side quests items or secret items etc... to fuse together in future maps. I was experimenting a bit with that. I learned how to build the trigger to make that work a lithe over a week ago and it seems to work well but I am not sure if I want this system or not to need more testing or changes in implementation.